Between Men

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

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They both enjoyed AeSook’s bold personality laughing at the child’s antics, nodding their heads to her observations about one another.

Unnie, what’s your name?” Throughout the whole conversation, Eva realized that AeSook never asked her for her name.

Eva smiled again, “My name is-”

“Eva?” A tight questioning voice was heard above them. 




Eva raised her head towards the voice with a smile still on her face from Ae Sook’s antics, and was met with a knitted eyebrow JiHoo, who was staring at her and Leo’s coupling hands. Her smile slowly disappeared as she saw what JiHoo was staring at. Unknown to her, he had his eyes glued on the two of them when he had walked back into the room.


Eva looked back at JiHoo, and her smile reappeared, pulling him down to next to her. His face loosens at her touch and he complied- getting eye level with the small child.


Yes, my name is Eva.”


Ae Sook repeated her name with a look for approval if she had said it correctly.


Yup- you said it right!” Her coupled hand twitched, signaling that she was going to retract from the embrace. As she let go of Leo’s hand, he frowned inside feeling the emptiness that his hand was experiencing. He put it back into his pocket, and picked himself up to grab his glass of champagne that was on the nearby table. Ae Sook, confused pouted her lip at Leo, and then to Eva. “Darling- this is my real boyfriend” She motioned over to JiHoo- who by this time, just smiled brightly at the child forgetting his prior mood.


Ae Sook, bite on her lip- “So you have two boyfriends?” she innocently asked her. Eva and JiHoo chuckled, placing her hand on her shoulder, she finally explained- “No~ Leo, isn’t my boyfriend, we’re just friends.”


Yeah- just friends..that is the reality of things.


“You didn’t let me explain earlier~” She cooed to the young child in front of her that had her tiny hand covering her gaping mouth. A small sound, escaped Ae Sook, “I’m sorry unnie.


Eva laughed, “No worries, but-this is JiHoo.” JiHoo smiled and greeted Ae Sook, and she mirrored his actions. Eva leaned in a gave JiHoo a quick peck on the cheek, and Ae Sook giggled, placing both hands at the sight of it.


Leo still standing  awkwardly by the couple and the child, mentally groaned-  Ugh.


Finally, Eva and JiHoo finally stood back up with Eva clutching at her thighs- “Ow-ow” Leo saw her in the momentary pain and he wanted to go help her. But before he could of, JiHoo quickly massaged her thigh. “Can’t be crouching down for a while with six inch heels.” Ae Sook’s father came by in that moment, and picked up his little girl.


She didn’t start any trouble did she?” He teased.


Eva shook her head, “Nope- not at all. Ae Sook is a sweet girl.”  She cupped the child’s face, and poked her nose- gaining a giggle out of Ae Sook.


Leo who was looking from the side had his heart melt at Eva’s interactions with the small child. He loves kids, and seeing her act that way with Ae Sook was too precious. Her father then excused himself and walked away from the trio. That left the awkward love triangle- well awkward only to Leo, and so much that he told Eva, “I’m gonna go outside for some fresh air. Excuse me.” Eva nodded at him and out the grand doors he went. Taking one glance back at the Eva and the traitor, he could see that JiHoo had stepped closer to her- wrapping his arm around her waist. He ducked his head- walking outside to the side of the building that overlooked the night scenery.




The sound of the party echoed in the background as he walked over to railing, there was no one out there- it was just him and his thoughts. He gripped the side railing, lowering his head and blew off some air.


Curse my cowardliness


He leaned against the railing, propping his head on top of his palms- letting the night wind caress his face. His hair sprayed-in-place crimson hair moving stiffly in the night’s wind.




Leo closed his eyes shortly before he felt a hand on his shoulder, he flung his eyes open and turned to find a puzzled Ken. His eyes analyzed Leo’s face- and he squeezed his shoulder- “Anything up?”


Ken for the most part was always a giddy, child-like person, but at in that moment Leo knew that he was being serious. Leo on the other hand, rather than sporting his usual stolid expression, sighed into a smile- “Nah- just getting some fresh air.”


His younger group member pursed his lips, “Well if you need to talk or anything, you know I’m here.” Leo looked at his concerned friend, and he contemplated.


Maybe he would understand…

Maybe I could tell him…


“Why would I want to talk to you!” Leo sarcastically responded. 


Ken’s mouth formed an ‘O’: “Oh look Sassypants!”  Leo’s eyes turned into slits, and Ken’s eyes turned into half moons with his mouth turning into a goofy smile- “Well, enjoy getting your aaaiir~ Come back in soon!” He waved off to his friend, making his way into the hall leaving Leo back in his thoughts.


Maybe a minute afterwards, he heard the doors open again, Leo turned around- “Aras-”


“Oh JiHoo” He had thought it was Ken coming through the doors again to make him go back inside to the party. Leo looked at JiHoo, and pursed his lips- stuffing his hands into his pockets. Leo took a step towards the doors, there was no reason for him to stay where that deceitful sorry excuse for a man was.



An arm was outstretched in front of him, stopping him from taking another step. It was JiHoo’s. Leo calmly looked at his arm, and slowly turned his head towards JiHoo, vacantly staring at him. JiHoo’s jaw was tightened, and then he met with Leo’s stare.


He took a step closer to Leo, “Listen up.” The atmosphere around the two tensed up.


Leo was starting to boil up and he turned completely to JiHoo, both men looking face to face. Although Leo was taller than JiHoo by two inches, the player looked straight at him. “I don’t know what your relationship is with Eva, but I see the way you look at her.” He gritted through  his teeth.


His eyes narrowed, “You know I never liked you- with that dull face of yours. Trying to act all mysterious and cool,” he scoffed, “I only tolerate you for Eva.”


Leo held his stare, his voice gentle and stern- “The feelings mutual.”


You better keep this relationship of yours- strictly professional. Back. Off.” He hissed, taking another step closer to Leo’s face. Leo could tell that JiHoo was getting even more annoyed at the fact his face remained completely unfazed, while his own showed complete anger.


Poking at his buttons even more, Leo remained serene, “I’m sorry but since when do you decide things for me? That’s right. You don’t.”


JiHoo’s eyes widen and his nose crinkled up, “Oh now you’re showing some attitude- cute.”


The taller of the two, sighed a laugh, “The fact that you feel threatened by me says plenty about your relationship.” JiHoo, not being able to contain his anger anymore, fiercely grabbed flaps on Leo’s tuxedo, bringing in their faces only inches apart. Leo could smell the Burberry cologne coming from Eva’s boyfriend-


Never wearing Burberry cologne again…


Switching from eye to eye, JiHoo gruffly said, “You don’t know anything about our relationship.” He held onto his tuxedo, and Leo clenched his hands on top of JiHoo’s and pushed them off in one tug. The fiery hair of his jumping at his sudden movement, JiHoo stood there looking pissed.


Leo looked at him, still unscathed from his threats, “Trust me, I wish I didn’t.” His eyes menacingly staring holes into the adulterine man in front of him. He turned around; in two swift glides, he was at the front of the door with his hand on the doorknob. Bewildered at his comment, JiHoo caught up to him and grabbed his right shoulder, turning his body ever so slightly to face him. Leo looked back at JiHoo, before he could get a word out, Leo cut him off, “maybe if you cherished her more, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” His eyes turned into slits, and he threw his hand off of his shoulder.


JiHoo scoffed, and spat out at him- “What’s that suppose mean-huh?”


Leo snapped his head back for a second, and gave him a side smirk before he turned the doorknob, making his way back into the party.


Eva’s boyfriend stood there in complete shock- ‘Did he just disrespect me!’ He mentally yelled. He walked to the side railing and punched it- trying to blow off all the steam that was suffocating him. He couldn’t walk in there in a bad mood- Eva would notice and she would have questioned his behavior. This was something to be kept between men.


. . .


Back inside, Leo walked over to his group members who were in a conversation with Seo In Guk and Sung Si Kyung. “Leo-yah!” In Guk exclaimed upon seeing his dongsaeng. The rest of the circle followed as they greeted the newest member in their conversation.


Leo smiled politely, and no one could have guessed what happened outside just a couple minutes ago. As a matter of fact, he was happy that their little run in happened because it made him sure of one thing: JiHoo was already falling apart.


And as Eva always says, everything will work out, he played repeatedly in his mind. JiHoo will get what’s coming to him- regardless if it’s by my hand, or but the way of the universe.


It was settled, Leo felt like he had the upper-hand in the situation, his eyes glanced over the faces of guests until he spotted the one he was looking for.


His heartbeat stopped when caught Eva laughing, more like on the brink of crying laughing. His lips twitched into a smile, how lively she is.





Noona, Manager-nim, is letting us go out tonight with everyone, so we’ll see you there right?” Ken poked Eva.  She turned around, and to Ken’s surprise she didn’t flinch- “You’re not ticklish?” Eva shook her head with a victorious face. “Alright- robot- well see you then?”


Eva looked at JiHoo who had his hand intertwined with her own; she squeezed it and waited for his response. It was a while since they were in each other’s company like this, so she wanted to make sure whether he was alright with spending their rare chance together at lounge with loud music and hoards of people.


JiHoo looked at Eva’s pleading eyes, he knew how much she loved dancing, and especially her coworkers- but knowing that his new found enemy would be there made him question his possible answer. ‘It’s better for me to be there with her, plus I don’t need to have to hide away from that .’ He smiled at Eva, and her eyes immediately sparkled. Her full red lips gave Ken a big smile- “See you there. But, I gotta stop by home first to change, so it might take a bit.” She told him.

JiHoo glanced past Ken and saw Leo approaching them, he turned Eva over, “But, we can just stop at my place, it’s closer to here and you do have your own set of clothes there,” Not that Eva was a very secretive person, or didn’t talk about her personal life, but she found it a bit awkward that JiHoo was saying this out loud in front of everyone. She smiled and nodded her head as JiHoo took her by the hand once again, and led her out excusing themselves from the group. Leo’s eyes followed the couple and JiHoo looked at him, giving him a wink + smirk combo.


What a- guy.





Leo was already sitting at the back VIP lounge area with his other members when Eva with coupled hands came through the black sheer curtains, JiHoo walking behind her. She still had her waved, and her makeup set from earlier before. Wearing a basic black long sleeved dressed that went up to middle of her thighs, paired it with grey booties, and a red chained leather crossbody bag she still managed to awe Leo.


She waved to everyone there, and plopped herself next to HongBin who was sitting next to N & Leo. Looking at the VIXX members, she saw that they had changed out of their tuxedos into their own personal wardrobe.


“I see you’ve been taking my tips~”  She playfully titled her chin towards Ken who was sitting across the table from her,  “You don’t look like a fashion terrorist tonight!” Everyone in the room bursted out in laughter, and Ken childish folded his arms and stuck his tongue out at her. Leo chuckled covering his mouth, and he could feel JiHoo’s stare at him, but he decided to act like he didn't notice. Nara sat down next to JiHoo, and made them both drinks, and Leo cringed at Nara handing them drinks. According to his manager, Nara usually makes her drinks pretty strong because despite her body frame, Nara had a high alcohol tolerance. He awaited to see Eva’s reaction,


Oh- I think.. JiHoo’s right eye winced, and Eva laughed at him. She took a sip, and gave a thumbs up at Nara. “This guy over here, can’t handle the strong stuff” She pushed her shoulder into his, bumping him a little- in return making him spill a tiny bit of the mixed drink onto his lap. He widen his eyes at her, she rolled her eyes, “Aish- jagi, it’s a tiny splash.” Leo sat back and enjoyed the ridicule he was getting from her. It wasn’t even a big deal, but for JiHoo it seemed like it was, and Leo didn’t mind him sweating a bit.


Nara clasped her hands, “Okay, since we’re all here- I propose a toast!”  Her bright smile was still showing through the dimmed lights around them as she lifted her clear glass cup filled to the brim. “For more successful years to JellyFish and all their artists. VIXX you’ve been a great addition to the family! Well, we have nowhere else to go but to the top!” Everyone did the same, and came together in the center of the table- “Gunbae!” The clinking sound of 20 glasses gently clashing together was followed by 20 voices toasting to the night.


Eva whispered something into Nara’s ear- and she responded shaking her head and waving off her hand. Eva smiled and an ‘okay’ signal.


I wonder what she’s talking about.


Leo-yah, let’s go dance!” The bubbly leader pleaded at his friend only to be turned down. His mouth made a ‘tch’ sound, on the inside he already knew the outcome, but it never hurt to try. Instead, he reached over and slapped HongBin’s knee, whom was in a conversation with Eva at that moment. He turned over, “bbali- balli- let’s dance!” The dimples on HongBin’s face appeared, and Leo could see that he was asking Eva and JiHoo if they were going to come up too.


She tugged on his arm- and up they went. JiHoo made it apparent to Leo that he wanted to him so close to Eva. When they both stood up, JiHoo stole a kiss from Eva- she smiled at him and turned towards Leo.


Leo, you’re not coming?” She titled her head, and raised both eyebrows in pleading. Leo raised his hands in protest, the same way he had on Eva’s birthday months ago. Her eyes narrowed, “C’mon~” he was about to send out some excuse when a familiar red head came bursting through the curtains.


Hey Lina!” HongBin shouted. Eva turned her attention.


Lina brushed her fringe aside, and bowed to everyone. She was sporting a light pink boxy dress, with an oversized clutch to match. She walked towards Eva, and gave her a big hug, and light bow to JiHoo. Eva nudged Lina, “Tell Leo to come out to dance with us~” She teased.


Lina looked at Leo, and lowering his head, he laughed. “Nah, he could keep me some company while I make a drink. We’ll meet you out there.” Eva squeezed Lina’s arm, as a signal to see if she was up to something. Lina smiled and Eva nodded.


Ravi, N, Ken and their manager were already outside of the curtains dancing in the privacy that was the VIP section. Soon after Nara and the rest of the beauty crew came out. Following them, In Guk with Hoya had finally met with the rest of the party.


Going back to the situation that was occurring past the sheer curtains, HongBin told Lina, “I'll stay behind too,” Lina smiled at the dimpled HongBin, “That's alright-get out there and dance HongBin!” He nodded awkwardly, and walked out to meet his other members. Eva and JiHoo followed him, with JiHoo not making any eye contact with Leo as they left.


Lina sat down next to Leo, while she made her first drink of the night. “So how’s everything going Leo?” She brightly asked him pouring a decent amount of orange juice to suffice the alcohol she poured moments ago.


Leo just looked straight ahead, he had his legs crossed, with his hands clasped together at his knee, “Could we talk outside?”  Despite the music blasting through the speakers, she heard him perfectly. He looked at her, and she nodded.


They both got up from the couch with Leo leading the way, he opened the curtain and his friends spotted him. Eva was about ready to cheer- when she saw Lina walking behind him and both of them walking away from the dancer floor. She met eyes with Lina and shot her a look- her friend put up her hands and waved at her.


Hm, aw look at them two.


Eva smiled and made an ‘ok’ sign. JiHoo was too fixed on Eva to notice the other two walking away. Leo found the exiting doors, and opened them for Lina. Both with their drinks in their hands, they walked outside where there was no one but them two. Outside, they could hear the bustling of the cars, watch Seoul shining from all the city lights, and hear the shouts of cheers and laughter from people below the high building. The cold temperature, made Lina inhale sharply. “God, I love this weather.”


Playlink [A/N totally recommended listening to this song when reading this part]

Leo looked at her and slightly nodded his head. Once again, he was looking straight ahead, and Lina turned her body towards Leo’s direction, leaning against one the furthest wall from the exit doors.


So- what’s up?” She inclined.


Leo sighed into a smirk, “You were right.” He soft spokenly confessed.


Lina froze at first but then threw her head back to laugh- but she ended up crashing it against the concrete wall. “Ow-” She rubbed the injured area, and dropping her clutch in doing so, she went to pick it up and bursted back into laughter.


Leo looked at her, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her. This girl is funny.


Did you realize it after our talk?” She looked at Leo with widen eyes, and took another sip from her cup. He walked off the side, and rested his cup on the concrete fence. His ivory skin contrasting greatly to the dark night sky, he sighed, “No, it was from something else.”


Lina looked his inscrutable expression, “Then wh-”


He turned his head towards her, nonchalantly he asked, “What are your thoughts on JiHoo?”


Puzzled, she leaned off of the wall and walked next to him, now pressing her weight against the fence. “Hm, from what Eva has told me, he’s really sweet to her. I guess they’re kinda like college sweethearts, Eva never really dated guys, so it was interesting to see that she was in a relationship when she came back.” Her eyes squinted looking down at another building,


“But what do you think about him.” He gently cut her off again.


Ah- well, I think he works a lot, especially nowadays. Maybe even too much. But he’s really funny though, and Eva loves funny people. The times, I’ve been around them he’s really inviting and accepting of Eva’s friends.”


Lina put her finger up to her lips- “Mm, he seems spoil her with gifts sometimes, and I don’t know whether that’s because lately he’s been away from her. ..and do I think if he’s right for Eva? I don’t know really. Maybe it’s because I’m her unnie, so maybe no guy will ever be good for her.” She laughed as her right hand traced the brim the almost empty cup, and her left hand tucked her hair behind her ear.


But then a heavy sigh escaped her, “That girl has been through a lot since her mother passed away, I just want to see her happy- She keeps a lot inside, and sometimes there’s even things she won’t tell me- but she’ll tell JiHoo. And he was there when she really needed him- so I really appreciate him for that.”


Leo nodded, He did seem like a decent person at first. But I wonder if this was all a façade- and Eva nor Lina don’t even know who he really is. But then again- what if that other woman was a one time mistake.

No- no man should ever do that on the woman he loves.


Questions ran passed his mind, Could I ever be there for her like that? Would I be enough to support her?


He had rambled off in his mind, that when he came back to reality, Lina was looking at him, with a devious look, “What you want to split them up? Or is it that now you have a personal vendetta against him you’re trying to get to know your ‘enemy’ better.”


Leo laughed- “I was just curious.”


Alright, curious george, let’s go back inside before people think something else.” She winked at him.

He nodded his head, and opened his delicate pink lips, "Hey Lina you know, I'm telling you this in confidence. I hope you don't go an-" Lina placed a hand on his shoulder, and jokingly rolled her eyes with a smirk slapped across her face, "Your's secret safe with me Romeo. Trust me, I won't tell a living soul." He courteously nodded. Even though he hadn't known Lina for a very long time, he knew since their last encounter that she was a genuine person. He believed her. She turned back around and headed towards the door. 

Leo shrugged his shoulders before going inside, “Lina, do believe that everything works out in the end?” His eyes were gentle on hers.


Stopping in her tracks, she turned towards him, giving him a content smile, and looked up at the night sky- Absolutely.” 




Truths are being revealed, feelings are coming to light.

Masks are being put on, coming off and insecruities are being raised. 

. . .




[A/N] Whew! I had some writers blocks in the middle of this chapter. Yes I added some JiHoo x Leo interactions. Surprised? I know there wasn't as many Leo x Eva interactions in this chapter like the last, but things are starting to happen. 

I really hope you guys are liking the background action/stories that's going on between the other secondary characters. I feel like it's adding more depth to the story. You know how I like that whole unfolding naturally stuff. 

& I know I promised an Eva POV- it's coming up! Don't worry :) 

there wasn't as many comments on chapter 14 compared to the previous ones.  so boo :(. I just like reading your comments because it makes me super happy. 

But I still appreciate everyone that did comment, and of course everyone that is reading- whether you're a subscriber or a ghost reader.  I love you all ~~~ 

Author's Question: What are your predictions for next chapter? 

*Another question: Do you think I should get like a main graphic for the foreword. I don't even know how to do all that tho T__T 

@sarahmariecarmel: Hey!! aw- thank you for telling me that! I'm so happy that you are <3 <3 Forget mentally kicking him- just get a pillow and act like it's him and KICK IT! lolol. 

@MonkeyFish: I know bb Ae Sook <3 I shall be getting on the Eva POV soon!!! Just you wait ^___^ 

@aidapark: You were right on the money! Oh really? Omg- I didn't know people like paid attention to those details. Thank you so much, because I actually put thought into how I want to dress them. *happy dances* I know- the world always cuts him off. T_T. But atleast this time, he got to say a little something to JiHoo. Yay! 

@Ilovekpopforever: kekeke- gladed you liked it! Ae Sook- is a side character I put in there, she's the daughter of one of the marketing guy's for Jellyfish Ent. Oh no! JiHoo should never be with Ae Sook- she's only like 5-7! hahaha. yes- leo & eva definitely should just get together already! keke~

@LizMagix: Aw- that's great to hear!!! Thank you thank you thank you on the writing compliment. I think I've improved since the first chapter, and its great to know that someone else noticed! <3 No cliffhanger this time- but what do you think will happen next?

@moohani: LOLOL. I see~~~~~. Yep you were totally right- the douche guy aka. JiHoo totally did. Well now, I think Leo is trying to figure out which way would be best and when. 

@mydivakey: Ken is...kinda lingering on the sides right now- trying to correctly get his information together. Yeah it was JiHoo- of course it was him -___-. I think everyone loves Ae Sook- and for good reason. Girl was adorbs. 

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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!