Chapter 14 - Day 12

Tied Together


       The day before, Kwangyeon and Kyumin had returned to the dorm tired but smiling. Their hands were entwined together, and they went straight to their shared room to sleep. Naturally, everyone was curious as to what caused them to be back on good terms. Hanbyul and Youngjun were on the couch in the living room, waiting for the pair to emerge from their room. Hyoseok was still asleep. Kwangyeon finally made an appearance, and he was carrying Kyumin in his arms.
       "Good morning." He greeted the two on the couch and proceeded to lay a still sleeping Kyumin on the vacant couch. He himself sat on the floor in front of the couch that was now taken up by the rapper.
       "Why are you carrying him out here?" Hanbyul was puzzled.
       "I was hungry, and he wouldn't wake up. I figured just bringing him out here with me was easier than waiting and getting hungrier." Kwangyeon said it like it was the most normal thing in the world.
       "Oh, well I'll go get you some cereal." Youngjun stood from the couch and disappeared into the kitchen. Hanbyul stared at Kwangyeon, and the latter grew uncomfortable under the older's gaze.
       "Can I help you?"
       "What happened between the two of you yesterday?"
       "I, as he likes to put it, kidnapped Kyumin, he poured his heart out to me and told me he wanted to hate me, I apologized a bunch, poured my heart out to him, confessed, told him why I love him, he asked if I meant it, I said more than ever, we made up, we came home, and we went to sleep." As Kwangyeon summarized the events of the night before, Youngjun reappeared from the kitchen and handed the latter his cereal.
       "That was simply put." Youngjun joined the conversation after snuggling into Hanbyul's side on the couch.
       "Yeah, well now I need to ask you two something."
       "Why are you guys acting closer with each other than before?"
       "Kwangyeon, you are the second slowest person that I have ever met. The first is Hyoseok. Youngjun and I are dating now." Kwangyeon spewed the contents of his mouth all over the floor and began choking. Youngjun hurriedly went to thump his back. Once the bassist recovered from the initial shock, he turned around and began jabbing Kyumin in the side.
       "KYUMIN WAKE UP! WAKE UP! I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! WELL, TECHNICALLY, HANBYUL AND YOUNGJUN DO, BUT STILL. WAKE UP." Seeing that yelling and poking didn't work, Kwangyeon attempted something new. He placed a hand on Kyumin's face and it softly. He rested his head on the younger's shoulder and leaned over, whispering lovingly into his ear. "Kyumin-ah~. Wake up cutie. It's not good to sleep for too long. Hanbyul and Youngjun have news for you. Wake up, Kyumin baby~.
       Youngjun and Hanbyul sat and stared, dumbfounded, at Kwangyeon. They watched as Kyumin stirred and smiled at the bassist sleepily.
       "Good morning." Kyumin let out a yawn and wrapped his arms around Kwangyeon's neck. "Can I go back to sleep?"
       "You can go back to sleep after you hear the news." Confusion passed over Kyumin's face, and he scrunched up his nose as he stared at Kwangyeon.
       "What news?"
       "Hanbyul and Youngjun have something to tell you." Kwangyeon turned toward the amazed pair on the other couch and waited expectantly. Hanbyul cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
       "Um...well...Kyumin, me and Youngjun...we're dating..." He trailed off and just waited for a reaction. Youngjun had rejoined Hanbyul on the couch and laced their fingers together.
       "Oh, that's nice. Kwangyeon, can I go back to sleep now?" Kwangyeon snickered when he saw that the words still had to kick in. He just nodded and watched as Kyumin lay back down to sleep again. After he seemed to be right on the brink of sleep, he snapped right back up. "YOU AND YOUNGJUN ARE WHAT NOW!?!?"
       "They're dating. It's news, isn't it?" Kwangyeon answered for the couple since they seemed to stunned about Kyumin's actions to answer.
       ", when did they start dating?"
       "I'm guessing the day that Youngjun stormed out." Hanbyul recovered and joined the conversation.
       "Yeah, it was that day. We're happily dating now." Youngjun blushed and playfully smacked Hanbyul's arm.
       "Sorry for keeping it from you. You two seemed a bit caught up in your own problems at the time, so...yeah..." Youngjun was still blushing, but it had faded to a hardly noticeable pink. "What about you two? Are you guys dating yet?"
       "Um, see...about's just...we're not really...yeah..." Kwangyeon and Kyumin blushed at the sudden question.
       "Kwangyeon hasn't asked me yet..."
       "So you're expecting him to ask you? You're not going to ask him? Well, this proves that you're going to be the uke in the relationship. That is, if Kwangyeon asks you out." Youngjun had a look of understanding on his face. The blush on Kyumin's face grew darker, and Kwangyeon's face perfectly depicted shock.
       "You're expecting me to ask you out?"
       "W-what!? N-no! Of course not!! I never...when did I ever say that? I never said that at all! When did I say anything like that? I just...I'm hungry! I'll be in the kitchen if anyone needs me!" Kyumin ran into the kitchen without another word. Kwangyeon had the biggest smile on his face, and Hanbyul and Youngjun eyed him in fear.
       "What are you thinking, Kwangyeon?" Hanbyul was afraid. Why? He didn't know.
       "Nothing, nothing. I'll be in the kitchen if anyone needs me." Kwangyeon got up and walked away from the pair on the couch.
       "I'm glad they worked things out, but didn't Kyumin go into the kitchen just now?" Youngjun voiced his thoughts to his lover.
       "I'm glad too. And yes, he did. Why?" Hanbyul replied in bewilderment.
       "No, no reason. Hey, Hanbyul?"
       "Wanna make out?"
       "Duh. Who wouldn't want to make out with you?" Youngjun just giggled and turned his face toward Hanbyul's. From then on, the living room was filled with the sounds of the happy couple face.
       "Kyumin-ah~. I've come to take you on a date my lovely little flower~." Kwangyeon twirled into the kitchen and pretended to throw glitter into the air. "Let's get ready together so that we can leave quickly."
       Kyumin pressed himself against the wall and held a hand to his heart. He calmed his breathing down and glared at Kwangyeon. He turned around and continued with his task from before Kwangyeon's interruption.
       "I don't want to go out on a date." Kwangyeon pouted at Kyumin's back.
       "We are going on a date."
       "I don't date before I'm in a relationship."
       "You are ruining the purpose of why I want to go on this date."
       "Nothing. Since you won't go out on a date with me, do you want to go to that one area in the park?" Kyumin hesitated before answering.
       "I don't re-" He was interrupted by a panicked and half awake Hyoseok.
       "I JUST SAW A RAT!" Kyumin let out the most unmanly scream ever and jumped into Kwangyeon's arms.
       "GET ME OUT OF THIS DORM! I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN THE SAME LIVING QUARTERS AS A RAT! I COULD DIE!" Kyumin screamed into the bassist's ear, and the latter flinched. He carried the rapper out of the kitchen, but not before he saw Hyoseok mouth 'you're welcome'. Kwangyeon grinned and dropped Kyumin onto the floor by the door of the apartment. On the way, he noticed the couple making out on the couch that seemed completely oblivious to the youngest member's yelling. "DON'T PUT ME DOWN! IT COULD HAVE TOUCHED THE FLOOR I'M SITTING ON RIGHT NOW! OH. MY. GOD. MY IS INDIRECTLY TOUCHING A RAT! PICK ME UP! PICK ME UP!" He climbed his way onto Kwangyeon's back and began patting his in a furious attempt to clean the possible rat germs off.
       "Calm down. It won't come near you with how loud you're being right now." Kwangyeon received a light slap to his shoulder. "We'll be out! I'll call you if we're going to be late!" He yelled over his shoulder into the general direction of the living room. Since he was greeted with silence, he just proceed to leave the dorm.
       "I need shoes."
       "I have your shoes. Don't worry about anything." With that, Kwangyeon left for the park. When he finally arrived, Kyumin slid to stand on a patch of grass. He held his hand out, and instead of getting his shoes, Kwangyeon threw them into the tree.
       "Hey!" Kyumin glared at Kwangyeon. The latter just smiled and shimmied up the trunk of the tree.
       "If you want your shoes, you have to come up here." The rapper bit his lip and looked up slowly. He hesitantly walked up to the tree and just stood there. "Don't be afraid, Kyumin. Remember what I said last time? If you fall, I'll catch you."
       "Of course. I could never let you fall." With that, the rapper cautiously climbed the tree. On the way up, his foot slipped, and Kwangyeon caught his wrist before he could fall. "I told you that I'd catch you." The bassist pulled the younger up onto the branch he was on.
       "Can I have my shoes now?"
       "If you answer a question I have for you, I'll give them to you." Kyumin sighed and pouted. "If you don't stop pouting, I just might kiss you. You're too adorable to ignore."
       "Hey! I'm not adorable!" Kwangyeon leaned closer and smiled. The rapper blushed at the close proximity but remained still.
       "Kyumin, put those lips back before I kiss you." The said boy pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and averted his gaze. The older of the two gave the younger a quick peck on the cheek before pulling away, allowing the latter to calm his racing heart.
       "Um, what's the question I have to answer in order to get my shoes?" The younger of the two inquired timidly.
       "Oh yeah, the question. Kyumin, will you be mine?" Kwangyeon shyly looked Kyumin in the face with a blush gracing his cheeks. The latter went from shocked, to confused, to surprised, to happy, to really happy, and to wrapping his arms tightly around Kwangyeon. "So, is this a yes?"
       "Of course, stupid! I've dreamed of being with you for such a long time now. Of course I'll be yours!" A smile made its way to the pair's faces, and they smiled warmly and lovingly at each other. Both were blushing a bright red as they sat in the embrace of the other. They were finally together. They finally had each other.
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Chapter 9: WOW:)))))
I really love your Story!
It would be great when you look at mine:)
I like LEDapple too:))
i died at the youngbyul moments. you are a fantastic author. thank you for making my night better <3
Chapter 17: cute!!!! hyoseok dont feel bad take me as urs! kekeke
Chapter 13: wow~ so long confession! yet it's sweet! hey, i have read through this till here now...
i love it!
and yeah like u say, so little ff bout ledapple! i love them so much! ^^
love dis ff too! good job~

-Question:who is the current leader? my sis n i are agrueing over this a day...hihi hope u willing to answer..ty!
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 17: I know this comment is probably late, but OMGOSH.*jumps around* I loved your story! Ugh!!! My LEDApple feels >_< *stands straight * Anyways, great story.
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh...hyeoseok come to noona, ill make sure youll not be alone,,hahhaha so sweet couples,,
This was a really good story~! I love Led apple as well and aff is frickin ledapple fic deprived... >.>
MonsterVip #8
Chapter 7: I love this story!!