Chapter 1 (Edited)

Love Speed (Attention!!!! - currently looking for co- author/s.. D- Day)


             Speed! Speed! Speed! the viewers screamed in unison. The adrenaline came running through my body as I press the nitro. I zoomed pass every curve of the race track, feeling more of the adrenaline that I create for myself. Even though I've been doing these for years now, I still feel excited everytime i step inside my car and drive pass the tracks, it just a feeling for me that will never get old. Thoughts flowing in my head as I zoomed through the finish line, then hearing more of the viewers screams as the cheer and congratulate me. I sent my car to a stop in my pit area and went out. I bowed down to the crowed to show my appreciation to them for always supporting me through out my career. After doing so, i walk towards the staff room while bowing down to my pit crew and staff, then going to my waiting area. A pair of strong arms dragged me inside the room with urgency.

'' Congratulations!'' Teddy oppa happily greeted. I giggled.

" You know you could have waited for me to remove my helmet right." My voice muffled.

            I removed my helmet and let my long brunette hair flow freely. Confused, I forgot to tell you that I was really a girl hiding inside this racing gear which was vey hot. You ask why, because me and my dad had a deal few years back before I even started doing professional races, that I need to hide my true identity until I finish my last year in college, inorder for me to not be crowded by too many paparazzi's in school, also for me to still have a normal life and my real name really is Sandara Park. I'm 23 yrs. old' and a  student in Seoul University, the daughter of the CEO of Park Enterprise and specially a profesional race car driver the greatest one of all known as Speed.

'' Teddy oppa, thankyou.'' i replied

'' You really did a great job today dara-ya.''

'' I was really inspired today.''

'' Inspired of what???'' Teddy oppa asked curiously

'' OK, it's my last year in'll have more time practicing for my races.'' i said excitedly.

''It's that all.'' Teddy oppa said teasingly.

'' Of course I'll be able to meet my friends again' oppa...'' i said '' I should go now oppa so I'll catchup on our  dinner, Bye!.'' 

" Be safe Ok...." He said. I just nod and bowed to him, then left.

              I went to my dressing room and changed to my faded skinny jeans, a hooded white shirt, black converse and a shades to hide my face. I drove off with my white land rover ( my baby ) After a few minute drive I parked my car in the spot available in my garage with the rest of my cars. I then started walking from the garage to our house

'' I'm home.'' my scream echoed inside our house.

'' Noona, where in the kitchen.'' Sanghyun screamed.

             I took off my shoe's wore my indoor slippers then went to the kitchen. I was greeted with a congratulatory banner and a car shaped cake.

'' Congratulations dara'' my mom greeted then hugged me.

'' Congrats noona, Daebak.'' Sanghyun said cheerfully.

'' Thank you'' i replied with a huge smile. '' Where's dad???

'' He's on a meeting on Japan they say it was an urgent one.'' mom said sadly.

'' OH'' i frowned.

            I'm really a daddies girl that's why my dad accepted the fact that I wanted to be a race car diver and a part of being he's girl I really miss spending time with him ofcourse he has to ork for his family.

'' Dont be sad noona dad wanted me to give you this key as a congratulatory gift and also for your last year in college.'' Sanghyun said in a fact tone.

'' Really'' o.0

'' Noona maybe I can be your first rider on your new car???'' he inked

'' Ok' mom me and Sanghyun will be test driving the car.'' i said excitedly

'' Be safe OK and comeback in a few minutes so we can have dinner.'' Mom reminded us.

''Yes'' we said in unison

           I quickly grabbed my jacket and went outside and was greeted by a new E92 M3 GT2 Alms (BMW), then I started getting giddy and excited to test drive my new car. We rode my new BMW out to the busy streets of Seoul. Pass by every corner inside Seoul. Sanghyun also getting excited just being able to ride with me through out Seoul. It was a fun hour drive  through out Seoul but we needed to go home. I parked the car inside the garage and we entered our house and went straight to the kitchen. We then had a great time chatting about what happened to us today after dinner we thanked mom for the nice dinner she served then,  went to our room after saying our goodnights. I took a nice warm bath wore my pajama and a loose shirt then I went to my own dreamland.


A/N: sorry for the boring first chapter of my FF. I'll be waiting for all your opinions and pls do comment my awesome SUBBIES!!!!!

PLZ... can someone make me a poster of my FF I would appriciate it a lot, THANKS.


P.S.  (edited on Oct. 19, 2015)

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Red_Butterfly #1
Chapter 17: waaaaa they r getting married ~~~~~~~~~~ superb duper xcited ! thankz for the update ^_<
Chapter 17: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! She said YES!!! Can't wait 4 the big day(^-^)
jadelyn #3
Chapter 16: i do please :)))
22 streak #4
Chapter 16: say I DO pleaseee!
but I hope this is not a dream :D
Chapter 9: too many typos here :(
jadelyn #6
Chapter 15: good luck authornim :)hwaiting for your update :)
freckles #7
Chapter 15: congrats & good luck! . . . 'til ur nxt update . . . ;-D
22 streak #8
Chapter 15: oh my goodness it is supposed to be shiP not .. sorry!!
22 streak #9
Chapter 15: wow!!!! this day is so perfect!
Daragon's is sailing so good then I am reading fics that Jiyong is proposing to Dara!!!
Chapter 15: Kyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Jiyong really love her!!! O-M-G!!! I want him!!! Dara please say YES!!! DARAGON 4ever(^.^)