[LEO POV] In the Air

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

*highly recommending playing the songs with this chapter- trust me, it'll be woooorth it :D/ open the link in a new window*


[Leo POV]

Today is Eva’s birthday, August 12th. Once in our morning walks to work, she explained to me that was the reason why she named her dog, Leo. And here I was named because I looked like one.

She’s really proud of being a ‘Leo’ as she told me. She says that it really fits her, and she’s one in every way. According to her, her added Spanish background adds onto the Leo personality. She told me that her mother engraved in her brain to always stay optimistic, things will work out in the end, and to remain the strong confident woman that her late mother once was. I would definitely have to agree with that.

Once she brought us all coffee from this hole in the wall coffee shop she found on the way to work, now I really like coffee, and I had to say this was some of the best coffee I’ve ever had.

“Do you like it?” She curiously asked me. I was too infatuated with the taste and smell of this coffee to even respond back to her.

Uh..look at his face, I think he really likes it….” Ken raised his eyebrow with sarcastic disgusted look on his face and walked away.

Eva just laughed at him, and leaned in towards my face,  “It’s amazing right?” Her eyes wide open, her eyebrows raised up, and a small smile on her lips. I was a bit surprised to how close she was to my face, but I didn’t care at the time, all I wanted was to have more of this coffee.

My lips parted from the cup, now it was basically finished- “Can you show me the place sometime?” I never really intended on asking her to go for a coffee, but I think it was the caffeine talking in that moment. She gave me a thumbs up, and walked towards HongBin who was calling for her.

Lately these days, he always asks for her. It’s usually for style advice or what hairstyle would fit him best. At first, their relationship was somewhat awkward, but within the past month they’ve gotten close, it seems. Well it’s nothing I should be bothered with anyways…

It was after filming a segment, where I feeling a bit under the weather and just wanted to go home to rest my tired body after a day jam packed with interviews, photo shoots, and recordings. It was late, when we walked out to go back to our dorm. Eva was ahead with the rest of my group members, when she turned around and walked back towards me.

“Hey- I know it’s a bit late, but do you want to go for that coffee? Maybe it’ll make you feel better? I already told JiHoo, not to come get to today…”

I looked at N, not really knowing whether I could even go out- “Go, I’ll cover for you don’t worry. You really need it.” He motioned his head to go. Hm, coffee would be nice.

Eva, tugged on my arm and dragged me across the street. Off we went to the coffee shop. We walked in the comfortable silence that was made between us two until we reached the main entrance. She opened the door for me, and motioned her hand for me to go in-

There were some things that I didn’t understand about her, it was probably the bit of culture differences we had. Most girls don’t open the doors for men- it’s reversed.

I stood firmly at the entrance; I wasn’t going to go in first.

“Yah- you” She pointed at me, “In!” Not wanting this to drag on any more than it should, I lowered my head and walked inside. The moment that I walked in, I automatically felt better, the smell of coffee wrapped around my nose and pulled me in.

“Let’s sit over there.” We walked over to a corner booth, the lighting was dimmer there, hopefully less chances of any Starlights noticing me. She walked away to the counter to get us some drinks when two female high school students walked in.

I quickly pulled my baseball cap a bit lower, just praying that they weren’t anyone that would notice me.

… of course they would sit in the table right in front of us… is that Rovix I see on their backpacks…great.

“Here ya go~” I grabbed Eva’s arm and pulled her down quickly. I didn’t want anyone looking over here.

“Where?” She whispered. She caught on quickly. I titled my head to the right side. She nonchalantly looked over, and caught sight of the two students. formed an okay- and I responded with a quite thank you.

I reached over to grab my café mocha when I heard the two girls, whispering and giggling. Eva looked over towards them and smiled. After two minutes of their squealing, both of the girls got up and took out their phones.

“Leo oppa?” There was no way I could get out of this…

“Oh my god, Leo oppa it’s you~!” They were quick to snap pictures of me, and possibly of Eva as well.

That’s when Eva got up- “I’m sorry, Leo isn’t feeling very well today- so if you could…” She cut off the last part of her sentence hoping that they would get the rest. The taller of the two girls, responded with a harsh tone of voice at Eva. She even accused her of being my…girlfriend.

Eva, remained composed, she took out her employee ID card, and showed the girls, “No, I’m actually the hair and makeup assistant. Leo-sshi over here is feeling a bit under the weather, so I offered to buy him some coffee. I know there’s fans like yourself that want to see him on stage with all his energy, so I thought it would help him…Hey didn’t you both go to the simply Kpop recording this week? I think I saw you girls there right? You guys are daebak for coming for the recording. I know you probably had to wait for hours outside…I’m sorry.”

She had flipped the situation around; the two girls were now apologizing to her, saying that it was no big deal about waiting for us.

“Sorry, Leo oppa, feel better!”

“Yeah I’m sorry too, oppa fighting!”

Eva walked over closer to them, “Could you possibly delete those picture you just took? I wouldn’t want anyone seeing them and thinking something else you know? It could mean big trouble for Leo…” The two girls nodded their heads rapidly-

“Ne- Unnie!” They saluted to her.

I stood up, and bowed to them- “Thank you Starlights~” I flashed them a casual smile, and with that they were satisfied enough to get their coffee’s to go. They walked to the front doors, waving to us one last time before leaving.

“You know that easily could of ended badly..” I informed her. She only looked at me with a smirk,

“You’re right it could of, but I was sure that it was going to all work out for the better.” She triumphantly took a sip of her latté.

Eva certainly is optimistic, even if she’s not that sensible.


“Hyung! Hurry up we’re leaving in 30 minutes!” HongBin yelled over to me breaking me away from my pondering. I was sitting on the couch laying down looking at the ceiling.

I glanced over to Hyuk, being the youngest, technically couldn’t get into other clubs, but Eva told us that her friend was a promoter, and could get him in. The only reason our manager was letting us even go out, was because according to Eva, he had a crush on Nara who was also coming tonight.

I didn’t know which club we were going to, especially because I obviously didn’t go out like this, but Eva explained to us that we would have our own VIP room, so it would be hard for anyone to notice us.

I finished spiking up my hair; something that Eva taught us how to perfect. Grabbed my studded shoulder black blazer and waited in the living for the rest of the guys to finish up.

“Alright, you guys ready for tonight!” Our manager yelled…he sounded he like a college kid getting ready to mingle. He must be excited to see Baek Nara tonight, he even styled his hair for the occasion.


We walked in via VIP/ back door entrance. Eva, hugged and gave a…cheek kiss? To a tall dyed red headed girl. Ah- it was one of those culture things she once told me about, they greet each other with a kiss on each cheek, starting with the right side first.

As for the rest of the members including myself we bowed our way inside, following behind Eva and her friend. She was high fived, and hugged left and right. I guess people really know her here… We entered the room, where there were 4 girls and 5 guys already present waiting for her arrival. When she entered, the room was filled with loud screams and cheering. I’m guessing these were her closet friends, and yet here she was inviting us, her coworkers.

“Okay, so because it’s my baby girl’s birthday tonight….free bottle service all night!” The red headed girl who’s name was Lina yelled out loud, at one point glazing her eyes on me.

“Lina! No- I can’t let you do that!” Eva grabbed her arms, trying to shake her out of the idea.

Her friend reassuringly took Eva’s hands and placed them back at her sides, “No, you can’t let me not do this for you. It’s the least I can do for you. Who was the person who landed me the interview for this job- you!” Eva looked at her still with a worried expression, only to fade into a huge smile,

“Wah- Thank you unnie!” They hugged each other like two little girls, bouncing around until the first bucket of grey goose came out.

The music- it was loud, much louder than our regular music show recordings, but luckily it was only that loud when we stepped out of the room into the VIP area. Some of her friends recognized us, but they calmly greeted us. It could have been that some of them were foreigners.

Our manager, the gentleman that is oh-so-is, poured the first round of drinks for us. It’s usually the youngest that pours the first round, but being that Nara was there, I think he was trying to impress her.

“Jahh~ Happy 23rd Birthday Eva! Kunbae!” We all raised our shot glasses, clinked them together took them in one shot.

The immense blocked off area we were sitting in; had a large U black ostrich leather couch, with a large opaque white table that had a revolving lights on top of it. The sides of the room were heavily quilted with dark grey leather. In front of the couch and table was the tinted doors leading to the VIP area.

After taking our first shot, N and Ravi wasted no time downing another one and going to out dance, as they went towards the door they grabbed Ken & Hyuk to come along. Some of her friends also went out, and not very surprisingly some stayed behind and sat down next to HongBin. Eva was sandwiched in between Nara and me. Our manager sat next to Nara- and poured us a round of mixed drinks.

“Where’s the gorgeous boyfriend of yours?” Nara, poked her shoulder, with a mischievous smirk.

“Ah, he’s been working with a client nonstop these days, he’s coming, but he’ll just be a bit late.” She pouted at Nara, then perked up- “Well atleast I have you guys here tonight!” She wrapped her arms around the necks of Nara & me, and pulled us in.

Cough. I did not expect that, my eyes were widened and then narrowed back again instantly.

She once told me about how they met, and how their relationship was going. From what I’ve heard, it’s been going really well, great for them.

She talked to me recently about how JiHoo; who was a big shot attorney here in Seoul, has been working on a really big case so they haven’t been meeting up that often as usual. But he would still drop by her place at night- so they were still “intimate atleast” using her own words.

Nara and my manager went out of the room to meet up with the rest of the group.“Ahh! I love this song!”  Her body was dancing to the beats of the current song.  “This song man- the lyrics always captured exactly how I used to feel when I would see my crushes-” She laughed, and pulled me up with her. My body stiffened at her touch, and then followed behind her.

 The song was in English, but with our current language tutoring, I was pleased to find out that I could understand it enough.

Here you are
And the feeling feels good
Don't know if you know it
But I think you should

Tell me it's alright
Tell me we can make this thing tonight


Her waved brown hair was bouncing up and down as she danced with N and Ravi. Her arms were swinging around, and her hips that were covered with hot pink high-waisted shorts were moving to the left and right.

Feeling a change, in the air
Hallelujah I love you
You ready? Cause I couldn't be happier than right now
See if you know it
Should be with me until the end of time

She carried a big smile on her face and looked at me motioning her arm to get closer in the dancing circle. A small chuckle left my lips, and I put up my hands in defense. I stood on the side finishing my drink with my head bopping to the song.

I'm feeling it
I'm feeling a change
I'm feeling it in the air
I'm feeling it
I'm feeling a change
I'm feeling it in the air


Yeah, I am feeling it. My eyes were only glued to Eva, because it was her birthday and everything. I innately wanted her to have a good time; I think she has been a great addition to our team.

“Woohoo!” In came HongBin bursting through the doors, with two girls beside him, but he made his way over to Eva, cutting in between N and her. She placed her hands on his neck and pulled him closer as the song progressed.

My hand clutched the clear glass cup.

I need another drink…

To look the other way
To get what you want
Throw out your troubles find your song
Cause there’s a change 
Change in the air
In the air
In the air


I went back into the VIP room, and served myself another drink. I watched through the tinted glass doors at everyone dancing. She was switching partners and started dancing with Ken. He tried to dance seriously, but it only made her crack up. She grabbed his hands and held them up as they jumped up and down to the beat of the song.

In that moment, Eva’s friend Lina walked in. She was either already tipsy, or she was just naturally a bold person. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, I tried to take pry them off of me, but she only held on tighter. She was close enough, that I could smell her perfume with a faint smell of the alcohol that lingered in her lips. Lina started whispering the song lyrics into my ear.

Just one more minute here with you
All I'd give to have this come true
Can you feel it too?

My mind went blank- I didn’t hear Lina’s voice, and I ignored her hot breathe that was tickling my ear. I was focused on the song. All I could hear were these lyrics.

Can you feel this heart beating in time?
Wishing it was yours but it's gotta be mine

I closed my eyes immersing myself with the song. Once again ignoring the feminine arms that were so tightly wrapped around my shoulders…Yes, I loved music, but right now was a different feeling, and I couldn’t quite grasp what it was.


Went Lina’s tongue grazing my earlobe, my eyes swung open, and placed my hands on her arms to take them off me. That’s when my eyes adjusted to lights, and there in front of us…

Was Eva

Couldn't believe everything I felt
You walked in you saw me just melt

Her eyes were bulging out of her face, mouth wide open-  it took her about 2 seconds to react, she looked at me and gave me a wink. I proceeded to strengthen my grip on Lina’s arms, and successfully pryed them off of me. Lina dropped to the couch, and laid there- I guess she was tipsy.

I'm feeling it
I'm feeling a change
I'm feeling it in the air

I hurled my body over to Eva- “It’s not what you think…” My voice was barely audible most of the time, but this time I made sure Eva could atleast hear it.

She looked up at me, and laughed- “Taekwoon, you do your thing! You don’t have to explain yourself to me. Go have fun!”  She turned around and served herself another drink.

Eva was right, I didn’t have to explain to her anything, I could do what I wanted. Who was I to her- to even explain myself?

To look the other way
To get what you want
Throw out your troubles find your song
Cause there's a change, change in the air

I turned my head around toward Eva- “..Ev-”

“Jihoo!” Her eyes sparkled at the appearance of her boyfriend. I slowly turned my body back to it’s original position- there he was…Eva’s boyfriend finally making that guest appearance that she was waiting for.

“Happy Birthday love” With those words said, he planted a kiss on her lips. That kissed only deepened within seconds, and I was standing there; awkwardly. My body reactively went back towards the couch, to where Lina was- to see if she was okay.

To look the other way, to get what you want
Throw out your troubles find your song
Cause there's a change, change in the air

What was I even doing? I don’t even know this girl Lina….

Hey Leo, JiHoo called out my name, and I could hear the tiny bit of arrogance in his voice. I looked at him, and fixed my posture. “I’m sure you were looking out making sure no guy was hitting on Eva over here- thanks.” My face didn’t show any emotions, I didn’t express any emotion.

“Shush- idiot!” She playfully called out to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her towards the door. “Taekwoon- you better make sure you dance atleast to one song tonight! With her warning, they both turned around and walked out.

Don't close that door, don't walk away
Don't shut your eyes, you can hear me say
I love you now more than everyday
It's okay






What exacty was Leo feeling when he heard the song? 

What is he even feeling? 

How and what exactly is Leo and Eva's relationship? 

until the next one~!


[A/N] I really really really hope you guys played the songs with this chapter, I think it really helped with the story. Anywho- liked the Leo POV? I know for a second there, things were getting a bit intense with Lina and Leo... Maybe I'll do some more Leo POV's later on. Or even possibily an Eva POV. Thank you for everyone who have been supporting and reading along with this story. I really appreciate it, and I always try to do my best with your needs in mind <3 <3




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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!