Something a little different 11 -

Something a little different...


JiYong was the first one to wake that morning. He stretched out, blinking, having forgotton that he was still in his Hyung's close embrace from the incident the previous night. He watched Hyung for a moment, and shook his head somewhat. He was still faking his breathing, and Ji knew that part was the hardest habit to break. He could tell Hyung was dreaming, his face creasing with a bit of emotion, sometimes his hand twitched, and Ji wondered what he was dreaming about. Hopefully of better things to come. Ji sighed, and slid off of the bed, looking at the blood bags that were scattered on the floor near the doorway. He picked them up, and without hesitation he demolished one in seconds. The blood satisfied him, and at a glance in the mirror nearby, Ji saw that bruise on his face was slowly but surely vanishing. He smiled to himself a little, glad it wasn't going to take as long as he'd originally thought...must be something in that Hyung's blood, which made him all the more perfect.  Ji did a quick change of clothes, and quietly began to sing to himself..something he only did when he was completly alone, and was sure Hyung wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. He moved out into the hallway, and he tensed. Someone was close by, maybe a little, too close, and Ji felt a sharp tug on his wrist as this familiar being pulled him into a darkened corner of the room, and there was no question about it, as to who it was. 
"Why are you here again? Now isn't the time...." Ji asked, caught out of breath, but the man just shushed him, and leant in to kiss him, which made Ji melt. He was doing it his love to the man, the sire who abused and hurt him. He always landed up running back to him, whatever happened. He just..couldn't live without him. It was a guilty pleasure, and Ji couldn't help but push that kiss a bit deeper, clinging to the front of Noir's velvet jacket, grey strands of hair sneaking their way in between his fingers all the while. 
Seunghyun rolled over, frowning in his doze as his mind told him he wasn't holding onto Ji anymore.  He almost rolled off the other side of the bed, catching himself short by putting a leg out on the floor. He woke himself as he did so, the first thing he saw was that empty blood bag on the side. So Ji was awake, it seemed. Seunghyun ran a hand through his hair, his eyes staring at the other blood bag that sat there, and debated whether he was hungry or not. He shrugged it off for now, and stood to go into the bathroom.
"Ji...?" He called out. No answer there. Seunghyun shut the door, turning away, before he smelt something horrid in the air. It was coming from the hallway on the second floor of the apartment, and he didn't like it at all, recognising the smell of Ji's sire, he paced into the hall, his gaze resting on Ji and Noir in the shadows, and his fists clenched tight. 
JiYong prised his lips off of Noir's when he saw Hyung from the corner of his eye, his orbs were slowly reddening. "Hyung...I...I..." He stuttered, Noir's arms around him held him close almost possesivly. 
"What is he doing here? After last Night, I thought he..?" Seunghyun growled through his teeth, watching as Ji prised himself off of Noir's hold, his own blonde hair looking a bit dis-sheveled, the way his clothes fit his body looked as though a or two had gone on the time they were alone. 
Ji was speechless, caught in the act, it seemed. 
Noir looked over at Seunghyun, his eyes looking him over "You look delicious..." He stated, almost able to see muscular flesh under Hyung's clothing. 
Ji saw a look in Noir's eyes, causing him to worry "Don't hurt him..please..he's all I have.." He pleaded.
Noir scoffed "What is wrong with looking? Look at him, Ji.,..he looks just as helpless as you did days after I made you..I see nothing 'special' about him.." 
"You don't feel as I're heartless, you don't have a heart to feel anything with.." JiYong replied, moving only then to stand infront of Seunghyun. He knew he was weak, and could do little to protect Seunghyun from Noir, a little stunned just then when Seunghyun decided to intervene, pushing JiYong back behind him. 
"Just get out before I do something I know I won't regret.." Seunghyun threatened. his body tensing as Noir approached, standing almost face to face with him. Seunghyun felt darkness ooze from Noir's aura. It frightened him, yet pushed him to advance. Noir looked at Seunghyun, his gaze ripping into Hyung's own eyes, and Noir raised a hand slowly, letting a few fingers glide over Seunghyun's cheek, dragging his fingernails down his skin almost seductivly. Hyung shuddered at this, letting the man play him for a few seconds more. JiYong gave a downward glance as he noticed a hand curl into a fist, biting his lip in anticipation of what was to come, backing away a little. In seconds, Hyung threw his punch, tipping Noir off balance, and Seunghyun was quick to throw him into the nearest wall, holding him there by his front. He had a scary look in his eyes that Ji had never seen before.
"Do you know how much pain I want to inflict on you...Ballad?" Seunghyun threatened, calling Noir only by his last name. "I am not as weak as you assume me to be...I learn from the best..and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you away from JiYong.." 
Noir coughed, blood trickling down from his lower lip that was split from the impact of the punch to his face. He laughed in Seunghyun's face. "That...doesn't need protecting..time after time, he will come running back to me.."
"No one will come running back to won't be anywhere to be one will speak your name again once I am finished with you and your get out now, before I decide to start now rather than later.." Seunghyun warned, letting go of Noir's front, half tempted to shove him into the wall for good measure. He stalked away, past Ji.
Noir straightened himself up, smoothing his hair from one side of his face, approaching JiYong once more, who looked horrified, his mouth slightly agape, reeling from the words Seunghyun spoke as though he himself was threatened. Noir simply nipped JiYong's lips again, in a sort of farewell, turning to walk out of the door.
Seunghyun followed, making sure Noir left, and as soon as the door closed, he turned to JiYong with that same look in his eye..
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Chapter 14: "Wanting to prove just how good he could be tonight"
awww his need to please his sire and make him proud of him :')
Chapter 14: i waited long enough for this :D oooh i want a little more gtop action lil pecks can't satisfy me :D
Chapter 13: It's soooo fluffy *weeps tears of joy* Hyunnie his hair while he slept <3 Whyyyyy so cute.
Chapter 13: omo omo can't they just kill that old geezer?
TokkiX #5
Chapter 12: MY FEELS! Really love how GD acts Gawd It's so sad but I love it
Chapter 12: I love the direction you've gone in. It makes sense that hyun is struggling to handle his emotions, especially his anger. That Noir is one nasty piece of work I tells ya! But I have faith in my hyunnie and I know he won't change into a bad person. He is too good. He'll show Jiyong that he's made the right decision by choosing him.
Chapter 11: Oh eff yes!!! Possessive hyunnnnnn :D
I am soooo happy to see him act so aggressive and stand up to Noir.
chubbicheekness #8
Chapter 12: Im glad I found this story ^^
Chapter 12: oh i love this story more and more with each ch :D
Chapter 11: i don't get can Ji be so pliant after Noir almost ripped him appart literily ripped him apart
he distroyed him emotionally and physically and now he just snuggles up to him and let's Seunghyun fight his fight?
great update :D ty