Kibum Day's

Life After Married

Kibum really feel  lazy, but she did not have a reason for not working that day. Yoona has been picked her up at home this morning and would immediately take him to the treatment center her belongs. They would go by Yoona car, because Kibum was being lazy to drive her car.


Along the way, Kibum and Yoona were being silent. Yoona was suddenly felt bored then she played his favorite music. Kibum a glimpse glanced to her assistant after a while Yoona enjoyed the favorite one inside the car. But Kibum didn't say anything, she remain to be silent. On that morning, a strange thing was happening on Yoona's day. But Yoona didn't to care about that as it was very rare - Kibum didn't scold her to turn off upbeat rock music which can sensitize the ears.


Yoona drove her car through the street’s were not too crowded.


Not too long, Yoona pulled up to a spot with some of the guests who have come. More precisely on the day, the place of body treatments Kibum belongs were being invited some guests to get the new facility that will be used for their customers going forward.


Yoona following Kibum down from the car , both walked toward along then greeted the guests who were invited by them that day to get the free service in Kim's Skincare. Kibum has completely forgotten her problem after she had into. She was seen talking and exemplifies the treatment to be perfomed by her staff would using a new equipments that she had bought at few time ago by a help of collaboration with her business partners.


Yoona observed her sajangnim exemplifies how to use a cream to loosen hair and fixing up the customer's hair would going to be ready under a helm heater that had been prepared. Yoona smiled at Kibum was doing everything well as usual. She is an admirer of her sajangnim itself, because Kibum is a figure who really successful workers who wanted to be followed.




Yoona slightly quickened her steps as Kibum had walked in front of him so quickly. In fact, their distance were far enough. Yoona only didn't want her sajangnim to be the first who reach her car then would be waiting herself there.


Yoona could align herself at Kibum. His hand later reached the handle to allow Kibum got into her car.


They were return being silent while Yoona driving toward Kim's Bridal.


Yoona glanced to Kibum. But her sajangnim was seeing the view outside through the windshield side. Yoona felt bored so her hand closer to turn on the music.


"Turn off your music. Do I have to constantly remind you that I do not like it." Kibum scolded without any notice on Yoona. Her assistant slowly backward her own hand to touch the mp3 player, she had pushed her desired in her deep heart too.


Yoona had understood her sajangnim, she did not reply anything on Kibum word. She paused to see her sajangnim was resting her head while enjoying the scenery outside. Yoona wanted to ask what's happening on Kibum. But Kibum personality was the introvert ones made Yoona  threw up her thought before.




They had arrived at the bridals, Yoona went after Kibum. Yoona was recently being realized if her sajangnim needs time to be alone.


Yoona stopped her steps as she saw Kibum had entered the room. Yoona stunned a moment until her assistant came then calling, " Yoona-ssi, it reports that you need."


Later, the file has moved into Yoona hand and her assistent just left of. A moment she wathed her assistant got into sajangnim room, but then her mind suddenly remembered that she had a completed file and should be showed to her sajangnim


Yoona quickened her pace heading into her desk, she immediately grabbed the file was in her room. She rushed herself got out of his own office toward Kibum room.



Yoona no need to waste too much time only asking Kibum to sign her file. She got it easily without Kibum invetigates and asked in more detail about what was to be proposed.


Yoona released handle of the door, she had just closed her sajangnim's room but she still felt there was something that made her hesitate. So she returned to read thoroughly its file


"Yoona-ssi" admonished her assistant who patted Yoona shoulder as Yoona was so focused to read the file while she walking, even she didn't realize that she had passed her room.


"Euh?" Yoona raised her half eyebrow while looking at her assistant to reply. "You're going to back sajangnim room?" asked Yoona and her assistant replied with a slight nod.


"Once I checked a report which signed sajangnim.  I just knew if there are some mistakes in this report." said the yeoja while showing the reports in her hand in front of Yoona.


"Yoona-ssi" the yeoja calling again. Yoona immediately looked towards her assistant.


"You have passed your office" her assitant finished her talks, Yoona then following the direction that showed - where her assistant's finger pointed her door's room has left at behind.


Yoona turned to see her assistant, she got a slightly bow as her assistant had to get into sajangnim room.


The yeoja had gone, Yoona also just found a mistake in file has signed Kibum after she carefully re-checked the file.


Yoona slightly run to get back into her room. She had just remembered if she had made the revision, and that file should be get Kibum signed.




Kibum was signing Yoona given file.Yoona was watching Kibum signing on her report. She has done as before.


Kibum straighten her hand was holding file approached to Yoona.


Yoona could no longer to not speak to her sajangnim. File has moved in her hand, she began to open her talks "Sajangnim, I think you'd better go home."


Kibum raised her face to listen Yoona says, "I can take sajangnim to home, then I'll back here to continue my job."


Kibum got up from her seat, she was saying one thing to her assistant " You can go. I will come to your car after I got out of the toilet. "


Yoona stood silently while watching Kibum walked toward to toilet . Once the toilet had locked from inside, Yoona headed to leave Kibum room.




"You're going to lunch outside?" Asked her assistant which again met in the parking area while stood near the car. She has stopped to touch her door's car handle.


"Sajangnim is a bit unwell, I would take her home. Maybe I'll order food and have lunch at the office. "Yoona replied to her.


"Could it be that she is having problems with Siwon-ssi?"


"How did you know? - Did you see? "Yoona asking that sounded more enthusiastic.


"Is not she always been like that every she fights or has problems with her namjachingu? You not remember when he was furious at the time in the lobby because her namjachingu bought the wrong size of shoes for her. "


"Aish ..~!!" Yoona slighted her eyes then, because in fact she was really... really ... annoyed at her own assistant. How not!! Because it turns out that her assistant did not know anything but she just had a guess about her sajangnim's problem and tried to spread up an rumors in front of Yoona.


" Just get into your car. You do not want to waste too much time of your lunch, right?" Yoona warned to her assistant to leave their place immediately.




Yoona drove Kibum to home. Her car has stopped at Kibum house,then she rushed to open the door for her sajangnim. Kibum did not say anything after she arrived at home, she later approach to home.


Yoona stunned and let her sajanim step by step made a distance then away from her sight. Yoona turned her legs to get into the car after she has made sure that Kibum closed the door.




Kibum felt her entire body was tired. She leaned herself at headboard of her bed, she felt uncomfortable. She then put her hand on the forehead, she realized that  she was ill.


Kibum got up from the bed and approached the cupboard to take her clothes. She decided to change her clothes in the bathroom was in her room.


She came out with her pajamas later. Her condition was not really good. since she left home earlier when Yoona picked her up at morning, she has decided to leave her phone. She really need a time for herself only, without someone else would be annoy. The phone was still on the table next to her bed. Kibum began lying on the bed. Afterwards she pulled the blanket and raised untill covering her body. She was under the blanket, slowly she closed her eyes. She could did it easily due her mind was tired full.




"What do you think? Do you think he can persuade Siwon? "


A namja slightly raised his shoulder, he replied the question "We'll never know until-"

Those words had been cut, when the door was slowly opened by someone looks came out later from a room that they had been waiting.


Both namja disscussed about their chingu who tried to get their sajangnim to go along with them for lunch at outside. But their spoke up was abrupted as their chingu getting closer to them after he had closed the sajangnim room.


A chingu has out his wryly smile and another one only looked at his partner did not bring anyone at his side.


"He said, he didn't want to lunch?" Asked a chingu has given a wry smile.


His chingu only replied by stretched out his both arms while he toward on his partners "As you can see.."


"Ash! .. - He looks strange for two days. He should be happy because the company could added partners business " said the namja was looking his chingun who walked up to him.


The trio then walked together and still talk about Siwon.


"I guess he is having a problem with Kibum."  Said the namja who given wryly smile,he early have thought if Siwon will not join lunch with them.



"How did you know?" asked the namja who just out from Siwon room was excited when hearing the explanation.


"You still ask such a thing?? You have already know if no one else could made him having a face such he had just returned from the funeral.  In addition there's another one -  thats caused by Kibum only. "


Instantly three of them could not hide to laughter loud.




Siwon was still in front of his desk with some files messed up. He deliberately did not stop its activities because the brain really can not think of a single thing that he could to do to safe his relationship with his beloved yeojachingu.


Siwon annoyed by himself , he couldn't stand any longer - he threw a pen he was used for doing correction his reports.


Siwon pulled back himself to laid the tired body on his seat. His body was so tired and his head felt too heavy until he had leaned his head. Slowly, both of his eyes going to close.


His brain moved to imagine what he would do to get apologize from his yeojachingu.


Siwon came with a bucket of red roses and knelt in front of Kibum. Finally Kibum turned to see him. Siwon earnestly feel very good, because it has been so long that he did not see Kibum looked at him. And Siwon developed his smile after that.


Kibum grabbed the bucket was in Siwon's hand. She closer the bucket of red roses which in her hand to herself.


Siwon was watching him. But Kibum changed her expression, she pouted her lips to Siwon. Next, Kibum turned herself to showing what was hidden at behind of itself.


So many roses were at Kibum behind, Siwon also noticed the roses looks so pretty in the variety bucket and even some of them were in the ceramic vase. Siwon's eyes caught more detail if the flowers at Kibum behind was the giving of Kibum's business partners. It has been clear as Siwon could read the speech was aimed to Kim's bridal.


Siwon's eyes looking around to find out where he was kneeling in front of Kibum at the time. The empty room then was turned into Kim's bridal lobby.


Siwon stunned because surrounding then turned into some people passing around himself and Kibum. They also give you a weird look on her.


Siwon returned to watch Kibum. His yeojachingu approached him to declined the bucket which has given.


Kibum went away without said anything to Siwon was kneeling and watching Kibum moved away.


Siwon hasn't give up yet, he was still thinking to make Kibum accept his apology. Siwon got up from his leaning. Siwon sat with more docked at his desk to think about what he would do next. The shadows splitted up in his mind later.


Siwon back and forth near his car was stopped in front of Kim's bridal. He had thought if he would insist to Kibum to go along with him and would talk later about their problems.


Looked Kibum out along with her assistants was following Kibum from behind. Siwon, who was leaning on the car then got up himself, then approached Kibum immediately.


Siwon grabbed Kibum hand after he was near to his yeojachingu, he wanted to bring Kibum away by his car. But Kibum's assistant has reached Siwon hand, " Sorry, Siwon-ssi, but sajangnim is very busy."


"But I have to talk to her..?"  explained Siwon to Yoona. But Yoona could took control Siwon hand to not touch her sajangnim. Yoona rushed to drive her sajangnim into her car.


Siwon tried to stop Kibum would get into the car. Siwon watched his yeojachingu, but Kibum didn't give a chance look at Siwon. She has decided wearing her black-sunglasses to avoid her namjachingu.


Siwon has realized that he deliberately ignored. Yoona didn't care about what was happening that time, she hastily invited Kibum entered after opening the door. Kibum then followed Yoona has opened the door and invited Kibum got into the car


Yoona has closed the door for her sajangnim. She then followed Kibum to get into the car. Yoona slide down a bit of her windshiled as she wanted to say something before she leave, "Juseonghamnida, but we don't have too much time. Because sajangnim would be in a plane to aboard in few minutes."


Yoona glanced her watch at her arms, the time was going to the limit "It's the time, sorry Siwon-ssi . "


Siwon could only watched the car was his yeojachingu inside has gone. He couldn't do anything.


Aaargh ... - Siwon cried in his thought while scratched his head in frustration with its failure on his desk.




Jaejoong had just finished to check her health and her aegya was accompanied by her husband. They look came out along from doctor room where they usually checked Jaejoong pregnancy. Yunho then immediately accompany his wife after he closed the door knob while one of his other hand didn't away from his wife's shoulder. He was patiently next to Jaejoong to support in her ages pregnancy.


" You want to go back to the office?" asked Jaejoong to her husband.


Yunho felt Jaejoong hands moving restless on his-upper arm. He stopped his walks to hold his wife's hand to give a cares. Yunho looked at Jaejoong eyes, "Do you want to go somewhere?"


Jaejoong was looking into Yunho eyes. Her husband developed a smile to her while asked to his beloved wife. Yunho understood that his wife still couldn't let himself of.


But then Jaejoong has realized, then she could threw her breath in relief to let go of Yunho back to work at office. "I can take my vitamins . You can go and don't be late to get home. "


Yunho leaned his face to kiss her forehead. Just a moment they did,  after that Yunho released his kissed to kiss Jaejoong's lips for a while. Jaejoong let herself to accept it.


"Gomawo" replied Yunho as she looked at her wife's pupil more closely.


Yunho let go of Jaejoong hand. He through corridor of the hospital while Jaejoong had not moved from her place for waiting her husband increasing their distance. Then Yunho would disappear from her sight.




Jaejoong got some vitamins that she was bringing in a small plastic bag in her hands. She opened her plastic bag to check one by one the drugs and vitamins has she got. Her eyes caught on a new vitamin that is added to the bundle of drugs and vitamins given to. She were going back to the drugstore to asking further.


Her steps paused as she caught someone he recognized well was taking her medication at same locket.


 'Suie ..' she muttered as she saw the someone there was really her cousin who looked asks some of the drugs that were given to her. That was used to be done when Jaejoong got the first medicines and vitamins from there, because she wanted to drink these all for the health of her baby inside the tummy. It would be supported very well if she knew more information about drugs and vitamins was given.


Jaejoong stopped at Junsu. Her cousin was aware, Junsu then stopped his talks with the officials there was explaining to her.


Junsu raised himself later, she got someone who was nearby. Jaejoong and Junsu, both were silent for staring at each other a moment.


Jaejoong focused observing where Junsu eyes would go to see. Her cousin paused while gently squeezing the plastic that was in her hand.




Both were paused in front of the ice cream they ordered at a few minutes ago. Jaejoong has not said anything, she started scooping ice cream in front of her first. Junsu glanced at herself, but Jaejoong did not see it because she was enjoying the ice cream she ate. Then Junsu followed Jaejoong to start scooping her ice cream.


While Junsu enjoying the ice cream, Jaejoong turned to give attention to Junsu was remain enjoying her ice cream. Feel cared for, Junsu had stopped and put the spoon in cup of her ice cream


Jaejoong was staring to look at Junsu. Jaejoong began the conversation first, "Is Yoochun busy?"


"Eum.." Junsu replied briefly, his eyes were looking at her cup to avoid Jaejoong and her finger were playing at the end of a spoon.


"Chukae.." said Jaejoong, thats made Junsu stopped her activity


Meanwhile her cousin was like as her eonnie kept looking at, but Junsu seemed many times was trying to divert his eyes from Jaejoong's sight "No. .. I was there ... due to take .. to-"


"Is your friend have that one? " Jaejoong started touching plastic was at Junsu side.


Junsu halted both of her eyes on Jaejoong hands that would take the plastic bag. Jaejoong wanted to see Junsu reacts when Jaejoong hand go toward to take it from Junsu, "Well, I'll see it for make sure who owns it."


Junsu was silent until the plastic has moved in Jaejoong hand.


Jaejoong made sure by looking at her cousin, but Junsu didn't say anything. Later Jaejoong began to open the plastic bag was in her holding.


Grep-Junsu hand stopped Jaejoong that going to do it.


finally we update the new chapter of this story ..
\ ^ ^ /
we want to say thank you to the readers, subscribers and the sider's ...
Tenkyu guys have read our story ..

#Big Hugs

please dont forget to leave a comment okei??
and for the sider's come on guys leave a trail ...



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buffy501 #1
Chapter 8: Hii authornim im your new reader, cannot wait for yoosu story
Chapter 7: uh-oh an update!
yunho is really one kind of possessive husband over Jaejoong.
Chapter 6: yunjae, sweet as always but anticipating for YooSu and cheated Yoochun behind Junsu. did he really cheating? i re-read whole story again.
hanazawakay #4
Chapter 5: Yach...i thing junsu pregnant...
Are u agree with me???
Jun_xi #5
Chapter 5: Is junsu pregnant?
jongiezu #6
Chapter 4: did junsu pregnant ?? hope chun isn't cheating behind her back then ;'(
Chapter 3: omo!!!!!!!~~~~~
Chapter 3: did Yoochun was really cheated on Junsu???
Chapter 2: hahhaa....poor junsu!!
sapphirewing #10
Chapter 1: Haha... Sorry for not commenting before ^.^ wonder what siwon need to do to make kibum not being angry with him. Update soon ^^