Chapter 35: there are things to consider

Serendipity in Love
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After we had our outing at grandma Jin's rest house, we went back to the city. Sun Young stayed at the mansion for the night, while Jong Suk, Min Ho and Myung Soo went off together. I still have this silly smile on my face when we came back from the city and Sun Young asked

Sun Young: "Are you okay? You keep smiling earlier, is there any problem?" I looked at her and said

Soo Jung: "No...nothing, I just remember something." Sun Young went closer to me and said

Sun Young: "Did something happened? and I mean if something happened, between you and Myung Soo?" I startled and maybe she thought something else.

Soo Jung: "No, nothing happened. Okay...we see each other that midnight and we just have our date that's all and nothing happened."

Sun Young: "Are you really sure?"

Soo Jung: "Yes, I'm sure, 100%!" and she smiled at me.

When we got home, grandma Jin called me because she said she wants to talk to me about something very important. Grandma Jin and I were inside her office, and she seems not in her happy mood.

Soo Jung: "Good afternoon, grandma." and I went to take a seat, grandma Jin had her eye glasses on, and she sat in a chair. I looked at her and asked

Soo Jung: "What's wrong grandma? you seem so bothered today"

Grandma Jin: "I' you can see...Myung Soo's uncle currently taking over the company that Myung Soo's dad had previously own, and Myung Soo's uncle was informed that, Myung Soo is one of the choices as one of your fiance and we had a meeting before and he told me, he wants his son to see you."

Soo Jung: "What? you mean..."

Grandma Jin: "Yes, he said he wants to set a date between you and his son." 

Soo Jung: "This is too much....I can't grandma, I think I can't"

Grandma Jin: "I know you can't go, I already told him that Myung Soo is already your boyfriend. But he keep insisting, he offered me something and it's actually for you."

Soo Jung: "What is it grandma?"

Grandma Jin: "He told me, when you date his son, he might gave up the other company and gave it to Myung Soo's dad again and also will lessen their debts."

Soo Jung: "This is unacceptable..."

Grandma Jin: "I know dear, I'm trying my best to talk with Myung Soo's uncle but he's very stubborn, he don't listen to me. That's why my only choice is to help Myung Soo's parents."

Soo Jung: "Why he think of that? me dating his son?"

Grandma Jin: "Maybe because he knew you are my grand daughter who will inherit my keeps."

And when Grandma Jin and I had a conversation, my thoughts are just  confused and also there's a moment that I want to help Myung Soo but at the same time I don't want to hurt him.

Jong Suk called me and said 

Jong Suk: "Can I pick you up later?"

Soo Jung: "Why?"

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Chapter 41: Yeah me too, i'm so excited because this drama, so happy right know,,, krystal become lead actress and pairing with rain and myungsoo ,,,,, can't wait for September \^_^/
Chapter 40: Hey guys!!! ahahaha! jk ^__^v just dropping by because my sistah a.k.a this author said he mentioned me here hehe XD go give love and support to this gurl here more in the future =P =D (I'm not a spammer okay XD) Great job btw to arrayeol! ^O^
karlamayl #3
the best author :)
Chapter 33: he's back !! ahxkfnkchsndd *^*
Chapter 32: Myungsoo is back! Kyaa~ Can't wait for the next update.
secret-lover #6
this is so cute.
it's so ASDFGHJKL.
if i was ever an director.
i would so make a movie
out of this story. qurrrl
you'll be fabulous and famous <3
Chapter 26: Oh my! I'm starting to like this Joon guy for Soojung. I have a feeling that Minho knows something about Myungsoo's whereabouts and happenings. Can't wait for your next update.^^
Chapter 25: Ohmigosh! I have a feeling Myungsoo also have someone in wherever he is. Myungsoo go back to Soojung now. ASAP! Anyways, I can't wait for the next update. ^^
Chapter 24: Ahhh. That was sad yet nice and romantic. Waiting for your next update.