
Meant 2 Be Forever (BOOK 2)
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Dara's POV



I was able to calm down and rest at Sandy's -  still I'm sad about the argument me and Jiyong had. I did see his point but I stand with my decision not to tell him.




"I suspect its Cancer so we need to do the test quickly so we'll be able to catch up to it, more so to determine the stage and wether it's benign or malignant."




That's what the doctor have said. We'll  get the result this weekend. 



I took a deep breathe. I knew I made the right choice in not telling Sandy - she'll definitely worry too much and I know that won't be good for her condition. To tell Jiyong as well is out of the question because I know he'll drop everything for me - and I can't do that.


His dreams.

His future.


I won't jeopardize everything he worked hard for.



He didn't sign up for this.




I took a long bath and somehow it did soothe me a little - just letting me appreciate the warm water as it touch my skin and the calming scent of the bubble bath.



When I finished , I warmed the food Sandy let me take home. I tried to eat a lot even when I don't feel like eating much. After cleaning the stuff I used I went to my room and decided to rest again.






It was 12 noon according to my bedside clock. I heard my doorbell ring. I slowly got up then took deep breathes before going out. I took a peek on the security monitor and saw Jiyong with the phone on his ear. I heard the distant ringing of my phone. As soon as I openned the door, Jiyong stepped forward and envelope me in a hug.



"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." he kept murmuring on my neck. I just patted him at the back.


"I'm sorry too." I took a step back then took his hand on mine before pulling him inside. I lead him to the sofa and sat down.




"Something happened..." he started then explained why he only arrived now. He said he was supposed to be here earlier but something big happened at the company involving him and Taeyoen. And when he said he mentioned what the company decided , I couldn't help the negative emotion I  felt.





"They what?!'' I said as I stood up and placed some space between us.





"They wanted us to admit that we are dating, that we got closer during the recording of her album and that we're just in a getting to know each other better stage." he rubbed his face with his hands before looking up at me. "They want me to decide as soon as possible."



"How about us? Our friends and other people who knows about us. What abot Sandy and Seunghyun? they may even think you two timed me." I started pacing.



"They asked me to help because it can really cause great damage to Taeyoen's budding carreer and reputation if its found out I have a girlfriend." he answered.



"Can't they say its just a friendly kiss and that it didn't mean anything?" I asked.



"There were some videos taken and she practica

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Just saw - 403 subs exact... i feel so ashamed that i haven’t touch and updated this like in forever... 😭 still thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 32: I hope you Can update ?
annzky #2
Chapter 32: Hi there, thanks for this story. . Hope u update this one. . Have a great day... I already read all of ur stories. . . Keep on writing beautiful stories. . Fyting. . . By d way im a Tabisan. . Hehe. .
Chapter 32: I cannot! I feel really sad for Dara! Her being sick then her boyfriend has to pretend to be someone elses boyfriend. Huhu
GirliedeDios #4
Chapter 32: She'll do anything for him. Jiyong is very lucky to have her.
lightning_TabiSan #5
Chapter 31: Stupid Jiyong! Why cant he put some distance between him and Taeyon ..... argghh!

With Dara being seeing and if she happens to see that bakery scene in the news ..... aigoo, I think I'm beginning to root and cheer for Jae and Dara!

Please Authornim, let Jae rescue Dara this time :)
dorememe #6
Chapter 31: finally! new chapter! oh..jiyong...! don't fight!!!
thanks a lot. very happy to read again.
lowhigh #7
Chapter 31: wow..update..ㅠ.ㅠ
Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!
GirliedeDios #8
Chapter 30: Tried my very best to catch-up on the last available chapter. Glad that nothing bad happened to Sandy and her relationship with Tabi. Dara seems unwell and Jiyong is too busy to notice. I hope it ain't that bad.
Chapter 30: Its CA? Hmmm.
nylanna_twisted #10
unnie please update soon.. kamsahamnida!