I'm Sorry

Just Can't Say 'No'


             The skies clouded over as the final bell rang, obscuring the meager rays of sun that shone throughout the day. Ella stretched out her arms with a satisfied breath and stood up. She glanced at the empty seat beside her, frowning. Her boyfriend was M.I.A yet again, but at this point, she was fed up with the game he was playing. Ask her where he was a couple of weeks ago and she would make an excuse that he was busy. Ask her right now and she would brush it off without a second thought. She felt betrayed by him. He had been blowing her off for days, weeks now, and today was no different.

             "Why bother asking to meet up and then not show up at all. Babo..." Ella mumbled, remembering what had happened yesterday. She hitched up her bag and solemnly kicked a rock down the street. With her head hung low, she dragged her feet home, trekking down the road she had frequently travelled with her boyfriend.


             Sandeul called after her retreating back. Usually she would react right away, but today was different; she continued walking.

             'It's either she can't hear me, or she's ignoring me on purpose,' he thought. Hiking up his pack, he ran after her.


             Ella jumped when he she felt someone grab her arm. Fists raised, she whirled around, ready to sock her perpetrator in the face. Sandeul swiftly grabbed her fists and lowered them, closing her gaping mouth while he was at it.

             "I called you back there. Didn't you hear me?" he asked. Ella pulled her arms away and turned around, continuing her solo walk home. Sandeul sighed. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. Jogging after her, he grabbed her arm and turned her around. 

             "I'm sorry I've been away. Let me make it up to you." Ella narrowed her eyes at him. What made him think that, after all those times he had ditched her, she would forgive him so easily. "Let's go on a date. I'll take you to that pasta house you've been dying to go to." Ella's frown disappeared and was replaced by a blank expression.

             "Oppa, that was months ago. I've already eaten at that place for my dad's birthday," she whispered. Her eyes clouded over with disappointment as tears threatened to spill. Sandeul mentally slapped himself for being so out of the loop.

[MC Tales: Wouldn't blame yo-- oh wait, yeah, you're to blame, my friend.]

             "Okay, fine. You've been there already," he said, "but you haven't been there with me yet," he whispered into her ear. Although she was upset with him for disappointing her these last few weeks, she couldn't help but blush at his sweet words. She buried her face in his blazer and he held her close, rubbing her back to keep her warm from the chilly spring day. They stayed that way for a couple of minutes before he pulled away, grabbing a hold of her hand. "So, what do you say? Shall we get this date started?" he asked, motioning forward with a sweep his arm. Ella giggled at his familiar dorkiness and nodded.


             The duo exited the restaurant, laughing heartily at Sandeul's recalling of his most recent embarrassing story at the studio. Hand in hand, they walked down the brightly lit streets, passing by several vendors. They stopped at a couple of tables, picking out random items and showing each other.

             "Oppa! Look at this!" Ella squealed, pulling him to another table. It was filled with all sorts of hats and sunglasses, all ready for the summer season to come. There were a couple of fashion frames lined up, and one in particular caught her attention. It was a pair of bright neon green and yellow glasses. With a smirk, she snatched them up and placed them on Sandeul's face. The instant it was on his nose, her face lit up and she burst into a fit of laughter. "Oppa, you look so funny! Ah, jinjja daebak!" she chortled and held two thumbs up. He went cross eyed to see what colour the glasses were, only to provoke another round of giggles from Ella. She doubled over and grabbed her aching stomach, sore from all the laughter. Sandeul pouted at her teasing, but an evil smile tugged at his lips. He grabbed a pair of neon pink and yellow frames and pushed them onto her nose as well.

             "Two can play at this game. Hahaha! Aigoo~ my girlfriend looks so cute" he cooed, pinching her cheek. Ella whined at him to let go and tried to take off the ridiculous glasses. "Nuh-uh uh, we need a picture." He hugged her from behind, pinning her arms to her side, and positioned the camera in front of them. Before she could protest, he took the picture. He took one look at the result and burst into laughter. "Hahaha, I'm definitely keeping this one!" he laughed.

             "Let me see!" she demanded, pulled the camera away from him. She immediately screamed and tried to delete the picture. However, Sandeul had a feeling she would try to do something and snatched his phone right back. "Delete it, Oppa! I looked ridiculous!" she whined. 

             "I kind of like it," he snickered, imitating her half opened eyes and gaping mouth. Ella pouted and angrily stomped her feet. She stormed off, forgetting about the glasses she still wore. Sandeul chuckled at her childish behaviour. He paid for the glasses and ran after her.


[MC Tales: I dunno ‘bout you people, but somehow, THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME. In every single picture I’m in…Dang candid pictures…ruin my image…*bitter*]


             Ella sat down on a bench and kicked at the pebbles on the ground, mumbling a trail of incoherent sentences. Sandeul snuck up from behind her and leaned in listen, but couldn't make out anything she said. Chuckling at her childish attitude, he sat down beside her and pulled her into a hug.

             "I'm sorry I laughed at you. I just found you to be so cute!" he apologized. "Besides, you laughed at me first, so now we're even." He stuck his tongue out and pulled his bottom eyelid down. Ella couldn't keep a straight face and broke into a bright smile.

             "We'll be even if you delete that picture," she said, holding up her hand to stop him from interrupting, "We'll just take another, better one instead."



             The sky grew dark as the sun began to set. Orange and blue hues painted the sky, casting a warm glow upon the couples in the park. Ella let out a satisfied breath. After so many weeks, everything was finally back to normal. Sandeul was back and they were finally on a date. She didn't realize how much she had missed him, his warmth, his smile, his embrace. All her doubts of their relationship disappeared, along with any feelings she had for Jin Young.

             "Ice cream is here! A chocolate cone for me and a vanilla cone for milady," he exaggeratedly announced, holding out the cone with a bow. Ella laughed at his dorky gesture and took the ice cream.

             "Thanks, oppa." They found a bench facing the sunset and ate the ice cream in a comfortable silence. Hand in hand, they watched the sun slowly dip into the horizon, eventually disappearing all together beneath the ocean border. The sky darkened and stars twinkled lightly in the moonless sky.

             "It's getting dark. I'll walk you home."


             They arrived at the gates of her house, stalling outside. Neither of them wanted to leave the other just yet.

             "I had lots of fun today. Thanks for bringing me out." Ella shyly moved in for a hug. Sandeul embraced her willingly, holding her close. His grip tightened on her when she tried to pull away. "What is it oppa?”

             "Ella, you know I love you, right? Ever since the first day I laid eyes on you I just knew, you were the girl for me. You don't know how excited I was when we started dating. You were the highlight of my days.”


             "There's a reason why I avoided you these past few weeks, I just...I just can't tell you though...Please forgive me for doing this. It kills me knowing I have to break your heart...I....This is the last time I can call you my girlfriend...I'm sorry," he whispered into her ear. He tilted his head down for one last kiss, the image of Ella's tear stained face forever engraved into his memories, turned around, and walked away. Ella watched him leave, paralyzed. She couldn't move, couldn’t make a run for him, to beg him to take her back. The hole where her heart used to be twisted in pain, wrenching out more tears.

             ‘Did he just break up with me? Was it something I did?’ Ella thought, weakly falling to the ground.

             "Well I'll be. That was quite a show,” Haneul sneered, laughing from the front doorway. “I'm not surprised Ella, even that loser got bored of you and ditched. He has good taste after all," she said, mocking Ella's crying before laughing at her and slamming the door shut. Another sob shook her fragile frame and she began to break into hysterics. Robotically, she stood up and turned the other direction. She ran from her house, heading down the road to now where in particular, attempting to chase away the awful memory that just unfolded before her.


[MC Tales: ….that was unexpected…..I’m sorry….I need…I need some time alone *cries in a corner*]


Please don't kill me =P

So, I had some time to kill after class/before work and didn't have any hmwk to do, so I wrote a chapter. Yay. A couple more chapters before this story end =OOO Are you all excited?! Anywho, I have about 3 stories lined up, but I don't know which order to write them in. I'll probably make a poll later on or something...hopefully there will be votes LOL My caps key is dying...*distracted* ANYWHO

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...maybe not so much...hahahaha 

See you in the next Chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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Chapter 18 is up! Chapter 19 will be posted tomorrow.


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GNP-Productions #1
Aww,thanks! Your comment made my day hahaha
kmn007 #2
&of course I had to comment alot! This is too good not to :P
GNP-Productions #3
Final Chapter is up! Thanks for reading, everybody~~~
LeePeppers #4
Yeah! An infinite fic <3 my favorite group :D!
Its almost ending TT
hai_young #5
aw d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :P
but wow. dramatic near-ending..
on that haneul!! lol.
GNP-Productions #6
@ kmn007: whaddya mean you can't guess the ending?! Sigh...guess I won't be updating until you figure it out.....=P and...possibly. I'm debating on how to write it....
kmn007 #7
okay i'm stuck... I CANT GUESS HOW IT'LL END D:
so you'll be updating alot faster right? hahah
GNP-Productions #8
*shameless advertising* Please check out my newest fic, Epicenter!
GNP-Productions #9
Chapter 20~~~ Almost done! T^T
diannadidi #10
So the story's almost over. I wonder what happens at the end. :o