Something a little different - 08 - I like this mess..

Something a little different...


Note: Special super thanks to 'Lepetitmort' for the mention of fluffy stuff <3 bout time it happened, tis a good way of making GD crack, no? :P Also inspired from a particular scene from 'James Bond : Skyfall' between Bond and Silva - kekeke :P
JiYong tossed and turned in his sleep. After that dream, he had woken up to find his Hyung sleeping maybe a bit too close for confort. At first, JiYong shyed away a bit, clutching Hyung's shoulder, pushing him back to give him some space to sleep. Ji sighed some, letting the thoughts slip his mind, deciding to just leave Hyung there for the night. Ji blinked, nuzzling into his pillow, whilst his eyes studied Hyung's ever changing body as he rested close by. He really was prettyfull, as JiYong liked to think, and he couldn't help but smirk a bit, noticing the dark hair of his contrasted quite nicely against his perfectly flawless skin. JiYong pouted, noticing some dark tufts of hair got into Seunghyun's eyes, and he reached out to delicatly pet them away. At that moment his hair was moved and wiped back from his forehead, Seunghyun's eyes flickered slowly open, seeming a little dazed, his eyes filled with sleep.
JiYong quickly withdrew his hand, and bit his lip "Your hair was in your face..well, your eyes, mostly.." He spoke, a little embarassed. "and...I couldn't sleep.."
Seunghyun shrugged it off "Its fine...I knew you were doing it.." He replied, a cheeky tone in his voice, causing JiYong to squirm in embarassment. 
"Ah really? It just looked like a mess..." JiYong replied, sitting up whilst wrapping a spare blanket that laid on the bed, around his bare torso and chest. "How are you..feeling?" He then questioned, looking at Hyung.
"No different than normal...It makes me feel better, knowing you've explained everything to me, but i'm still a bit mad at you..and maybe stupid at myself for getting into this mess..." Seunghyun replied, shaking his head.
"But I like mess....and this is a good kind of mess..." JiYong laughed lightly.
Seunghyun nodded, distracted from Ji's words. His eyes seemed fixed on a dull line that ran from GD's collarbone to his chest, some greying marks around his shoulders were scattered, too. He reached out a bit, causing Ji's heart to race as Seunghyun tugged some of the blanket, exposing the scared skin. 
"Hyung..what're you...?" Ji could feel the cold walls he had put up around himself begin to crumble a bit, and he couldn't help but fake his breathing, his cheeks blushing a bit too un-naturally. 
"Is this...are these...what he did to you...? Your sire..?" Seunghyun asked, tracing a finger around one of the most ugly scars, his fingers getting up and over his bare shoulder..
JiYong shuddered. Even to this day, even the slightest touch of them scars sent his mind reeling with the pain of those memories. "Yeah....I've never...shown them to anyone..or let anyone look until now.." He said. "Lets just say...I was a blood source that never ran least, that was what Noir thought..when things didn't go his way.." JiYong whimpered, not wanting to think back.
Seunghyun nodded, his mouth beginning to water at the mere thought or mention of blood. "You don't need to worry...I will make sure no harm comes to you.." He spoke. "Although I can't do anything about the bruise on your face.." 
"Tease...but, Hyung, what if Noir comes back..what if he..?" JiYong was cut off at his words as Seunghyun reached and gripped Ji's hand tightly. 
"Then teach me how to be strong, and i'll finish him...." Seunghyun's voice had a possesive tone about it. Hearing all of Ji's past made him want to bite the other's sire to shred's.
"You really..could do it..for me..?" JiYong spoke, feeling a sudden, childish need to nuzzle into Seunghyun's chest. 
He had a protector...something he never truly had properly, it felt kinda nice to know it....
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Chapter 14: "Wanting to prove just how good he could be tonight"
awww his need to please his sire and make him proud of him :')
Chapter 14: i waited long enough for this :D oooh i want a little more gtop action lil pecks can't satisfy me :D
Chapter 13: It's soooo fluffy *weeps tears of joy* Hyunnie his hair while he slept <3 Whyyyyy so cute.
Chapter 13: omo omo can't they just kill that old geezer?
TokkiX #5
Chapter 12: MY FEELS! Really love how GD acts Gawd It's so sad but I love it
Chapter 12: I love the direction you've gone in. It makes sense that hyun is struggling to handle his emotions, especially his anger. That Noir is one nasty piece of work I tells ya! But I have faith in my hyunnie and I know he won't change into a bad person. He is too good. He'll show Jiyong that he's made the right decision by choosing him.
Chapter 11: Oh eff yes!!! Possessive hyunnnnnn :D
I am soooo happy to see him act so aggressive and stand up to Noir.
chubbicheekness #8
Chapter 12: Im glad I found this story ^^
Chapter 12: oh i love this story more and more with each ch :D
Chapter 11: i don't get can Ji be so pliant after Noir almost ripped him appart literily ripped him apart
he distroyed him emotionally and physically and now he just snuggles up to him and let's Seunghyun fight his fight?
great update :D ty