

Two weeks passed by so fast and World Date is over. It was time for everyone to go back to their respective countries and today was a real date for all ten girls with Lu Han and Jonghyun. You went to an amusement park that morning. Because of his fear from heights, Lu Han wasn’t able to ride most of the rides so he was the one who took the pictures. After 4 rides, it was clear that you and 3 more girls were exhausted so you stayed with Lu Han to take the pictures, the three girls went to the washroom and the girls went with Jonghyun for more rides. Surprisingly, Lu Han got closer to you and you like it. Ever since that ‘I think I’m starting to like you’ confession, you two got closer than expected. Even though you love Jonghyun, with him being occupied with the other girls including Janna, surprisingly, it didn’t matter that much to you. Not that your feelings for Jonghyun decreased. Well, maybe it did. Who knows? But that’s because Lu Han had been taking care of you so much that your attention was now focused on him.


Sadly, today was your last day in Korea. Tomorrow, everything will be back to normal. You sighed while looking at the girls and Jonghyun riding the Viking. Lu Han, who was right next to you, looked at you and smiled softly when you felt his hand pat your head lightly. You looked at him and felt like smiling when you saw him smiling at you. Knowing that your trip to Korea was good one, you felt that from today onwards, everything will be better.


Jonghyun: Ah…I think I’m getting sick from this rides T_____T               




At the end of the day, it was time to say goodbye. From these two weeks you spent with them, all of you became really close friends. You’re all in the airport, ready to go inside. As you look at all your new friends, tears were forming in your eyes. You girls hugged each other and promised each other to stay in contact with each other through facebook, twitter and tumblr.


Feeling the sadness, Lu Han and Jonghyun hugged all of you one by one. It was Jonghyun who hugged you first and when he did, your feelings returned. You remembered how much you love him. And for that reason, you started tearing up and couldn’t find the strength to let go. Noticing this, Jonghyun hugged you a bit more.


             “I’ll miss you, Nikka. Even if we’re not as close as you and Lu Han, I’ll miss you. It was nice meeting you too. Take care and always keep in touch with us, okay? Fighting!” he said facing you with a smile.


            You looked at him, still crying and nodded. “Yes, I will. Just don’t ignore me okay? Let’s continue being friends, oppa” you said as he wiped your tears with his hands and patted your shoulder.


Jonghyun went on and hugged the other girls who were obviously heartbroken because of this parting. Even Janna was crying like a baby. Lu Han was done hugging the others and when it was your turn, you noticed that he was holding back. Worried, you looked at him straight in the eye and asked what the matter is. As expected, he can’t look you in the eye. Feeling hurt about it, you wondered what you did wrong.


            “I don’t know what happened…or what I did wrong” you started, looking at the floor. “I…just want to say thank----”


He hugged you suddenly, cutting you off. You can feel him trembling and you could just feel his heart beating so fast. Taken aback but touched, you wrapped you arms around him and chuckled.


            “Pabo Lu Han...” you whispered.


            “I’m sorry for making you feel that way. I didn’t mean to. It’s just… These two weeks was fun. And I’m very thankful that I was able to meet such an amazing girl like you. It breaks my heart to see you leave,” said Lu Han with disappointment in his voice. He pulled back and looked at you straight in the eyes.




            “This might be sudden, and I know I’ve only known you for two weeks” he started. “But still, before you go, I want to tell you, just like what I said before, I like you Nikka. I really do.”




            “Last time, I told you that I’m going to make you happy, didn’t I? I promise you, I will” he said while holding your hands and pushing away the hair that’s blocking your tear-stained face. “Let’s meet again soon, okay?” he whispered to your ear and gave you a quick hug for the last time.




            “Okay…” you said softly with a smile, watching him as he step back to look at all of you for the last time.


As you girls turned around to enter your respective terminals and waved goodbye to them, you turned to face them for the last time. You wanted your last memory of them to be a good one and you wanted to remember this day forever.


And so while entering, you could just see Jonghyun looking oh so perfect; wearing his brown jacket with his white tucked sleeves showing; his brown hair flipping so softly while he was doing a peace sign; waving it so much with his dinosaur-ish smile and making biting motions with his teeth. You laughed at this scene and thought that he really looks and acts like a kid.


You turned your head a bit to see Lu Han watching you. His brownish blonde hair; his bright eyes and smooth skin; his luscious lips and his Adam’s apple; you’ll never forget this amazing person and the moments that you shared together. At the last moment, when you looked back, he grinned at you and made a half heart with his hand on his head, making his gray skulled shirt and black jacket go up, revealing his teal underwear peeking up his faded jeans.


What the heck Nikka. You’re leaving with your bias’ memory and you’re still having erted thoughts? Ay-ay-ay!


You laughed at yourself and just as you were about to enter, you made a half heart with your hand on your head and waved goodbye to him and disappeared inside.


            “Let’s meet soon, oppa…” you said with a sad smile.


And with that, your days in Korea ended, and you’re now back.


10pm | At home…


            “Ah…I’m so tired! I should sleep first and do everything tomorrow” you said, putting your things down in your room and laying down at your bed. “I wonder what they’re doing right now?” you mumbled as you felt yourself getting sleepy and eventually went into dreamland. “Lu Han…” you whispered in the night.

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shineekka #1
Chapter 1: Ezrah! Is that for me?
I mean melovesyoseob? XD
Chapter 10: I cried :'((((
Awesome storyyy!!
Chapter 10: awww... ;c