Sam ♥ Robert's date

Journey To Love

Sam arrived early hoping her date would arrive early too. While waiting for her date, she takes picures of herself outside the amusement park and posted it on IG.

After that, she foun a bench, sat on it, listened to music while texting. 

No one knows who. But she would have a smile on her face after getting a message. It must be someone special.

5 minutes later, her date arrrived. Sam didn't know her date arrived because she was too busy texting. 

Robert immediately saw her and tried calling out her name but she wouldn't respond because she was listening to loud music. 

Robert sat next to her and waited until she noticed him. Sam looked at him and he smiled and waved hi to her. Sam took off her headphones and asked Robert "Are you my date?" Robert said "Yes. I am. You should be happy"

Sam: OMG! When did you get here? Did you wait long?

Robert: No. I just got here and shouldn't I be the one asking you that question? Did you wait long?

Sam: Oh no, not really. I kept myself occupied.

Robert: I see that. Well are you ready?

Sam: (Message recieved) Hold on let me just reply this person. 

*Robert tried to see who she was texting and he got a good look of who she's texting without her knowing*

After that, Sam asked Robert which ride he wants to get on first and he said "I've never been here so I"ll ride all the rides you want to ride.

Sam: Are you sure about that? Are you afraid of heights or roller coasters?

Robert: No. I love rides and yes I'm postitive

*Sam took the lead and took Robert to crazy intense rides

After a few rides, Robert is starting to look pale and sick*

Sam: Are you ok?

Robert: (Do I look ok to you?!?!) Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me.

*Sam texting again*

Sam: You don't look too good.

Robert: (Ya think? DUH)

Sam: Here let's rest for a bit. Stay here while I go get some food.

*Sam nervous as to what to do, she forgot her phone on the table with Robert. Robert looked up and saw Sam gone. He checked her phone and looked at who she was texting. Read some of the messages and was shocked. 

He again looked around and saw Sam paying for the food. SO he put her phone away from him and put his head down for her not to be suspiscious.

She came back with the fiid and saw that Robert had his head down.

She saw her phone and immediately picked it up* 

Sam: here, I have some food. Eat something. This might help make you feel better. After you're done, I have some Tylenol in my bag just in case something like this happens. 

*Sam toook care of him and gave him some medicine. He felt better.

After that, they talked fir awhile and then walked around and played games in the arcade room. And Robert won a teddy bear.

Robert: Here *Hands Sanm the teddy Bear*

This is for taking care of me and my way of apologizing for ruining our date. I'm really sorry I got sick on our date. I thought I could handle the rides. 

*Sam recieved a message. Texted back. Robert looking irritated* 

Sam: Oh that's ok. I'm glad you're feeling better now. And I still had fun! Oh and thanks for the bear.

*Sam holds his hand while they walked together. 

She suddenly let go of his hand because she had to text that someone again. After replying, Sam wanted to hold his hand again but Robert put his hands in his pockets and locked it there. Then Sam tried to talk to him and have small converations with him because things are starting to get a little awkward. But Robert kept giving her short responses - one word answers. Sam realized that he didn't want to talk to her so she just remained quiet and both of them walked together without saying a word. 

And that's how the date ended.

They said bye and separated ways

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mycupoflove #1
Great story and characters! I can't wait to read the rest of the story. :)