

            “Ah…this is troublesome. Really troublesome”


            “Eh? What do you mean?”


Lu Han smiled at you and looked at your eyes. “I think I’m starting to really like you ^^”








Lu Han smiled at you then laughed. “Low signal?” he said with a laugh. “I got you good, didn’t I?” said Lu Han with a wink. “Let’s go. They might be wondering what’s taking us so long.” And both of you walked back to the set, passing out snacks and drinks to everyone.



But still, was he really joking? It felt real though O_O

No. No. No. Nikka, stop. You like Lu Han. BUT! You LOVE Jonghyun. STOP.

For a moment there, I thought I was going to die of shock! TT_______TT I mean, I really like Lu Han but I like Jonghyun better. Then he said he likes me. But then he also took it back. WHAT IS LIFE?!


Lu Han was happily passing out the snacks to the girls and was eating one himself. He looked at you and saw your worried face, making his smile vanish.


Jonghyun must have noticed your expression too. He went to your side and nudged you.


            “Hey, are you alright? You look worried”, he said, obviously worried about you too.


            “Oh, it’s nothing,” you smiled at him. “Really!” you added quickly.


            “Okay. But if there’s anything troubling you, I’m here to listen. Understand?” he said with a smile.


Am I dreaming or what?? First, Lu Han. Now, Jonghyun?? Ahh, this is too good to be true. “Sure!” you said shyly smiling back at him.



Back at the hotel…


You were organizing your things on your bed when your roommate suddenly stood in front of you, smiling.


            “Hey! You’re Nikka, right? I’m Janna! I’m from Singapore” she said beaming at you.


            “I’m Nikka,” you nodded. “I’m from the Philippines. It’s nice to meet you” you said with a bit of uncertainty.


            “Soooo…” she said, casually sitting at your bed.

            “It seems that Lu Han is…attracted to you” she teased.


            “Ehhhh???? No, it’s not like that! He was just being nice to a fan. He surely doesn’t like me.”


            “Really? What a bummer,” she pouted. “I guess I’ll have more competition with Jonghyun instead, huh?”


            “Huh? What do you mean?” you said trying to be casual.


            “Well, if Lu Han doesn’t like you, then there’s no chance that you two will be together after this show. So, you might fall in love with Jonghyun and like him instead. Then we will be rivals!” she said with a growl.


What’s the matter with this person? Doesn’t she know that I’m already married to Jjong? But I don’t want to pick a fight while I’m in here, especially if she’s my roommate and I’m supposed to stay with her for 2 weeks. Maybe I shouldn’t tell her anything. Hopefully, she’ll back out of it. /sigh


            “Eh? Why did you sigh?” she asked in a calmer tone.


            “Uhm, actually, I do…like Lu Han…” you started slowly, avoiding her gaze.


            “Really? Then I should hook you two up together! Then Jonghyun will be mine! And we will live happily ever after!!” she said in one breath. “OH! I know! I’ll just send Jonghyun a text message telling him and Lu Han to meet us later for dinner or even a double date! (WTH?! SHE HAS HIS NUMBER?!?!?!) I’m such a genius. HAHAHA then, you should get ready and I’ll just shower, okay? Okay!” and she put her phone down and went to the bathroom immediately.


You just stood there, with your mouth hanging open.






That night…




You were sitting around a table in a fine dining restaurant with Janna beside you, Lu Han in front, and Jonghyun beside him. You’re wearing a simple aqua dress while Janna’s wearing a shiny gray dress. Lu Han’s wearing a white long sleeve with black polka dots and a blue vest with diamond patterns plus a patterned bow tie that matches your aqua dress, making him look really cute and adorable. While Jonghyun was wearing a plain white long sleeve and a black coat, with a spotted bow tie that he untied earlier, complaining that it was choking him. You just finished eating dinner with them, which was really uncomfortable for you. Reasons? First, you’re not used to dresses. Second, it’s hard to eat all fancy. Third, well, let’s just say that your two biases are right in front of you looking like princes and you’re sitting there, having a date with them, only Jonghyun, your ultimate bias, is with another girl!! How twisted could this day get?!


            “We would love that! You guys do too, right Nikka?” Lu Han asked you suddenly.


            “Huh? What?” you said with a blank stare at the others.


            “Nikka, they were asking us if we would like to meet EXO and SHINee tomorrow since we’re free. I already said yes. Well, how about you?” she asked.


            “Yes, of course I do!” you said with a smile at them.


            “That settles it then” she said, smiling back at Lu Han and Jonghyun.


            “Ah it’s pretty late…You guys want to go for a ride back?” Jonghyun asked. “Lu Han and I will drop you off at the hotel.”


            “Sure!” Janna said with this look that makes you think that she’s been with them for years and is really comfortable with them already.


            “Ah…yeah” you said quietly.


You arrived at the hotel at 10pm. Jonghyun and Lu Han went out and opened the car door for both of you. As you sadly watched Janna say goodbye to Jonghyun with a quick hug, Lu Han walked in front of you and pulled you too into a hug.


            “Don’t let them bother you,” he whispered. You could just smell his perfume and Lu Han-ness and surprisingly, it made you feel calm and comfortable, and almost made you want to cry on his shoulder. He pulled back, still holding on to you and looked you in the eye. “I’ll make you happy, I promise” he said smiling and patting your head. “Well, see you!” he waved as he went back in the car with Jonghyun and drove off.


Ba-thump, ba-thump. 


You went in quietly with Janna gushing out her feelings and spazzing over what just happened. Your thoughts were still on Lu Han even when you were about to sleep. For some reason, you felt like everything was a dream. You got to meet your biases; you’re meeting you favorite groups tomorrow; Lu Han saying those words to you, making your heart beat this much. Although, there is this nightmare: Jonghyun might start liking Janna. You can’t deny that what Lu Han did and said made your heart sway so much, but the truth is, you still like Jonghyun more. And watching him laugh and have a great time with another girl breaks your heart. You must have dozed off because the next time you opened your eyes, light was coming in from the window. You walked to the window and moments later, you were staring into space when Janna walked in the room all happy and giddy and ready to go out.


            “Hey! Nikka! Good to see you’re awake already” she said with a smile. “It’s 8 in the morning. They said they’ll pick us up at 10:30 so you should take a shower and get dressed ASAP. I heard that we will be meeting them all together. I’ll wait for you to finish then we can go downstairs for breakfast together.”


After breakfast, the two of you waited for them at the lobby. They arrived 10 minutes before the agreed time and once again, you’re in the car. This time though, Lu Han was sitting with you at the back of the car, with Jonghyun driving and Janna at the driver’s seat. Lu Han just came back from one of his schedules and was feeling really tired so he sat at the back and tried to sleep for the meantime. For the whole trip, he just sat there, with his eyes closed, his head lolling and dozing off peacefully. You could just imagine how tired he must be that he could sleep this heavily even with the bumpy ride. A hump caused him to lean at you and drop his head on your shoulder. Not knowing what to do but feeling really sorry for him, you just sat there and adjusted your seat and patted his head lightly.


Jonghyun saw what happened through the inside rear view mirror and could just see your face turning a bit red with a shy smile forming on your lips and Lu Han’s.

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shineekka #1
Chapter 1: Ezrah! Is that for me?
I mean melovesyoseob? XD
Chapter 10: I cried :'((((
Awesome storyyy!!
Chapter 10: awww... ;c