First Meeting




Taping has ended for the day. The cast of World Date, a variety show where lucky fan girls from around the world can have a 5 day trip with some of the most known KPOP idols, all said their goodbyes to each other after a long day with a few guys heading to a club to wind down.  Jonghyun and Lu Han, members of SHINee and EXO who are close friends, went to Itaewon to party in a club along with their other male friends.


            “Hey! Jonghyun! Aren’t you interested in girls at all?” asked Lu Han jokingly while placing his arm around a girl’s shoulder.


            “I am, not just with these kinds of girls”, Jonghyun sniggered as he drank beer. “It seems like you’re contented with all these girls up to you. They look pretty fake to me”, chuckled Jonghyun, making the girls stand up and leave in annoyance.


            “Hey!” exclaimed Lu Han at the girls with a look of disappointment on his face as he looked at Jonghyun. “Really, dude? Really? This is the only time where I can just relax and play and you ruined it. You ”, said Lu Han opening his third bottle of beer and tossing the cap at Jonghyun.


            “Ha! You always say that. It doesn’t affect me anymore.”


            “It’s true though...” said Lu Han softly. “Hey. How about this? Let’s have a contest”, said Lu Han with a wink. “Ah and before you can refuse, hear me out first. Here’s what we’re going to do. Next week, there will be a new batch of female guests, right? What if we have a contest on who can woo one of them first? Then the winner will not only take the girl home but also get 500 thousand won from the loser. Deal?” said Lu Han ing his hand forward with his I’m-sure-I’m-going-to-win-this-one look. “Come on dude. Just for fun ^^”


            Although Jonghyun knew that this is wrong, he knew that if he refuses him, Lu Han will just continuously pester him about it so with a sigh, he shook Lu Han’s hand and said, “Deal.”




A week ago, you were just a regular fan girl watching your biases on TV. But today, it will be different. Starting today, you will appear on TV with them as one of the lucky fan girl chosen from thousands of hopefuls to guest in World Date. All of this thanks to that creativity contest your friend told you about. Your video was picked as one of the top 10 best videos that express your love for Korea, KPOP, and your bias.


It was 8 in the summer morning and you’re running late. You’re on your way to Yeouido KBS and you even brought some albums just in case you had a chance to be able to actually talk to your biases before the show starts. To your excitement, you almost got off a station before the location. Embarrassed, you shyly smiled to yourself as you apologized to the bus driver and contained your fangirling inside you.


At last, you’re in front of the building. You went in quickly and asked for assistance. The guard led you to the studio where everyone was preparing for the recording of the first part of the show. You glanced nervously to see if the other girls already arrived. You were still looking for them when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You were shocked and turned around and saw him.


Your bias is looking oh so lovely and perfect. He’s wearing a white long sleeved polo with a simple black tie.  His hair: fluffy, light and brown and just looks really soft even with all that hairspray. You look at his eyes and saw that he was currently wearing eyeliners, making his eyes look bigger. His lips look glossy and kissable that you just wanted to touch them but restrained yourself. His skin looks pale from all those makeup but smooth looking and really fair. He was straightening his necktie and staring at you with those piercing eyes. And when he smiled, you felt like melting. You were lost in your own world and you must have been staring for quite a while with a stupid look on your face, making him chuckle with his hands slightly covering his mouth, making him more angelic and really handsome looking.


            “I’m Lu Han from EXO-M. You must be one of the winners. You are?” he said extending his hand.


            “I’m…Nikka. Nice---to meet you…” you said shyly without even taking your eyes off him and shook his hand lightly but tightly.


            “Nice to meet you too”, he smiled. “If you’re looking for the others, they’re right over there”, he said, pointing to a room with people in a hurry of going in and out. “Well, I better go now. It was nice meeting you, Nikka”, said Lu Han as he turned to walk away.


OH! MY! GOD!!!! MY FEELS!! T______T MY CREYS T________T IS THIS REAL? OTL Okay, okay, stop. Calm down. Get your head together. I need to keep calm. Okay. Whoo! Now, where is that room again?


You went inside a room packed with makeup artists, hairstylists, coordi noonas and other staff members shouting commands telling everyone to get ready on time. A staff member saw you and asked you immediately what you were doing there. You told them who you were and why you were there and a makeup artist immediately pulled you into a chair and worked on your makeup with other stylists doing your hair and wardrobe. It all happened in a flash and you and the other girls are ready. It was 15 minutes before the show starts. You had just enough time to have a chat with the other girls and make friends with them. Good thing you were all K-Pop lovers and immediately got close to each other.


The show was starting and you were all escorted to the set where the hosts are waiting. You were seated in a long table and you were at the end part but there were more than enough chairs for you girls. You wondered if there were more of you who won and you were slowly starting to daydream when the host called someone to be on stage. You snapped out of your fantasy and looked. You blinked. Twice.


What the.. Fantasy…or…reality?!


Once again, you were staring at this magnificent creature wearing white long sleeve polo with black neck tie walking towards you and sat beside you. This person was smiling and waving and bowing at everyone and when he turned to you, he bowed slightly and smiled at you.


OMG What a precious eye smile.. My Lu Han why are you doing this OTL I can’t contain my feelings!


The whole recording went so smooth. You were feeling oddly comfortable with your bias sitting right next to you but you were nervous about answering some questions from the hosts. After the shoot, everyone thanked the staff and the audience and you were all ready to go back to the hotel you were told to stay in with the other girls, when Lu Han approached you all. He was walking towards you with a smile, as always, but then you noticed someone else walking behind him.  Someone you wouldn’t want to see what Lu Han was doing, putting his arm around you casually while introducing all of you to him. Someone you couldn’t even stare at with all the butterflies he was giving you.


            He smiled a bit, looked at everyone and landed his gaze at you and Lu Han. “Hi. I’m Jonghyun from SHINee. It’s nice to finally meet you guys.”

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shineekka #1
Chapter 1: Ezrah! Is that for me?
I mean melovesyoseob? XD
Chapter 10: I cried :'((((
Awesome storyyy!!
Chapter 10: awww... ;c