Incidents & Coincidences [RE-EDIT]

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

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"*  *" = english


“Hello, this is Eva Kim.”  Her uneven breath sounded through the phone.


“So formal~ babe, what are you doing? Sounds like you just did a marathon.” He chuckled through the receiver.  It was her boyfriend of 3 years, JiHoo, a Korean student who was had also studied abroad around the same time she did. They had met her 1st year at university and to her surprise, they had instantly hit it off. Their relationship was something that of natural occurances- which was her explaination why they had remained together throughout all this time. 


She playfully rolled her eyes at her teasing boyfriend, Well I thinking that it was Jellyfish Entertainment, so I ran.” Eva plopped herself on her sofa, and with her legs dangling off of the couch, she laid her head its arm rest.


The sound of the unlocking car lock shot off and mixed with the echo of his voice. Eva smiled, knowing that he had just got out of work and was already in the parking lot, “Oh-so did your interview go well?" He paused for a split second, "I’m sure it did since you sound so confident~” He cooed. 

She huffed at him, “Well I have to be confident that I got it, you know good vibes bring good things!”

JiHoo laughed on the other end at his girlfriend's neverending optimism- it was one of the reasons he loved her so much, it was something unique about her. In hearing his soft laughter, she joined in on her side- and ruffled up Leo's curls. Once they settled down in their laughter, he reminded her of their date planned later that evening. The details, of where they were going, when the reservation was, and what time he was going to pick her up was discussed. Towards the end of their phone call they exchanged regular day-to-day details for a bit before clicking off their phone call. 




(1 week later)

As Eva was busy going through her emails on her laptop, when Leo’s small barks started sounding off in her apartment. “Arasso, arasso- treats!” She playfully shook her head while she got up in defeat as her dog had won the battle over treas. 

Going through the motions, she grabbed her stool and placed it in front of the sink. Stepping on the pastel blue stepper , she remembered that she had moved the treats to a lower level- one where she could actually reach them.  

Eva stepped off, and located the red box of doggie treats. Looking down at Leo, his body jumped and bounced all over the kitchen floor in overflowing excitement. She slipped her hand through the flap-  Alright treats for-” Eva turned over the box of treats to find that nothing was there. “Aww, I’m sorry Leo, but we’re out." Her dog whimpered at the sight of an empty doggie treat box.

She scratched the top of her head, and hummed through her lips trying to find a quick solution. “How about we go for a run, and then we can stop by the store to get you treats?” Leo’s tail wagged quickly as he bounced his small fluffy body.

Taking his response as a yes, she scratched the top of his head and headed off towards her bedroom. She quickly changed into her black running shorts, black tank top, and light blue running jacket. Stepping back into her living room, she found Leo sitting down patiently and wagging his tail by the doorway. Eva smiled and grabbed the leash from the dog goodies drawer, and clipped it on him. Taking one last moment to make sure she had her wallet and keys, through her white fiberglass door they went for a lieteral run , and a run to the store. 

Stepping through the clear automatic doors of the complex's side entrance, she was temporarily blinded by the harsh sunlight. It was then that she figured out that she had left her sunglasses back in her purse from earlier today. 

Great…the sun is killing today!

. . . . . 


Leo’s body burst with even more energy than his usual self as he ran with his beloved owner. After 3 laps around the park, Eva placed Leo’s leash lightly on the ground as she went to tie her undone laces. She was thinking about how much nicer of a run it would have been if she hadn't been running blind thanks to the sun- when out of the nowhere Leo started a mad dash across the open green space.

Her neccked snapped back up at the ball of light brown fur running away, “Leo come back!” Eva yelled as she stopped midway from tieing her lace- and just ran with the white undone laces. 

Leo had made it right to the end of the green area when he came to an abrupt stop. Eva tried stop in time before she would crash into Leo, however her foot clumsily tripped on the untied shoe lace and down she went crashing into-

Leo? No, it was another runner.

Her face was met with a hard chest as both bodies fell to the ground with a loud thump. She felt his embrace on her as a small grunt sounded off from a man’s lips. She got out of his arms without meeting his eyes and when she looked up, she saw a pair of sunglasses in front of her. She turned around to hand them to the person she had just plummeted to the ground. Thinking about how funny and embarrasing the situation was, a laugh escaped her lips before she saw who it was “..Ha- oh my, I am so sorry here are your sun glasse-”

The sun had gotten in her eyes blinding her for a moment, but once they adjusted her voice dropped in the middle of her sentenc. She looked at his cold gaze, something in her brain was beeping off trying to remind her of where she had seem him beforehand. Eva's full eyebrows knitted together, trying to go through her mind trying to remember him.

He had a black cap on with all his hair tucked in, as he met with her eyes, his gaze shifted down to the green grass around them. Her eyes traveled down his body, she was quick notice the mystery man’s muscular arms and toned long legs. Impressed, her left eyebrow naturally arched up.

She quickly snapped back to reality, and moved her arm to hand him his sunglasses. His hand was hesitant to reach out, Eva noticed and her arm came closer inviting him to get his sunglasses. As both of their hands were centimeters away, he gently grazed his hand on hers as he took them.

The melodic silvery voice of her, quietly sang out- “It’s okay-thank you”

This guy is really soft-spoken…

Eva masked her bewilderment by just politely bowing her head as he returned the same gesture. In doing so, Leo came around to plop his fluffy body on top of the man with the cold gaze. His tiny head cutely tilting to a side at the stranger's face- accompanied with his pink tongue rolling out. 

She shook her head at her dog's freshness of sitting on a complete stranger's lap. Though, this stranger had nothing to complain about as his lip's curled up in a rare smile looking down at the adorable animal. Luckily for him his out of character moment went unnoticed as Eva's eyes stayed glued onto Leo. Plus, how would she of known that this man- despite his icy stare, was actually quite fond of animals; especially dogs. 

“Come here you~” She cooed to her companion as she picked him off. His smile disappeared and was exchanged for his regular stolid expression. As they both got up, she placed Leo back down on the ground while she dusted off any dirt from her shorts. Without any other word, the man with the cold gaze, turned around and started to jog away.

She looked at his running figure and shrugged it off. looking back at her dog whom was wagging his tail playfully, she laughed out to him, “Aw C’mon Leo! Really?” Unknowingly to her, the man with the cold gaze cocked his head back towards her direction. 

While looking at her, he paused- scrunching up his lip, 'What? She knew my name...'  He thought.

Eva felt a pair of eyes on her and stood up. Before she could turn around, the mystery man reacted quickly going back to his jog, missing her glance by.

With her eyes lingering on him she thought, Why does he seem so familiar? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him before, Grah! Brain work!

[a/n: Belanova- Tus Ojos]
~Y en esta historia           (And in this story)

No existe el tiempo          (time does not exist)
Porque en tus brazos       (because in your arms)
Te inventé el universo     (I invented the world) ~


Interrupting her thoughts was her ringtone coming from the zipped up pocket. “Oh..” She grabbed her phone and swiped across the green accept circle while her eyes where still fixed on the running man's dissapearing figure. , "Yoboseyo?”

“Hi, is this Eva Kim?” She almost immediately recognized the voice on the other end of the call. 

Oh my god…

She tried to mask the anxiousness in your voice, by tightly gripping Leo’s leash. “Yes, this is she.”

On the other end of the phone, chirped a bright voice, “Hi this is Lee Yoo Ri from Jellyfish Entertainment’s HR Dept. We interviewed you last week for the Makeup & Stylist Assistant Manager Position." Eva held her breath, "If you are still interested, I’m calling to officially extend the position."

“Oh, thank you for following up with my interview…I would like to accept the offered position.” The biggest smile was planted on Eva’s face. Her body scrunched up in excitement and she bit her lip to stop her from screaming her lungs out. 

Yoo Ri beamed through the receiver, “We’re glad to hear that, please stop by the office 9am Monday morning, we’ll take care of your paperwork, and you’ll meet again with Ms. Baek so she can introduce you to your assigned team.”

Nodding her head numerous amounts of time, like she always actually talking in person with Yoo Ri- she thanked her once again before hanging up the phone.

And with that, she thanked her now new employer.

Eva quickly dialed the number of her boyfriend; JiHoo and told him the exciting news. In the middle of the park, her body bounced up and down as she talked, Leo catching on also started yelping and jumping to congratulate his owner.





“Good morning Eva, come right in” Jellyfish Ent. Head of HR Lee Yoo Ri signaled Eva in her welcoming office. As Eva took a seat on the black swivel chair, she took her purse and placed it close to her heels. She quickly got started on the paperwork that was piled up neatly on the rounded black office desk. Wanting to get to know some of her co-workers better, Eva started off with the small talk. It didn't take very long for them to hit off their professional relationship; smiling and laughing about trivial things as she filled out her paperwork. 


A soft knock was heard on Yoo Ri’s door- and both of their heads cocked to towards the sound. Standing against the doorway, stood a  perfect black silhouette dress that went down to her mid calves belonging to  head Makeup & Stylist; Baek Nara. Despite her very The Devil Wear Prada-esque exterior- Baek Nara surprisingly wasn't or acted that like at all. 

The lipstick stretched out into a genuine smile, “Nice to see you again Eva!” They greeted each other again with a bow and handshake. While Yoo Ri and Nara talked about company business, Eva went back to finishing her paperwork. 

Once she was complete with her the files, she ask Yoo Ri what was next on the first-day agenda. Yoo Ri nodded at her lively enthusiasm, “Okay well since you’re done with paperwork, Nara over here can take you to the group you'll be assisting her with.” Anxiously, Eva grabbed her purse and stood back up. She gave a small goodbye to Yoo Ri, and followed Nara out of the cozy office. 

The sound of their heels walking synonymously towards the elevator clicked away in the hallway. Nara turned over to Eva and initiated conversation with some of the things that they had left off with during her interivew. Standing in front of the elevator, Nara pressed the down button and they both awaited for the cart to come up to their floor. Nara and Eva naturally continued their conversations with no awkwardness- just talking about little things to pass the time by. Once the 'bing' of the bell chimed and the doors opened- they stepped inside and made their way down to the fifth floor.

They walked through a couple hallways, reaching two large wooden door-“Here we are!” She sang over to Eva.


Subconsciously, Eva held her breath in the suspense of it all. These idols would be the first stepping stone to her hopeful bright career path. Looking back at Nara, her full eyebrows arched up, with a wide smiling curling up her cherry lips.  

The doors swung open revealing a dance practice room, “Hey guys, I have an announcement to make!” Eva looked into the room where five boys were huddled next to each other turned to face Nara. Eva recognized them; what a coincidence- she laughed inside. They had been the same guys in white splattered studded suits she had seen during her interview day. Today they sat on the wooden floor- dressed down in training clothes, but still giving out the impression of idols. Counting the number of members as they stood up- Eva realized that they was one person absent. 

“We’re missing someone, where is he?” Nara asked.

“*Dong!”  The bubbly spiked dark brown haired guy shouted. The other four boys burst into laughter at their member’s funny remark. Even Nara cracked a smile. While Eva, really tried to hold it in and act professional.

When the dark brown wide eyed idol laid his eyes on Eva, he shouted, “Noona, it’s you! You got the job?!” His eyes sparkled at her, and the others just looked at him not being suprised at his bold personality. 

Eva nodded her head, “Well I guess you gave me luck!” She lightly laughed, looking back at the bubbly wide smile guy. 

Nara turned towards Eva side, switching her glances from him to Eva- “You know each other?”

Eva shrugged her shoulders while raising her hands up, “Well not like that, but we met on the day of my interview.” Her voice was cheerful as it echoed through the room.

Nara nodded her head in understanding and switched right into explaining to everyone Eva's position. The guys 'ooed' and nodded their heads giving her a congratulatory clapped- that she happily received. Once Nara was done informing the boys, she motioned for them to introduce each themselves to Eva. 

In a row they introduced themselves, starting it off was the bubble voice of the dark brown spiked hair guy, “Hi I’m Ken!” 

“N! I’m the leader~” He puffed his cheeks and put his index fingers on both of them. Eva muffled a threatening giggle from with her hand. 

“Hyuk- nice to meet you noona,” His eyesmile was contagious, making Eva copy the same facial expression.

“HongBin,” His dimples were prominent and cute, and unlike his breath-taking soft appearance, his husky voice contrasted greatly. 


“*Hey I’m Ravi!*” His English was pronounced very well to Eva’s surprise. Assuming by his taste in clothes and his demeanor, Eva figured that he must be the rapper of the six membered idol group.

With the last present member introducing themselves, N the leader started out to say their begining team greeting. “And we are-” Only to be cut off by Ken.

“Leo hyung!” He shouted to incoming figure from the hallway.

Leo? Eva's chin crinkled up at the name of the person who was coming in behind her.

Eva turned around to face the man behind her only to have her eyes widen for the slightest second before anyone caught on. It would be the third time they had met, the first being in the company lobby, second through their park incident, and now for the third time they were standing right in front of each other. She had managed to mask her surprised reaction, and just continued to look at the once stranger before her.

Her outer expression, was nothing compared to what she was going through inside her head. IT WAS YOU! I KNEW, I KNEW YOU SEEMED FAMILIAR! 

His eyebrows furrowed together, and grew larger as Eva introduced herself. His mouth opened slightly at the view of her face,

“Hello, nice to meet you I’m Eva Kim, you’re new assistant makeup & stylist.” Eva nonchalantly said, reaching her arm out to shake his.

Looking at his flustered body language, Ken pushed out a question, “Hyung?” 

Snapping out of the trance, he looked at Ken and then back at Eva. “Huh- oh, I thought I had to sneeze just now.” His voice was just like she had remembered it- as light as a feather. Something that contrasted deeply with his outer appearance. 

Sure- good Save, Leo. 

The mystery man had a name, Leo. The same name as her dog. If this were in any other setting she would have been rolling in laughter. Instead she stood there with her arm politely extended towards him, just like the first time they had met. 

Once again their hands were centimeters away- but this time, he hadn't hesitiated...



What is Leo feeling upon seeing Eva? 
Doesn't Eva already have a boyfriend? 

If this is a love story, how does Leo fit in with all of this?

Until the next one! 



Author's Note: 


*Dong = Poop / meaning that he was in the bathroom taking care of business

Well here's the second chapter! I really hope you guys like it!  I'm open to feeeback, so if you could leave some that would be great :D 



& thank you for those who have already suscribed, I really appreciate it!

until the next one! 



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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!