Happy Days

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

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[A/N] 'Playlinks' that have an '**' next to it- please please please listen to them. I specficially put those songs for that specific text.


Playlink  [A/N] play this link (it’s in a playlist) until, the next “playlink” text

Aw man!” The disappointing tone in Ken’s voice begrudgingly woke Leo up. Before he could open his mouth to tell his dongsaeng to shut it, N turned around waving his hands at everyone.


They said that they’d reschedule for next month. The city over there got hit really badly with the rainstorm. And most of the activities were going to be done outdoors- they can’t really film with the harsh weather.”  Their manager nodded his head as N explained to his group members the news.


“So what will we do now?” Leo blurted out. His toneless voice had everyone look at him. Leo pursed his lips together and awaited an answer. His heart sank knowing that he wouldn’t have the weekend with Eva. Darting his eyes at N and then at their manager’s reflection in the rearview mirror, he parted his lips to ask again.


Their manager coughed quickly meeting Leo’s stare in the mirror, “Well…this was what we had planned for the whole weekend, but since it’s cancelled- you all have the weekend off.” He could hear the slight quaver in their manager’s voice as he informed the 6 boys of their mini vacation.


The van was quiet for a whole five seconds, and a wave of cheers shook the automobile even startling Leo. He turned his head towards the window, pursing his pouty lips- the feeling of disappointment hitting him again. Well there go those weekend plans..


It took him a minute to the come to the realization of, Wait a minute. If we have off- the crew should have off as well. Wait- so that means we could still hang out this weekend.

As s were loudly cheering and making animal noises, he celebrated in his own way- just smirking as he looked out the window.



Getting back in Seoul, the clouds were covering the sky making the scenery grey with discolored leaves falling from trees and sticking onto the ground. The sound of thunder was crashing every once in a while, and the rain came crashing down on Seoul. A strong gust of wind picked up now and then, accompanying the sad weather.


The first ones to arrive were Eva and her crew, shortly following was VIXX’s van. When the boys had reached back to the company building, Leo saw Eva and her team scrambling to get their equipment back in before the rain worsened. As they parked in front of the other van, the boys hurriedly opened the door and spilled outside.


Oh thank you Taekwoon-ah.” He grabbed a box of supplies from Eva’s hands, and softly nodded at her. Following his hyung’s example, Hyuk and HongBin briskly walked over towards Eva, grabbing boxes from the back. “Thank you boys”


You’re welcome Eva-noona!” Eva brightly smiled at Hyuk.


Getting extra pairs of hands- thanks to the members of VIXX, the work was cut in half of the time. With Eva putting down the final lot of hangers onto the rolling rack, she walked into the practice room. The guys were picking up their things, shouting loudly at their excitement for these next 3 days. Eva chuckled at them, “So what are you guys going to do this weekend?”




“Probably compose something or-.”






“Work on my photography!”


Luckily, spend time with you. Leo thought to himself as he slung his duffle bag over him. Eva grinned at them, and opened the practice door room once she saw that they were all set. They walked over towards the elevator, and stepped in when it arrived.


Getting down to the lobby, Eva had her arms linked with Ken when he inquired, “Eva what are you doing this weekend?”


She put her index on her lips and softly pressed them, “Hm, I don’t know~ Maybe I’ll call JiHoo or something.” A sound of acknowledgement left his lips as they approached the secretary’s desk.


Come hang out with us this weekend. Or even today!” N came behind Eva, laying his hands on her shoulders- his high pitch voice sounding off in Ken and Eva’s ears.


Leo walked behind them- hands clasped together in front of him, quietly smiling at himself. s were doing the work for him; he would be seeing her this weekend.


Oh yeah! Let’s do something today then.” She agreed.


Finally making their way in front of the building, Eva unlinked her arms from Ken to take out her black and white polka dotted umbrella. The black van was awaiting them there, and after the members took out their umbrellas, Leo glided over to Eva. He gently touched her shoulder, and she turned around to face him. “Did you want to get some coffee first?”


Her eyes widened and she bobbed her head cutely- “Yes- please!”  He pursed his lips, and walked over to passenger door telling his manager that he was going to grab some coffee. Being that it was their vacation, his manager had no other choice but to give him the O.K. 


The other members judgingly shook their heads- “I’ll never understand their love for coffee.” Ravi voiced. The sounds of 4 other ‘yeahs’ were heard as they got into their van.


Eva put one of her hands to and yelled “see you soon!” She waved to them. Turning back around to face Leo she parted her lips again- “shall we go?”


His eyes turn into small half moons as they crossed the street together.


The rain only seemed to worsen as they continued on their walk. “Leo do you like the rain?” She looked at his profile, how his jaw line perfectly framed his face, and how his sharp nose pointed out. Turning his head around, she met with his black orbs that were inside his almond shaped eyes. Eyes that sometimes she forgot were even there to the constant wearing of those bright colored lenses. His red hair was neatly tucked inside his cap like how he always had it when they would go on these coffee runs together.


“Um…” He mumbled. “Do I look like I’m someone who enjoys the rain?” He gently questioned her.


Getting caught off guard she laughed, “That’s a good question.” She admitted. “I think so, I think you look like someone who enjoys the rain. You act all mysterious and chic at times.”


His thick eyebrow rose, “At times?” A sighed laugh came out when he asked her.


She lifted her umbrella back up, looking at his face- “Taekwoon, if you haven’t noticed- but you open up more when we have these conversations. That personality that you have when you’re on camera sheds when you’re off the camera, and even more when it’s just us.” Her voice was in a singsong, faintly rises and lowering.


He found it interesting at what she took from their friendship. At how much she actually noticed in him- and how she wasn’t afraid to say to his face. “So- you never answered the question.”


“Ah-” His cheeks pushed up- “De, I do like the rain.” A content sound left the peach colored lips of hers. Leo continued, “I find it relaxing.”


She snapped her fingers at him, “I knew you would.”




A sigh left Eva’s head and she shook her head, “Because~ I told you, you seem like the person that would. I’m pretty good at analyzing people.”


He hummed lightly, “You seem like a person that would be.” Leo was using the same tactic at her, and she most definitely noticed.


Her head whipped back in a laugh, “That was good Sassypants.”  Her hand fiercely gripped her umbrella handle at another sound of crashing thunder. Leo smirked at her, and she caught it. “Don’t think I’m afraid of thunder- that just caught me off guard.”  Truth was that he didn’t think that she would be a girl that was afraid of thunder, but it was just entertaining to see her act that way. It felt like the closer they got to the coffee shop the more the rain fell down on them. Luckily, they both had their own separate umbrellas because if they were just under one umbrella, they would be drenched by the time they made it to the coffee shop.


Continuing their walk in the fall rain, they both quietly listened to the rain harshly hitting everything in contact. There were people running with newspapers folded on top of their heads or grabbing plastic bags to shield them from the cold rain. The echoes of dog bark’s faintly sounding off in the distance mixed with the thunder.


Eva looked down at her feet, thanking herself for wearing comfortable leather booties with double socks. Her feet were neither cold nor wet.


Leo unconsciously his lips and broke the comfortable silence, “You still never introduced Leo to the members, maybe he could meet everyone today- or this weekend.” He successfully managed to slip in the possibility of them spending time this weekend without seeming too eager or suspicious.


Eva’s eyes widen in agreement. She took her free hand and rummaged through her large red satchel looking for her phone. Flipping the black case over, she clicked the center button on her phone revealing a picture of Leo’s fluffy face- mouth opened and little pink tongue peering out. “Aw little Leo- I told Lina, to come and check up on him while I was gone.” She inhaled sharply, “Oh- I guess I better call telling her I’m back in Seoul?” She rhetorically asked herself, and nodded her head- answering her own question.


Leo looked at the rain crashing on the cars making a visible aura-like bubble around it. Looking at the rain, he remembered his conversation outside with Lina. He lips pursed together and formed a faint side smirk.


At the mention of Lina, a broad smile stretched out on her face. Eva’s eyebrow quickly arched in a sly manner and came back down.


Eva took one last look at her phone and slid it back inside her purse. “Lina’s really cool right?”


He bopped his head once. “I’m really glad you guys met.”  She continued, carefully analyzing his face for any subtle change in his facial expression.


The fiery redhead remembered the first time they met and the all the trouble it caused him internally. Further flashing back to the second time he saw her during HongBin’s surprise birthday party, he smiled.


Ah ha!


“I think she’s a really genuine person.” His modulated voice didn’t leave much room for assumption, but Eva would keep trying to pry a little more from him.


Oh yeah? What makes you say?”


A small laugh came out- “What you don’t think so?”


She raised her free hand up- “No, no, I agree- but I’m curious as why you think so.”


He hummed in acknowledgement, “Well, I think I’ve talked to her enough to see that she’s of good character. I know that she really cares about you and wants the best for you.” He lifted his umbrella a smidge to look at her face, “It’s always good to have people like that in your life.” Leo paused looking down at the growing puddles on the street, “A support system.”


Eva’s delighted face made his naturally mirror her expression. Alluringly watching her face, he snapped himself out of it and continued to look straight ahead. Did she notice?



They had finally reached the coffee shop- and as usual, Eva opened the door for Leo. Already being used to this type of behavior from her, he walked inside the shop and shook off the excess rain from his umbrella. “Thanks.” His silvery voice told her.


A bright ‘mhm’ vibrated in through her lips, as she entered closing the door behind her. They both placed their umbrellas in the clear white complimentary umbrella bags on the side of the door. Ordering their regular drinks, Eva and Leo entered in a disagreement on who would be paying for the drinks this time.


But did you me a huge favor last time.”


And you’re always paying.”


It’s the least I can do.”


“Allow me.” He gently held her hand down, with the overflowing feeling of bliss at the touch of her skin. Just as the male cashier was going to accept the cash, she pushed his hand down and with her other hand- she quickly placed the card in the cashier’s hand.


Bbali- swipe it!” The cashier did as he was told and a sound of accomplishment came from Eva. Leo closed his eyes and huffed an appealing laugh- making Eva laugh at his reaction.


Eva softly tapped her fingernails on the wooden countertop while they waited. They continued to chat about how surprised they were that the coffee shop wasn’t filled with customers throughout this weather. Leo even sparked a short conversation with the cashier about how long he was working there.



“Here you go~” Handing them their drinks. “The weather might be a bit depressing but have a great afternoon!” He bowed to them as they walked towards the door. Eva handed her cup to Leo as she picked up both of their umbrellas. Leo opened the door just enough so she could pop open both of their umbrellas and placed it under the outside roof. Handing Leo his opened umbrella, she took back her coffee up she spun back around towards the cashier. She lifted the coffee cup up in front of her, “As long as I got this, my afternoon is already great!” Leo, who was already outside in the rain that just wouldn’t cease, grinned to himself.



Eva came down the steps with her umbrella in hand taking careful sips of her coffee with the other. A beatific expression plastered on her face, she smiled at Leo.


Taking her spot by Leo’s side she appealingly asked him, “Do you mind whether we stop by my place? I have your clothes ready and folded- and we could also bring Leo over today!”


Is she asking me whether I want to come up to her apartment?


He tried to conceal any type of emotion that wasn’t calm and collective when he answered her with a simple, “Sure.”


We could take a cab if you want. But I’m alright with walking in the rain for a bit more.” She smiled at the gloomy weather. He concurred by shaking his head.

Despite the rain, as they walked in the direction of her apartment he felt his hands get clammy. He would have never thought that he would be going to Eva’s apartment this weekend- or anytime in the future to be honest.


Calmly walking in the rain, Leo remembered the last time that he walked Eva home, and what happened. Mentally thanking the time of day, we don't have to go through that alleyway drama again.


Walking the same path that they had taken before, Eva thought of something to pass the time. “Okay let’s play a game.” The game consisted of asking a person hypothetical or real questions dealing with anything they had in mind. Leo shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head.


Alright, I’ll go first.” Her eyes looked up at the sky trying to find any question that came to her- “Ah- um what’s one thing that you’re envious from your members?”


Looking at her face, his soft-spoken voice told her,  “You sound like an interviewer.”


Eva made a deflating sound from her lips, “Just answer the question.” Leo laughed at her humorous reaction before his facial expression smoothed out to answer. “Um…I would say Ken’s cheerfulness. He has the strength to make people around him happy.”


Well, you do too Taekwoon!” She paused, “Well- once someone get’s to know you.”


He thanked her for her efforts on making him feel better. She passed over the turn to him, and he took a second to think of what he wanted to ask. The naturally pink pouty lips he had asked her, “Do you believe ignorance is bliss?”


A heavy sigh left her chest. Eva took a small sip from her coffee- “Mm. Yes and no. There’s something’s that I’d rather be ignorant on like the truth about what’s in hotdogs-” She giggled but then her face became serious,  “but if it’s serious or whatever. Definitely not, I would rather be told the truth.”


Leo agreed with her voicing a “Yeah.” Stopping at a red light, he pressed down on the crosswalk button.


Okay, okay- funny questions…” The white walking figure appeared on the other side of the street and went to cross across the street. “If you were a girl- which member would you date?” Before Leo could so much let a peep out she cut him off- “and you can’t pick yourself, and you HAVE to pick one.”  He moaned at the thought of being hypothetically reborn into a female just to date one of s. Looking both direction’s they crossed the street again, “I don’t know.” He took a sip from his still smoldering latte.


Eva pursed her lips together, and showed him a peeved face. “Ara- ara…” Normally, he would of told her that it was disgusting as a man to even consider it but instead he looked around their surrounding seeing if that would give him some sort of answer. “I would say Ravi”


Oh- and why?”


“I thought we were only doing one question per person.”


She looked at him with the same facial expression that she on moments ago. He got the message and explained his reasoning. “Well, I see how he treats his little sister, and he acts very cute. Like how a big brother would. So, I could assume that Ravi would treat his girlfriend with the same respect.”


Eva teasingly scoffed at him- “Jeez, get married already.” He looked at her with a non-amused look and she bashfully smiled at him. It was his turn to ask her question, and unlike the beginning of their game where the questions was a bit serious- he asked her more light hearted questions.




While the two walked together, laughing- well it was more Leo laughing and Eva out right dying with laughter- it was like the weather didn’t faze them in the least bit. Her laugh was too infectious for him to even try to stay serene throughout their whole walk.


Eva told him about her embarrassing school days including a story about how once in middle school she was so nervous to talk in front of the class during a presentation that she ended up vomiting right in front of her classmate. In between laughs she managed to keep telling the story about how the classmate she puked in front of was her 6th grade crush. “I didn’t even finish the presentation, I just ran out of the classroom- straight into the bathroom!” She continued telling him that the boy never talked to her again after that day.


What a fool he must feel like now.


Leo was surprised at some of the things that she told him- he would of never guessed that those things would of happened to her. She had changed so much from those days. He felt happy that she could talk freely with him.


During their walk the closer they got to her apartment complex; the less amount of rain came down on them. They were about a block away from her place when the rain had completely ceased, and the sun finally made its course through the clouds. Shining down on the both of them, Eva exclaimed- “Wah! The rain is gone!” Leo grinned at her excitement, while they both put away their umbrellas in the clear plastic bags from the coffee shop. Eva happily swung the clear plastic bag with her left hand a couple of times before she put the bag neatly into her satchel. He did the same and put his umbrella back in his duffle bag.


The crimson haired idol could hear the birds off in the distance chirping again. Looking down on the small patch of flowers, he saw the clear liquid falling off of their petals. Leo looked up in the sky, feeling the warmth against his skin; a growing tender feeling in his heart grew. The moment was perfect.


Eva promptly asked him another question, “Okay which would you pick? A whole day with toddlers? Or a whole day with animals (of your choice)?”  Her eyebrow arched with a coy smile slightly showing her teeth. 


A whole day with you. He mentally answered. He had paused for five seconds when she nudged his arm- “Which one?” Her eyes had a certain sparkle that he could only ever find in her orbs.


“I think…mm…I think I can’t answer that question.” Leo honestly responded. Looking at the corner of her lip- it slowly fell. “But...maybe.” Eva’s eyebrows rose back up in anticipation. “Toddlers. A whole day with toddlers. I really like little kids, toddlers, babies- really all small children.” His small lips told her sheepishly.


She pushed his shoulder gently accompanying the action with a “D’aww.” Blushing, he looked away from her face and down at his leather boots. “Well you’ll be spending a whole day with an animal today- so I hope you don't mind!” Eva giggled as they came to the front of the apartment complex. Leo followed behind her as she took him around the side of the building, like the last time he walked her home. She rummaged through her purse again to grab her keys. “Got it!” Walking up to the automatic opening doors, Leo put his hand up to his neck and looked down at his feet again with a smile growing on his face.




At that moment, he heard the doors slide open, and the splash of Eva’s coffee dropping onto the concrete pavement. The brown liquid pooled down at his feet and taking a step over it, he bumped into Eva. He heard two gasps before he went to apologize, “Oh sorr-” Picking up his head, his heart fell to the floor. It all had appeared to happen in slow motion.


Frozen, Eva understood without having to think. She understood it all.


“..Eva..” The voice once had given her all the love that she ever wanted called out to her. The man that had helped her throughout her toughest days stood before her with another woman.  Without even touching her, he had given her the biggest blow to the face- no, to her heart.


Her red satchel slipping off of her shoulders, she stood there like a statue. A small gust of wind picked up her hair and gently caressed her face, but by then, she had become numb to any feeling. Her heartbeat was slowly increasing as she looked at the two in front of her. Her eyebrows lowered and her facial expression was absent. Eva’s breathing was jagged as her chest rose and fell. 


Eva-” The voice pleaded to her. “Let me explain.” His voice was soft, and slow. Unwrapping his arm around the nameless scantily clad woman, he took a step towards her. His hands were out in front of him as if he was trying to calm her down.


He choked on his breath as Leo stepped in front of her and fiercely pushed his hand against his chest. “Don’t. Come near her.” His voice was gravelly and threatening- it was finally time for him to get out all the pent up emotions he kept hidden.


Eva felt the knot in aggressively threatening itself in coming out and the hot liquid b in her eyes. Her lowered eyebrows slowly knitting together, she shook her head, and her lips. She cautiously walked towards him, grabbing a fistful of Leo’s blazer she pushed Leo’s arm away, “I..” She shook head again- “I can fight my own battles, Leo.” Her voice was lightly trembling and dead at the same time. It was a while since she had called him by his stage name, and his eyes widen at her actions. She was pushing him away


Leo stepped aside; he felt the heat coming from the brim of his waterline. Was this how she deserved to find out? Would of it been better if I just had told her? The questions didn’t stop passing by Leo, but he figured- What was been seen has been seen- and there was nothing he could do to change it.


Her red eyes darted at the woman he was next to moments ago, not knowing what to do, the other woman hastily looked away not wanting to meet her wild gaze. Her hands trying to cover up her body- she felt the judgment coming through her eyes. Going back to the man that was in front of her- she met his eyes- “Baby-” He reached his arm out to her. Hearing a name that once brought her fond memories of them together, sent her overboard. She used both of her palms and pushed him back as he stumbled on his footing. “Baby- it’s not what-” The speed of JiHoo’s voice gradually increasing.


Eva took another step towards him, and then put her right leg behind her- arching her back, she balled her right fist and smashed it against his cheek before he could react to defend himself.  Her hair forcefully moved along with her strength. The impact of her wrath sent him up against the building wall, and the other woman yelped at the sight of blood coming from his lip. His lower cheek reddening in seconds.


Don't you- ever. Ever ing call me baby.” She had her forearm pushed up against his chest. Her eyes menacingly switched from his right and left iris. It was the first time that Leo had ever heard Eva use profanity. And there he was standing on the sideline, he felt incompetent, but Eva was right, this was her battle.  



The truth is out. 


...Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away...



[A/N]: I really really hope that you listened to the songs for this chapter. *prays* I think it went really went with what was happening. 

SO! Was anyone shocked?! Sad? Angry? Happy? What were you guys feeling during this chapter? Lemme know~

&& Next chapter will be having alot of parts centered around Eva- So I hope you guys don't mind!!! 


@epikwhale: *sobbing* Thank you so much for your comment. It like made my whole week. (& totally gave me alot of inspiration for this chapter :D ) Also, I'm really happy seeing you again on the comments~! Well as you can see, Eva ended up finding out, how'd you feel after reading that part? 

@aidapark: Lolol- I know, Njumma shall never stop trying to do that to poor sassypants. Imagine- imagine, there was a video of that. *dies* Maybe instead of fans wanting him to show aegyo- they used ask for some iness~ hahaha. Well whatcha think JiHoo is going to tell Eva?

@sarahmariecarmel: Aw that's cool! & Yay you didn't find it boring! I know this one definitely didn't have any boring parts. Oh and thank you for the interview, as you can see I added one of his answers in there~ whoop! 

@Coralie_x_SHINee: Yeah- we should make a petition for him to dance like this. I think the closet we'll get it probably when they're performing 'Light up the Darkness'. Well now the truth is out- so let's see what happens next!

@mydivakey: I sense another detective here~ lol. The next 3 days... well now that Eva found out. I wonder what will happen~~

@xElise: Hello!!!! Welcome & Thank you soooo much for subscribing!!! I hope you enjoyed the latest chappie~~~


&& AN HUGE OTTOKAJI HUG TO: xElise for voting up my story! Once again thank you so much!! <3 <3 <3 *throws cake at you* (hopefully you like cake lol)

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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!