Matthew and Crystal's Interview

Journey To Love


The interviewer calls Crystal into the room. She sits down across from him twiddling her thumbs.
Interviewer- Hi Crystal. Glad to see you smiling.
Crystal- Hello. 
Interviewer- So tell us Crystal... what was your first reaction when you found out your date was Matthew?
Crystal- To be honest, I had wished it was any guy, but him. 
Interviewer- Really? Do you have history with him?
Crystal- Not really. But I have liked him for a long time, but I knew he likes Allison. I didn't want it to be him because seeing him will only make me like him more. 
Interviewer- I see. I noticed you trying to comfort him. That must've been very hard, but it was nice of you. Now that the date is over, how do you feel about him now? Did you like the date?
Crystal- Yeah. Well I may know that he likes Allison, but I still hate to see him sad. So I tried to comfort him. Now...I don't know how to feel. My feelings for him are still there, but now I think I understand him better. I did like the date. We got along very well and we laughed at each other's jokes. We even were able to exchange numbers. He may not like me as much as Allison, but I think we were able to become closer friends.
Interviewer- Thank you Crystal. 
Crystal leaves. They call in Matthew. Matthew sits down and is asked similar questions.
Interviewer- Hello Matthew. So tell us, how did you feel when you saw Allison waiting for you?
Matthew- Hmm... Well I felt bad for making her wait. 
Interviewer- Did you wish it was somebody else?
Matthew- In the beginning I did. I wished it was Allison.
Interviewer- You said "in the beginning". Does that mean you liked your date with Crystal?
Matthew- (Laughs) I guess you can say I did. We had a really good time. She is a very fun girl to be around. I never knew she was like that. We hardly hang out. But I'm glad I was able to spend time with her. 
Interviewer- Would you like your next date to be Allison, Crystal, or one of the other girls?
Matthew- Hmm...I would like it to be Allison or Crystal. I would like to get to know Crystal a little bit more.
Interviewer- Thank you Matthew.
Who will Matthew and Crystal be paired up with in the next date? Will it be each other or somebody new? Stay tuned.
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mycupoflove #1
Great story and characters! I can't wait to read the rest of the story. :)