
Love Sick

Author POV

"Jinyoung, come on!" Manager-hyung yelled, waving his hand to signal Jinyoung to come. "This is going to be your solo shot. You'll couple up with Hyojin later." Manager-hyung explained, as he stood behind the cameras.

"Who's taking the pictures?" Jinyoung asked, as he looked around the set. Suddenly, a young man wearing very short-shorts came skipping into the room, and perfectly landed on one foot like a ballerina.

"Who is the photographer, you say? It is I, Kim Kibum! Or key. Just key." He chuckled, as he adjusted the ascot wrapped around his neck. "Jung Jinyoung, it is such a pleasure to meet you!" Key grabbed Jinyoung's hands into his, as he vigorously shook it up and down. Jinyoung laughed awkwardly, and released his grip from Key's clammy hands.

(Okay, so in this part of the story Key plays as a very fabulous photographer. Don't kill me, lockets!)

"Nice ascot." Jinyoung complimented, as he lightly tugged on it. Key laughed really, really loudly, as he proudly nodded his head.

"Isn't it? It's pure silk." Key remarked, as he picked up a very fancy camera off the table. "Go over there, Jinyoung. You're my very first model of the day! I'm in a great mood!" Key sang, as he raised the camera to his face. "The theme is charismatic. Look deep into the camera lens as if you see the one you love! In fact, just think of the love of your life. Anyone come to mind?" Key hummed.

"N-Not really." Jinyoung muttered, as he began to get into his first pose. As Jinyoung began modelling, Sandeul, Baro, and Hyojin stood behind Key and watched in amazement.

"Jinyoung is a great model." Hyojin said unconsciously, as she stared at Jinyoung's intense gaze towards the camera. He's an absolute natural when it comes to modelling. Jinyoung looks overwhelmingly handsome with his hair and outfit gussied up. Not that he really needed the extra help anyway.

After Jinyoung took few solo shots, Key suddenly began calling around for Hyojin. "Seo Hyojin~" Key sang out loud, as he twirled around in a circle in search of the model. When he spotted her, he placed his hands on her shoulders, as he directed her in front of the white wall paper. "What's the theme?" Hyojin asked, as she eyed her own outfit.

"Hmm, you'll find out." Key chuckled, as he walked back to his spot behind the camera equipment. "Jinyoung is just changing into his next outfit. He'll be back momentarily."


Just like what Key said, Jinyoung returned to the set a few moments later. He was wearing a simple outfit, but it made all the girls' hearts in the room skip a beat. Jinyoung was wearing a short-sleeved buttoned up white shirt, accented with a red bow tie. The jeans he's wearing are pretty tight on him, and Hyojin has to resist from her eyes trailing down his torso. Then, he has red sneakers to match his bow tie. "What?" Jinyoung said in a monotone voice, as he stopped by Hyojin's side.

"N-Nothing." Hyojin grinned. "Are you excited to be coupled up with me?" Jinyoung scoffed, as he began to get into his first pose.

"I'll be excited when pigs fly. This, not so much." Jinyoung teased.

"Alright, love birds, let's start posing, hm!" Key yelled, as he positioned himself behind the camera. "Alright, pretend you guys are a couple! Interlock arms, smile, kiss, do something!"

Jinyoung took action first, by hooking his arm through Hyojin's. "Smile." He said in a hush tone. Hyojin stood there, shocked. It takes her a moment to process what she's currently doing. "Yah, pabo you going to pose or what?"

"Sorry." Hyojin snapped back to her senses, as she prepared to get into her first pose.

"Beautiful!" Key exclaimed, as he took his small camera and dived onto the floor. "Excellent! Change pose!"

Jinyoung recoiled his arm, and instead wrapped it around Hyojin's waist. Hyojin's face glowed red from the contact, as she placed her arm around his shoulder by instinct. "Boring! More skinship please!" Key groaned, as he layed down on the floor on his stomach.

"Follow my lead." Jinyoung whispered huskily into Hyojin's ear. Hyojin gulped, as she dropped her arms to her side to wait for Jinyoung. Jinyoung faced Hyojins left side, and then wrapped both his arms around her shorter body. Then, he leant close, and placed his lips on Hyojin's red cheek.

"Gorgeous!" Key yelled. "Hyojin, don't just awkwardly stand there!"

"R-Right!" Hyojin stuttered, as she began placing her hands on Jinyoung's arms. "Awesome! Smile now!"

Key began taking multiple photos, and he took them from different angles. "You're really red." Jinyoung teased.

"I-I know." Hyojin mumbled, and leaned her head on Jinyoung's shoulder.


Hyojin POV

"Alright, you're done Jinyoung!" Key grinned in approval. Jinyoung released his grip on me, a cold breeze appeared from the loss of contact. I-I know it's wierd, but I felt comfortable in his arms. It's like I was cuddling a cute fox. I kind of wish he didn't leave...

"Baro, it's your turn!" Key called out. Baro popped out of nowhere, as he calmly walked to my side.

"Are you disappointed I'm here instead of Jinyoung now?" Baro said, and wiggled his eyebrows. I smack his arm playfully.

"Don't be silly." I grin. "So, what's the theme this time, Key?" Workers began crates around us. and handed each of us a plastic megaphone.

"Hm, just have fun. You don't really need to be lovey." Key shrugged. "Alright, begin!"


"Why are you putting that on your head?" I laugh, as I imitate Baro's wierdness.

"Great!" Key cooed. "More please!"

After we did a few more shots, Baro and I changed into our last outfit.

To be honest, I didn't think I would having so much fun. Not only do I spend time with Jinyoung and the guys, I also make a little extra cash. What could get better than this?

For our last photos, Baro and I sat together on one large crate, pretty close that our thighs are touching each other. Unlike when I was with Jinyoung, I feel kind of awkward being in such close proximity of Baro. Honestly, I'm alot closer with Jinyoung than Sandeul and Baro. Atleast I'm getting Baro's name right. Atleast, for now.


Jinyoung POV

I watched behind Key as Baro wrapped his arm around Hyojin's shoulder casually. "Great! Scoot closer together please~" Key hummed.

Baro and Hyojin obeyed, as they scooted as close as possible on that small crate. Great? It's not great.

Why do they need be so close to each other anyway? Baro should take his arm off her. Hyojin shouldn't be sitting so close. Why should I care anyway? I-It's not like I'm jealous... right? What the hell is wrong with me?

I mumbled to myself, as I walk to a quiet place, away from the photoshoot area. I walk into what seems like a resting area; a room filled with seats, food, and a flat screen tv. Just what I need. Peace and quiet. I flop down on the near by sofa; face down, and do nothing but think deeply about my feelings. Which, I never do.

I have no idea what's wrong with me. Ever since Hyojin showed up, my behavior and personality has been so strange... Iv'e never acted or felt this way before. Atleast, I haven't for a very long time. Not ever since ____ left.  Iv'e never had such strong feelings. Feelings of what? I can't say for sure. Annoyance? Bitterness? Possibly even.... love? "No, that can't be it." I quickly dismiss the idea of love, as I sit upright on the couch. I promised myself I won't fall in love again. You always get hurt in the end. It's just not worth it to me anymore. But, now that she's here, I have to question myself now. "Get it together, Jinyoung." I mutter to myself, and bury my face into my hands.


Hyojin POV

"Where's Jinyoung-sshi?" I ask Baro, as my eyes examine the whole set. No sign of him anywhere. Baro shrugged, as he pointed to a small room in the corner of the set. 

"I think he went over there. I'm not sure. You can check anyway." Baro suggested, while he walked a different direction with Sandeul. I begin walking to the room Baro directed me to, and knock on the door before entering.

"Hello? Jinyoung-sshi?" I repeatedly pound my fist on the door, waiting for a response. But, no one answered. I peeked through the tiny window on the door, and scan the room for anyone. And, as I expected, Jinyoung was inside alone. But, for some reason, he seems really... upset. "Oppa...?" I call out for him while I enter the room, but he still won't look up. Jinyoung is sitting in a upright position, his elbows rested on his thighs and his face buried in his hands.

"Go away, cow." Jinyoung said in a harsh tone. Well, that's a new insult. He's called me a pig before, but never a cow. Which, now that I think about it, sounds pretty lame. If anyone other than Jinyoung used that as an insult, it would be laughable.

"Am I a pretty cow?~" I coo, as I sit next to him on the couch.

"No. Go away." Jinyoung muttered, and scooted away from me.

"Come on, Jinyoung! What's wrong?" I ask. I place my hands on his shoulder; vigorously shaking him around in an attempt to grab his attention. Finally, he looked up at me, a dull and lifeless expression plastered on his face.

"Nothing is wrong. Now, go." Jinyoung lightly pushed me away by the arm. Jinyoung turned his whole body, so that he isn't facing me. But, I just sit the way he's looking, once again in front of him.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you tell me what's wrong." I say sternly.

"Nothing. Get out." Jinyoung growled. I stayed put in my seat, no matter what he said. I already know he's showing his cold behavior to drive me away, but he should know by now that doesn't work on me. After all, that's how he treats me most of the time. I really wish he would just treat me the way he did in the car. Jinyoung was oddly nice and funny.

Finally, Jinyoung gives up trying to make me go away. He sighed deeply, as he folds his hands together. "Don't tell anyone." He said in a low voice.

"I promise. Pinky promise?" I reach my pinky out to him. I expected him to just ignore it. But, surprisingly, he wrapped his larger pinky around mine, and press our thumbs together. This simple interaction makes me really happy. Jinyoung never does cute things.


Author POV

"There's this girl..." Jinyoung began. Girl? Hyojin thought, as she tilted her head in confusion. Hyojin has no idea Jinyoung is talking about herself.

"What about her? Hyojin asked. Jinyoung gazed into Hyojin's large eyes.

"This girl is making me feel so... wierd. I can't get her out of my mind. I haven't known her for the longest time. But, she's very different. Hyo-- she's not like other girls." Jinyoung quietly poured his thoughts out.

"How does she make you feel? Good or bad emotions?" Hyojin said through gritted teeth. She doesn't necessairly like Jinyoung, but Hyojin doesn't really like talking about other women with Jinyoung. It makes her feel bitter. Too bad she's oblivious to Jinyoung's honest feelings.

"A little bit of both." Jinyoung replied.

"Do you like her?" Hyojin questioned. Jinyoung's small eyes widened in surprise. He gulped, as he scooted a bit closer to Hyojin's small body.

"I-I don't think so... not yet? I'm really not clear." Jinyoung stuttered. Hyojin found his honesty cute, as she ruffled his brown hair.

"As time goes by, you'll know how you feel."

"E-Exactly how will I know?" Jinyoung asked, seriousness glinted in his fox eyes.

"Well, the littlest things will remind you of her--"

"Do animals count?" Jinyoung cut her off, as he made a cute expression. Hyojin raised an eyebrow, and shrugged.

"I guess." Hyojin laughed." Jinyoung nodded in some-what understanding. He stood up from the sofa, and made his way towards the door.

"Thanks." Jinyoung said simply.

"Thanks?" Hyojin scoffed in disbelief. "Are you sure you're alright, Jinyoung-sshi?"

Jinyoung froze in his tracks. He looked back at Hyojin; subtly smiling. "Is it bad to be nice?"

"No, I like it." Hyojin hummed, and got up from the sofa to walk with Jinyoung.


Author POV

After a few hours of hard work, the photoshoot was finally done. Jinyoung, Sandeul, Baro, and Manager-hyung left to drop Hyojin off at the hospital. And, as a gift for her work, Manager-hyung rewarded her a 'small' fee of $100. It's not much to him, but to Hyojin it's absolutely amazing. The whole car ride, she sat there in silence doing nothing but admiring her new cash. "Hyojin, we're here." Manager-hyung parked the car in front of the hospital.

"I'll walk you there." Jinyoung opened the door for Hyojin, as he offered his hand to her. Hyojin laughed at his rare act of kindness, and happily accepted his help.

"You don't need to." Hyojin grinned, as she looked back at Sandeul and Baro.

"It's fine. If you want me to stay a little longer, I can just get picked up later. Right, Baro?" Jinyoung shot him a death glare; so that Baro can't object. Baro sheepishly smiled at him in response, as he reluctantly nodded his head. "See?"

"Well, if it's alright with you..." Hyojin waved back at the boys in the car before the doors closed shut. "You're in an extra good mood today, aren't you Jinyoung-oppa?"

Jinyoung shrugged, as he opened the hospital door for Hyojin, like a proper gentleman. "I guess I am. Don't call me 'oppa' though." Jinyoung's grin was replaced with a cute pout, which made Hyojin giggle. Hyojin is really happy Jinyoung is starting to reveal his cheerful side to her. It's a nice change from his usual blunt behavior. "So, do I have to check you in or--"



Jinyoung POV

God, I'm such a dumb . How can I forget to put my disguise on?! The fan's loud squeal began to attract attention. Soon, more and more people began to recognize me; and began to form a sea of fans crowding around Hyojin and I. "Jinyoung-sshi... hurry up!" Hyojin's voice was barely audible above the throaty cries of girls everywhere.

To protect her from the crazy fans, I put Hyojin in front of me and leaned my hands on the counter in front me. I placed each of my arms to her sides, and my chest is pressed closely against her back. It helps so that the fans can't touch her, but it doesn't offer much protection against the blinding flashes from cameras. Once I checked ourselves into the hospital, workers had to us to the elevator and form a barrier around Hyojin and I just so we can get into the elevator safely.


"They plucked some of my hair out..." Hyojin leaned against the elevator wall, as she slowly slid down from exhaustion. "You have to go through this all the time?"

I nodded my head sadly, as I sat down next to her on the floor. "I'm really sorry that happened... I should've been more careful." I apologized sincerely, as I made sure to cover my face with my scarf. I really feel bad for Hyojin. They shoved cameras and phones into her face. I won't be surprised if there are articles popping up soon. The elevator opened to our floor, and I helped Hyojin up then we walked out together.

As we walked by, workers and paitents alike gave us wierd stares as we passed. Word must have gone around that I was here. A scarf doesn't really cover me much because my light hair pops out. Luckily, none of them tried to come up to us. They must have figured I already had enough trouble back at the lobby. "Will articles come up about us?" Hyojin asked, as she opened the door to her room.


"You said once that if we're seen together, scandals will form. They might think we're dating, no?" Hyojin tilted her head, and she sat on her hospital bed. I laugh, while I sit on the chair near her bed.

"There might be. Don't worry, Manager-hyung will take care of it." I assure her. Hyojin raised an eyebrow, as she didn't really have faith in me.

"Are you sure? Won't he be mad at you?"

"Probably." I admitted. "He might not let me go out freely after this." Hyojin's face slowly turned dark from my words.

"You mean you won't be able to visit?" She pouted. I nod, and pat her head.

"Not for a while." The atmosphere became awkward after that, and we just silently sat there. Suddenly, Hyojin started releasing a chain of coughs. I jump a little in surprise, and turn to look at her face. It's really red... "H-Hey, are you sick?"

Hyojin shook her head, but then she began sneezing! "I'm okay." She muttered. I can tell she's holding back now. I lean close to her face; placing my forehead against hers. It's obvious she has a fever. Hyojin's forehead is very warm. I can't tell if it's because she's sick, but her face glowed red. My face is only a few milimeters away from hers.

"You're sick, Hyojin. Why'd you come with us?" I ask sternly, while I pulled away. Hyojin chuckled, as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"I didn't want to stay in this hell hole..." she quietly muttered. "It's no fun laying down all day. Having no one to talk to. There are so many paitents here, they never give me any attention. I don't care how awful I feel, I just wanted to get away. Anywhere is better than here."

I was about to scold Hyojin for her carelessness, but then I shut my mouth. I began thinking about her situation from Hyojin's point of view. And, decided to just not say anything. If I were her, I would probably would have done the same. As an idol, I may never understand what it's like not to have enough attention. But, I certainly knows what's it's like to feel like you're in hell. "What? No scolding?" Hyojin scoffed.

I shake my head. "Nope." Hyojin's mouth gaped open from surprise; and I chuckled at the sight. "So you can rest up, I'm going to go now. Hm?" I stood up from my chair, and began making my way towards the door. But, Hyojin grabbed my wrist suddenly, so that I can't move. "What?"

"Y-You can't stay a little longer?" Hyojin pouted. "I w-wont be able to see you for a while though..."

I nod, as I lightly push her hand away. "You need to rest. You're acting this is the last we're meeting." I chuckle.

"It sure feels like it." Hyojin grumbled. "What am I going to without you and the guys around?" I shrug, while walking towards the door.

"You'll find something."


Sorry if you found the ending a little boring. And, btw, those pictures are not mine. They're from their LITMUS photoshoot. There's alot more pictures if you want to check it out ^^.

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Chapter 9: Omg, I can't believe I have only just found this piece of glory! ;u;
You've made my day with your humorous antics, seriously. c'8
Like Jinyoung dressing up as a girl, I can't even. LOOOOOOL.
I'm in love with your fanfic, so here's another sub for you! ♥
I'll be looking forward to the next update. o/
Puahahaha. Another Jinyoung fic ey? (saw this on that not-update chapter from HBYS) I SHALL SUBSCRIBE!!! *biased biased XD*