Chapter 4 - Day 4

Tied Together


       It was the day of the performance, and Hanbyul, Youngjun, and Hyoseok were nervous as hell. It's only been four days since the torture began, but a lot of things in the dorm were already broken. Kwangyeon and Kyumin never stopped arguing. The pair even fought during the middle of the night. Youngjun entered the two's room because he heard shuffling. He opened the door to find Kwangyeon and Kyumin yanking the cloth back and forth causing the other to roll over forcibly. All the members of ledapple and the manager had major headaches, but they all had to put up with it. They could only hope the performance went well.
       "And now ladies and gentlemen, I give to you LEDAPPLE!" The announcer enthusiastically introduced the group and was greeted by the deafening screams of the fans. The lights flashed on the stage and revealed the members in position. The performance began, and the confused shouts of the fans were evident. They were all curious as to why Kwangyeon and Kyumin were tied together, but the curiosity was pushed aside by excitement due to the performance.
       The performance went well. That is, until the group reached Kyumin's rap part. A split second before Kyumin removed the mike from the stand, he shot Kwangyeon a glare that went undetected by all but Kwangyeon. About three seconds into his rap, Kyumin stumbled on a cord that was lying on the stage. He fell forward and off the side of the stage. Kwangyeon tumbled after him, but landed short of the fall. The other members of ledapple were in panic, but were too surprised to move their feet, The fans screamed in shock, and Kwangyeon peered over the edge of the stage to Kyumin. Said boy was on the ground, clutching his leg. Silent tears were streaming down his face, and his face was contorted in pain. Without a second thought, Kwangyeon jumped off the stage to Kyumin.
       "Are you alright? Is your leg ok? Here, climb on my back." Kwangyeon's  voice was filled with concern, but the younger pushed him away.
       "I don't need your help." Kyumin glared at Kwangyeon.Said boy groaned.
       "Hey! Stop being so stubborn! Let your hyung take care of you for once!" Kyumin's eyes widened and just sat there in shock. He was picked up bridal style and carried backstage.
       "You're not my're only older than me by a few months..." Kyumin looked away sheepishly, and Kwangyeon just chuckled.
       "It still counts."
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Chapter 9: WOW:)))))
I really love your Story!
It would be great when you look at mine:)
I like LEDapple too:))
i died at the youngbyul moments. you are a fantastic author. thank you for making my night better <3
Chapter 17: cute!!!! hyoseok dont feel bad take me as urs! kekeke
Chapter 13: wow~ so long confession! yet it's sweet! hey, i have read through this till here now...
i love it!
and yeah like u say, so little ff bout ledapple! i love them so much! ^^
love dis ff too! good job~

-Question:who is the current leader? my sis n i are agrueing over this a day...hihi hope u willing to answer..ty!
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 17: I know this comment is probably late, but OMGOSH.*jumps around* I loved your story! Ugh!!! My LEDApple feels >_< *stands straight * Anyways, great story.
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh...hyeoseok come to noona, ill make sure youll not be alone,,hahhaha so sweet couples,,
This was a really good story~! I love Led apple as well and aff is frickin ledapple fic deprived... >.>
MonsterVip #8
Chapter 7: I love this story!!