Sam and Robert's Interview

Journey To Love

Sam's Interview

PD: So, did you like your date?

Sam: I really didn't care who it was I just wanted to be able to have fun at the park.

PD: Did you have fun?

Sam: Kinda. Well, I mean I had fun it's just I didn't like the fact that he got sick. I wanted to ride some more rides. But I guess it was still kinda fun....but I didn't have as much fun as I wanted to.

PD: Atleast he got you that bear.

Sam: Yeah. That was sweet of him but honesty, I could've gotten that myself on my own *Laughs*

PD: The date kinda got awkward at the end...what did you think happened?

Sam: I honestly don't know. I was holding his hands (Something a guy should be initiating) thought he'd be happy but then, when I tried to hold his hand again, he wouldn't let me. It was like he was bipolar or something. But I think he got upset about something I did or said but I didn't know what I did wrong. I figured he didn't want to talk so I just left it at that. I want to know what's wrong.


PD: Did you like your date?

Robert: I did at first but then, it immediately changed/

PD: Why?

Robert: First, she didn't even know I arrived and second, she didn't even look happy when she saw me.

PD: Did you enjoy your date with her?

Robert: At first, I did but I didn't know that she was that crazy. I never in my life rode those kind of rides/ They were super scary! That's why I got sick.

PD: Yeah you got sick but she took care of you and bought you food.

Robert: Yeah she did and that was sweet of her and I appreciated that. She was really caring. But I really didn't need her. I have packed some medicine too because I know this would happen - I could've tpl care of myself but I guess she felt that I was her responsibility so I just let her. And I'm not going to lie, It feels nice to be taken care of.

PD: you invaded her privacy and looked at her phone when you had the chance.

Robert: I was curious. I wanted to know who was someone so important that she would text him/her every minute.

PD: You looked shocked after looking at her phone. What did you see?

Robert: I already invaded her privacy like you said so I'm not going to reveal what I saw in public.

PD: Why did your mood change at the end?

Robert: BEcaue I hate the fact that she's always texting. Makes me feel unimportant. It's irritating when your date keeps texting someone when she should've been having fun with her date. I didn't like that at all and didn't feel like talking to her or being her date anymore so I just remained quiet 'till the date ended. 

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mycupoflove #1
Great story and characters! I can't wait to read the rest of the story. :)