Chapter 5: It's just dinner! right?

Give your heart a chance

Chapter 5: It's just dinner! right?

 On her way home, Mi Jin's phone started ringing. She pulled it out of her back pocket and stared at the screen for a bit. The caller ID said: Chaeryn. Mi Jin smiled at her phone and picked up, only to be startled and probably half deaf by her best friend's yelling:


_OMG! Chaeryn-ah I am so sorry! I completely forgot!


_Oh don't be such a spoiled brat Chaeryn-ah! Mi jin said cutely to calm her friend. I'll be over there in 10 minutes okey?

_What makes you think that I'll wait? Chaeryn sighed through the phone, making her anger and frustration clear to Mi Jin

_I know you will. You love me cute pie.

_Don't you cute pie me! I'm suppose to be mad at you.

_kkkkkkkkk you can't stay mad at me! I'm too cute!

_Forgot to mention modest too.

_You know me I don't like to brag about my qualities. Mi Jin was already in her car, starting it and driving away from Lee Joon's mansion. I'm on my way honey. You'll forgive me when you hear what happened.

_Oh! juicy news? you better hurry pumpkin, my patience is running short today.


10 minutes later, Mi Jin was pulling into the moll's parking lot with a frown on her face.

She went up front to find her best friend sitting on a bench and sipping a cold soda. She walked towards her and sat on the bench expecting another outburst from Chaeryn. That girl has the worst temper in the world, She thouht to herself.

_You better start talking, Chaeryn stated nonchalently, without even looking at Mi Jin.

_Well, it all started Friday when I was driving home from the university.......

Mi Jin told her friend everything, from when she met Lee Joon up until what happened with Boram, just a few minutes before their meeting. She stated the facts but didn't leave out her emotions and point of views, letting Chaeryin on about her heart-racing, sweat-dripping and eyes-dreaming feelings.

_OH. MY. GOD! Chaeryn's eyes were wide open and felt to the ground. She was completely and utterly shocked that she was-for the first time of her life- at loss for words.

_You look ridicules right now chaeryn-ah. Mi Jin stated with an adorable giggle, snapping her friend out of her thoughts.

_So you're telling me that you, Mi Jin, have a date with Lee Joon, aka hottest, richest and most eligable bachelor in Seoul?

_It's not a date chaeryn-aaahh -Mi Jin whined, too embarassed to actually consider the idea.- It's just dinner.

_Yeah right. you are too naive Mi Jin. Trust me it's not JUST a dinner. Sooooo, she cooed, what are you going to wear?

_ I don't know. I didn't really think about that.

_Of course you didn't. Well, Thank GOD we are already in front of the moll. We might as well find you a HOT dress for tonight.

_Oh please Chaeryn-ah, you know I hate shopping.

_I do. That's why I'm here. Honestly Mi Jin I don't know how I put up with you all of these years.

_Because you looovvveee meee, she sang to her getting a light punch in the arm and a cute eye-rolling in return.

Mi Jin and Chaeryn spent half of the day in the shopping center, doing their best- or well Chaeryn's best since Mi Jin was acting like a spoiled brat that didn't want to be there- to find a hot dress matching shoes and nice accessories to go with. At about 2pm, they leaft, dragging their heavy feet and hushing the embarassing loud thunder sound that came out of their stomachs. They headed back to Mi Jin's place, where they stuffed whatever food they found into their mouthes and hurried to get Mi Jin ready.

_I don't really see what's this big fuss about, she stated as she was pushed by Chaeryn into the shower, it's just....

_Don't you dare say that again. Chaeryn glared at her. It's not just a dinner okey? now hurry up and shower. we still have a lot to do.

_A lot? like what? Mi Jin shouted at her as she already left the bathroom and was about to close the door behind her.

_You'll see when you get out, Chaeryn gave her a cute wink and closed the door, leaving Mi Jin completely clueless.

10 minutes later, Mi Jin finished her shower and was staring at her reflexion in the mirror as she fixed the towel rapped around her slim body. *Is this really what I think it is? she tought as she touched her red cheeks. Why do you get red and hot whenever I think of him? I only met him yesterday! So why am I all red and jumpy? My stupid heart never fails to embarras the crap out of me whenever he is around or even when I'm just thinking about him! What....... her thoughts were cut off with an impatient loud knock on the door:

_Yah Mi Jin-ah! what's taking you so long?

_I'm coming Chaeryn, I'm coming! 

She brushed her wet hair and stepped out of the bathroom *this is it, she thought, this is when I become Chaeryn's barbie doll*

It was like Chaeryn could hear what she was thinking because she gave her an evil smirk while garbbing her wrist:

_Come on dolly, you are all mine now!



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Chapter 10: Hey! Author! *waves madly amongst many silent on-lookers* Right here, yep me! IM READING IT! AND LOVING IT!!!

I've been waiting for this update for a while, and gosh, I'm a little more than a bit worried now. Boram, U .... She killed his past partner, right? Was she the one in the car, or paid some one to drive it? Agh that bish... Joon, are U blind child?! can U not see the girls freaking psycopathic obsession with you? And the way she reacts?! There must be summin in her voice.

Get ur together Joon! for realz.

Aw Minji is actually so sweet. Its in her nature to want to help right? Its nice that their relationship is developing... I'm sure it won't be able to for much longer but still.

Aw poor Mir, at least he's not a willing bastard. I would not be amused. HM, interesting in this dirt boram has on him, allowing her to black mail him so easily. Da bish. Honestly, i really was just hoping he'd knock her out, the right there and then XD could've saved a lot of future troubles...

Right, i have a feeling the serenity is coming to an end now, and U did a great job of showing the foreshadowing of events to come... I honestly love ur writing style, and you're a skilled writer. In only a few chapters, you've managed to give us a great understanding of each character their individual traits... I already feel like i know them!
Thanks so much for updating, and never think no ones reading it! cos ill be here, cheering ya on!
So update soon!:D
-BUNNY- #2
Chapter 4: wow i really like it so far ^ ^
Chapter 7: omggg! Say yes yess yes say yess
Chapter 6: Aw this is sooo cute! I'm getting worried about what boram is gonna do to ruin there relationship...
Chapter 2: Ah omg, this is such a good story! Aw poor Lee Joon :( its not his fault, so sad :(
Mi Jin-ah is a very Kind girl and Poor lee joon he lost his girlfriend :(
Love it this part and the previous Update Soon :)) !!
Chapter 1: Love it Update Soon Dear can't wait to read the second chapter Fighting !! :)))
Chapter 1: update soon^^