The happy victim- 9: Takeshi Yamamoto

Fortunes of the Unfortunate

Yamamoto arrived home late from  baseball practice, and it turned out that this father was drinking with his friends. "Huh?", Yamamoto said looking at the fortune cookie on the counter. 'I need to eat something,' he thought as his stomach growled. He picked up the cookie but it wouldn't open. "Strange.", Yamamoto said then smiled as the cookie opened as if by magic. It read:

Raindrops fall from heaven as do those of pure hearts.

Yamamoto smiled thinking, 'I have no idea what this says'. So he went and took a shower as the Phone rang. His father came in with one of his drunk friends. The friend was humming a random song. Yamamoto came up to them fully clothed with a towel around his neck. he smiled at his father and the drunken man. He helped his father put his friend on a near by couch in the living room. 

On his way to school, he saw the man again. "Yamamoto, do you know him?", asked Tsuna. "He's my old man's friend," He answered, "What are you doing out here in the cold?", Yamamoto asked taking note of the chilly weather. Gokudara rolled his eyes and whispered something to Tsuna. "Here son, take this." he gave yamamoto a piece of paper in envelope. Yamamoto opened the envelope and found money inside ;howevere, before yamamoto could say something the man had disappeared. Yamamoto looked in every direction, he couldn't find him. He thought, 'Thank you'.

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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
wahaha ~~ this is nice !!!! i do really enjoyed this ~~!!
amyblossom4 #3
.。.:*・゚ Waaaa!~ (>ω<*)ノノ田♥I really enjoyed this story!(*^^)^*) ☆Chu!! Especially whenever Bel shows up!☆⌒ I can't wait to see more from you soon!:*・゚。:.*
Luz_Solitario #4
I finished the epilouge, :), but it feels kind of empty..
Luz_Solitario #5
Sorry, i couldn't do 13 chapters T.T But I have finished i felt giving an epilouge wouldn't suit this story but people have different opinions.
Luz_Solitario #6
I've returned after a while of being MIA. But it seems the story(?) is coming to an end. T.T
Luz_Solitario #7
This time it was hard for me come up with ideas.
Luz_Solitario #8
Yay! 8 up! It's getting shorter and shorter T.T
Luz_Solitario #9
Ok, that's really short. Sorry, i'll try to make it better.
Luz_Solitario #10
I have returned from long absence. Thank you for bearing with me, this is a bit longer than usual, none the less short though.