The Second Victim: Squalo Superbia

Fortunes of the Unfortunate

"VROIIII! BOSS, THE YELLOW ARCOBALENO SENT US SOME COOKIES!!",shouted Squalo as he made his way to his boss' desk. "Shut up, trash. I won't eat it unless it's served with wine..", said Xanxus searching his desk for something to throw at Squalo. "FINE THEN, I'LL GUESS I'LL EAT THEM MYSELF!", Squalo once again shouted. WHAM!! Xanxus had thrown a boot at Squalo."VROI!! I'm leaving!", Squalo said/shouted. In the hallway,, Squalo was looking through the cookies hoping to get a good fortune. 'Hmm this one seems good', thought Squalo picking up a cookie and opening it. Squalo face turned into a scowl, the paper read:

                                                   Today will be full of strife, it is not wise to be around children.

'Just great, isn't life bad enough, strife and children ..  I better stay away from Bel and Marmon then', Squalo thought. To bad because when he rounded the corner, he was face to face with Bel, well more like face to tiara, but that didn't matter to Squalo at the moment. All Squalo could think about was high-tailing it out of there. "Ushishishi~ The prince was looking for the loud shark, i'm hungry, get me some sushi.", Bel demanded. Squalo gritted his teeth and turned around, he wasn't going to deal with this. Bel was surprised that Squalo didn't yell or  do anything. "Ushishishi~, hey Marmon let's see what's shut the shark up.", said Bel. "Fu~ Bel you owe me.", said Marmon appearing out of thin air and following Bel. Squalo had this weird feeling he was being followed but didn't want to take the chance of running into Bel again so he stalked off to his room. " Freaking boss, if he had taken the cookies my fortune could've been better.", Squalo muttered to himself. KNOCK! KNOCK! "Squ-chan, you in there~!", called Lussuria.  "Go away!", scowled Squalo trying to keep his voice low. " Oh my are you ok, Squ-chan? You're usually much louder.", Lussuria clucked. 

Later that Night

Xanxus was busy drinking and Bel decided to put his plan into action. Squalo decided the sooner he ended the day the better. So off to bed he was going when, "Ushishishi~ the prince wants the shark to read me a book.", Bel said from the bed. 'Does someone hold a grudge against me or does the world just hate me', Squalo wondered as he looked at Bel in his silky, red pajamas on HIS bed. 'Mental note: Don't ever read your fortune again, because apparently someone wants you suffer a very slow and painful death', Squalo noted.

Though, Squalo never got to look at the back of his fortune paper. It read this:

                                              In dismay, you'll be part of a play, that never intertwined with your heart

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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
wahaha ~~ this is nice !!!! i do really enjoyed this ~~!!
amyblossom4 #3
.。.:*・゚ Waaaa!~ (>ω<*)ノノ田♥I really enjoyed this story!(*^^)^*) ☆Chu!! Especially whenever Bel shows up!☆⌒ I can't wait to see more from you soon!:*・゚。:.*
Luz_Solitario #4
I finished the epilouge, :), but it feels kind of empty..
Luz_Solitario #5
Sorry, i couldn't do 13 chapters T.T But I have finished i felt giving an epilouge wouldn't suit this story but people have different opinions.
Luz_Solitario #6
I've returned after a while of being MIA. But it seems the story(?) is coming to an end. T.T
Luz_Solitario #7
This time it was hard for me come up with ideas.
Luz_Solitario #8
Yay! 8 up! It's getting shorter and shorter T.T
Luz_Solitario #9
Ok, that's really short. Sorry, i'll try to make it better.
Luz_Solitario #10
I have returned from long absence. Thank you for bearing with me, this is a bit longer than usual, none the less short though.