Happy Birthday

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

“But like I said, my contract doesn’t have a dating clause,” He got a hold of her arms, and made her look up at him, “In actuality, none of us actually dated since we debuted-” His eyes soft, then brows knitted and confident, “but, because that clause isn’t there then this should be safe.”


Her horrified expression settled back and she in some air, “Right, if they truly had a problem, then that would have been put in a contract.” Calming herself down, she digressed, “Because a contract is an important document and can not be taken lightly- and anything and everything that they expect from you guys should be in there.” Exhaling back out, her face tilted towards Leo’s looking for reassurance.




“Right.” While the back of her mind didn’t seem to fully agreed with her validation, she wafted away her worries for the time being, locking them away for another day- or month.


She looked down at her watch, we should start heading over.


By the time she looked up, Leo’s eyes were already connected to her own, black cap shadowing his face letting only some of the moonlight showcase his dark orbs.


Startled, her face was stunned, and then she laughed, “The dorm isn’t too far from here-” he stated bluntly.


“Oh, no-”


“N can hold off from lighting the princess cake a little longer.”


She paused for a moment, looking at Leo and he just pursed his lips up, “Wait, you knew?” Her tone worried and a bit disappointed, her gaze fell to the ground as she resumed walking.


He hummed in response, hands in his pockets reassuring her that it wasn’t because of her fault. It was rather that he knew his group members would do something like this, they’ve always have, even pre-debut. He for one wasn’t the type to really put much importance to his birthday, but he never wanted to spoil the fun for his group members, despite in recent years they’ve become more and more creative in party decorating.


They walked in a comfortable speed, letting the moon light their path for them, laughing together as he told her anecdotes from over the years.


He told her about the time that they used the excuse of making him buy groceries so he could get out of their dorm, only to come back to a house full of baby animal pictures on the wall, with cat and dog balloons around the room, and a pig shaped cake.


Eva bite her lip, trying not to spat out in a chortle as he confessed that it was his favorite one.

“But, now that’s changed.” He looked back at her, and she playfully shoved him aside. His long legs almost losing his footing, Eva grabbed onto his arm to balance him.


“Well, in that case, I guess I should message N,” She shuffled through her purse but long fingers took a hold of her wrist,


“No, don’t- let them enjoy it.”


Eva nodded her head, telling him that N had told her to come up through the back entrance, but now she guessed it was okay if she just entered the front with him. They agreed on their plan of action and continued to head towards the dorm.


They didn’t speak much on for the rest of their walk, but instead talked by stealing small glances at each other. Letting their hearts speak for them as they walked in the silence that they’ve built and nurtured throughout all this time.


Leo had been correct in stating that the dorm hadn’t been too far ahead, less than 10 minutes and they were there. She was standing in front of their building, staring up into the sky above trying to figure out which floor they’d be on.


“We live on the 12th floor”


. . . . .


The automated voice told them that they had arrived to his floor and they stepped out. Eva’s stomach butterflies came back, but not because of Leo- but because curiosity was getting the best of her and she couldn’t help her mind wander away about what theme the boys picked out this year. Walking down a long hallway, taking an immediate left- the corner room no. 1208


Eva’s eyes widened peering at the gold inscriptions- “Hey, that’s my-”


“Birthday.” He finished her sentence, and smiled at her.


“Oh and mine is 1011!” Eva slapped his arm, “Did you catch that?”


He lightly nodded his head and she rumbled in breathy laughter. Her laughing subsided as Leo slid the lock down, the polyphonic tune ringing letting them in. Eva held her breath- her eyes wide with excitement.




Leo sighed out, to which Eva didn’t know was a sigh of relief or disappointment.


The apartment was empty, well not literally but empty with decorations and no sight of his group members.


“Maybe they’re still out getting things?”


As Leo responded with a small shrug, Eva found herself distracted by the amazing view in the living room, kicking off her boots and zooming to get a better look.


Staring outside the window, Eva softly smiled to herself, seeing his place for the first time- where her favorite six boys lived.


The building lights flickered on and off and the car lights zoomed creating a mirage of lights flying around.


Her eyes refocused and caught the view of the two feline eyes behind her and the smallest smile on the curve of his soft pillows.


She turned around; showcasing her dimple at Leo who was leaning against the wall. Broad shoulders relaxed, arms folded with the outline of his biceps showing, gripping his black cap with a free hand- his soft pink lips parted, with his teeth slightly peering out.


“It’s really beautiful.” Eva blissfully sighed out.


You’re really beautiful.”


“So are you.”  


Catching him off guard, Leo blew a raspberry, and unfolded his arms to balance himself from falling, consequently dropping his cap to the floor.


She laughed together with him as she sauntered closer to him.


Now facing his tall stature her small hands wrapped around his waist. Her face and shoulders scrunched up, in sotto voce she asked, “So does this mean we’re alone?”


“I think so.”


Closing the small gap between their bodies, her heart beat sped up as his arms wrapped around her. His light cologne dancing across her nose, his eyes glued to hers and as she dipped down to look at his lips when her eyes came back up, there his were; solely focused on her.


On her tip toes, she tried to meet him halfway- her head tilting to the side with half lidded eyes. Both relaxing their lips, a bit a air before they’d lock lips.


And there behind him on the wall as he leaned over was a pale pink sign,




She pushed Leo aside- “Look!”

Deadpanned at what just happened to their moment, Leo stared at her with his arms opened in question.


Eva chortled and took her hands to his face; moving it to face the wall.


“It says to meet them on roof!” Her giddiness getting the best of her as her voice raised an octave higher.


Leo took her hands onto his, “Yeah, they probably decorated there instead.”


“Wait- had you seen this already?”


The pause Leo gave was more than enough of confirmation- but before she could say anything Leo pulled her hands behind him, to lay where they just were moments ago.


“You were so taken by the view,” He kissed her forehead, “and can you blame me for wanting to be like this?” The boyish tone fluttering her heart.


“But everyone is waiting,”


Innocently Leo told her, “I was going to tell you about it,” he ducked his head down, his face darker, “but after kissing you.”


Eva breathed out a chuckle as their lips finally touched. He kissed her gently, his hand coming up to cup her face. His warm hand melting into her heated cheeks and she drew out an exhale. She cheated and slowly opened her eyes to capture and remember his face whilst he kissed her. His long slightly curled eyelashes that framed his eyes, his eyebrows relaxed and vaguely lifted.


Naturally, her lips twitched up and it was that which triggered Leo to slow down, “Hm?” His eyes about to flutter open and Eva quickly closed hers back.


She hummed back and Leo gave her one last kiss to the temple before they broke apart.


“You’re really beautiful- that’s all.”


Leo spat out again- and Eva shoved his shoulder, “I’m serious!”


His lips pursed together in protest, and before he could say anything, Eva entangled her small fingers with his, pulling him away, “Let’s go see how the boys decorated the roof.”


. . . . .



“Ready?” Eva rubbed her hands together, eyebrows lifted with a grin plastered on her face. Leo on the other hand, remained calm, only with a chuckle brewing in him upon seeing her like this.


“I wonder what theme it is~”


“Let’s find out.”


The heavy door scratched as Leo put pressure on it, a gust a wind helping in the opening, a camera flash, and there was Leo and Eva standing behind him in the entrance completely dumbfounded.




Leo could only mouth a ‘what’ as he stood there, Eva punched his shoulder, clapped her hands excitedly and then ran to his group members for a big hug.


The rooftop was flushed with fairy lights around the walls, on the tables, and sprinkled down on the veranda. The long table placed with a table setting for everyone, a glass of champagne for each person (and one sparkling cider), and a generous amount of aromatic candles combined with small succulents as centerpieces.


“Guys, this looks amazing!” Eva patted the back of the youngest and the oldest of his group members.


N slacked his arm around Eva, “We decided to go with your plan~”


“You knew?” Leo laughed exasperately.


Eva smiled as she shook her head, “Well, not exactly.” She titled her head up at N for him to help her out.


“We knew that you would already expect our usual – so went a different direction. And gave Eva the heads up just before you guys got here.”


“Though, we we’re willing to let you have a grown-up party like noona suggested hyung-” The huskey carrot top cut in.


To be followed with Ken in full Kenjumma voice, “But there are some thing we’re not willing to give up!” Stomping his foot down as a sign of conviction.


Shuffling behind the group members, HongBin and Hyuk whispered to each other trying to get some last details fixed.


“Ba bum, ba bum, ba bum-” Out they came, Hyuk holding the large rectangular birthday cake. Meanwhile, HongBin made sure no wind would blow out the candles.


“-No Hyuk, happy birthday.” HongBin laughed out loud.


“Oh- right right.”


But who laughed more was Eva once she laid her eyes on what exactly was on the cake. N took out his phone and the group started to sing a choppy happy birthday with laughs- whilst, Leo dropped to his knees ducking his head down and throwing his arms over his knees.


The cake had a sugar figurine of Leo with cat ears, a flower crown, and two babies in his arms. Around the figure were all sorts of animals; a dog, cat, pig, hamster, panda, koala to name a few and each with a candle in it.


“It’s your favorite things.” The wide grin on N’s face made his friend all more embarrassed.


“Babies and animals!” Ken yelled out.


The lot resumed singing happy birthday- and HongBin and Hyuk walked over towards Leo. “Bbali- get up hyung, this is heavy~.” Hyuk laughed as he cutely complained.


Leo picked himself back up and quickly dropped down to his knees again covering his embarrassed toothy smile with his hands as soon as he saw the cake again. The rest of the group clapped together in laughter at their chic, cool Taekwoon completely losing it at the sight of this cake. Everyone slapped each others shoulders, stomping their feet knowing they had made a good choice in the cake design. With the exception of N who was too focused on getting this all filmed that when Ken slapped his wrist, N gave an Njumma tongue click.


With the birthday boy still down, Ravi glided to Leo’s side, grabbing a hold of his arm, “C’mon big baby hyung.” And with his help he stood back up again.


With short- head ducking pauses, and multiple trys of pushing out enough steady air to blow out his candles, Leo finally blew them all out as the group finished singing happy birthday. The two younger boys placed the cake in the center of the table and everyone shuffled over to their seats.


Around them, soft chilled winds pushed against the veranda that shielded them. Luckily, the rooftop  wasn’t too chilly; nothing that a glass of champagne /sparkling cider and laughter couldn’t warm up.


Leo stood at the center cutting out a piece of cake with the very carefully selected pink kitten cake cutter.  Taking a seat next to Ravi, Eva noticed that there was one additional table setting. Her eyebrows perking up she poked Ravi’s shoulder, “Is manger-nim coming?”


“Anniyo, Hongbinnie invited-”


Another creak of the metal door sounded off behind them, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY-oh-Sorry, I’m late!” The voice huffed out, “But I brought coffee!”


Leo momentarily stopped cutting, feigned a cough, and continued like nothing. Meanwhile, the hairs on Eva’s back jumped up and sent a jolt of electricity down her spine. Staring ahead at the twinkling lights, the thought hadn’t even crossed her mind.


 The lot shouted out their cheerful greetings and the shuffling of shoes and plastic bags scratching against each other came closer. Being so engulfed in trying to figure out how she was going to go about her new found relationship with Leo, she had completely forgotten to think about this.


Crooking her neck behind her she braved on her best smile whilst the look of surprise was completely genuine. “-Heeey Lina!” She had completely forgotten to think about what she was going to say to her best friend; Lina.


If Eva had to go in front of a court jury and deny to each and every single one that she was not dating Leo, there was no doubt she could pull through- but if there was anyone she couldn’t lie to, it was her bestfriend.


She couldn’t lie about Jihoo to her, and she probably wasn’t going to be able to lie about this either. Because it was more likely than not that the flaming red head would get the feeling that something was up. But before she could take any steps she had to talk to Leo first.


Getting up to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek, she helped her distribute the coffee around the table.


 Lina handed over the extra large coffee over to Leo, “Here you go birthday boy!” The light pink lipstick forming into a large teeth bearing smile.


Leo smiled  and gave his thanks, his eyes stealthily shifting to Eva and back to the wide grin red head. Lina took the seat next to HongBin, smiling and still trying to catch her breath.


“How did the surprise go?”


“Lina, you just missed it!” N shouted across the table.


Everyone uproared in laughter and N handed over his phone to show Lina the hilarious surprise photo and video of the cake.


With everyone jubilantly laughing along, eased the tension in Eva’s shoulders and she threw her head back with her hand covering in a full blown chortle.


Looking over to Leo’s plate, Lina slapped her knee and clapped away at the sugar figurine,  “Omo- Leo I didn’t know you loved babies this much!”


Leo ducked his head down trying to cover his face from the embarrassment flooding his cheeks.


Hongbin turned over to Lina, “Everytime he sees a baby, hyung is a different person.”


“Hyung wants like six kids!” Hyuk trolled his older group member.


“No, just three.” Leo’s voice decisive and confident- surprised Lina gaining a reaction from her. And he began to fan his face after realizing what came out of his mouth.


Eva lifted her eyebrows and laughed away with everyone, even though her mind was racing much too fast with questions and hypothetical situations that were currently too premature.


Across her seat Lina sarcastically raised her eyebrow, “I guess you’ll be duplicating soon after you get married right?”


Spatting out, Leo took off his black cap and fanned his face, everyone joined in and Eva found herself laughing for her dear life before her face would give it away to Lina.


“Alright since we’re all finally here, let’s toast to the cutie main voca-”


“Yah!” Kenjumma jokingly sliced N’s neck.


“Mian, mian- a toast to our friend, our beloved brother, Leo!”


The glasses clinked together, and despite the low lighting, the two newfound lovers found their eyes and held their gaze just enough to go unnoticed from unknowing eyes.


. . . .


Their faces glowing from the champagne and the never ending laughter at their intimate dinner party, N fetched the VIXX TV camera for the group members to film a bit for their fans.


The group members gathered together at the table each trying to put some words for the birthday boy.


N passed off the camera to Eva and she began to film.  Lina stood behind and tried her upmost best to not laugh loud enough for the camera to pick up the sound as the boys hilariously gave their kind words to Leo.


Finishing up on the filming, everyone broke off and went to help in cleaning up the space.


Lina and Hongbin took the plates and leftovers downstairs, Ken took the centerpieces apart and went to find the succulents a good place to put in the apartment, N and Hyuk put the garbage together and swept, leaving the rest to take down the lights.


While Ravi took down the lights off to the side, Eva and Leo worked on the veranda. Finding the right time and correct words to say- Eva had to just spat it out.


“Taekwoon, I need to tell Lina-” Words fast, eyes determined and hands in small fists.


“Go ahead.” Leo said nonchalantly.


“-I know that we said otherwise, but she’s trustworthy, my best friend- and I can’t li-” His words took a second to process and she abruptly stopped.




“Really?” Her voice giving her skepticism away.


Leo nodded his head again and bunched the lights in his hands walking away to leave Eva with her surprised but happy face.


Quickly snapping back to her fairy tale reality she grabbed her bunch of lights running towards Leo and dropping them off in his hands. “Thanks Sassypants!”


Leo bore his eyes into hers and huffed a laugh as she opened the rooftop door.


. . . . .


When she stepped into the boys apartment she wondered why was she in such a rush anyways. If she was going to tell her best friend the news this probably the worst place.


However, the laughing from the kitchen distracted her thought process.


“But why didn’t you buy disposable plates?” Lina playfully scolded HongBin throwing a bit of suds his way.


“We were trying to be fancy!” He absent-mindedly threw the dish towel at her face. His eyes immediately growing  twice its size as the towel slowly slipped off towards the floor.


“Omo- noona I’m so-” Lina steadied her expression.


Eva burst into laughter and when Lina saw her, she too laughed along, leaving a confused HongBin.


She waved her hand- “Haha, it’s cool.”


His dimples shown in his embarrassed smile, and he ducked his head in a nod. The auburn straight hair falling in front of his face, he nervously pushed it back and settled his glasses on his button nose.


“HongBin, I think Taekwoon asked for some help upstairs.” Eva patted her sides, confused at her own actions- wondering if she had unconsciously decided to tell Lina everything.


HongBin took the dish towel and nodded his head, passing it over to Eva to take care of the rest and off he went.


“He’s such a cutie.” Eva gushed to the red head.


Lina cocked her brow, “You like him?”


Eva choked- “No way girl- that’s my little brother.”


The taller red head pursed her lips and nodded her head, continuing to wash the dishes. Eva stood next to her trying not to word vomit everything she wanted to say. With the dish towel in her hand, she her lips and took a short inhale.




“-Wah! Aren’t they so cute!”


“-Eommaya!” Lina jumped, suds flying everywhere on the marble counter. Startled as well, Eva turned around and saw Ken looking so proud with the new succulent collection he put together from the centerpieces.


Getting her bearings back, she mentally smacked herself. She had completely forgotten that Ken had been in the apartment the whole time.


After a moment of silence they all laughed together and Lina completmented Ken’s work. They shared a small conversation, and then Ken went back upstairs to meet up with his group members.


Eva and Lina remained in kitchen finishing up on the dishes, idly catching up things letting the atmosphere between them remain comfortable. Eva had aborted from the mission of letting her best friend know the news, unless it just came out naturally or when Lina would eventually have an inclining to it.


Finishing up their tasks- everyone met up back at the group’s apartment. They sat around a plate of snacks Ken had secretly stashed away, but decided to share for the occasion today. N went to the utility closet and took out some playing cards and jenga.


Eva and Lina looked at each other with raised eyebrows, “You guys are going dooown.”


“You’re looking at the jenga queen!” Lina pointed at the very shameless Eva who bowed at the name.


“And Lina, is the best card player I’ve ever seen. Any game, she no doubt- wins.”


Ravi and Hongbin pointed to Ken and Leo respectively, “Well, here you have our ace, and the world’s most competitive person.”


Ken put on his bravest warrior face whilst Leo scoffed and playfully sliced the neck of the dimpled flower boy.


“I think Eva can tie with Leo for the most competitive person.”


Knowing where she was heading with this Eva called out her name, “Linaaa-”


The red head dismissed her friend and continued, “Seriously, when we’re kids, she was the one who would yell and throw the controller after losing.”


“Sounds like Leo hyung.”


“Mhm- just about.”


“Difference is that he still does this as an adult.” With his feline eyes boring holes into the youngest member, Leo pushed Hyuk off balance. “See?” Laughing with his words, he got himself up again.


“Sounds like Eva...” Lina said under her breath garnering a playful nudge from Eva and a lighthearted laugh from everyone else.


“Then let’s do teams.” N amicably suggested.


“Call.” Everyone shouted.


Considering everyone’s strengths they broke off in the most equal teams, Ravi/Eva, Leo/N, Ken/Hyuk, and HongBin/Lina. And in their teams the were ready to battle to the death for the winner title. The rest of the night continued in heart stopping moments like when Leo accidently knocked the Jenga block with his ring consequently letting everything tip over- automatically crowning Ravi and Eva as winners. To which Eva tried comforting him with a small pat on his head and laughing out a ‘sorry’, but was quick to turn around and high five her teammate.


In the card battle, Ken and Hyuk gave a good fight in an UNO game, shooting out all their +2 pick up cards, but was faced with HongBin and Lina both throwing down their +4 wild cards. The winning team, happily clapped their hands together, yelling out their victory with a small embrace that surprised the dimpled team member.


“Well…I think we should head out before manager-nim sees that we’re still here.” Eva suggested, and with everyone agreeing, the two best friends gathered their things. Ken ran to his room, coming back out with two small bags in his hands.


“Thought, you could have a party favor.” He handed over the brown paper bags to each of the girls, “And I also had no other place to put them.” He laughed at his own confession and Lina and Eva looked inside their bags; a small succulent in a white pot.


“Aw thanks!” Lina hugged the little brown paper bag, swinging her purse around her chest. With Eva giving her thanks, the friends walked around giving each group member a small hug. When Eva got to Leo a random gust of confidence came over her, making her give him the small squeeze when she hugged him. Making the tall crimson haired Leo bite down on his lip, eyes glued to the floor as they broke apart.


. . . . .


Outside the building, Eva and Lina walked towards Lina’s car when Eva felt her satchel vibrating. Looking at the caller ID that showed N, confused she pick up, “Yobeoseyo?”


“It’s Taekwoon, you forgot your wallet here.”


“Oh- I did? Okay be right there.”


Eva quickly turned around, running back towards the building yelling out to Lina that she forgot her wallet. Lina nodded and continued towards her car.


Punching in the entrance door code, Eva found Leo right there waiting for her with the black wallet in his hand. She sighed out a smile, and breathed out a small thank you. Taking it in her hand, she smiled widely and spun around to leave, but then a strong hold gripped her small hand.


“Wait-” The tone of his silvery voice, ran goose bumps all over her skin. Spinning back around into Leo’s chest, she exhaled softly looking up at his crescent eyes.


“Goodnight Eva.” He gave her a small chaste kiss, and she smiled into the two pillows that touched her own.


“Night Sassypants.” Bearing his teeth in a half smile, he ruffled her hair just a bit, before putting the loose ends back into place.


“Happy birthday.” With that she was out the door again, and Lina was right at the entrance waiting in her car.


Eva settled inside Lina’s car and they were off towards Eva’s house. It was well into the night then, with the back roads free the hoards of cars that would normally overcrowd the Seoul streets.

Five minutes into the drive Lina steadied herself, gripping the Pucca cover on her steering wheel, “Eva,” she started, and Eva clasped her hands together bracing herself knowing the tone she was using. “I want to ask you something,” Her voice a bit cautious, and as she stopped at a red light, she glanced over towards Eva who was puffing out her cheeks, biting her lip with brows raised. “And I want you to be honest with me.”


Eva chewed on her bottom lip.


“I don’t want you to freak out.”


Eva unclasped her hands.




The light turned green, and Lina stepped on the gas.


“Fine- Taekwoon and I are seeing each other!” Eva blurted out, out of breath she ran her fingers down her hair. Lina choked on her gasp and stepped on the brake in the middle of the street.

Despite the lack of air she managed to gasp out, “W-What!”


Eva ran through her words, “I really didn’t think you’d figure it out that quickly, but well, you have a knack for that.” Lina resumed driving.


“That’s what you wanted to ask me right?” She empathetically looked over towards her best friend, shoulders scrunched up and hands in the air.


Lina blinked feverously, the words vomiting out, “Oh, yeah- yeah.” She turned at the right corner, “Just- just, didn’t think you’d just out right say it.” She pushed her long bright red locks off her shoulder.


Under her breathe, she whispered “Well that couldn’t have gone any better.”


“What Lina?”


“Oh-uh- how did the whole thing happen? For how long have you guys… ?” Lina questioned.


With that Eva went through the whole story of how Leo and her came together. Of course with all the details every girl’s best friend would want. Retelling the story, Eva felt the butterflies in her stomach as if she was going through it all once again. Arriving outside of Eva’s apartment, Lina had but just one question for her.


“So are you guys officially dating?”


Eva hadn’t thought about labeling what they had right now, and she was unsure herself if they would ever officially slap on the tag of boyfriend and girlfriend. “Um, actually no- he didn’t ask me out, nor did I ask him to be my boyfriend.”


Sensing the wheels in Eva’s head start spinning, Lina reassured her that it was nothing to think about too much, “Well, that’s fine. Labeling something isn’t important as long as you both have feelings for each other. That’s what’s important. Everything else is irrelevant.”


Eva embraced her best friend, she was right, they had feelings for each other and that’s all that would matter right now.


“I’ll see you later!” Eva told her friend, and out the passenger door she went straight to her apartment building. They had made it through their first day of their relationship, but that wasn't to say that everyday would be this easy. . .



"Love doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be true."

— unknown


Author’s Note:

**Sorry I had no music added to this chapter, I really just wanted to upload this already! I'll try to edit with music later!

Meant to upload this much earlier, but then I just kept adding more and more on. Sorry that this chapter was a bit slow, but I needed it, to set some things first before going full metal achlemist lol. I really want to up the story speed especially now that we have their relationship established, but I also don't want to overlook some other things in doing so. But I'm sure you are all here for the taekwoon x eva interactions- or is this some other people????~~~~

Nothing else! Enjoy the chapter, and let me know which part was your favorite! BYEEEE


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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!