Chapter 12 - Day 11

Tied Together


       "Kyumin...Kyumin...Kyumin-ah...Kyumin...Kyumin...Kyumin-ah...Kyumin..." Kwangyeon had been trying to get said boy's attention for five minutes now, and he was being ignored. The bassist had even sat on the rapper's lap, and Kyumin still refused to pay attention to him. "Kyumin..."
       "Kyumin, come here for a moment please." Hanbyul called Kyumin over with a small frown on his face. Currently, ledapple was in the studio to record their new song.
       "Okay." Kyumin pushed Kwangyeon off of his lap and walked over to Hanbyul. Kwangyeon was being dragged on the floor behind him. Hanbyul took the youngest into the sound booth so that they could talk in private. Kwangyeon stood up and crawled to the controls so that he could turn on the mike to hear the topic being discussed. "What's the matter?"
       "What happened between the two of you?"
       "What? I don't know what you're talking about."
       "Don't lie to me, Kyumin. It's obvious that you're ignoring Kwangyeon. You wouldn't look at him even when he was sitting on your lap!"
       "I don't want to talk about it." Kyumin turned to leave, but Hanbyul grabbed his arm before he reached the door."
       "You can tell me anything, Kyumin."
       "I know, I just don't want to talk about it."
       "Do you think he's playing with your feelings?" Kwangyeon watched as Kyumin's face paled and went blank. The rapper sighed and sat down.
       "I just don't understand him. One minute, he's acting as if he genuinely liked me, and the next minute, he's saying something that makes him seem arrogant. As if he knew that he had an affect of me. I don't know if he really means what he says and does or if he's just messing with me. He never actually said whether he had feelings for me or not. I told him how I felt on accident. Yesterday, when you left to calm Youngjun down, we got into a sort of argument. He made me feel like I was being played with, so I ended up spilling about how insecure I was." Kyumin proceeded to tell Hanbyul of everything that happened the day before. By the time he was done, he was crying in the vocalist's arms, and a few tears slipped from Kwangyeon's eyes. "You know what was worse? He didn't say anything to defend himself. He didn't say anything to comfort me."
       "Kyumin, don't worry so much about this. I think that you're just a little paranoid since you never got a direct confession from Kwangyeon. Just talk to him about it. I know that he'd be more than willing to listen. Besides, from how he's been acting, I'd say that he likes you."
       Kwangyeon froze at the words that had left Hanbyul's mouth. Was it really that obvious that he liked Kyumin? Apparently not, if Kyumin thought that his feelings were being played with. Kwangyeon switched off the mike and stood. He grabbed the door handle and pushed open the door. Hanbyul looked up and gently pushed Kyumin toward the bassist.
       "Kyumin, here's your chance." Confused, the rapper looked at the doorway and automatically took cover behind the Aussie-Korean. The said boy turned and lifted Kyumin. He dumped the said boy into the waiting arms of Kwangyeon and watched as the bassist walked off. Youngjun walked into the sound booth and pulled Hanbyul into his embrace. The latter wrapped his arms around the former's waist and sighed. "I hope they work everything out."
       "All that we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best." Youngjun buried his face into Hanbyul's neck and inhaled deeply. "They'll probably make a better couple than we do." Hanbyul giggled and pulled back from the guitarist's arms to look him in the eyes.
       "I highly doubt that. We're freaking y." Youngjun rolled his eyes and giggled.
       "I don't know about you, but I know that I'm y."
       "Well, I feel offended."
       "I was just kidding."
       "I know. But like I said, I highly doubt that they'd make a better couple than us."
       "Your reasoning?"
       "I have you." Youngjun blinked slowly and blushed when he processed what Hanbyul said. "Anyway, I really do hope Kyumin and Kwangyeon resolve everything between them."
       "Way to kill the mood, but I agree. They obviously like each other. Kyumin's just too worried to realize that his feelings are returned."
       "I'm sure they'll end up together. One of them will make a decision that will result in them being a couple. It's like with us. If I had let you walk away, we wouldn't be together."
       "You're right. I'm glad you stopped me."
       "I'm glad you kissed me back."
       "Technically, I didn't kiss you back the first time. I kissed you when you wouldn't shut up. You kissed me back."
       "What, so you think you'd be the seme in our relationship?"
       "Well, yes. I do think that."
       "You'd be the uke. I made the first move. I kissed you first."
       "I'd obviously make the better seme."
       "I think you're mistaken, my dear Youngjun. I would make the better seme. I shall prove it to you. Right now, I will do something that will prove that I am the seme and you are the uke in this relationship."
       "And whatever might that be?" Youngjun raised his eyebrows and stared at his lover skeptically. "I highly doubt that you could do anything that would prove you to-"
       Hanbyul placed his hands back on Youngjun's waist and pulled him closer. He raised a hand to the guitarist's face and caressed his cheek lovingly. The vocalist tilted Youngjun's head up slightly and leaned in. At this point, the latter's face was a bright red. He eagerly met Hanbyul's lips with his own. He felt the Aussie-Korean smile into the kiss slightly. The latter continued kissing the former gently. After a few seconds of just having lips on lips, Hanbyul pulled Youngjun's bottom lip between his teeth. He nibbled slightly for a second before releasing the lip from its confinement. Youngjun slowly parted his lips and allowed Hanbyul to slide his tongue into his mouth. The vocalist's tongue gently probed the inside of the guitarist's mouth before retreating. Hanbyul continued kissing Youngjun for a few more seconds before pulling away. When Youngjun made a small noise of protest, Hanbyul quickly but gently pecked his lips before pulling away completely. The vocalist smiled a bit before chuckling.
       "What was that about you making a better seme in our relationship?"
       "Huh? Did I say that?"
       "Yes, you did. Do you still think that now?"
       "What? No..." To Hanbyul, Youngjun's dazed state was adorable and amusing. He smiled again and draped an arm over his boyfriend's shoulders.
       "What did you think of that kiss?" Youngjun noticeably struggled with how to answer the question.
       "It do I say this? It was...amazingly mind-blowing? Yeah. It was amazingly mind-blowing."
       "Was it, now? Would you like another one?" Youngjun nodded without a second thought. "Yes, yes I would." Hanbyul smiled and complied to his boyfriend's wish.
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Chapter 9: WOW:)))))
I really love your Story!
It would be great when you look at mine:)
I like LEDapple too:))
i died at the youngbyul moments. you are a fantastic author. thank you for making my night better <3
Chapter 17: cute!!!! hyoseok dont feel bad take me as urs! kekeke
Chapter 13: wow~ so long confession! yet it's sweet! hey, i have read through this till here now...
i love it!
and yeah like u say, so little ff bout ledapple! i love them so much! ^^
love dis ff too! good job~

-Question:who is the current leader? my sis n i are agrueing over this a day...hihi hope u willing to answer..ty!
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 17: I know this comment is probably late, but OMGOSH.*jumps around* I loved your story! Ugh!!! My LEDApple feels >_< *stands straight * Anyways, great story.
Chapter 17: Oh my gosh...hyeoseok come to noona, ill make sure youll not be alone,,hahhaha so sweet couples,,
This was a really good story~! I love Led apple as well and aff is frickin ledapple fic deprived... >.>
MonsterVip #8
Chapter 7: I love this story!!