Getting Closer

Falling for you... always and forever

There was only just over two weeks until Jongsica’s wedding and things were hectic. Everything was booked and well planned but Sica was freaking out and Jonghyun was getting anxious. To add onto that stress, the bridesmaids dresses for Yoona, Yuri and Sooyoung had been returned to the designer three weeks ago since they were too big but they had yet to be sent back with adjustments.
‘Why did you children have to lose weight?’ Sica scolded Yoona, Yuri and Sooyoung when they were all at her place going over the wedding schedule.
‘I don’t know!! I ate a lot but it just went away!’ Sooyoung said.
‘Yup! And me too!! I must be doing more exercise than usual…’ Yoona added.
‘Uhh…’ Yuri looked at Minho who was lying down on her lap.
Eunhyuk started laughing, ‘ohh!! I get it!! Too much se- Mmphh!!’ 
Hyoyeon had her hands clamped over his mouth as she glared at him, ‘don’t say that word in front of the kids.’
‘It’s not like their listening,’ Taemin pointed out.
‘They might look like they’re not listening but they actually are, they don’t pay full attention but they do register what is going on,’ Taeyeon snapped.
‘Okay…’ Taemin whimpered.  

‘Putting aside the problem with dresses, we also have to make sure all the kids know what they are doing,’ Key said.
‘We’ll teach them during the dress rehearsals and go over it once more before the real one,’ Jonghyun said.
‘And of course, I’m sure we’ll all remind our kids between the dress rehearsals and the big day,’ Sunny said.
‘I wouldn’t trust Chansung with that, he might be a parent now but he is very forgetful and might teach little them wrong,’ Taemin said.
‘… he may be right. He is the closest with Chansung out of us, after all,’ Onew pointed out.
‘We’ll think of something, okay?!’ Jonghyun snapped while raking his hands through his hair.

‘Sorry, hyung…’ Taemin apologized, ‘I won’t say anymore… and I’ll help Chansung teach Jeseung what he has to do during your wedding…’
‘No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap… but it’s just a lot of pressure, you know? Maybe we shouldn’t have picked so many flower-girls and pageboys,’ Jonghyun sighed.
‘Relax hyung, the kids aren’t stupid,’ Key rolled his eyes.
‘And everything will just fall into place on the day, and you have all of us to help if it doesn’t,’ Sungmin said.
Jonghyun smiled, ‘you guys are the best, you know that? What would I do without you?’
‘Nothing at all, Kim Jonghyun,’ Taeyeon answered jokingly, ‘now let’s get back to the wedding schedule, Haneul has to be at her swimming lessons at 5 and we can’t be late.’

After they finished going over the schedule for the big day everyone went on their own way, leaving Jonghyun and Jessica alone in their big apartment. Jonghyun closed the door behind Sookey as they left and walked back into the Entertainment room. Sica was cleaning up the area where the child were playing but stopped when Jonghyun collapsed on the couch near her.
‘Get up and help me,’ she slapped his legs.
‘Nooooo!!’ he whined and sat up.   
‘Help me!!’ Sica pouted.
‘Nooooo!!’ he said again, reaching down and scooping her into his arms.
Jonghyun lay back down with Sica in his arms, burying his face in her hair and mumbling, ‘sleep now, clean up later.’
Sica rolled her eyes, ‘lazy~’ she sang but nonetheless complied to Jonghyun’s request, turning her body to face him and wrapping her arms around his neck.  

‘Uh oh!! Where’s the ajusshi? Where’s the ajusshi gone, Micha? Where is he?’ Wooyoung cooed.
The eighth month old baby babbled back while pointing at the ajusshi toy on the bike drove across the nursery.
‘Oh! There he is!! He’s getting away!!! Micha! Catch him!!’ Wooyoung cried, carrying his daughter and moved her around in the air like an aeroplane, moving towards the ajusshi.
‘Be careful,’ Tiffany said when she popped in to check on them.
‘I will,’ Wooyoung smiled at her and place Micha on the carpet next to the ajusshi who was now going around in circles.
‘Get him!! The ajusshi is running away!!’ Wooyoung cheered, playing with Micha, ‘OH!! Don’t be- GAHH!! Omona!’ he cried when Micha reached out and started smacking the ajusshi, resulting in his neck breaking in half.
Micha looked up at Wooyoung curiously and broke out in a fit of giggles when Wooyoung laughed and shrugged his shoulders saying, ‘uh oh! Too bad!’
Tiffany giggled from the doorway and shook her head in amusement.
‘Come on, dinner’s ready,’ she said.
‘Oh! Were you there the whole time? I thought you went back down!’ Wooyoung cried.
‘Yes,’ Tiffany gave him her best eye-smile, ‘come on, my two most precious people in the world.’
Wooyoung smiled back and picked Micha up, following Tiffany downstairs.

‘Wow! Haneul is just getting better and better!’ Onew cried.
‘Of course, we pay for expensive swimming lessons, if she didn’t make any improvement, then we wouldn’t be here,’ Taeyeon said.
Sungmin laughed, ‘only the best for the daughters of SNSD.’
‘Damn right,’ Sunny replied, ‘but maybe that’s why Soomin’s so spoilt and thinks she can get whatever she likes.’
Sungmin rolled his eyes, ‘not this again!’
‘What? It’s a big problem!’
‘Can’t we just enjoy watching Soomin and Haneul swim?’ Sungmin asked.
Taeyeon laughed, ‘relax, Sunny. She’s just naturally bossy, like her mother.’
‘I’m not bossy!’ Sunny exclaimed.
‘Really?’ Onew asked with his eyebrows raised.
‘Yes, really!’
‘I doubt that…’
‘Yah! Lee Jinki! You better take that- oh! What are you doing here, Jeseung?’ Sunny asked when she saw the little boy standing next to her.

‘I’m starting swimming lessons today! With Soomin and Haneul!’ he said happily.
‘Jeseung!! Come back here!!’ Chansung yelled while running towards them, ‘oh! Sungmin! Sunny! Onew! Taeyeon! Hi!’
‘Annyong,’ they all replied.
‘I’m going into the pool now, okay?’ Jeseung told Chansung and headed off.
‘Wait! I need to talk to the instructor!’ Chansung cried.
‘I know how to talk to the instructor myself! Everyone knows who Chansung from 2pm’s son is! He won’t question what I’m doing here,’ Jeseung replied and ran off.
‘Don’t run around the pool!’ Chansung yelled after him, ‘aish… kids these days… he doesn’t listen to me.’
‘You’re not strict enough,’ Onew told him.
‘Like you are! You’d let Haneul get away with anything!’ Chansung scoffed.
‘He’s right,’ Taeyeon laughed.
‘Hmph!’ Onew pouted.
‘Dad!! The instructor said he can’t teach me until I show him proof that I’m part of the lesson group! Something about a receipt! I shouldn’t need a receipt! I’m your son! It’s like he’s saying we can’t afford a lesson!’ Jeseung cried while running towards them.
‘Aish! See? I told you so!’ Chansung told his son, ‘I’ll be back,’ he said to the others and walked after his son.

‘You know, I don’t know how you’re not pregnant,’ Sooyoung said to Yuri while looking at Minho who stood in line with Key and Taecyeon.
‘I know! You guys do it SO much!’ Yoona said exasperated.
‘And you guys don’t use any protection!’ Sooyoung added.
Yuri shrugged, ‘I don’t know. It’s not like you guys are any better.’
‘Key uses protection,’ Sooyoung said.
‘And even though my fiancée is a beast, we still do not do it as much as you two,’ Yoona said.
‘It’s not like we’ve done it with anyone else so we don’t have anything that we need to protect ourselves from, and we’re married. Big deal,’ Yuri rolled her eyes, trying to end the conversation.
‘STILL!’ Sooyoung and Yoona cried.
‘Guys, I don’t think this is the right place to be talking about these things,’ Yuri said.
Sooyoung looked around, ‘there’s no one here. It’s a secluded café that no one knows about.’
‘Of course no one knows about it, other than idols. It only caters for idols anyways,’ Yoona said.

‘What are you girls talking about?’ Taecyeon asked, appearing out of nowhere.
‘Did you guys order the food and drinks?’ Sooyoung asked.
‘Yes, of course, yeobo,’ Key answered mechanically as he slide into the booth, beside Sooyoung.
‘So, what were you girls talking about?’ Taecyeon asked again.
‘Oh, just about how Yuri and Minho do it so much but somehow, she’s not pregnant yet,’ Yoona said casually.
Yuri blushed furiously while Minho said, ‘it’s none of your business.’
‘Just stating the truth,’ Key said, ‘hey! Remember that one time when we all used to live in the apartments that were all on the same floor? And no sound-proof walls? They went on forever, every night.’
‘Oh my gosh!! YES!! All of us heard it!’ Yoona cried.
‘Absolutely terrible!’ Sooyoung added.
‘I know right! Yoona and I were going to ask to stay over at your place until Sarah stopped teething but we remembered your sleeping habits,’ Taecyeon told Minho.

‘Uhh… your drinks?’ a waitress appeared and placed their drinks on the table before disappearing behind the counter.
‘Do you think she heard?’ Yuri asked worriedly.
‘I doubt it, besides, anyone who works here has to sign a contract where they are not allowed to speak about what goes on in this café,’ Key flicked his hair arrogantly.
Sooyoung knocked his head, ‘stop thinking you’re so good.’
‘Who cares, anyway? Besides, she knows you’re married, so of course you and Minho are going to get it on,’ Taecyeon said.
Yuri just nodded.
‘Well, I’m just glad that we all live in apartments that take up a whole floor, nowadays,’ Key said, cracking a joke to break the tension.
‘Not us, live only on half a floor, the other half is Nichkhun’s,’ Taecyeon pointed out.
‘Better than living on the same floor with these two maniacs,’ Sooyoung said, and they all went back to talking about Minho and Yuri’s lives as they waited for their food.

‘Thanks for coming over and looking after the kids,’ Eunhyuk patted his maknae’s back.
‘No problems, hyung. Seohyun and I didn’t have any plans anyway,’ Kyuhyun said.
‘That’s lucky then, since we were asked last minute to host the Music Wave Concert,’ Hyoyeon said as she walked down the stairs.
‘The Music Wave Concert does sound fun, only rookie groups are performing so it’ll be fresh and new,’ Seohyun said.
‘It will be, well, we’re going, bye kids!’ Eunhyuk called out.
‘Bye mum! Bye dad! Have fun!’ Yojin and Hyungjoon hugged their parents and ran back into the living room.
‘So, what do you kids want to do for the rest of the right?’ Kyuhyun asked.


(a/n): it's been ages but I'm just soooo tired!!! I wasn't even going to update today but i felt bad... so yeah... I'm so sore and tired from school and sport... i could just collapse in bed and sleep but i can't... anyways, i know it's a bad chap but i kinda rushed it... and i wasn't even sure if anyone even reads this anymore... i was thinking about deleting it or just quickly finishing off the story... i have no inspiration... well, until next time...

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Chapter 15: I love it.
and my favourite couple is OnTaeng,Jongsica, and Minyul
New reader here :)
Minyul1259 #2
Chapter 15: I love reading these sequels they are so cute especially Minyul and yoonyulsic. Thank for taking the time to write these I love them and hope school goes well for you author nim :) Thank you for all the Minyul moments I love their romance. Hehe :D
138Jin #3
Chapter 15: So good so far I meant to say.
138Jin #4
Chapter 15: Ahhh. So goos so far. Please continue and end this so it's perfect.
Chapter 15: the kids is so cute..
Minyul couple is my favorite ..
yurisaranghaeminho #6
Chapter 15: wow please update more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. :)
yurisaranghaeminho #7
WoW this story is so pretty i've been reading the part 1 of this story until part and now part three youre an awesome!!> daebak author-nim
typicaltaeyeon #8
Chapter 15: OnTaeng and Haneul moments <3 keke~ and the stalker too. :3
pangetka #9
Chapter 7: Riinnn unnie,update please.

I am still waiting for your nice updates although the last one was ages ago.XD
Chapter 5: taecyoon is my fav couple!!!!