Something a little different...12

Something a little different...

 Note: Somehow, this hasn't gone the way I planned...I hope you guys enjoy to get out of this XD..



They say love is blind, Oh baby, you’re so blind
Please, I beg you, break it off
Ji was a little frightened by the look in Seunghyun's eyes. 
"Can you explain to me why you let him take advantage of you like that?" He asked, his focus never leaving Ji's. 
"I....Its a habit i'm trying so hard to break...but I can't help but love him, Hyung..he is my sire, and I can't escape the way I feel for him.." JiYong replied. It hurt him to say that time and time again, and he knew he had to break it off, but the blood bonded them together so tight. It hurt him badly, and it made tears well in his eyes. Noir was just pushing Seunghyun to the edge, almost warping him somehow..and Ji didn't like it.
Seunghyun approached JiYong, and stood infront of him. He knew Ji was trying hard to break the ties, and he understood how this man had affected and changed Ji. That was what made it so hard. "Please just forget about were pulled into his darkness...let me be the light..I told you, I would protect you...I meant it when I said that." Seunghyun told him. 
Ji was afraid to blink, and when he eventually did, tears fell from his eyes, and he looked up at him. He looked like a lost puppy without its master.  That look told Seunghyun everything in an answer, and he growled. It was ripping him apart, knowing how difficult Ji was struggling, and it made him angry. Angry that he couldn't get Ji away from Noir sooner, and he reached for a mirror on the wall, ripping it off its hook, and smashing it to the floor in a fit of anger. 
Ji whimpered, the mirror smashing into pieces on the carpet, and he looked at Seunghyun's eyes that reddened fiercly, the look scaring him. 
"I hate him! and I hate you! Everything you suffer, and yet you still go back to him, you give him love he doesn't deserve! So why don't you just end it?!" He roared. Of course he didn't mean it, it was  raw emotion that just poured from him.
JiYong whimpered, his gaze lowered to the floor, seeing pieces of mirror twinkling beneath him. He felt a hand tangle itself in his blonde hair, his gaze forced to meet Hyung's as he demanded answers. "Hyung please..that hurts!" He whimpered again, the grip in his hair tight like a vice. JiYong feared him now, he was visibly shaking. "Please don't hurt're becoming like him..he's twisting you.." Ji was afraid, and he pushed out at Hyung's chest to force him to back off.
Seunghyun still retained that wild look in his eyes, the red almost a glow with the anger he felt. He looked down at Ji, how vulnerable he looked just now, how afraid he was for his safety, and that whimper broke Seunghyun out of his rage. He simply exhaled a deep sigh, and watched as Ji made a break for it, scuttling away like a crab, and hid himself in the nearest place he could, most conviniently, in the large wardrobe. He locked the door, curling himself up in the large storage unit, and sobbed helplessly, leaving Seunghyun to deal with what had just happened. 
"Ji....?" Seunghyun called to him, his own body visibly shaken from what he couldn't control. He felt stupid for lashing out like that, and even more guilty. He blinked at the wardrobe that gave him no reply, and he sat down, his back to the door of the wardrobe, wondering how he was going to get himself out of this mess. "Ji...I'm sorry I took it out on you...I'm so sorry.."  This time, he was up to his neck in it.
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Chapter 14: "Wanting to prove just how good he could be tonight"
awww his need to please his sire and make him proud of him :')
Chapter 14: i waited long enough for this :D oooh i want a little more gtop action lil pecks can't satisfy me :D
Chapter 13: It's soooo fluffy *weeps tears of joy* Hyunnie his hair while he slept <3 Whyyyyy so cute.
Chapter 13: omo omo can't they just kill that old geezer?
TokkiX #5
Chapter 12: MY FEELS! Really love how GD acts Gawd It's so sad but I love it
Chapter 12: I love the direction you've gone in. It makes sense that hyun is struggling to handle his emotions, especially his anger. That Noir is one nasty piece of work I tells ya! But I have faith in my hyunnie and I know he won't change into a bad person. He is too good. He'll show Jiyong that he's made the right decision by choosing him.
Chapter 11: Oh eff yes!!! Possessive hyunnnnnn :D
I am soooo happy to see him act so aggressive and stand up to Noir.
chubbicheekness #8
Chapter 12: Im glad I found this story ^^
Chapter 12: oh i love this story more and more with each ch :D
Chapter 11: i don't get can Ji be so pliant after Noir almost ripped him appart literily ripped him apart
he distroyed him emotionally and physically and now he just snuggles up to him and let's Seunghyun fight his fight?
great update :D ty