
Life After Married

Smile was lazy to leave. Beautiful  face brightened, showing her happiness as well as the morning sun lightened one room to make whole things was clearly visible.


The black suit wearers also looked more handsome that day. From his eyes,  a great spirit can be caught about continually his relationship.


She deepen into the eyes who staring  at herself. Their confidence grew more and more.

Nothing else – both were just felt relief to the next step.

A ring then fit to the pinky finger.


Kibum felt a calmness in everytime she remembered what she ever done around 3 days before.


A beautiful ring was still on her finger, she noticed then touched as usual.  And her red lips smiled again.


Yoona turned, looked at Kibum.


'She’s is happy..' Yoona muttered to herself. For the next, she should back to be focused on the street. But she caught the mp3 was playing a happy song. She paused for a while, she remembered that wasn’t herself play that song.


' Ah~~  Kimbum-ssi is better now. She has been understood about a song. This song is pretty good. ' Yoona nodded in her heart.

Yoona was happy too for Kibum, sheh loved the song has chosed by Kibum. She flew her head into music rythme as focused on driving.


Then about Kibum, she was smiling in silent while looked at front. Ah .. ~ 3 days before was really the happinest of anything Siwon has been given, a thing which being worn was such a beautiful prize during their togetherness in some time.



Minhyun were busy searching with a book in hand. Yunho even have to go first in order to make Minhyun realize his arrival at Minhyun’s room.


"This  is report for this month." Yunho his report.


"Ah, ne .." shortly Minhyun replied, but he kept reading what was in his hand.

“ Company records of this month is better, so that you're so happy as now?" asked Yunho later.

"Ah ..?" Minhyun then raised his face to get Yunho. He smiled at his friend , "Me and Ren has decided for decorating our baby room. And this is  what they offered to us. " explained Minhyun.


Yunho got a catalog from Minhyun. Yunho being interested after he read further the babies room catalog.


"What do you think? Any of their decorating which are suitable for a baby girl?" Minyun’s question out when Yunho was so serious observing each page of the catalog.

He was still reading, but clearly could heard what Minhyun spoke. "Wait!" Yunho turned back the previous page he had passed, while Minhyun patiently looking at.


Yunho pointed one page to his sajangnim, " Is it better? I think you're just going a little renovating after your baby will be a little girl."

Minhyun also have the same thought, he said OK too , " Ren will definitely love it. Her favorite is barbie. Surely she will be eager to pick a few items to fill our baby's room later. Gomawo  ^ ^ "

"Is not Ren getting busy after your baby is born? Why you’re thinking to make a new baby's room now? "the next question from Yunho made Minhyun’s smile slowly faded.

" You're right. But saw her very eager to have it for our baby. Finally made me get back to someone who has helped my noona decorated a bedroom for her son. "

Yunho understood what Minhyun would to explain, he back to see the catalog then.

Yunho admired to each page of the catalog that showing awesome decoration. His heart didn’t have any doubt, definitely  if that rooms would be the beautifull prize for recently couple who had a baby.


Jaejoong dropped by a taxi that took her to a shopping center. She entered that place alone.

Few minutes has gone already, she walked around aimlessly. Jaejoong was getting bored as she done only watched some outlets inside. Her hand moved to reach the phone from in a bag she was carried.

Junsu could heard the ringing of her phone on dining table from her kitchen. She immediately left the sink containing dirty plates, her steps headed to where the sounds after she washed her hands.

"Nde ..?" Junsu answered the call.


"Okay, I'll go there." Promised Junsu.

After Jaejoong closed the connection, she paused for some seconds before she continued her walks without anyone beside.


She broke a pause with her steps. Jaejoong went onto somewhere following her foots would to bring herself, her heart still said the same. “ Fuuh ~ ~ “ A sigh came out again,  none have attracted her.



Junsu rushed out herself from cab to get Jaejoong soon. She quickened her pace among visitors was quite crowded inside the shopping center.

During searching her eonnie, Junsu wondered about Jaejoong that choosen one mall which  was quite far from where she lived. Junsu thought she would ask her cousin after she could to find it.


Junsu stopped as she found Jaejoong leaning on a chair at one of the food court tables. She could threw her breath that time in relief.

She approched to Jaejoong. Nothing was ordered and served on Jaejoong’s table. She switched to her eonnie, but Jaejoong tried to rise from her seat. "Come on Suie, I've been waiting you. Let's take a walk. "

Junsu was dazed, her eyes rounded, she still tired but Jaejoong directly drawn without let it rest.



"Eonnie ..?" Junsu tried to ask as Jaejoong pulled her hand. Her cousin seemed very different, she tired already but why Jaejoong was still eager to keep going.

 "Are you alone to this place?" Junsu succeed to stop Jaejoong.

But the right-answer wasn’t out, due to a question from Junsu was recorded differently in Jaejoong’s brain. "Did you see Yunho here? Where did you see? " Jaejoong then spotted some place nearby to look for someone who really wanted to see.

" No... that’s not what I meant. " Her cousin back to listen Junsu,  " Eonnie never go alone and will usually complain of tired after walking a few minutes. But now???.. "

" Looks like my aegya in mood for shopping, since they had no complaints at all." Jaejoong explained, she replied in smile. After finish,  Jaejoong began to leave her cousin.

Junsu out a question again when her step has been align, " Eonnie, whether aegya also makes you want to shop in the shopping center like this? "

Jaejoong almost has the same habits with Kibum. They already have some favorite place to visit and they would never took their steps for another place, except their cousin - Junsu would invite them to visit.

The question-before didn’t get any answer.


Junsu broke her steps because Jaejoong had stopped at front.




Junsu then closer to Jaejoong wasn’t move at all. Junsu went to observe where Jaejoong eyes looked at.

In front of them, a lot of people milling around cart items got super big discounts.

"PPALI! GIVE TWO ITEMS ABOVE 100,000, WE’LL CUT IT INTO HALF PRICE ONLY! " shouted a worker there who managed the crowds through a loudspeaker.

" FIFTEEN MINUTES  ONLY! “ while he checked his watch, later he yelled “ LET’S TAKE SOME ITEMS THEN GIVE IT TO COUNT HOW MUCH TO BE PAID! "


Speaker has kept away as some people ran towards him, but his voice can still be reflected to the speaker. " Ah! wait! Wait! OK, DO NOT squeeze " reminded the worker ,then he  getting busy.


" I have to check first ... It’s OK” Obviously, from his back, anyone could saw him returned the goods in hands to customer. And let his customer left and headed to cashier.


Again the worker yelled to refresh the rest-time, "10 MINUTES AGAIN! We will replace TROLLEY WITH THE NEW ONE "

 "Junsu, we go there!” softly voice of Jaejoong, made Junsu turned at. Jaejoong has switched to her cousin, “Looks like it’s exciting! "

Junsu banned Jaejoong immediately, " Eonnie! You can not be there! - How you can jostle with a lot of people!?? "

"But it would be nice~~  ^ ^"

"No! You can not go! How are you going to beat them with a big belly like that! "Grumbled Junsu.

"Let me do it!" Junsu said as she walked away excited.

Jaejoong immediately grabbed Junsu hand, "Do not you remember about your condition now! -_-" asked Jaejoong to stop Junsu desire.

Junsu's eyes were her own stomach that still flat. She had almost forgotten the important things of herself.

Junsu was silent as she watched Jaejoong being contacted someone.


Kibum was almost run when she came out of her office. Kibum quickened to down stairs and her manager caught as would to meet her in Kibum’s room.  

Kibum directly withdraw Yoona to follow to leave the workplace once she caught her manager in her sight.

 Yoona trying hard to still be behind Kibum was holding her hand as she brought it ran. Yoona quite difficult because of the high heels she was being worn - but much more the difficult one was about the resistance of her curiosity to not ask her sajangnim.


"Is there a big problem with our cooperation?" finally Yoona given a question.

Kibum off  Yoona hand after  they stopped near the car. Kibum explanation was,  "This is bigger than a problem you said!"

The conversation has finish,  Kibum opened the handle of the car soon, put Yoona into the car after that she had to walk around to get into Yoona’s car.

But Yoona was again asking after Kibum had put her on her seat, "Is it about our new partnership?"

"Run fast!"

Yoona couldn’t do anything, she followed Kibum instruction - she pressed the gas to leave Kim's bridals.


Yoona couldn’t manage her car on the street because she has to drive in accordance with sajangnim instructions. Sometimes Yoona had to drive quickly, then he had to suddenly pushed the brakes to slow down and diverted the car direction to elsewhere.

"SAJANGNIM, HOW THIS!~~~ " Yoona cried when she saw the mirror from her seat if there was another car behind them who continued to follow.

" Hey, speeding car! And ignore them! "

Yoona picking up speed regardless of police’s alarm were after her car.

"TURNING LEFT!" Commanded Kibum and Yoona instantly rotated the wheel on the same. The car's speed increased accordingly,  after that the car completely entered the path she took.



"Kibum-ssi, is not we’ll meet the shopping center? -"

Kibum bit annoyed with her manager.

 "Speeding your car only,  so that I soon get there!" and  Kibum tried to seize the steer was being held Yoona.

Yoona pressing more gas in, the car went  faster. Kibum realized it, she glanced at Yoona for a while before let go of her hands from the steering wheel.


Yoona opened her window, she stopped Kibum that will head to shopping center. "Kibum-ssi, if here is a problem did you mean? May I help-"

Kibum hold back hastily as Yoona who intends to open a car door, "You'd better go back and finish the job. I can handle it myself. "

Yoona just sighed limp to see Kibum left herself for heading  a shopping center.


Breathlessly~ Kibum has found her eonnie and her cousin, both of them were standing and paid attention to one place.

"Eonnie?" her calling disegarded them so that Kibum then approached to stand beside Junsu. She noticed Junsu and Jaejoong still ignored her arrival.

Kibum saw what was seen her both eonnie, till she heard, "I want the pink color ( Jaejoong said ).” Kibum relieved because Jaejoong turned out well after hearing what her eonnie desired.

 "The blue color is more good" Junsu stated after Jaejoong without regard to anyone, she just looked at yeoja carrying a cute baby blue dress.

Kibum observed to yeoja that Junsu meant.

Jaejoong eyes took around, finally she got  "You're here?" Jaejoong asked as she saw her dongsaeng come already and standing beside Junsu

 "Are you okay?" asked Kibum on Jaejoong who sounded very worried. Kibum remembered how Jaejoong spoke on the phone,” Bummie-ah, eonnie get a difficult. Can you come? “


Jaejoong switched on Junsu, both were looking at each other. Later, two eonnie put their sights  back to see the crowds was fighting over stuff which got  50% discount.

Kibum could heard very clearly, "NEXT TROLEY! WE DO DISCOUNT PRICE OF 75% "

Junsu and Jaejoong went to see their dongsaeng at same time. Kibum refused them directly although Jaejoong or Junsu have spoke yet, "Eonnie! You're not going to ask me to- "

But Junsu and Jaejoong nodded simultaneously to Kibum.


"Eonnie ... ~ ~"  Kibum whining again.

"Eonnie also did not want to trouble you, but Junsu prohibited eonnie to get there. Eonnie wants the pink baby clothes, Bummie-ah ~" Jaejoong persuaded on her dongsaeng who so loved her.

"Andwee, you should get blue! That's better! "Junsu convinced that Kibum had to take as she wanted.

"We should forget about it,  Junsu-ah~  We can not force Bummie ... "Jaejoong  was saying weakly while rubbing her big belly.

Kibum glanced to her appearances. She was wearing high heels, short skirts not touch her knee, and blue blazer which the color matched with her short skirts.

Kibum really did not have another choice.

Kibum sighed in quiet. Hardly but she had to answered , "Ne~~ I'll take it for you.."


Junsu and Jaejoong got tired of seeing Kibum. Their dongsaeng always bethe loser to seize any items from  the crowd that wanted the same goods. But Kibum who did not want to give up was there to fight being the winner and would to bring what Jaejoong and Junsu eonnie wanted.

Jaejoong were to Junsu, she opened a talks, "How if we look for CD music?"

Junsu left her sight before from her-Kibummie was still fighting among other customers . "Better we go there! “ Junsu pointed one outlet, she explained to Jaejoong was,” There also available CD movie? "she said enthusiastically.


Kibum has been left, they chatted while toward to CD outlet.



Jaejoong watched Junsu was choosing a CD movie. She put the CD in her hands to approached Junsu.

"You find something to buy?" asked Jaejoong after she being next to her cousin.

Instead of Junsu still read a summary of the story of CD  was in her hand, nothing a reply.

 "Eum?"  few seconds later, she left her reading to see Jaejoong.

Jaejoong were looking at Junsu, "Are you still thinking to hide from him?"

Junsu was still at Jaejoong, listening her cousin advise  "You should tell him-"

Junsu cut Jaejoong words suddenly, "I think he will know if he really care to me. I can’t think of anything to tell. " after that she completely turned away. She was more interested to read movie summaries in her hand than discussed about her problems.

 'Stubborn! Since when she being such now! Is not her husband was supposed to know about it so that they can manage all together! ‘ Jaejoong muttered on herself in her heart.

Junsu has found an interesting thing of the CD in her hands. Her eyes went to search the title of the movie to be bought.

Her sight paused, CD which in hand has tittled  "Lie to own husband


finally we update the new chapter,yey!!!!

are you still the waiting our story?
or you already going to leave us?
emhh ... seems so ..
what if we just end the story?
please give your comment,so we know what u want guys...
Tenkyu guyss
^ 0 ^

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buffy501 #1
Chapter 8: Hii authornim im your new reader, cannot wait for yoosu story
Chapter 7: uh-oh an update!
yunho is really one kind of possessive husband over Jaejoong.
Chapter 6: yunjae, sweet as always but anticipating for YooSu and cheated Yoochun behind Junsu. did he really cheating? i re-read whole story again.
hanazawakay #4
Chapter 5: Yach...i thing junsu pregnant...
Are u agree with me???
Jun_xi #5
Chapter 5: Is junsu pregnant?
jongiezu #6
Chapter 4: did junsu pregnant ?? hope chun isn't cheating behind her back then ;'(
Chapter 3: omo!!!!!!!~~~~~
Chapter 3: did Yoochun was really cheated on Junsu???
Chapter 2: hahhaa....poor junsu!!
sapphirewing #10
Chapter 1: Haha... Sorry for not commenting before ^.^ wonder what siwon need to do to make kibum not being angry with him. Update soon ^^