The Sixth Victim: Lambo Bovino

Fortunes of the Unfortunate

"BWAHAHAHA!", Lambo laughed as he stole I-pin's gyoza bun. "No, Lambo! Stealing bad!", I-pin called chasing Lambo. "Now, now everyone, calm down.", Nana said as she scooped up I-pin. "Lambo here's a fortune cookie.", Nana smiled as Lambo lost interest in the bun. Lambo tried to crack it open, but no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't even crumble. Frustrated, Lambo finally gave up and threw a grenade at it. "Take that evil cookie!", Lambo shouted as the grenade exploded. A paper came flying out. It read: 

A mind travels lands beyond it's own capacity, into your own world.

"Eh?", Lambo said ignorantly picking his nose. "Lambo doesn't understand wise words.", I-pin scolded. "Be quiet! Lambo knows, he's a genius!", Lambo bragged.  "No you don't! Liar!", I-pin said following Lambo out the window. "BWAHAHAHA! You'll never catch me!", Lambo taunted. Lambo had walked right into someone's leg. "Stop disturbing the peace of Namimori or be bitten to death.", Hibari said darkly to the child sniveling on the ground. "Ah!", I-pin had sighted Hibari and had initiated the countdown. "Hmm?", Hibari curiously glared down at the strange markings appearing on I-pin's head. He realized that it was a countdown and immediately pulled out his tonfas and thwacked I-pin into the air. BOOM! "Evil man made I-pin go boom!", Lambo cried as Hibari walked away. "Take that evil man!", Lambo said throwing a grenade at Hibari's back. Hibari easily turned around and smacked that away as well. "Prepare to be bitten to death.", Hibari said as Hi-bird flew by onto a telephone pole. "AHHHHHHH!"

Somewhere, far away Reborn patted Leon's head, 'The idiot should have listened to his fortune', Reborn thought. 

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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
wahaha ~~ this is nice !!!! i do really enjoyed this ~~!!
amyblossom4 #3
.。.:*・゚ Waaaa!~ (>ω<*)ノノ田♥I really enjoyed this story!(*^^)^*) ☆Chu!! Especially whenever Bel shows up!☆⌒ I can't wait to see more from you soon!:*・゚。:.*
Luz_Solitario #4
I finished the epilouge, :), but it feels kind of empty..
Luz_Solitario #5
Sorry, i couldn't do 13 chapters T.T But I have finished i felt giving an epilouge wouldn't suit this story but people have different opinions.
Luz_Solitario #6
I've returned after a while of being MIA. But it seems the story(?) is coming to an end. T.T
Luz_Solitario #7
This time it was hard for me come up with ideas.
Luz_Solitario #8
Yay! 8 up! It's getting shorter and shorter T.T
Luz_Solitario #9
Ok, that's really short. Sorry, i'll try to make it better.
Luz_Solitario #10
I have returned from long absence. Thank you for bearing with me, this is a bit longer than usual, none the less short though.