Chapter 3: About Hana's Past

Is Love Fate?


Right when the doctor left, Kai sat on the seat beside Hana’s bed and he just stared at her. Hana felt someone staring at her and she turned around and saw Kai zoned out.



“Jongin?” and he didn’t reply.



“Kai!” and he slowly looked at her with these sad eyes.



“Hana, can you tell me about yourself and your disease?”



“I don’t think my life is interesting enough to tell anyone. I am your normal teenage girl with a rare heart disease,” she said while doodling on her notebook.



“I don’t mind, I have nothing to do and I want us to be friends.”



“Okay, I guess. I was born, here, in Seoul in the autumn time and I am the only child. The only family I had while growing up was my parents and I love them to death. My mom use to run a small bakery, café with some of her friends and my dad was a business marketer for different companies. When I was six, I was playing with some of my friends at school and then I fell due to the pain in my chest. I out and I woke up in the hospital with my mom and dad crying next to me. That day I was diagnosed with my heart disease. That night the doctor and my parents were talking about my condition and the doctor told my parents that this was the first time that they had seen a heart like mine. My heart is really weak and that day, I knew that I would die soon or later. When I was 12, my parents were out on a date together and I was staying at my mom’s friend’s house. That night a drunk driver hit my parents’ car and they were rushed to the ER. My dad died on arrival but my mom was in a critical condition and she told me that she loved me before she died on the hospital bed,” then Hana began to cry a bit. “I am glad that I told her that I love her before she had died. From then to last year, I lived with my mom’s friend and went to middle school. I rarely made friends because I fear that they might die or I might die. And that was when I decided to be a wallflower when I enter high school… That is it.”



Kai looked really sad and was about to say something but Hana cut him off saying, “I don’t need your pity or sympathy. We don’t have to be friends if you don’t want to be.”



“No, I want to be friends. I was wondering, how do you pay for everything? I am pretty sure your mom’s friend doesn’t want you to have a job since you have chest pains often.”



“My mom’s bakery is under my name on her will and I just earn some money from there, while my mom’s friend does all the work. And I have a lot of inheritance from all my late relatives.”


“I think we should be friends. Two lonely people are like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly,” he winked at Hana.



“Ermm. Sure I guess. How are you lonely? You are a kingka and you have like hundreds of fan girls.”



“I don’t have anyone to open up to, to worry about, or to hang out with often besides EXO-K. But sometimes it is a bit tiresome hanging out with them because of the mob of girls.”



“I think I know how you feel. I live alone and I can’t go outside for a long time alone. I am still not sure about the surgery… I feel that if I get it and live, what will I do with my life? I have not guidance for the rest of my life or anyone to lean on. If I die, I can finally be with my parents after six years without them… I actually kind of hope to go with my parents,” Hana said while bringing her knees up to hug them.



“Hana, if you need a shoulder to lean on, you can use me. I understand what you mean but do you think your parents would want you to end your life just to reunite with them?” he asked.



“Probably not… Let’s not talk about this! Aigoo,” she said while stretching out. “You said your grandma is here, right? Can we visit her? I haven’t seen my grandma since I was six and I really like old people.”



Kai chuckled and stood up. He walked towards Hana and nodded. When Hana was about to get off, Kai lent her a hand and held it to walk to his grandma’s hospital room. Hana and Kai didn’t notice that they were holding hands. It felt so normal for them and they walked down the corridor to get to Kai’s grandma’s room. Kai noticed that they were holding hands and smiled. He let go of her hand to open the door and Hana realized that they were holding hands and blushed a little. They walked in and Hana saw an old women lying on her bed watching dramas.



“Jongin-ah, you are back! Who is this young woman?” she asked.






“Hello, I am Lee Hana,” she said then bowed towards Kai’s grandma.



“Hi, I am Jongin’s grandma but you can call me grandma or Grandma Kim if you like,” she said while smiling brightly.



“Are you Jongin’s classmate?” she asked Hana.



“Yes, we are in the same math class,” Hana said with a great amount of happiness which really surprised Kai.



“You are so joyful Hana-ah. Why is a young girl like you in the hospital? You look so young and healthy!” she asked Hana while grabbing her hand to hold.


Hana began to giggle a bit, “Grandma Kim, I am sick just like you. I have been sick for 12 years. I am sick here,” Hana said while pointing at her chest where her heart is. “My heart is weak and I need surgery to fix it.”



“Omo! A young girl like you with a weak heart, I hope that changes for the better. I think you should go sleep Hana-ah, you look tired and you need a lot of rest to make your heart a bit stronger.”



Hana smiled with eye smiles and nodded. She stood up from her seat and bowed towards Grandma Kim and Kai. She opened the door and waved at them. Then she left the room to go to sleep.



“She seems so different with you…” Kai said with sorrow in his voice. “She seems so happy talking to you, Grandma.”



“She has no family. Of course she will be happy to talk to a grandma like me Jongin-ah. She is the talk of the hospital nowadays. You seem a bit happier when you are around her.”



“Do I? I don’t notice.”



“You smile a little more naturally and often when she was in the room. Treat her right because she may not come back.”



Kai nodded and began to tuck in his grandma so she can sleep. Then he set up his bed to sleep on and turned off the lights. Kai lay down and was staring at the ceiling. He kept thinking about Hana and how she made him feel a bit less empty. He was clueless on what his feeling was because he did just met Hana the day before.



Kai sigh and thought, “Can I fall for a girl that I barely know? I feel like I like her but I just met her yesterday. I feel a bit happier seeing her smile and I feel sad when her name and death are in the same sentence… I feel this odd connection between us. Maybe I am just crazy. I should just sleep it off.” Then Kai went off to sleep.


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FrenchHyerin #1
Chapter 4: Kai and Hana are so sweet together. It feel, well to me that is, that they are really soulmates for the moment. And the fact that Kai is already falling for her prooves it~
And Kai being jealous when he saw Hana with Sehun. This guy is surely cute :p
I'm waiting for your next update! ;)
FrenchHyerin #2
Chapter 2: This story is so nice. Sweet but quite sad also...
I hope the surgery will go well but... I can't help but have a doubt about it... ><"
Chapter 2: hi...i love your story..pls update soon....:)
FrenchHyerin #4
This story seems interesting! :)
Can't wait for the first chapter :)