Post Its & Passes

Diaries Of A Girl


“HOW DO YOU FREAKIN' DO THIS?!” I rested my head on my arm. It was my sixth time trying to solve question seven, and I'm clearly nowhere the answer. Kim knitted her eyebrows and shook her head. “What, it's not my fault that I just can't get the answer.”


“You should really get Wooyoung to tutor you, he's pretty good,” Amy said, oblivious to Wooyoung presence in the classroom. “Taecyeon-ah, are you done copying my homework?” She nudged Taecyeon lightly.


“Ahhhhh, I'm going crazy. We have the first paper tomorrow, and I still can't figure out how to do this thing. I'M GONNA DIE KIM, I'M GONNA DIE. IT'S NICE KNOWING YOU, BYEBYE!” I said dramatically. So maybe sometimes I'm a drama queen, but who cares..


“I've got some pretty useful notes at home, do you wanna borrow it? I could meet you tonight,” Wooyoung said, fiddling with his ball point pen.

“And exactly why do you guys have to meet at night?” Amy wiggled her eyebrows, eyeing Wooyoung and me.


Kim picked up her bag and looped her arm around Daesung's elbow, “Anyway, I gotta go. Are you staying back?” She asked.


“Yeah, I'd rather stay here and study than sit my at home. I bet Junho's coming over anyway,” I blew my hair out of my face. “April's been madly in love ever since that kid fess up to her on Valentine's.”


“Good luck with studying!” Kim patted my back and took her leave with Daesung. I flipped through my set of notes, trying so hard to cram everything inside my head. Amy twirled her pen and eyed Taecyeon. It's weird how I find Taec approachable now. I remember the first time I saw him, his height just scared me.


“Mi, I'd stay with you and study, but I honestly can't study without food. So I'll seeya tomorrow okay? Good luck for the papers!” Amy said, pushing her long brown locks behind her ear.


I nodded miserably as I watched Amy and Taecyeon leave. Finally, Wooyoung stood up and picked up his bag, “Really sorry Mi, I've got things to sort out..” My heart sank slightly. I nodded simply and pushed up my black rimmed glasses. “Seeya tonight.”




Four solid hours went by and I had already covered five chapters. I actually had to talk to myself to solve certain questions. But eventually, I stopped before Mrs Yong rang up April to question my sanity.




I looked up and found myself looking into the familiar soft brown eyes. “Oh, hey Khun..” I said. “What are you doing here? I thought you went back already?” I looked behind me and saw Mrs Yong shooting death glares at me. Geez, I don't get why she's so strict on library rules and regulations despite little students being in the library.


“I was reading. Are you studying or something?” He pulled out a chair beside me and sat down. I quickly grabbed a paper and scribbled, 'Mrs Yong's got her eyes on us, don't speak too loud. I don't wanna get kicked out.'


Nichkhun grinned and took a pen tucked in between the pages of my book and wrote, 'Yeah, I thought I felt someone's eyes on me.'


'Yeah well, she can be a creeper sometimes.'


'I can see that. She creeps me out.'


I chuckled. My Android buzzed beside me. I glanced at the screen- '1 New Text Message from Wooyoung'. I glided my thumb across the screen and read the text. 'I'll come by your place at 8 to pass ya the notes – Wooyoung'. I estimated approximately how long it'll take me to reach my place from Oxford High. Twenty five minutes.


“Hey, I gotta go. I needa meet Woo,” I whispered, shoving all my books into my backpack. “Seeya tommorrow. And good luck for exams!” I grinned from cheek to cheek.




“I'm home!” I yelled, throwing my bag on the couch. April and Junho sat in the living room as they screened Stay Alive on the television. Junho looked handsome as usual, in his jeans and leather jacket. April sure has got a good taste.


April turned her head back, “Oh, hi. Junho's staying over tonight. Hope you don't mind.” Junho smiled and glided his arm around April.


“Oh, joy,” I said. “I'll be studying my brains out tonight. Please don't turn the volume up when you're playing those new video games you bought.”


“Noted,” April nodded. “Dinner's on the table. Nana made macaroni and cheese.”


“Uhuh,” I rolled my eyes at the dishes left in the sink. “Geez, she could've cleaned up..” I muttered. It was a Thursday. And apparently Thursdays are days when I have to do the chores. I slipped in the pink rubber gloves and squeezed some dishwasher soap onto the sponge.


Ding dong.


I stuck my head out of the kitchen, “April, could you get it? I'm a little busy with the dishes here.”


April shook her head with her eyes fixed onto the screen, “Na-uh. It's the best part of the movie. Run Abigail! Run before that mad gets you!”


I sighed and yelled for Nana to get the door. Nana strolled down with her phone in tucked under her ear. “Hold on,” she said. “Unnie, it's your boyfriend,” she said.


“Oh yeah, I almost forgot..” I slipped out of the rubber gloves and wiped my hands on the ivory cloth. Wooyoung stood at door with the set of notes in his hands. “Hi,” I greeted him, embarrassed that Nana just referred to him as my boyfriend.


“Here are your notes,” he smiled, handing me the notes. Heat rose to my cheeks as our hands brushed. “I like your sister,” he said, clearly talking about how Nana just referred him as my boyfriend.


“Thank you for the notes, see you tomorrow,” I said, ignoring his comment. “Goodnight.”




“I need help with studying, do you guys mind coming over?” I rolled over the other opposite side my king sized bed.


“Sure,” Kim pulled thick hair back with a velvet headband. She took out her cashmere hoodie and dumped some books into her Everlast bag. “I'll be there in fifteen, bye.”


“Bye,” Amy and I spoke at the same time.


“I'll be there in twenty, I need to find my books for a bit,” Amy searched around her room for her social studies textbook. “Gotta go, bye.”




“Is that Woo's notes you're studying?” Amy pointed at the black ring file in my hands. I nodded, flipping through the pages of Woo's well handwritten notes. I had to admit, for a guy, his handwriting is actually pretty neat. “Can I see it?”


I passed the file to Amy. “He's got a neat handwriting,” she said. “You should've seen Taec's. It's so.. I don't know. You can understand what he writes, but.. sometimes on his lazy days, the way he writes things just kill me.”


“Lemme see,” Kim scooted over to Amy's side. “It's weird. I've been friends with this kid for a year and I've never seen his handwriting this neat before..”


“Maybe he just wrote the notes today, maybe he just wrote specially for you?” Amy singsonged.


“What's this?” Kim pulled out a post it sticking out. “It says.. 'Park Seungmi, study hard! Aja aja hwaiting!'” A smirk spread across Kim's face.


“What?” I leaned forward, my eyes wide and beseeching. I tried to contain a smile, but I couldn't help it. I was already smiling before I could my cheeks in. Did he really just do this?


“Whoa, that kid sure knows how to play it sweet. How come Dae never leaves cute post its in my files. I spent a hard time trying to get him memorise the few formulas today. That thick skull of his..” Kim trailed off.


“Why don't you just give him a chance? I mean, Woo's a nice guy,” we sat together on the bed as Amy said eagerly. “Plus, he's obviously very into you.”


I smiled slightly and played with my flexible curve rule. Me and Wooyoung dating, huh?


“Wait, you're not over that little bastard are you?” Kim propped herself up with her elbow, prodding me lightly with her elbow.


“No, it's not that. It's just..” I explained, my eyes softening as I spoke. “I'm not entirely sure about dating him. I need time, I think.”






I sat in my seat with my eyes wandering around the examination hall. Amy sat beside me, with a pen twirling in her hand. Everybody looked calm as they waited for their papers. Kim sat two seats away from me, she, too, was twirling a pen.


“Pssssssssssttt,” I looked in front to see Wooyoung with his head turned back, “Good luck, you'll manage as long as you recall my notes,” he said softly.


I guess Amy saw or probably heard him because when I looked at her the next second, she was wriggling her eyebrows at me as if to say 'Admit that you like him'.




“I wonder if I'll pass. Am I gonna pass? Oh my god I worked so hard for that paper and what if I don't pass? Do you think I'll pass?” I scurried from one end to another with my heart about to burst out of my chest.


“Mi, get a grip!” Kim squeezed my shoulders. I looked at her, breathing like I just ran a marathon. “Breathe, Mi. Breathe.”


I took deep breaths just like Kim told me to and finally got a grip of myself. I felt drops of cold sweat rolling down my forehead. “I'll pass right? I'll pass...”


“Course you will,” Amy placed her hand on my back, “You studied like some geek. I've never seen you study that hard before. You'll pass.”


“Yeah, besides, you'll get your results either tomorrow or the next day? No need to worry. Plus, it wasn't even a major exam. It's just stupid mock exam. No need to fret,” Kim said, throwing my an assuring look.






“RESULTS FOR YESTERDAY'S MOCK EXAMS ARE OUT!” Daesung came dashing into the class with, looping his arm around Kim. I stood up and dragged Amy with me to the notice board in the hallway. I had a billion thoughts running through my mind. Will I pass? Did I do well?


“I PASSED! OH MY GAAAAAHD!” Kim cried, jumping up and down. “I TOLD YOU THAT TUTORING YOU WILL BENEFIT ME! HOW WELL DID YOU DO?!” She perched on Daesung's shoulder to take a peek at his results.


Everyone in the hallway were hugely enthusiastic. Amy stood in front of the notice board, scanning carefully for her name. A smile spread across her face, “I passed.” She said with a delighted smile plastered on her face.


My eyes followed down the name list. '12. Park Seungmi', I took a deep breath. 'Paper I: 75/100, Paper II: 70/100'. “I DID IT. I PASS IT. OH MY GOD. I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA FAIL!” I swiped my hand across my sweaty forehead.


“I think there's someone you should thank,” Kim nudged me with her elbow. Her light brown eyes followed Wooyoung who was walking in my direction. As usual, without actually thinking, I ran towards Wooyoung and threw myself at him, maybe a little too hard..


“WHOA WHOA! WHAT HAPPENED?!” Wooyoung cried, laughing.


“I PASSED IT! I FREAKING PASSED MY PAPERS!” I squealed. We both looked at each other. And then my heart began to race when I realised that I was hugging him in the middle of the hallway. At least.. it wasn't that crowded, pretty empty actually.


“You can actually let go of me now, but I don't think I'll mind if you stay like this a little longer,” Wooyoung grinned.



Dear diary,


ALRIGHT, FIRST AND FOREMOST, I PASSED MY PAPERS. I've telling April and Nana about it the whole day, I think they're getting annoyed with me now. But who cares! I PASSED MY EXAMS ALL THANKS TO JANG WOOYOUNG. YIPPEEEDEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Now, I've got to help out with the fund raising concert. More work.. Oh joy!




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that's true... i never believed she will comfort him, but because she has a big heart, that's why she forgot for a moment that he played with her heart, hurting her like that...<br />
still...pity him a bit:D<br />
Woo is way toooooo sweet!<333<br />
first kiss<33333333333<br />
hehehe^^<br />
and not to forgot about CN BLUE!! i will melt just passing them haha^^<br />
and the sweet boys who sang a serenade hihi^^ sweet <333<br />
hahaha that last phrase was so cool, coming from Woo's mouth!! hihihi<br />
sorry for my late comment <br />
i'm on hiatus:D need to study! haha how well your ch came with my school ;___;<br />
love it! <br />
can't wait for next and like Amy said in the ch: YOU LIKE WOO!!! <br />
btw: love the poster<333333 hihihi^^<br />
new reader, ANNYEONG! OMGAWD. Wooyoung, can you possibly be anymore cuter?! Seungmi needs to hurry and trust him! And I think Nichkhun's getting jealouss~i bet he regrets standing her up now. KEKE.
omo! she likes Woo too ? she's confused?... hmm.. and now Khun acts like he has feelings for her !! aish! complicated things!<br />
can't wait for next<3333<br />
Hey there,<br />
<br />
Just stopping by to tell you thank you for waiting patiently for your poster. Our designers will work on it as soon as possible.
GAH DX< Dang it T.T I hate how right when I start getting into the ends and I have to wait DX OMG poor Wooyoung XD he was" POOPING EVERYWHERE" BUAHAHAHAHA XD T_____T Khun....what an T___________T DX< Really now??? T.T I would have kicked his LOL Just punch him right in the face after talking as if nothing happened ._. LOL This is a good story ^^ Im excited for more chapters XD
Go for Woooooo~~~ <br />
hahahaha omg! i laughed so hard at the part with "diarrhoea" hahaha pfff<br />
I'm happy she told him the truth and in her place i will never talk with him again!! Gosh, jerk! can't he think till kissing?! i'm so frustrated!!<br />
But i'm happy Woo confessed!! yay!! <3333<br />
can't wait for next;)<br />
sorry for the late comment, but i didn't see you had updated ;__;<br />