Something a little different...06 - A Purpose..

Something a little different...

Note: For more information on GD's past, look at my blog/wall for his complete profile. ^__^ Thanks for all the AMAZING comments so far, I really love you all!


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Whilst Hyung had gone off into the kitchen to go get himself another blood bag, Ji was now standing in the bathroom, having just spent half an hour in the shower. His cold, bony fingers gripped the sink, as he stared at himself in the mirror. That big fat bruise, seemed fatter as the fragile, dead skin seemed to be puffy, and Ji knew even the coldest ice wouldn't do nothing to help. He growled, slightly still angry that Hyung had done this to him, but in his condition, it was purely accidental, which lessened the guilt a tidly bit. Oh well. It would go in its own time. Ji knew of some special type of blood vampire's could get - the blood of their sire would help move things along, but Ji wanted nothing more to do with Noir, the man who made him. JiYong sighed, scrunching his now pink hair up to dry with a towel, pulling on jeans, a black tshirt, and a red velvet blazer, making it so that his pink hair covered the bruising on his forehead as much as possible, and then decided to get himself breakfast.
Once in the kitchen, Ji threw a glare at Hyung, who was sat at the table, wading through an entire loaf of bread with peanut butter and chocolate spread. Well, Ji said he could eat anything he wanted, until he was changed completly. Seunghyun looked up from a text on his mobile phone, blinking as he saw Ji standing there. 
"Morning..." He spoke, feeling still akward about yesterday night's events. Already on the table, there were two burst, empty blood bags on the table, and not a mess in sight. 
"Hello Hyung..." JiYong spoke in reply, pulling a chair out and sitting beside him at the table. He saw a pot of coffee still partially full on the table there, and helped himself to a mug, downing it in one. He didn't really know why he was drinking coffee, it just tasted bitter and...dead. 
Seunghyun looked at him, about to comment on his face, but decided not to, and just offered him a slice of toast, to which JiYong declined with a "No Thanks."
Gee. This was awkward.
"I'm sorry for last night...." Hyung spoke up again, knowing he'd probably have to apologise a hundred times at least for his sire's forgiveness. 
"Ah, it doesn't matter anymore, happened, so we can't change it.." JiYong spoke, taking this conversation much better than he thought. 
"I thought we could...go someplace later..when we're both hungry..?" Hyung suggested, getting a icy gaze from Ji.
"You're only changed for one day, and you already want to go hunting? Pfft, I don't think so, not yet, I said, you're still won't be ready for another few days..and you can't control your bloodlust yet, so there's no way i'm letting you out among people." Ji retorted.
"But what about" Hyung asked. There was so much more explaing to be done, it was still so foggy..and twisted.
"Well, why don't you take them with you?" JiYong replied, chewing on some toast and chocolate spread from his teeth. He spoke this sentence like it was the most natural thing. 
"You mean....turn them?" Hyung asked stupidly.
" can turn them, or kill them...depends how long you can be without them. I personally, killed my family..I don't want to watch them grow old and die, whilst I live longest. You can watch from afar as they ive out their lives, questioning why you're the way you are, but then, you might lose control, and kill them.. then again..that might be your intention." JiYong spoke those words casually, chugging down more coffee that tasted like dirt. 
Seunghyung's eyes glowed with a sort of anger. "How can such words come from your mouth? Thats a horrible thing to do!" He exclaimed.
"I made my choices a long time ago..." GD replied, playing idly with his empty mug. 
"I don't belive you for one stalk me, play me...twist me and my life around your little finger so that everything fits your perfect little world, and now you're telling me this!" Seunghyun exclaimed harshly, now standing up, his back to Ji, facing the window that overlooked the city square. 
JiYong remained seated. "you would've had to of known sooner or later...if you did anything to them, you would of only blamed me for not telling you your options in the first place. So consider i've done you a favor.." 
"You should of just left me there to die that night...if my blood was so good, why didn't you?" Seunghyun asked, unable to look at GD, knowing if he did, he would just see all the wrong things in his soul.
"I didn't want to do what my sire done to're too pretty looking to're too perfect Hyung. I knew from the moment I saw you first time, I wanted to make you mine to have for forever." JiYong spoke.
Seunghyun felt a blush flush his dead cheeks, and only then he turned to face JiYong. "What did he do to you, your sire...?" He asked, leaning on a kitchen unit. The sun that streamed in from the window was heating his face, and it didn't matter one bit, contrary to vampiric belief's.
"I.....wasn't wanted anymore...I thought he loved me...." JiYong spoke, knowing the full scale of his past was about to be revealed. He bit his lip like it hurt inside, and it did. "He hurt me all the time..but I knew he loved me, somehow..and I loved him..but still...he abandoned me like some toy that lost its he tried to bleed me dry in the street...I can't remember much about it, but it hurt like how you're hurting now." Ji's eyes were welling with golden tears at just the thought.
He didn't think on it too much, he bottled things inside, leading to his cold de-meanor. "Its been almost two years since it happened, and I still can't feed properly..I get sick sometimes..I never have a 'safe' amount of blood in me." 
Seunghyun's eyes widened at the story, nodding this way and that as Ji explained his dark past. He didn't know what to say, and the words "sorry" weren't gunna cut it this time. 
"Thats what will you do? Do you still see him?" He questioned, his toast all but gone cold now. 
"He doesn't know I'm alive..he think's I'm thats how I want it to stay..I couldn't handle meeting him again....I'm scared of him..what he could do.." JiYong spoke, his eyes looking right at Hyung's as if it was a beg for help. "I wanted you to be you could protect me..I'd have someone of my own, rather than him..I don't want to be connected to just him anymore..I wanted to be connected to you, too.." 
Seunghyun felt another blush creep over his cheeks, and at that moment, he knew he had to do everything to protect him. It was the only way this whole situation could work itself was like a purpose.
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Chapter 14: "Wanting to prove just how good he could be tonight"
awww his need to please his sire and make him proud of him :')
Chapter 14: i waited long enough for this :D oooh i want a little more gtop action lil pecks can't satisfy me :D
Chapter 13: It's soooo fluffy *weeps tears of joy* Hyunnie his hair while he slept <3 Whyyyyy so cute.
Chapter 13: omo omo can't they just kill that old geezer?
TokkiX #5
Chapter 12: MY FEELS! Really love how GD acts Gawd It's so sad but I love it
Chapter 12: I love the direction you've gone in. It makes sense that hyun is struggling to handle his emotions, especially his anger. That Noir is one nasty piece of work I tells ya! But I have faith in my hyunnie and I know he won't change into a bad person. He is too good. He'll show Jiyong that he's made the right decision by choosing him.
Chapter 11: Oh eff yes!!! Possessive hyunnnnnn :D
I am soooo happy to see him act so aggressive and stand up to Noir.
chubbicheekness #8
Chapter 12: Im glad I found this story ^^
Chapter 12: oh i love this story more and more with each ch :D
Chapter 11: i don't get can Ji be so pliant after Noir almost ripped him appart literily ripped him apart
he distroyed him emotionally and physically and now he just snuggles up to him and let's Seunghyun fight his fight?
great update :D ty