SM Town


Three months passed after you and Lu Han officially got together. He’s back in Korea for more promotions and you’re now on Christmas break. You actually can’t wait for the next 2 days. SM Town will be held in Korea and even though you declined at first, Lu Han took care of your plane and concert tickets for the said event.


It was the 26th of December, and you were currently on a plane on your way to Korea. When you got there at 7 in the evening, you checked in at the same hotel where you stayed last time during World Date.


While waiting in the lobby, you saw a girl sitting in front of you, reading a magazine.


…have I seen her before?


She put the magazine down and checked her phone. She looked across the room and landed her gaze on you. The both of you stared at each other for a while when she opened and screamed a silent scream.




            “Nikkaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” she shouted and ran towards you with a hug.


            “What are you doing here??” you said as you both hopped around, still hugging each other.


            “Oh…Didn’t Lu Han tell you? He and Jonghyun invited me too!” she said grinning. Your smile slowly vanished. “Oh I missed you Nikka!” she said while hugging you again. “Me too,” you said softly, not trusting your voice and your words.


            “The concert is tomorrow night, right? I can’t wait to watch SM Town!” Her phone beeped. After checking her phone, she smiled. “I have to go. Jonghyun and I are…I don’t know, going somewhere. He’s outside right now. Wanna say hi?” she said looking at you.


            “Uh, no. I’m kinda tired. I could really use a nap right now” you smiled.


            “Well then, see you later” she waved.


After checking in, you went to your room and plopped down the bed.


No Nikka. You’re going out with Lu Han now. Stop.




Surprisingly, you woke up at 5 in the morning the next day. You groaned when you saw the time and tried to go back to sleep. After a few failed attempts, you gave up and went to prepare yourself for the event later. Since Lu Han himself was going to pick you up later, you didn’t have to worry about the long line or how far you were from the stage. You prepared your fandom stuff, took a bath, got dressed and everything when you heard a knock on your door.


What? Why is he an hour early? Good thing I’m done preparing.


You opened the door with a smile when you saw Jonghyun standing in front of your door.


            “Hey! Erm, EXO had a last minute rehearsal because of some few changes so I’m here to drive you there instead. Are you ready?” he said looking shy.

            “Oh is that so? Uhm, yeah” you said with disappointment and surprise obvious in your voice. “I’ll just get my stuff.”


As you head out the hotel and into the car parked in front of the entrance, you were thinking of asking him some stuff while sitting next to him when you saw a figure already sitting there at the front seat.


            “You’re driving Janna to the concert?” you said trying not to sound too curious.


            “Yeah” he said as he opened the door for you.


            “Thanks. Hi Janna! Sorry for intruding” you said casually.


            “No, it’s fine!” she said. She sounded too casually for you and you just sat there in silence.


After a few minutes, you now arrived at Seoul Olympic Stadium where SM Town will be held. Jonghyun guided you and Janna to your V.I.P seats and left to prepare.  You, Janna and a few other fans who watched the rehearsals earlier are now just waiting for the gates to open for the other fans and for the show itself to start.


30 minutes passed and they’re now letting people in. The stadium was filled in less than half an hour. You and Janna forgot everything and immediately turned into fangirls the moment that they started playing music, signaling everyone that the show will be starting in a few minutes.


You knew that out of 51 performances, Lu Han will be included in 6 performances. You were specially waiting for SHINee’s Lucifer performance with Lu Han as a special guest dancer. You forgot about your connections with everyone and just fangirled like everyone else.


At last, SM Town started. The first act was “Dear My Family” with BoA, TVXQ, Yesung, Taeyeon, Jonghyun, Luna, D.O, Baekhyun, Chen, and Luhan. The whole show lasted for six hours, with it ending at 9pm with everyone performing Hope. 6 hours ago, you were really energized and filled with excitement. After 6 hours, you were so exhausted from spazzing and fangirling and screaming at your favorite groups that you looked like you were the one who performed for 6 hours straight. You and Janna were both were. But one look from you two can put a smile to your faces thinking that everything was worth it.


SM Town ended and it was now time to meet the boys. It has been a tradition that there will be an after party after every SM Town Concert and since you two were really close with Lu Han and Jonghyun, you two were lucky to be invited by Lee Soo-man himself! The party was a blast and you have to admit that it was really fun and exciting especially if you’re celebrating it with your loved ones.


The after party was coming to a close. You were busy chatting with Janna when Lu Han approached you.


            “Ne jagiya~! I’m sorry but would you mind getting my extra clothes from the car? My shirt is really sweaty and I really would like to change. Please~? ^^” he said with his signature apologetic-yet-thankful aegyo he sometimes used when he really needs help.


            “How could I say no to your adorkable aegyo?” you smiled, standing up. “Why are you sooo irresistibly cute?” you asked poking his left cheek a few times making him grin.


            “Thanks~!” he winked. “Kris hyung won’t let me go out of his sight~” he said with a sigh and a pout.


You shook your head as you went out to the dark parking lot.


Sigh. I think Kris might be my toughest rival with Lu Han’s attention~

Oh? It’s snowing… I wonder if he forgot about today.

100th day…


As you opened the car, you quickly searched for his bad and got out his favorite shirt.


Ah…It’s really cold.


You fixed your jacket and scarf and closed the car door.


You walked slowly towards the entrance door and up the 2nd floor to the party, humming ‘What Is Love’ when you stopped outside the glass door.


            “…I love you,” Lu Han said, holding out a bouquet of flowers…towards Janna.


Time froze. Your heart suddenly ached. You suddenly felt pain. You dropped his clothes on the floor. You clenched your heart, if your heart was still in place and functioning, while fighting back your tears. You backed away and walked down the stairs and to the entrance door.


Tears are blocking your sight but you don't care. All you can think about right now is how you think you messed up and lost the love of your life you thought you'll never find. Worst part is…everything's your fault. Why her? Why Janna? Why did you even met her and became friends with her? She stole Jonghyun from you, and now she’s stealing Lu Han??? You shouldn’t have let her be close with him!!


As you trudged through the snow crossing the street, you hear a horrible screeching sound. You looked at its direction but see nothing. You hear it again and you know it's approaching. Fast. 2 car lights are shining so bright that you thought you'd gone blind. The car lost its breaks and it's heading to your direction! You were frozen in fear and wasn't able to avoid it fast enough when you felt someone push you away from the fast approaching car! You felt yourself lying on the cold road with everything in a blur. After a few you moments, you sat up and remembered what happened. You saw him, a few meters from you, lying lifelessly in a pool of blood. It was Lu Han’s blood. Your head pounded. You scrambled to your feet, making your way to him.


You realized that the car hit him instead of you, sending him flying off to a nearby lamp post. You took off your jacket and wrapped it around him, and slowly lifted his head to your lap. He looked at you, and you see a tear roll down his pale cheeks from your own eyes and cheeks. You didn't know what to do and people are now crowding around you, panicking and calling the ambulance and police. Even with everyone moving fast, it seemed like time wasn't present between you two. And with all his strength that's left, he mouthed the words that you have been waiting to hear from him for so long…




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shineekka #1
Chapter 1: Ezrah! Is that for me?
I mean melovesyoseob? XD
Chapter 10: I cried :'((((
Awesome storyyy!!
Chapter 10: awww... ;c