Seventh Song

Dream High 3

Mrs. Nam walks by our neat rows, using a stick to tap people backs if they're slouching. "An entertainer," she says roughly, tapping someone's back with her stick, "is more than just someone who entertains." She turns around, and walks back up to the front, her black skirt flowing behind her. She stops at the front of the class and puts a hand on her hip. With fluid motion, she points the stick to a really good-looking guy in the front row, "More important that a pretty face," then she swings her stick at Sunggyu, he doesn't even flinch, "More important than a pretty voice," she waves the stick over her head like some martial artist and then points it at Hyomin, "More important a pretty body," she pulls the stick in and hits it on the ground. The loud clank startles all of us, "Is a pretty heart."

"Sit down." she orders, all of do so. "Yah!" she growls, taking a sip of coffee and then setting the mug about the window sill, "You think you can all sit how you want! Indian style!" She yells. We all switch positions, once again in neat similarity.

"Heart," she taps right above her , "is about emotion."

She sits down on a stool and crosses her legs, "Emotion is about yourself."

Once again she swings her stick, nearly slamming Niel in the face with it. "You,' she barks, "Who are you?"

"Ahn Daniel..." he says honestly.

She facepalms and then looks back up at him, "I don't mean your name!" she sighs, "let's try a different approach," she taps his head with her stick, "Why are you here?"

"I want to be a singer."

Once again Niel's answer is clearly unsatisfactory. She rolls her eyes and points to a different kid. A girl with long black, straight hair. "Why are you here?"

"When I was little, I learned to play the guitar," the girl pushes some hair behind her ear, "I was moved by music, I felt like we were connected somehow, you don't have to understand the words to a song to know what it means. You feel it."

"There!" the teacher smiles, she swings her stick back around and hits Niel on the head with it, "THAT is the answer I was looking for!"

"ow..." Niel grips his head and glares at her.

"As far as emotion goes...we're going to start off learning how to feel such emotions, through this class you can learn to be yourself and more. You can learn to be you."

Taemin leans in between me and Boram, "Isn't that the same thing?" he whispers.

"You!" Mrs. Nam barks, her stick almost touching his nose, "minus ten points for talking!"


After a full two hours of Mrs. Nam's endless fortune-cookie ranting, it's finally lunch. "I wish we had just gotten into Jin Yoo Jin's class," Taemin sighs, puffing out his lips and playing with his food.

"Yah, don't play with it," Boram takes the fork from his hand.

"Honestly, I don't think Jin-sasangnim would be much better," I glance over to his classroom. Through the glass I see him playing guitar surrounded by female students. He is handsome, I'll give him that much. With his angular face, clear skin, and slanted eyes, he's practically movie star beautiful.

"I heard he was going to debut as a singer, but at the very end of the competition he was in, he decided to drop out!" Boram whispers.

I notice a that girl Hyomin standing by herself, lunch tray in hand, looking lost. Taemin sees me looking and turns around. "Hyomin-ah!" Taemin calls and waves, instantly using informal language. "Yah!" Boram stabs her fingers into his ribcage and Taemin jumps in pain, "I told you to be more respectful!"

It's almost as if Boram is his mother...I sigh in my thoughts.

Hyomin sees him calling and quickly turns away, but I can see her peeking over her shoulder to look at him. "Hyomin-ssi," I call, waving her over, "There's a seat here, come sit."

I think she might just be more comfortable with girls, or maybe she's just not comfortable with Taemin, but she comes waddling over with her head down and sits next to me. "Hyomin-ah, what is it you do?" Boram cheers, smiling sweetly.

"You just told me not to call her that!" taemin shouts, raising his fork as if to hit her with it.

"Quit your whining, I'm a girl so it's okay," Boram explains. Taemin helplessly sets his fork down and continues eating, every once in a while casting his cousin angry glances.

"I sing..." Hyomin says under her breath. I barely hear her and I'm right next to her. "

She said sing, right?" Boram asks, looking up at me.


While Boram chats with Hyomin I notice Taemin carefully picking up a pea, planning his revenge on Boram for yesterday. Boram's eyes meet mine and I flick my head ever so slightly at Taemin. Just as Taemin is carefully preparing to shove the pea in her ear, Boram whips around and grabs his wrist.

Hyomin shrieks and hides her face. The cousins look at her dumbfoundedly.

"W-what's wrong? I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I've never been this close to a lovey dovey couple before!" Hyomin says, probably yelling on her standards, but barely above a whisper on mine.

"Lovey..." Boram looks at Taemin.

"Dovey..." Taemin looks at Boram.

"COUPLE!?" they both scream.

Boram instantly drops Taemin's hand and Taemin tries to explain, "Hyomin, we're cousins, not dating! Dating betweens cousins isn't even legal, right? or morally illegal at least!"

Hyomin peeks through her fingers, and slowly lowers her hands. "Cousins?" she asks, once again her typical whispering voice.

"No more, no less," Taemin points out.

Hyomin nods, bites her lip, and goes back to eating. Her face is suddenly bright red. And I mean RED. Like, tomato red. I try not to burst out laughing at it. Boram can't help it. She slaps her knee and rock sback and forth, holding her stomach. Taemin has to put a hand on her shoulder to keep her from falling off her chair at the table. Taemin gets in closer to get a better look. "What are you blushing for?" Taemin asks.

Hyomin's red intensifies.


Hello, all! Once again, I told you the chaps would be short!

Please Subscribe and Comment if you haven't already! I love knowing what you guys think(:

Who are you rooting for? Taemin? Niel? Sunggyu?

I finally convinced my sister to watch Dream High!


I usually take the romance pretty fast in my stories, I'm trying to slow it down in this one to an average pace, so be patient!

Thank you to all my subbies!

Don't be afraid to Dream High!



Who shall I spam this time? YOU GUESSED IT! Taemin!

Thats my boy(:

Where my Taemints at!? WOOP WOOP!






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PrincessErza #1
Chapter 6: I thought the chapter title is '(the ... chapter) song' because in every chapter, there would be at least one song.
Chapter 19: Yayyy! You updated. :) have fun in Japan ^^ and gosh you've got mad skills on drawing. XD me ish envy you lol
Chapter 19: yes you updated!! :D I cant wait to read more !!!!! those drawings are really amazing :) your technique is really impressive. I love to work with graphite pencils and pastels :) Have fun in Japan!!!!
moodymuppet #4
Chapter 19: Those are great drawings (coming from an AP artist)
I find faces the hardest to draw~
Chapter 18: new reader!! :D I love your story!!! UPDATE SOON!!! :DD <3 <3

Heard you were thinking of changing your poster, if you decide too, check me out and see if you'd like for me to do one for you. ^^
Chapter 17: Waaa~ go Niel! :)
Chapter 16: Aww... why did Niel say that? :/
-Oneofakind- #9
Jieun and neil must end up together oeo !
Chapter 15: hahaha which one XD update soon ^^