Closing Doors

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

credit: Tumblr




 N looked at the Eva’s smile- “Told you so~”. She had decided to throw out those threatening sad emotions that tried to climb up out of - he wasn’t worth her any more of her tears. Right now, the most important thing was that if he wasn’t going to take her out his life- she would do it for him. She knew if she left their pictures untouched; her tiny traces throughout his apartment, and then a part of her would always feel connected to him knowing that they were there.


No, she would be taking everything out. Everything that was hers or that had their memory. So what if those pictures were also his property- Eva didn’t care at the point. As she told Hyuk and Ken to grab black garbage bags from the kitchen cabinets downstairs, she opened up the closet doors and took out all of hanged clothing. She next directed Ravi and N to look in the bathroom- and grab all the chevron makeup bags from the top bathroom drawer, and her Pucca towels from the bottom ones. Leo stayed besides her and helped with taking out the accessories she had in the closet.


Hey, should we look in here too?” Lina asked while she went through the large walk in closet that she assumed was mainly JiHoo’s. The clothes were neatly tucked away, shoes put in order by shades, pants folded on hangers on one side, and buttons ups on the other side. Even though, he was a guy, the amount of clothes and especially suits seemed endless.


Um- no I never put any of my things there.” Eva shook her head, and continued to take the piles of clothes out of the white closet.


Lina took out a black clingy strapless dress- it didn’t seem like something Eva would wear, but it wouldn’t hurt for her to ask. “Is… this yours?” She pointed to the flimsy dress with her head crooked to a side.


Eva took one look at the dress, and her eyebrows immediately knitted together while she took a couple steps towards Lina. Shaking her head, she took the material in her hands, “This isn’t mine.” Clenching the dress in her small fists- Eva took the hanger from Lina and slapped it back down onto the steel pole- “How can this girl keep her things here- when my own things haven’t even been taken out yet?


Her face was in pure disgust at the nameless girl- and Leo took note of it, “She must not have much self-respect.” His statement threaded through mountains at Eva’s sparking hatred about to flame out of her body.


Calming the emotions, she nodded her head in agreement, and gave him a small smile of gratitude.


His words always seem to fit just right.


Hyuk and Ken came back upstairs with the black bags, after of course making some type of mess of his pots and pans looking for them. (Though they would keep that between themselves- if it was intentional or not.)


Without being directed, Leo took her things and started putting them in neatly into the black garbage bags.


Taekwoon-ah, you can just throw it in. That’s fine.”  She shrugged her shoulders while shaking her head.

He gave her a swift bob- and just piled it all inside the bags. She asked Ken and Hyuk to help Leo out, while her and Lina went into the full bathroom to check up on Ravi and N.


Walking inside, she was met with the chevron makeup bags on the floor- “Goodness- he hasn’t even thrown these out.” Astonished she ran her fingers through her silky hair.


Before she let her mind wander back into that do not enter zone, Eva walked back into the other room to grab another black bag- and entered the bathroom again. Opening it up- Leo and Ravi placed the bags and towels inside of them.


Alright- we’re gonna go through the rest of the apartment- and any picture you see with JiHoo and I...” Her voice dropped in at the talk of her once relationship, “…take it- throw it out.


Leo caught the second of her hesitation- and he mentally frowned. He kept looking her way, while the others started taking every picture out of its frame in his bedroom and walk in closet area. Eva lightly shook her head before letting a quite sigh escape her as she made her way downstairs.


. . . . .


Eva told everyone except Lina and Leo to start heading downstairs with the bulk of her things as they walked towards to JiHoo’s apartment door. The guys complied and started to make their way down- with the Ravi, HongBin, and Hyuk carrying the closet to the elevator doors.


The trio was right at his doorway, when Eva took one last look at his new and improved apartment and something popped up in her mind. To her it would be her last goodbye to him; the final touch on their broken relationship. Without any other thought- Eva turned around towards the group and excused herself for a moment.


Leo’s curiosity sparked- where is she going?


As she did a quick run towards the dining room, she rummaged inside her purse trying to find the smooth tiny key. Not finding it in her purse, she checked her pockets, and felt it brush against her fingertips. Standing at corner of the dining room table, she danced her eyes around the room.


Here was to their once relationship


Here was to her getting her strong will back


Here was to her closing the door.


Eva looked at the key in her tiny palms and placed it on the corner of the white long table. She her heels, and headed for the door- not looking back. She ran through the tiny hallway bypassing the kitchen and living room. Leo was at the door standing next to Lina with his straight face intently taking in each one of her movements as she walked closer towards them.


A smile cross her face- she motioned the two to step out into the hallway. Grabbing the door handle, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Her once second home- became a stranger’s abode.


The trio walked out grasping the rest of the garbage bags in between them as they headed towards the elevator.


As Lina looked at Eva- how she was just contently looking ahead; she could see Leo’s concerned expression; eyebrows up in small worrying. She knew that he probably wanted to know how she felt- but just didn’t have it in him to ask. Instead, she took the initiative- “How are you feeling?


Eva perked her head up towards Lina, and switched her glances from her and Leo. Humming through her lips, she nodded her head- “I think I’m feeling much better.” A tiny smile grew on the side of her lips- while the ‘bing’ of the elevator went off.


They stepped inside, and then took the elevator all the way down.


Eva’s eyebrows arched up, “I hope the guys didn’t have trouble putting in the closet in the van.” Her voice broke at the end of her sentence in a small chuckle. She could only imagine how the five stooges were playing out the situation.


The beautifully etched doors opened up as they came down to the lobby. Lina and Eva stepped out first grasping onto the heavy bags when suddenly their hands grasped nothing but air.


Eva was the first to turn around- to find Leo now holding 4 heavy duty filled black bags. He only looked straight at her with his face completely hardened, but she understood him. However, Eva- being Eva, placed her hands on her hips –“I can handle that bag.


Leo locked his gaze with her, and as he brushed past Eva- the tiniest lip curl twisted his pink pout. Eva spun around catching a second of his look- “Sassypants! Get back here!”


Lina swung her arm across Eva and they laughed at Leo’s sudden chivalry actions while they made their way to the van. Although she knew that he wasn’t trying to be comedic, regardless, she mentally thanked him for the gesture.


They made their way to the back entrance, and as she pushed the door open, her exact image of the five stooges trying to fit everything- appeared in front of her dark orbs.


No-no-no to the left more.”


N stood aside trying to direct the muscles; Ravi and HongBin on where and how to place the closet inside. Meanwhile Hyuk, tried to help his hyungs by putting the van back seats down so they could better place it. Ken sitting in the driver’s seat- had turned his body over bouncing his head to the radio while he looked on.


Leo dropped the bags and pierced holes into everyone’s faces. N snapped his neck over to Leo, and a wide smile graced his sun kissed features.


Leo-ah!” He walked over and threw his arm over his shoulder, while Leo remained expressionless, “Leo-ah- I think they need help~


Hyung!” HongBin called out towards his snickering leader.


Ravi just shook his head- “Maybe if someone could direct us better…




Eva laughed, and clapped her hands- “Alright- we need to get going guys.” She walked over towards the lifting duo, and helped them position the closet down in the van in a one, two, and three. Leo shrugged off N’s latching arms to walk over to the van and placed the garbage bags inside.


Once everything was set in the van- Leo pushed the van door down, and walked towards the passenger door of the black van. However, in the passenger side he was met with Eva, and an overexcited Ken. Eva rolled the windows down- and explained that Ken wanted to drive so she decided to let him.


Leo nodded understanding Eva, but stared down Ken as he went towards Lina’s car. Lina was just about to get inside- when she saw him coming towards her car. She asked why he wasn’t in the van, and he told her that it was because Ken asked Eva if he could take a swing at driving it. Her ponytail swung to the left and right as she shook her head with a chortle.

Eva could see from the rearview mirror Lina and Leo talking to each other, and when her eyes glanced at her own reflection- there on her lips an unexpected smile stretched out the red lipstick. She softly chuckled- doesn’t matter what Lina tells me… there must be something going on.




The cute high-pitched voice made her look towards the driver’s direction. There, Ken had his neck crooked towards a side, “Should we go now?”  Eva bobbed her head- and typed in her address in the GPS located on the van’s dashboard. The automated voice directed him out of the building, and in no time, they were on their way to Eva’s. Sitting in her seat, Eva bobbed her head to the song playing inside her mind. Seeing the gesture, Ken the radio letting the current song flood into her ears.


She turned over towards him, and gave him a cheeky smile. The song playing was an upbeat funk electronic song, making Eva bump her body more towards it. Ken being the bubbly person that he was added hilarious jumbled words to his lyric-less song. Eva raised her hands up in a little dance to the beat.


The pair laughed all the way to the end of the song- “Woo- that song was amazing.” Ken yelped a high ‘oh yeah!’ The commercials came on after that, and getting stuck at a red light- Eva looked over towards Ken and patted his shoulder, “Man, thanks again- for this whole thing.


Ken shook his head- “Anniya~ you know that we all care for you.”


She genuinely smiled back at him and then looked outside the window, glazing her eyes over the incoming traffic on the other side of the road.


With the commercials idly coming out of the van speakers, the dark haired vocal mumbled under his breath- “Well-one more than othe-”




She was slack jawed- with a bewildered amused expression across her face. Her eyelashes became that much noticeable as her eye’s were widen at its fullest.


Being completely cut off- and now struck with curiosity at Eva, Ken yelped out- “Mwuh? Mwuh? Mwuh?”


That was JiHoo.”  Her eyes where still widen, eyebrows risen, and mouth curled to the side- she still had her gaze fixed outside the window.


I recognized his plates…


Ken looked at the other side of the road, even though he know the car was far gone by now. He looked back at Eva’s frozen face, and then out of the nowhere she exploded into a fit of laughter.  Not knowing what to do- whether to be sympathetic towards her, or what- he joined in with her. The crescendo of his laughter went from awkward chuckling to a full-blown chortle with Eva.


. . . . .


Finally getting to the side entrance of Eva’s place- Eva jumped out of the passenger seat, and met Lina halfway as she did the same.


That was JiHoo’s car right?” Lina asked as Eva nodded her head. She laughed and slapped the back of her best friend’s back- “We made some perfect timing!


N enthusiastically joined in the conversation, following with the rest of the members. After their little victory cheer of getting out of the on time, they started to unload everything from the van. While everyone helped to take the closet out- Eva took one large bag and went ahead to her apartment to clear out space for the new piece of furniture.


Lina- being Lina, told Leo to go with Eva and to grab some bags to bring up as well. His face stilled, but he went along with Lina’s directions. Catching up with Eva right as the elevator doors opened- he snatched the bag that she was holding. Not expecting it- she almost clocked Leo in the face until she realized that it was actually him.


Her eyebrow arched up as she shook her head at the towering male in front of her. He only smiled at her while she pressed her floor’s button. She stepped back into her spot next to him, and continued shaking her head with her hands on her hips.




Taekwoon-ah, you know I can carry that.” Her appealing voice sang out to him. However, Leo only ignored her statement and looked at the increasing lit numbers with his lips curled up in a tiny smirk. Eva chuckled and nudged his arm as she watched with him. “Komawo.”


He nodded once and continued looking straight ahead. In the elevator, they stood in their comfortable silence until the doors opened at her level. Like always, Leo let Eva step off first and she rummaged through her purse for her keys. Leo followed closely behind her when he started to experience his word vomit again- “How do you think JiHoo is going to react?”


He could hear her softly chuckle as she opened the door and stepped inside. Taking off her boots- she looked at him while she shrugged her shoulders, “I really don’t know…”




Before he could say another word, she added another thought to their conversation, “You don’t think we did anything wrong right?” With her head titled, she raised an eyebrow.


Leo shook his head- “Anni.” Of course, he didn’t think that they did anything wrong- if he could let go of his emotions; he probably would have trashed his whole house. What they did wasn’t anything wrong- she was just taking all of herself back. And there was nothing wrong with that.


. . . . .


(JiHoo’s Apartment)


Opening the door, the same regular musk lingered into his senses, and he knew that was home. Exhausted from today’s constant back and forth with clients, he swiftly removed his shoes and went to place them on his shoe rack that had always been on the right side of the doorway.


His chin crinkled up, “Hm-”


Looking at the mocha shoe rack he noticed a slight chip on its’ side, showing the raw texture of the wood, unlike the buffed smoothness of the rest of it.


Must of hit it on the way out today.” He shrugged off the tiny flaw in the fixture.


With his long nose black leather shoes in his hands, he exchanged them for the cream house slippers and placed them on the top level. Slipping them on he turned back around towards his couch and dropped his briefcase. Taking a step towards the coffee table he picked up the GQ magazine he didn’t get to finish reading earlier that day.


Sliding the magazine on this counter, he walked over to the fridge to take out some orange juice and walked towards the cabinet that had his glasses. Grasping the tiny wooden knob, his stomach dropped. He furrowed his eyebrows, and swung open the cabinet door. There stood the same glasswear as always in groups of 6, ranging from wine glasses to coffee mugs.




Feeling a sudden eerie atmosphere, he felt the light hairs on his neck freeze up. Slowly taking out a clear glass from the cabinet, he gently placed it on his counter top as his neck creaked back towards the entrance door.




He shook his head, and poured the orange liquid to the brim of the glass. Flipping through a couple of unread pages, he closed the magazine turning over to catch that city view he always loved. The blithe expression plastered across his face, he sipped the glass clean whilst he enjoyed the view. He placed it amongst the other unwashed dishes in the sink, and headed for his bedroom.


Stopping in front of the nutmeg bookcase, but facing his plush couch he contemplated possibly catching up on some unfinished books. Before he could make the decision, the polyphonic muffled ringtone snapped him out of his pondering.


Another client perhaps?” He unbuckled his briefcase and slipped the large thin case into his hands.


He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, “No- just her.”


Not now.” Ignoring the phone call, he stuffed his cell phone in his pant pocket as he walked to the staircase. The cool texture caressing his fingertips, he felt that eerie feeling from before. Taking each step with precaution, the feeling only increased as he walked closer towards his hallway.


Trying to shake off the unwelcoming of it all, he coughed harshly enough to shake his whole body- and successfully letting go of feeling.


Finally reaching his bedroom, he smiled seeing the overall neatness of his room- where nothing seemed out of place, and that feeling was nowhere to be found. His expression turning cheeky; he undid his tie, and ed his shirt. He threw them in the damper and turned a corner into the other room.




JiHoo’s dried lips parted as his blissful expression was exchanged for a glazed look accompanied by eyebrows furrowed, and an increasing heart rate. He stared at the imprinted traces of the once closet on the white carpet.




She- Eva took her things?”


He arrogantly titled his head, swiping his finger across his bottom lip. He scoffed looking at the free space, and went into his bathroom. The chevron bags were no longer there, “Good- I have more room now.” He shook the thought of Eva, and kept scoffing into a loud crescendo.


Pssh- whatever.”


“Yeah- she did me the favor.”


“Yeah- she…”


Without notice, when he stepped into his bedroom it was as if the wind was knocked out of him whilst he knees gave out underneath him. His body pressed against the wall, his arrogant scoffs and sardonic laughter were hard to keep up through his blurred vision.


He was coming completely undone- while his shoulders forcefully shook as he began softly weeping. She was completely gone.


JiHoo’s weeps transformed into loud sobs echoing through the upstairs rooms. He cried for a moment, before unsuccessfully picking himself back up. Gripping onto the table for support, his knees started to get back some strength only to give out when he saw the empty picture frames.


She had really taken everything. With his heartbeat accelerating, he hyperventilated his way through the hallway, and down the stairs.


Eva.” He wept, holding the frame that once held their 1st anniversary picture. He hadn’t really known the reasons as to why he had kept her things in his apartment. But gripping the frame close to his heart, he realized why. In his heart, he wasn’t over her, and her things were remains of their happy times. Everything that was hers, or theirs held a memory, and deep down inside he couldn’t face parting with them.


He never really reflected back on that day that she had seen him and her. Nor why he even did it- it was just something that started out of the whim, and before he knew it he couldn’t stop it. Though throughout this whole time, JiHoo just pushed the whole thought out everything of his mind, and continued his life. That was the best that he could have done.


Getting back up- he smashed the frame onto the floor, and threw the books clean off the bookcase; letting the innocent pages fall out besides him. The bellowing inside of him picked up his lamp with a loud yell, and as he was about to throw that too- his tears came raging out. The lamp was placed back down on the table, and he knees were once met again with the surface underneath him. His hands tightened against the table, and brought himself back up. Dusting over the kitchen, he aimlessly walked into the dining room with his tear stained cheeks.


The first thing to catch his eye was the final piece of their relationship. It was her last goodbye- his house keys, just naturally placed on the corner of his dining room table. Taking it into his hands, he solemnly walked back into the main part of his apartment.


Stepping into the kitchen, and putting his weight against the countertop- the remnants of their past relationship played through his mind.


Clear as day, he could see her in one of work shirts washing the dishes bobbing her head to the melody playing in her mind, and giving him all the energy in the world as he would walk in home from work.


Turning around towards the Gangnam city view, he could see her rushing down the stairs, yelling that she had overslept a tiny bit for work, and that she loved him as she gave him a playful kiss to just bolt through the door.


His fingertips brushed over his dried lips trying to feel her velvety lips, and in remembering her- he could have sworn that her scent had grazed his nose.




Behind him, he could hear the clattering of dishes, and the ticking sound of the burner turning on. He twisted his body back around, and there she was- right in front of him.


Hey pass me the tomatoes please-” Her eyebrows risen up, and her closed lip smile showcasing that adorable left cheek dimple of hers.


She playfully huffed, as she grabbed the unsliced fruit. “This Ropa Vieja is going to cook itself you know!”


Oh- their cooking dates. He knew that she was a terrible Korean cook; he a terrible Spanish cook and in celebrating in each other’s strengths they would try to plan little intimate cooking dates ever so often. 


Unconsciously his despondent expression twitched into a wicked smile. He remembered everything, the curl of her lips, the way she would raise her eyebrow at him, how her voice could go an octave lower when they were intimate, the infectious laughter that would lighten up his apartment and his heart.


The hot tears stung him as they trailed down his cheeks once again. With left hand cupping his face, he collapsed onto the floor- gripping the last piece to their relationship on his other free hand.


Through quivering lips and he strangled out- “Eva…”


Here was to her closing the door.


Coming down to it, he reflected…


What really had he ruined?


. . . . .

(Back at Eva’s apartment)


Eva’s shoulders shuddered with a sudden chill running through her entire body mixed with the piercing ringing sound in her left ear. She pressed her tiny hands against her ear, and tried to get the sensation to stop. Seeing her mini-spasm, N patted her back, “Are you alright?


Her smile was the first thing to greet him, “My mother always said if your left ear is ringing than someone must be talking about you…” Eva softly chuckled, “…and it’s not good things.


N titled his head at her, “Ooh~” He cooed out.


Imagine it’s JiHoo~” She snorted out as she swept the floor clean from today’s work. The silver haired Njumma raised his eyebrows and kept calling out ‘ooh~ ooh~’. Eva playfully smacked his shoulder, as the rumble of laughter overcame her.


The other members jokingly threw on disgusted faces claiming- “Hyung- please act your age!” Only garnering louder laughs from Eva and Lina; who joined from the other room.


In the middle of replacing her kitchen trash bin with another white garbage bag- Leo looked over at her and smiled- it’s nice to see you laugh like that again Eva. He intently looked at her when a loud jumbled growl caught everyone off guard, completely stopping their laughter.


With everyone looking his way, Leo’s expression remained calm, as he was internally turning a dark shade of red.


He locked eyes with Eva, and she smiled whilst shaking her head. Before everyone could burst into laughter at the chic main vocal’s hungry stomach, Eva cooed out, “I’ll order some fried chicken~” Getting a loud cheer from everyone in the room, she ran over to her purse to grab her phone. Swiping her finger through her screen, a notification popped up.


One missed call: Unknown Number




"Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."

- Henry David Thoreau




Author’s Note:


O M O. Yes I went there. Let me tell you guys- this was probably the hardest chapter to write. I originally had something completely different written out for what Eva and the guys did to JiHoo’s apartment- and then some. But after talking it over with a friend- It really made me step back and think: Would Eva really do that?

So yes- and not only that. But I had to write feeling for JiHoo like ughh U.U. But I had to do it and I think that was the hardest part- it took me a good amount of hours (and forever replaying Joo- Bad Guy) to get his personality, emotions, and reaction down. I’m praying that I did it justice. So yeah sorry for taking such a long time to update, but this chapter was something where my decisions would truly affect the story later on. ;___; With the revision and everything this chapter would have been SUPER long- but I decided to cut it into two chapters instead. (So I have a couple pages of ch. 25 done- yay!)

&&&&& As you can see I’ve been doing some re-editing on my earlier chapters, and I gotta applaud you guys for sticking around (my earlier chapters are like waaaht. xD) I’m super happy that you all decided to stick around <3333333

Question time: Who do you think called her? (and what does the person want xD). Did you think Eva did right by just taking out her things from JiHoo’s place? Would have YOU done it differently?

As usual- thank you to all the readers, and support my little story has been receiving <3 I read all of your comments with a huge smile plastered on my face. No lie. <3


@ilovekpopforever: Hey! Thanks for the comment~ Hope you liked it!

@kaze27: Oh really? Omo- that’s amazing~~~~~ Thank you so much ;______; Like it’s comments like these that get me ;__; I’m so humbled that you love the story! Thank you for giving it a chance! & To your unnie how recommended it!

Wah~~ so happy that you get Eva’s character and love her as much as I do!!!! (But you know you’re right about it's the other way around abt the idol liking the girl keke)

Um- research? Does watching mydol, mtv diary, plan v diary, interviews, music shows, vixx file count as research? Because then yes. xD But- oh my goodness, you really mean that I got his character right ! Yayayayay!

(He honestly should have beaten him up, but Leo is too classy for that xD) Yeah they did get closer I think in the car.

@Yociax3: TT^TT. Let’s cry together. Lolol. Wahh your words are too much /blushes/ Yeah Taekwoon and Eva’s relationship is one a kind~~ I hope I didn’t kill ya with this chapter ;__;. Thank you sooooo much for commenting love!

@lairsuan:  Lol I know right- poor guy is like //damn- he’s my competition, and shes all like //omg jaejoong oppa~~ xDDDD. Yes I am your crazy unnie- and your crazy unnie that will always be there for you <3. Well I changed the foreword a bit, still no poster though ;__;.

Well I wonder what you’ll say about this chappie, cause I kinda left you with a cliffhanger. && yay for sharing ice cream~~

@LizMagix: L O L. JIPOO!!!!!!! He totally is horrible, that why I wanted to rip my hair out when I had to write his feelings and actually feel sorry for him! Gahhhh. Well sorry that I left cha with a cliffhanger…but yes hopefully Leo does decide to do something bold… and –joins dacne-.

@Coralie_x_SHINee: Yeah- hes just a bad namja really. Well Hyukkie and Ken did a little tiny bit of damage atleast xD. But yes- hopefully Leo will become more direct with her.. or even 4D.. imagine!! Hahaha

@caticat94: woohooo! I’m so glad that you loved it! && you are toooo much- that compliment omg. Thank you doll <3

Aw thanks! I’m really happy to hear that! I also love long chapters too~~~ Hey- that’s alright if the questions were a bit hard. I appreciate that you take some time to write me such meaningful comments. <3 <3 <3 <3

@themixedtape: I know this is like two almost 3? Weeks after your posted comment. But I hope your exams went well <3 I’m glad I could help in some relief from studies xD. (is that a good thing hahaha) Yeah, you know.. when I was talking about what I originally had written for the whole JiHoo’s house.. I originally had it written down that they did this whole big thing to his apartment- but when I talked about it when a friend. She was like.. is that the best you can do?

And- then I looked back and thought.. would Eva do that? In the end, I wanted her to come out of the relationship with her head held up high, and not succumb to JiHoo’s level. As my friend wisely told me “The best revenge to get from a man, is not for him to be angry with you- but for him to feel sadness and regret.”

Hope ya liked the chapter hunny! (and as you can see.. I was listening to Bad Guy like.. 100 times while writing JiHoo’s scene.

@soraaa: kekeke. Well maybe something like that xD. But.. who called her tho?!!??!

@mydivakey: hey- smiling is very healthy for you! Even if it’s like an idiot xDDD. I know there were moments between Leo & Eva I was squealing in lolol. Leo is pure adorbs <3  Ya know, I’m really happy that you can give you own perspective on Eva. (and it being exactly what I think of her) thank you for being such a dedicated reader.

//Let’s make a petition for Leo to show his 4D side!!

@taekwoon-nim: My Queen~~~ /bows/ Thanks for taking the time out of your royal schedule to visit my story~~ xD <3

@Caitlin360: waaaahhh cait bb <33333 Thank you for leaving a comment!! (Did you cry though).. ngl I totes did when I reread some of the scenes lolol. Yes- let’s all rip off JiHoo’s (or JiPoo’s as a reader nicknamed him) head off!

Thank you cait bbbbbbbbbb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /hugs/


&& a super duper huge shout out to @kaze27, @pyochaeyeong, @Caitlin360 for voting up my story! You guise are the best ~ ~ ~ ~ 






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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!