The first victim: Tsunayoshi

Fortunes of the Unfortunate

Tsuna's reaction to being pelted on the head with a cookie was this,"HIIII! What was that for!?", as Leon changed back into his lizard form. "Just read it, Dame-Tsuna, it's important for today's training'', Reborn replied while sipping coffee. "Eh?", said Tsuna as he looked at the cookie.' Am i suppose to open this?', thought Tsuna." Open it before I make you open it.", Reborn threatened holding out his Leon gun. " HII! OK, OK!", said Tsuna panicking as he tried to open the cookie. Much to his dismay it wouldn't budge. Then as if by some chance it ... exploded. Luckily, the paper inside was unharmed, and it read this:

  The joy within your misery will shine through today. 

Tsuna stared at the message in confusement, 'What joy is to be found in misery!?'. Just then the doorbell rang, "Hello! Is anyone home?", called a feminine voice. Tsuna got up and wondered who it might be, as he went downstairs to open the door. " Good morning, Tsuna-kun.", said Kyoko. "K-kyoko-chan? What are you doing here?", Tsuna asked blushing. "Reborn told me today you and me could go shopping since Haru and Hana are both visiting relatives.", Kyoko explained. " Well since everyone's gone I guess it's ok.", Tsuna said going outside and locking the door. 

At the shopping district

"Tsuna-kun, thank you for coming with me.", said Kyoko as she picked out a shirt. "No it's ok, Kyoko-chan.", said Tsuna. " I think we've been here long enough, it's already 4:30 pm.", said Kyoko. " Really?", asked  Tsuna sadly. As they walked home, Kyoko turned around, "Tsuna-kun...", said Kyoko. " Yes, Kyoko-chan," said Tsuna leaning forward. "JYUDIAME!!!", shouted Gokudera getting between them. To late, Tsuna had leaned forward to much and couldn't stop himself from giving Gokudera kiss on the cheek. " Jyudiame!! I'm so happy!! I always knew I was meant to be your right hand!", Gokudera said kneeling down to Tsuna. "EH!?", was all Tsuna could muster. " Oh, Tsuna-kun, that's so sweet!", Kyoko said smiling. "Kyoko-chan! This isn't--" Kyoko cut Tsuna off," I understand, don't worry, go for it!", Kyoko cheered," Bye, see you tomorrow."."Wait! Kyoko-chan!", called Tsuna. "It's to late, Dame-Tsuna.", said Reborn,"Plus your fortune came true. You found joy when you were so miserable this morning.". "That's not right! Hey, Reborn, come back here!!".

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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
wahaha ~~ this is nice !!!! i do really enjoyed this ~~!!
amyblossom4 #3
.。.:*・゚ Waaaa!~ (>ω<*)ノノ田♥I really enjoyed this story!(*^^)^*) ☆Chu!! Especially whenever Bel shows up!☆⌒ I can't wait to see more from you soon!:*・゚。:.*
Luz_Solitario #4
I finished the epilouge, :), but it feels kind of empty..
Luz_Solitario #5
Sorry, i couldn't do 13 chapters T.T But I have finished i felt giving an epilouge wouldn't suit this story but people have different opinions.
Luz_Solitario #6
I've returned after a while of being MIA. But it seems the story(?) is coming to an end. T.T
Luz_Solitario #7
This time it was hard for me come up with ideas.
Luz_Solitario #8
Yay! 8 up! It's getting shorter and shorter T.T
Luz_Solitario #9
Ok, that's really short. Sorry, i'll try to make it better.
Luz_Solitario #10
I have returned from long absence. Thank you for bearing with me, this is a bit longer than usual, none the less short though.