A fight

Meant 2 Be Forever (BOOK 2)
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Jiyong's POV



I'm working on Taeyeon's new song when my eyes stray to my phone. I pushed a button and the light switches on.



There I stared at my background of me and Dara taken 2 months ago -  we look so carefree and happy.



I placed my phone back down then look back at my laptop. A few minutes later, the screen remained blank and I knew I won't be able to do anything tonight  - or if by some miracle I did it would be sloppy.




Dara and I had an argument. Yes we usually do , but it's usually petty but I think this time,it's more serious - and a part of that argument is because of me feeling guilty so it's more "I'm mad at myself than her". 



Sandy called me 2 days ago and wondered what I'm doing that's so important that I can't even go visit my girlfriend who's admitted in the hospital. Me not knowing anything was at loss for words not having and I don't even know how to react since I really didn't have any idea.



At first I was mad at her since we've been texting and I think I called her twice those days and she didn't say anything - if she feels sick or that she's in the hospital already. I must have been so pre-occupied that I didn't notice she kept changing the subject (asking about what I'm doing now) when I asked her where she is or on what she's doing.


Then when I finally learned the truth - guilt.  That I was too busy I haven't had a chance to go visit my girlfriend or to see or notice she's not well. 



When Sandy called me, it was the day Dara was discharged from the hospital. I went straight to her apartment that night and at first I was worried as I looked at her, then I started feeling annoyed that she didn't let me know - making me feel useless and a lousy boyfriend. Of course she tried to pacify me, even citing her reason that she know my work is important right now and it was just two days. She said she wasn't sorry that she didn't tell me and she would do the same if it happened again - and that made our argument bigger.


I left quickly and didn't try to comfort her or stay when she suddenly blurted.



"I'm tired, you know your way out."



I know I was wrong but I hoped she'll see my point of view and realize that her not telling me something like that hurt me.




It's been two days since I saw her. I knew I should do something about this.




I turn off all the  gadgets and instrument I was using, place my laptop on my bag then went out. I knew she's still on her sick leave.



And the truth is I miss her terribly.






I brought flowers and balloons - the balloons have messages like "I'm sorry", "I miss you" and I love you". All I left in my car as I decided to buy a cake for her.



I entered this fancy looking bakery and was contemplating on what to buy when I heard someone mention my name before I was turned around and was face with a guy. I looked to my side and it was Taeyeon grippin

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Just saw - 403 subs exact... i feel so ashamed that i haven’t touch and updated this like in forever... 😭 still thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 32: I hope you Can update ?
annzky #2
Chapter 32: Hi there, thanks for this story. . Hope u update this one. . Have a great day... I already read all of ur stories. . . Keep on writing beautiful stories. . Fyting. . . By d way im a Tabisan. . Hehe. .
Chapter 32: I cannot! I feel really sad for Dara! Her being sick then her boyfriend has to pretend to be someone elses boyfriend. Huhu
GirliedeDios #4
Chapter 32: She'll do anything for him. Jiyong is very lucky to have her.
lightning_TabiSan #5
Chapter 31: Stupid Jiyong! Why cant he put some distance between him and Taeyon ..... argghh!

With Dara being seeing and if she happens to see that bakery scene in the news ..... aigoo, I think I'm beginning to root and cheer for Jae and Dara!

Please Authornim, let Jae rescue Dara this time :)
dorememe #6
Chapter 31: finally! new chapter! oh..jiyong...! don't fight!!!
thanks a lot. very happy to read again.
lowhigh #7
Chapter 31: wow..update..ㅠ.ㅠ
Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!!
GirliedeDios #8
Chapter 30: Tried my very best to catch-up on the last available chapter. Glad that nothing bad happened to Sandy and her relationship with Tabi. Dara seems unwell and Jiyong is too busy to notice. I hope it ain't that bad.
Chapter 30: Its CA? Hmmm.
nylanna_twisted #10
unnie please update soon.. kamsahamnida!