Life's Second Chance



                “Miss, didn’t you hear me? I said I’ll have a vanilla frappe” the woman who seemed to be very pissed at me said

                “Sorry, Ma’am, here’s you’re buzzer. It’ll be ready in 5”

                Yewon Unnie, picked the wring day to be late. She’d been out for almost an hour and there are lots of costumers coming in today and I can’t possible manage the counter and make their drinks at the same time, especially with a sprained ankle!!

                “Eun Mi! I’m sorry I’m late. I over slept. I’m sorry” Yewon Unnie, came rushing towards the list of orders, getting them ready as fast as she can without mixing their drinks.

                As soon as there were no more costumers Yewon Unnie let me leave early, as a form of apologize for being late earlier. I guess she’s not as bad as I thought.

                “Oppa, I got off work early today. Let’s go to your favorite meat restaurant near Hongdae. Call me back when you get this” I ended the call and sat on the bench beside my bike. A few minutes passed still no reply. I called again, he still didn’t answer, I left another massage, a little irritated. 10 minutes flew by still no message or phone call. I hopped on my bicycle and took the rode to his house.

                I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. It’s been a while since I’ve been to his house, well, his and his brother’s house.

                “Who is it?” His brother’s voice asked

                “It’s me, Eun Mi, Kang Eun Mi”

                “Oh, wait a minute”

                This is going to be really awkward. I tightened my grip on my bag as the door opened to reveal Junhyung, Ilhoon’s brother.

                “Hi Oppa” I said waving like a moron

                “Hi, come in. Ilhoon’s not here yet. He said he’ll be home late. Didn’t he tell you?” Junhyung asked, sitting on the sofa in front of the television

                “No, he said he’ll pick me up after my work but he never came. I tried calling him but he didn’t answer” I sad on the chair across from him, trying to be far from his as possible. Man, am I good at making myself look like an idiot

                “Really, did the two of you fight?”

                “No, even if we did, would I come here? No”

                “What does that supposed to mean?”

                “Nothing. Can you call him? Please?”

                “Fine” He said stubbornly, he grabbed his phone and went to the kitchen

                “Ilhoon, where are you? Gangnam? Where in Gangnam? Yah, tell me, Eun Mi’s here, she wanted to know where you are. No way, just come home. Hurry” He looked at me for a second and talked

                “He said he’ll be home later. You should go home. He’ll pick you up for school”

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yes, I’m sure. Look, if you two fought don’t pull me into it” he said leading me to the door

                “I said we didn’t fight”

                “Fine. Look, Eun Mi. Ilhoon, has lots of patience but in due time he won’t take it anymore. So watch your actions”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Nothing, now go, it’s getting dark”


                I got on the bicycle that I left in front and left the award house that I promised to never go to again. I though by just acting cold and mean I wouldn’t feel burdened of what happened before, I thought I wouldn’t think about it again too, but as I got nearer to my apartment, as I passed by our usual hang outs, remembering the times we spent together I wondered, did he act cold and mean, did he pretended that he didn’t care because somehow there was still a slight of chance he still feels the same for me just like I do for him? Or is just me trying to make an excuse to want to see him again even though I don’t want to.

                Somehow no matter how we tell our heart to stay away, they just do the opposite. Just like having its own opinion.

                As I open the the door to my apartment a not fell

Miss Kang Eun Mi, if you don’t pay for your late fees and rent I have no choice but to kick you out by Saturday next week. I’m sorry.

                                                                                                -Mr. Park


                As if my day couldn’t get worst. I can’t possibly get that much money by next week. Even if I skip school to work it still wouldn’t be enough. I threw my things over my bed and lay down. He didn’t even bothered calling. Jerk.

                How am I supposed to pay $500 in a week when I don’t even have money for my own food?

                I stared at my phone waiting for Ilhoon to call. But it didn’t come until I felt the heaviness of my eyelids and I was brought to a dreamless sleep.




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