Draft 1 - Something a little different...

Something a little different...


JiYong looked down at his watch "How much longer is he gonna be?" He asked himself. 
He had already been here two hours, and, according to the others schedule, the man in question was meant to be here by now. JiYong had been sneakily following him just recently, for the past two weeks, infact, and every monday night, he came to this bar, taking a seat for himself in a quiet corner, away from the crowds. JiYong stared into the glass of dark purple wine, sighing, unsure if he could drink anymore, and idly petted the front of his shirt down. He wore a shirt with a frilly cravat on the chest, the rest of his outfit consisting of a dark red velvet blazer coat with golden buttons, and simple black skinny jeans with black converses. A charm necklace of a key hung around his neck, and his blonde hair was messy and in dis-array. He had better hurry up soon...Jiyong was hungry. His dark eyes watched when Seunghyun sat himself down at the table, silently thanking the bartender that bought his usual drink, and JiYong sat there and took him in a moment. Moments later, he found himself slipping off his chair, and passively sitting himself down close to Seunghyun. 
Now his self control, was probably about to go through the roof.
"Care for...a drink?" He asked casually, his eyes silently stabbing into the others quiet orbs. 
Seunghyun looked up, a little suprised. Usually, no one spoke to him when he came in here.
"I...already have one?" He motioned with his eyes to the glass sat beside his hand on the table. 
JiYong pouted "But it'd be a shame to waste this wine...maybe you'd like to try something different?" He asked, biting his lower lip as he usually did.
 "Maybe..." The other responded quietly.
JiYong was about to open his mouth to say something, when the vibrations of his mobile phone got his attention. by this point, Jiyong was simply dying for a bite. "Oh...." JiYong growled, the disruption putting a damper on his plans. 
 "Pardon me a minute, uhm..." He paused a moment, unsure of what he called this man. He only knew him by face, after all. Even so, the man was perfect...in looks, and dinner.
"I'm Seunghyun..." the older replied, breaking his quiet gaze a moment to look at Ji's eyes. 
"Oh good! I mean, good that I know your name...I'm JiYong..." JiYong replied right back. "I'll be back in a minute..if I'm longer, meet me in the garden out the back..I hate this horrible air.." He stated. Bars and pubs weren't the most nicest of places sometimes, and the air was foul with cigarette smoke and the stench's of drunk people...
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Chapter 14: "Wanting to prove just how good he could be tonight"
awww his need to please his sire and make him proud of him :')
Chapter 14: i waited long enough for this :D oooh i want a little more gtop action lil pecks can't satisfy me :D
Chapter 13: It's soooo fluffy *weeps tears of joy* Hyunnie his hair while he slept <3 Whyyyyy so cute.
Chapter 13: omo omo can't they just kill that old geezer?
TokkiX #5
Chapter 12: MY FEELS! Really love how GD acts Gawd It's so sad but I love it
Chapter 12: I love the direction you've gone in. It makes sense that hyun is struggling to handle his emotions, especially his anger. That Noir is one nasty piece of work I tells ya! But I have faith in my hyunnie and I know he won't change into a bad person. He is too good. He'll show Jiyong that he's made the right decision by choosing him.
Chapter 11: Oh eff yes!!! Possessive hyunnnnnn :D
I am soooo happy to see him act so aggressive and stand up to Noir.
chubbicheekness #8
Chapter 12: Im glad I found this story ^^
Chapter 12: oh i love this story more and more with each ch :D
Chapter 11: i don't get it..how can Ji be so pliant after Noir almost ripped him appart ...like literily ripped him apart
he distroyed him emotionally and physically and now he just snuggles up to him and let's Seunghyun fight his fight?
great update :D ty