[EVA POV] Emotions

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

**Playlink = highly recommended



Moments earlier


“And the beautiful thing is that- it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re stripping ourselves of our leaves because they weren’t useful- but just that we’re growing, improving.” Slowly I nodded my head, after all Taekwoon was completely right. Inside, I chuckled a bit, because it was just like Taekwoon to speak in such a way.


But was he indirectly speaking about me- that whole situation?


As I pondered on the question, I took in the glistening pavement underneath me with the comfortable silence that surrounded us. When we arrived at my apartment complex, I pursed my lips together to push out a small- “Thank you.”


Looking at my stilled expression, the black cap of his swayed to the left and right, “For what?”


“Just thank you-” I paused as I searched for the adequate words, “-for everything.” Truthfully, I didn’t know whether he had mentioned his quote for me, but either way I was grateful to them.


Whilst he politely bowed, I knew that he had understood me and I bowed back. Lifting my head back up, I enthusiastically waved at him as I wished him a goodnight. Responding with his usual mannerisms, he his heels. Swinging my purse around to take out my keys, his leather jacket slipped off my shoulders and into my arms.


Uh- great. Embarrassingly, I turned back around to call his name.


“Whoops- almost forgot to give you your jacket back- mian.” As he reached over to take his jacket back, his voice softly cut through the night, “Goodnight Eva.”


Almost immediately meeting my eyes, his gaze dropped to the ground beneath me. Shaking it off, I bobbed my head a couple of times, “You too!” And with that- I spun back around towards the side entrance. Taking rushed steps into the building; behind me, I could hear his heels disappear into the night, and without realizing, I smiled.


Stepping into my building, my body went into autopilot and before I knew it, there I was in front of the elevator- button pressed and shifting my weight around my toes as I waited for the steel doors to open. Being in my own world, I almost didn’t notice the person alongside of me, and I awkwardly nodded at him as we both stepped into the spacious lift.


Feeling his figure towering over me, I shifted my body over to the closest mirrored wall and leaned against it. My thumbs idling circling around another, I looked at the increasing numbers, and the hunched over man in front of me.


With a moment of awkward silence starting to suffocate the area-, I could feel a laughing fit just brewing inside. I tried to cough it out, but no avail, it just kept growing and growing larger. Being left between a rock in a hard place, a laugh pushed passed my lips, and it only started to crescendo as I felt a pair of judging eyes on my weirdness-




The hunched over man was saved by the bell, and as he stepped out, I resumed my laughter. Basking in my personal moment, I only continued to shake my head. Oh the things that I experienced through this past month- a supposed dear individual betrayed me, the process of fleshing of him out of life, the emotional rollercoaster that I; without wanting to, entered day in and day out, the revelation of finding who were my true friends; my safety net, witnessing a performance dedicated to cheering me up, the crazy but successful mission of getting my things from his place, and to which all lead to me finally being to take a step forward.


As the LED numbers increased on the elevator, I turned my gaze over to large mirror encasing the four walls around me. With my cheeks pushed up and my brows lifted, all I could think was in all these situations; there had always been a common denominator.




Shaking my head, my body shook at the soft rumbling from my chuckles. It was true; he had been there throughout the whole time and never asked for anything in return. I am too lucky sometimes, and he was a prime example.


Leaning the majority of my weight against the mirror, my fingers twirled around as the words poured out of my stained lips. “Like the time he let me use his gym clothes, or all the times he has helped with supplies.” With the outer corners of my lips pulling up, in singsong, my voice accelerated, while I felt the fast momentum of the steel elevator. “…or when he helped with that whole situation,” 


He had been 110% supportive throughout everything…


Twisting around the pale silver ring on my index finger, I could feel myself getting back into my little own world. With occasional glances to the mirror, I could see my head swaying side to side. Letting out a giggle I held my body close to the wall- “Or the time we made dinner together and told him about my fail Korean cooking skills.”


The vivid memories of all those moments flew in and out of my subconscious, playing only for a couple of seconds- I was able to relive them.


Immediately feeling a dried up mascara residue throwing my left eye in a frenzy, my breathe of bliss was halted as I rubbed my index finger against my eyelid in an attempt to take out the little nuisance. After a moment or so, opening my eyes back up I had already been in front of my door, fingers dusting off the keypad, and back into my bubble.


I chuckled and continued, “Or even our little coffee runs,”


They’re always so- nice.


The polyphonic timbre rang through my ears, and before getting a foot into the door; I could feel the tiny vibrations of Leo anxiously pawing away.


Successfully stepping inside and giving Leo a quick scratch behind the ears, something in my side mirror caught my eye. As I stood back up, I glazed over past my tired face, the familiar black leather jacket was before me; loosely hung around my broad shoulders but seeming to perfectly fit at the same time.


In a short exhaled smile, my lips curved up, and in meeting my eyes again, utter horror engulfed me.



“Oh god.”


His gestures- his mannerisms…


“No-no no.”


“Oh god.”


The flashbacks of our earlier coffee run panged right through me, shutting my apartment door I ran back towards the elevator shaking my head in complete bafflement.


“Oh. My. God.”


If this was a movie- I was that character, that stupidly oblivious character that everyone can’t stand for being so god damn blind and never noticing the male protagonist’s feelings.


The stinging sensation of the reactive face palm I had just given myself kicked in, and brought me back to reality. Punching the down button as many times as was needed to get the elevator back up to my floor, my other free hand met my face for a second time.


“Uuuuuugh-” Beating the innocent button again and again, I mentally snapped at the inanimate object. Of all times to take forever elevator, you choose right now? Why do you need to stop at every fl-




Opening its doors back up, I quickly lurched my body inside of its confinement. Meeting my reflection as I leaned against the wall while the doors closed, I met my pale face and slumped my head back down.


Clasping my hands together, my thumb created tiny erratic circles into my other hand, “I was the worst.”


“I am the worst.”


“I have to apologize.”


“He probably thinks-”


Meeting up reflection again for the second time, I could see that thick leather jacket wrapped against me- how was it that I went this whole time without noticing? Looking back at our earlier coffee run; had everything had been laid out in front of me? Were the clues and facts all there, but was I just so ingested in my own problems, that I had forgotten to notice the signals?


In my swollen mind, our coffee run continued to appear five times slower with my eyes trying to grasp everything- to double back and pick up any missing pieces.


Yeah the missing piece was my slow brain.


I had literally laughed at his own expense- at his feelings, at his emotions.


I had laughed.


My face had been desensitized by the time my palm met my face for the third time this evening-




With the living devil inside of me, I jumped out of the elevator and flew down the corridor. The wind had picked up by the time I had reached the side doors, and as the chill ran through me, I swung my satchel across my chest.


Above my tremulous body, the night sky shimmered with the help of nature’s night-light. Illuminating the path before me, my boots pounded against the hard gravel, and my hair harshly danced against the breeze. The night critters shuffled around the bushes leading me down the block. Feeling the tiny cramp making a home in my abdomen, I rolled my eyes- “This is what I get for eating pastries so late in the night-”


With nostrils completely flaring and feeling the beads of sweat fly off into the atmosphere, my head shook in knowing myself all to well, “- and what I get for being too lazy to workout.”


By the time my palm told my face, ‘not the moment or time for these trivial things’, a couple blocks down, my legs started to slow themselves.


Where in the world was it said that he hadn’t been home already?
That he took a taxi?


Supporting myself on my knees, I couldn’t recall that last time I had ran so much, nor the last time my heart beat had such a unfathomable force to get me this winded. In a feckless attempt, my heart tried to regulate itself as I slowly brought my body back up.

The potent smell of gasoline wafted into my general vicinity, and the zooming mirage of cars came into my view.


And why was it so important for me to tell him this today- tonight?

Couldn’t it wait till tomorrow?

What if he didn’t even care that much?

What if-


Peering across the street a black-capped figure cut through the lighted area, and my heart dropped only to take the express elevator to the base of my throat. My never-ending uncertainties were put on hold because there was no doubting it- across the street was him.


Immediately following the observation, my body jolted itself through the incoming traffic as my mind scrambled to keep up with its movements. Bowing and waving a million and one times to frustrated drivers, I could see him just about to walk away- and this time, my mind reacted.


“Taekwoon-ah!” I exclaimed.


With no response, I made it past the last jumbled maze of halted cars.


This time I pleaded, “Taekwoon-ah!” In my heart, I felt that this could have been the only time- the only chance to do this.


And this was all riding on the assumption that he cared that much…

Actually why did I care so much?


Reaching the other side of the street, I took a couple cautioned steps and came to a complete stop. Clutching onto the thick purse strap against my body, his broad shoulders shifted in my immediate direction and turned a full 180. I was right- it was Taekwoon.


My heart twisted.


Despite his lowered cap, despite the night sky, and despite not expressing any emotion in his face- the trenchant gaze of his had explained everything to me. Everything that he had held away locked in his heart, his emotions, his wanting, and his reasoning.


He wanted me to look for it, he wanted me to search for his feelings because given the circumstances they were in it had all depended on if I was ready.


And as my heart wringed back out, the forest fire in my body spread out to every inch of my body. The brim of my being becoming utterly inflamed with feeling, a groan escaped my lips whilst I folded over to support myself.


Taking a step a step closer to him, I regulated my breathing with short fits of air shooting into and out of my lungs. Peering through my eyelashes, I brought my eyes to scan his stilled expression.


His piercing anthracite orbs that were hooded behind his feline like eyes, the thick artificially dyed crimson eyebrows, his pointed aristocratic nose that contrasted the fleshy youthful cheeks of his, all the while coming together with an even more perfectly plump pout. I panicked.




It had already been five months working with him, I had dressed and made him up as a part of my job requirement, I had seen his face in every way shape or form- but I had never been so unprepared to actually face him.


So, I panicked again.


Looking down at my watch, I spouted out the stupidest reason as to why I was standing across from him at 12:03am. “It’s past midnight- Happy Birthday Taekwoon-ah~”


Delving further into his expression, and after my halfhearted chuckle, I could tell he was probably thinking to himself why I would run all this way just to tell him such a thing.


Whilst I readied myself, I took another step closer pounding my fist against my chest in a form to give me courage for the actions I would shortly be held responsible.


“Anniyo-” I revealed.


Breaking into his personal bubble, I had never been this close to his face as I stared into his anthracite-hooded eyes only for a moment before taking in the view of his lips-


Thank you Taekwoon for giving me time,


“…to do this.” My breath softly declared.


I’m ready now.


My lips had enclosed his, and within the second, he responded by tilting his head in. To my surprise, unlike his shy demeanor, he was anything but, as I understood him clearly. Sighing my thoughts away into his cavern, he pulled me closer and tangled his long pianist fingers into my tresses. Reactively, I slid my arms in between his, to frame my heated hands against his chilled pastel skin. It wasn’t until that moment that I had realized how different one could feel when these emotions were present, how different he felt to me. Taking his strong jaw line in my hands, I could feel my cheeks heating off the newly found sensation.


Before I ruined the moment by bursting out in a schoolgirl giggle fit, our lips separated and I slowly lowered my heels back to the ground. Settling my head against his chest, the faint autumn smell overcame my senses, and as I felt two pillows against my temple, I knew it was him.


Snaking my arms underneath his jacket, I could have sworn I heard him lightly breathe out a smile. For a moment, in the comfortable atmosphere we created, we stood as one in silence.


The bare tree branches scrapped against each other as the night dwellers flew away, saying that they had seen enough of the spectacle before them.


Taking the initiative, I breathily asked him the million-dollar question, “You’re not going to ask how?”




Wait- am I literally going to tell him that I had figured everything out just moments ago?


Inching his lips by my ears, the silvery tone halted my thoughts before they began stampeding across my mind; “Details don’t matter-”


Tightening my arms around his lean muscular back, my ears caught sound of his rapidly beating heart. I was smug, I should have known better, this was Taekwoon after all where words can fall short and action can speak volumes.


At the delicate touches against my cheek, I fluttered my eyes back open meeting his brilliantly radiant flushed cheeks, glossed lips, and one of a kind anthracite orbs. Softly shifting his head down to meet me, his voice raised my skin in anticipation.


What matters is that you’re here-”


As the tables turned, he entered my personal space taking one trenchant shot through my eyes re-igniting the fire that burned me completely.




Devastatingly coming to capture my throbbing lips whilst he cupped my face in his hands, I felt petite, feminine, and safe. Though, I was never a submissive woman, after a satisfying fight for dominance, and one protective arm wrapping itself around my body, I happily accepted my defeat.


As I followed his lead in our intimate dance, I could taste the instance of coffee and I mentally smiled. It was just hours ago that I was still in my oblivious state, with my verbal confession on the table of forgetting him, with my heart uninhabited by malevolent emotions, and just enjoying a coffee run with a friend.


And it had all changed because of one certain individual. Coming in stronger onto Taekwoon, he instinctively reacted and met me halfway. All the while doing his number on me; the tiny kisses in between, feeling the side of his mouth pull up, the subtle way his nose brushed against mine- I slid my hand to enfold his folded over nape and let my the other fingers slide into the lightly exposed scarlet mane.



We spoke through kisses as he continuously drank me in showing and telling me everything in his heavy heart, as I responded drowning myself in his autumn scent. Feeling my fingertips melt into his skin, Taekwoon tightened his grip around me. 


Once again, I felt the fresh sensation of being petite, feminine, and safe.


Never were these traits something I had ever searched for, but how the emotions bellowed at the base of my powerhouse; they shook me entirely.


It shook me to the point of realization about how much Taekwoon completed me, to show me the endless possibilities of emotions, to make me a better person- it shook me the point of wondering how I could have imagined my life without him.


I hoped as we spoke in tongues that this would serve as any indication as to how I felt about him, how about these newfound emotions engulfed me completely and rendered me helpless.


For what seemed like an eternity, we continued our dance, without skipping a beat or rhythm. And as we finished with the last song, he planted a soft kiss on my forehead.


I hummed, and went to look up to meet him. Starting from his deep ruby pout that was slightly parted letting his bottom teeth slightly peer out, to his red inked cheeks, passing his nose that gave out long drawn out exhales, I finally reached his eyes that had been immediately locked on mine.


Holding our eye contact, I reached my lips up to gently press them against his; beaming into the anthracite orbs that softly took me in.


I stepped out of the kiss and chuckled, whilst he covered his smile with his hand.


Laughing my way down to my watch, reality smacked me across the face, “12:13AM?” My eyes were agape, as he contrastingly looked indifferent to information. “Manager-nim is going to kill me- you- us? Or worse, N will!”


I could hear him let out an exhaled chortle as I meandered my way to the street. Raising my arm up in attempting to flag down a taxi, he took my free hand into his own.


“Are you scared?”


Shifting back towards his direction, I nodded, “Manager-nim can be scary at times.”


The tug of his hand pulled me closer, “I mean of this?


Scanning through his face, my eyes narrowed, “Of you?” With a deadpan expression overcoming my expression, I blurted out, “You’re as scary as Leo.”


Ambling towards me, he brought my palm to his lips grazing for a specific spot, “No Eva, I mean of this…” placing a meaningful kiss, Taekwoon looked back at my eyes.


I rose my free hand up in disagreement, “No, I’m just-”


His eyebrows pinched up, I want you to know that we’ll make it work.”  The soft-spoken voice of his became huskier as he came face to face with me.


The worrisome expression faded in second as my face relaxed, “Silly, I know that.”


A car beeped behind me and as it stationed itself in front of us- it turned out a be a yellow taxi, “But I also don’t want you to get into trouble so-” I went to motion him towards the taxi, but as I did he had already gone ahead to open the door.


“-So I want to send you off first.” Despite hearing his stern words, I protested, head shaking otherwise, and arms crossed telling him that my apartment was in fact closer than his dorm. Plus, I didn't have to report to anyone other than little Leo; meanwhile he had Njumma and Manger-nim. His bottom lip puckered out, and he reluctantly sat down with his legs still outside the car.


Eva you can be demanding and persuasive at times,”


“Well Taekwoon, I’m glad you figured that out before hand, so you won’t be surprised from here on out.” In a matter-of-fact tone, I before framed my hand around his cheek.


“Just make up a really good excuse, hm?”


Turning into my touch, his anthracite eyes stayed on me, “I always do.


Taken aback I took back my hand and my eyes widened to then shoot daggers at him. How long has he been doing that? He his lips to crack a smile, and making me successfully crack as exchanged my daggers for arrows.


Playfully, I rolled my eyes, “Goodnight Taekwoon-ah,” going to close the door he prowled towards me, briskly catching me in his arms.


Don’t I get to kiss you goodnight?


“Just one. You’re already-”


Cutting me off his whilst he claimed my lips, my cheeks started to burn up. In a chaste kiss, he had managed to catch me off guard. Feeling the moment linger on teensy too long- I mean that poor taxi driver is probably cursing himself for stopping for us- so I pecked him and broke out-


And don’t I get a birthday kiss?” Taekwoon’s eyes had glazed over as he found me dumbfounded.


Getting a hold of myself, I returned the arrows for daggers- “Who- just are you?”


Under the streetlight, effulgently his teeth were flashed in a quick smile, before coming to place a simple peck on my lips. My eyes remained narrowed as he breathed against my ear, “I’ll be waiting for my actual kiss later.


My eyes widen, giving him a lighthearted push, “What did you do with the chic, shy, and collected Jung Taekwoon?”


Walking to the side of door, “I told you-” His slender fingers intertwined in between mine, “I act different depending on the person, and in this instance-” Planting another kiss on my hand, “-someone I really like.” His silvery voice, and his innocent eyes had my heart in a puddle of mush.


“You sure know how to swoon a girl Jung Taekwoon.”


Well Eva, I’m glad you figured that out before hand, so you won’t be surprised from here on out.”


Astonished, I laughed his at his retaliation, and he chuckled.


Stepping inside the door, he gave me one last glance, “Goodnight Eva.”


“Goodnight Sassypants.” Closing the door, behind the semi-tinted window, his face jokingly turned grim to then brighten, and I watched as the taxi drive off.


Spinning on my heels, I walked back towards the intersection to flag down another.


. . . . .



Punching in the last number in my combination, I quickly entered my apartment. Slipping off my boots, I threw my hair up in a bun and went about my nighttime routine. Taking a fresh face towel from the cabinet, I looked at my reflection, my eyes directly going to my lips. Fingertips reactively brushing over the soft tissue, letting the blushing moments replay in my mind.


Strolling into my bedroom, fingertips still glued to my lips, I found Leo already balled up at the foot of my bed. As my mouth stretched out across my face, my index finger traced it repeatedly.


Settling into the bed, Leo groggily shuffled closer to my feet with his eyes half lidded only to widen in happiness as he realized I had come home. Springing his way over to my face, I swiftly picked him up and brought him over my head.


Leo~” I cooed out.


I took him back into my arms, and squeezed him until a small yelp escaped him. His fur tickled my fingertips as I patted his head apologizing for my over zealous greeting. Taking cautioned steps, he settled inside my arms, and plopped his fluffy body finding his comfort spot.


With my eyelids slowly going to meet my waterline, I could only think about being able to see Taekwoon again in a matter of hours at work.


“Oh work~” I yawned out.






“See him at-”




Whilst my eyes were pleasantly closed, my lips crinkled down, and my eyebrows furrowed as I repeated my sentence.


The wind ruthlessly banged against my window, and my body stiffened.


Tearing my lids wide open, my rose tinted lenses had been shattered and the floodgate of rationalizations and questions came charging through my mind.


Eva- he’s an idol.


I d o l.


How are we going to do this?


How are we expecting this-


“-We’ll make it work.”


His words- certain and protective, dashed through my reservations and slipped through my lips. He was right; we were going to make it work- because I wasn’t about to easily give this up.


Looking through my mental storage closet, I had located my record player. Shifting the volume into a lower level, I replayed his words to softly drift me into my slumber.




The melodic bird chirping entered my senses, but as it repeated for a second time, I sleepily opened my eyes realizing that it had only been my alarm. Muting the faux birds, I picked myself right up, and went over to the bathroom to start my morning routine. The cool beads of the blue face wash brightened my rather pale morning skin, and as I took a step back to take in my bare face, everything around me seemed- bright. The natural glow bouncing off my cheekbones- I chuckled.


The blossoming feelings of last night flashed through me, and I couldn’t help but giggle some more. Continuing in my laughter, I went about my morning, turning on the coffee pot, scooping up a pail of dog chow for Leo, frying some eggs and toasting some bread- it was normal.


Coming back into my room, I grabbed random pieces from my wardrobe, tossing it onto the side if it didn’t fit my idea for my outfit today. I met my lips then my eyes, Taekwoon’s words replaying back in my head, I laughed at my silliness. This would work out- unlike other couple’s that are constricted to their work lives; we in fact worked together. We wouldn’t have to make time for ourselves because we would already be together. He and I would just act like nothing was up- we were mature young adults able to maintain a closed personal affair like this under wraps.


Yes, it would work out.


At last, slipping up my burgundy pleather leggings, I heard the click of the coffee pot go off- breakfast time.


. . . . .


“Thank you- have a good day!”


Closing the cream taxi door, I took rushed steps towards the building. I went to go flash my work ID at the gate, but it had already opened by then. I bowed to the security guard, and made my way into the building.


Going about the regular morning routine of greeting all the lobby workers, my feet halted at the steel elevators. Like clockwork, I pressed the button and the doors opened up. Tapping away to an unnamed tune, I awaited as it stopped at level five.


Once out of its confinement, my boots clicked down the hallway and as I approached closer to the practice room, the loud cheers of the lively bunch could be heard. I quickly wiped my palms on my jacket and tightened the grip on my black tote bag.


Yes this would work out.


The squeaking of the wooden door halted everyone’s moments and I ducked my head in a small greeting as I hid most of my body behind the other closed door.






Their morning faces bright and lively despite the lack of sleep they had been getting through these past months I animatedly waved to them, “Good morning!” Laughing at their enthusiasm, my lips pursed out, they were missing someone.


“Oh- and birthday boy Sassypants?”


Yes, we’re young adults, this would go smoothly. Just act cool.


A large palm gently pressed against the small of my back, slowly pushing me into the room- “I’m right here,” The tender silvery voice of his ran through my bones. 


Stepping behind me, and into the practice room in two swift strides he sauntered towards his group members who were already in dance formation. As he walked, in a blink of an eye he turned his head around towards me with his lips stealthily forming into a tiny smile, and through his crimson fringe his eyes quickly widen, sparkling right at me.


Oh my god, he smiled.


The giddiness rumbled in my stomach, and my inner flame re-ignited spreading out first to my cheeks, as I felt them pulsate with a combination of shyness and innocent emotion.


Scratch that- this would be harder than I thought.



"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over." - Anonymous



Author’s Note:


Nyeong the best awesomest people ever! Before I say anything, can I give you all a hug- like seriously? Despite, my two-month hiatus are all stuck around- all of you. I had bunch of mini projects going around, that I’ll talk about in a little bit but- So so sorry for taking such a long time & Thank you so much for waiting paitently, and I hope that this chapter filled you up with all fluffy stuff.


So first announcement! Nine other Starlights and I created a tumblr page, to help facilitate international Starlights in ways to help VIXX out in various awards, music programs, etc. We’ve created a bunch of tutorials to walk you through the process of signing up on various Korean websites. Plus we have these translated in English & Spanish \(^o^)/. Please go ahead and follow us on tumblr at: Starlight Station (ps if you go through the admin pages, maybe you can guess which is me- huehue~)


Second! I’ve been working on a personal (mostly) style based blog, but I do also upload beauty and kpop posts. If anyone is interested you could let me know in a comment, or in a PM, and I could link it in the next update.


Okay and now real author’s note:


How are you guys feeling about everything that just happened in this chapter? I know the elevator scene where she had just said goodbye to Leo was a bit confusing, but I suppose that’s exactly how I wanted it to be because when you really think about it. Those feelings and figuring them out are in fact confusing.


Also I tried (andfailed) at adding some humor- but welp atleast I can say I tried xD.

But other than that-

(A Ton of) Question(s) of the day:

Did anyone notice Leo & Eva kinda switching roles? Leo is now more take charge, confident, while Eva is experiencing these new emotions that have her up in bundle of well- emotions. How do you guys feel about that? Were you surprised at the how Eva has reacted- did you think it would have been different. Also how do you feel about Leo’s response to their personal affair.

And lastly, how do you think things are going to be from here on out?

Whew- those were a tons of questions, so don’t worry you won’t hurt my feelings if you don't answer them all or at all. Thank you to every reader, and every commenter~~ I know I say this in every chapter, but I really do appreciate the support. <3

@LizMagix: YES IT FINALLY HAPPENED! WOOOOOOO. /Hugs you back/ Thank you for being so patient!

@kai2326: Wahhh~~~ I hope you didn’t spazz too much on that last chapter! Kekeke.

@kaze27: Oh no! Don’t die! Come back to liiiiiifeeeeeeeeee. XD. How did you feel throughout this chappie?

@themixedtape: Oh oh oh your comments always make me blush. They really help me in writing these chapters, like you have no idea. Thank you so much <3

@Caitlin360: CAITTTTTTTTT~ Did you end up squealing in this chapter lolol. I hope you liked the music bb! /hugs hugs hugs hugs/ <3 <3 <3 <3

@infinitelymine: huehuehueeeee~~~~ Yes , lets talk about your feels- how do you feel after this chapter kekee & what do think their relationship will be like, now that they’re finally together?!

@Yociax3: I’m so happy that you’re so happy! Thank you so much Yocaix3 for sticking around, I know you’ve been an awesome reader, so thank you thank you thank youuuu.

@Coralie_x_KPOP: woohoo dancing~ Hope you enjoyed the chappie hunny!

@CiNdy_NgUyEn428: Your words are much too kind- thank you! I hope your week will be brightened after this chappie too!

@mydivakey: thank you for waiting again, and sorry to make you wait TT^TT. Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

@ParkHeeRin: Oh wow you did? Awesome! Thanks for giving my story a chance J. I’ll be anticipating your comment for this chappie ~~~

&& A jumbo polar bear hug to @ellemoo, @ParkHeeRin, @Alemin, @iJaemi, and @genny15 for upvoting my little story. I will continue to do my best- and not let you guys or any of the readers down. Thank you once again <3 I love you alllll. 


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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!