A Lifetime's Commitment

A Lifetime's Commitment

Come back to me


“Kyu… Hyunnie,” Someone shakes him by the shoulder a little too softly, “Hyunnie-ah, wake up now we’ll be late for school.” He hears him say, he’s slightly awake now hearing the voice of someone whom he swore to love for the rest of his—ow! He jolted up when a sudden weight was dumped on his stomach.

“Yah, Cho Ryeowook!” He scowled, and other, now sitting on Kyuhyun’s stomach chuckled.

“Good morning Hyunnie.” Ryeowook chirped getting of his boyfriend’s stomach and pulling him up. “Come on, we’ll be late if you demand for another 5 minutes.” He said but Kyuhyun just won’t budge. “I made breakfast.” A smile suddenly spread in Ryeowook’s lips when Kyuhyun’s eyes widened.

“Really?” He asked as the smaller pushed him towards the shower. “That’s so nice of you yeobo!” Kyuhyun hollered from inside the shower, and thanking God no one’s with him, Ryeowook’s cheeks turned bright red.

“I-I’ll be at the dining room.” Ryeowook said and exited Kyuhyun’s room before he could say more.

Ryeowook was sitting on his usual seat on the dining room, smiling to himself when Heechul and Hangeng arrived. His cheeks are still pinkish and he is biting his lower lip unconsciously, well not that he’s paying attention to any of it, really.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Heechul took the sit beside his dongsaeng and smiled back when Ryeowook smiled at him. He loves that new smile upon Ryeowook’s face, still genuine and as innocent as ever, but with a different glow. He wants nothing but to keep that smile on his dongsaeng’s face for as long as it’s possible. For as long as they are together he wanted him to smile just like that.

“Hyung, I made breakfast.” Ryeowook said shyly before looking at Hangeng and asking him to have some too. They had already eaten halfway when Kyuhyun went down, pouting at Heechul and mumbling something about ‘his food’ and why everyone gets to eat ‘his food’.

“Cho Kyuhyun, stop acting like a child.” Heechul sighed loudly then said with a cold voice Ryeowook couldn’t even recognize and started to walk away but Hangeng pulled him back to his seat. With clenched fists and closed eyes, he tried to stabilize his breathing then went back to his half-eaten food. Everything’s so sudden they can’t figure out how to react. It is so rare for Heechul to snap at somebody like that, especially his dongsaengs.

The whole room went silent even when Hyukjae, Donghae, and Sungmin arrived. Feeling the heavy atmosphere, they decided to say nothing and started with their breakfast. Heechul slowly stood up when he was done, and with a slightly lowered head and a soft voice said, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling well this morning,” before walking out of the dining room.

Ryeowook looked at Hangeng but he just smiled at him mouthing ‘don’t worry’.

The short trip to the school was a bit awkward for Ryeowook. Everything—or almost— went back to normal. The trio, Sungmin, Hyukjae, and Donghae seemed like they’ve already forgotten about the tension earlier and went back to playing, like they always do. But Ryeowook’s mind is preoccupied with his two most important persons. Heechul, being Heechul. Like nothing happened and like everything’s okay, which is not and Ryeowook is sure with that. Kyuhyun, acting not so Kyuhyun. Smiling when something’s funny, answering just when asked, and most of the time just spacing out.

And now Ryeowook shifts uncomfortably in his chair, glancing at the door every minute. When they arrived at the campus, Heechul asked Kyuhyun to stay for a while saying they have some things to discuss, so Ryeowook went with Hyukjae to their classroom.

The first period already started when Kyuhyun arrived, but the teacher doesn’t seem to mind since its homeroom.

“Is something wrong?” Ryeowook whispered as Kyuhyun settled down beside him. Kyuhyun stared at him for a while before breaking into a warm smile, the smile Ryeowook loves the most.

“Nothing. It’s just about the businesses and some things at the city. Siwon hyung’s been stressing out about it and now it seems like Heechul hyung’s been stressed out too.” Kyuhyun whispered back, his hand sneaking under the table, blindly looking for Ryeowook’s. He smiles wider when Ryeowook’s hand met his and held onto it tightly.

Kyuhyun spent the whole morning staring at Ryeowook. Sometimes Ryeowook would look back at him, sometimes Ryeowook will be too engrossed in the lecture, but most of the time it seems like Ryeowook doesn’t mind so Kyuhyun never took his sight out of the perfection on his sight.

Ryeowook nibbles at the tip of his pen when he’s thinking. He creases his forehead when there’s something he doesn’t understand, and you can see the relief in his expression when he finally comprehends what it is. And when he smiles, it’s like saying, “I’m smiling just for you.”

When the morning classes ended, they walked down the halls side by side, keeping a low profile until Ryeowook almost jumped feeling Kyuhyun’s hands, again, on his. He glanced at Kyuhyun and saw bit of seriousness in his eyes despite the bashful smile, so instead of pulling away, he tightened his hold and pulled Kyuhyun along with him.

Kyuhyun took him to a familiar place, the benches lined under the trees. Kyuhyun pulled him to sit beside him but he instead halted and stood in front of the other, still holding his hand. “Hyunnie… tell me, is there something wrong?” He asked with a soft, worried voice.

Kyuhyun squeezed the tiny hands holding his and smiled up at Ryeowook. “It’s okay, everything will be fine. Don’t think about it too much.” He pulled the smaller to the empty space beside him, and this time Ryeowook willed himself to be pulled.

“I—I know it’s none of my business but,” with a lowered head, his voice gradually lowering to an almost whisper, said “…I need to know if everything is okay.”

Kyuhyun brought his free hand under Ryeowook’s chin and pulled his face to look at him, smiling, “It is your business. Everything that’s got to do with me, with us, is your business too. It’s just that… this time it’s something not worth your worries. Let’s leave everything to our hyungs, we should trust them okay?” With that said, Ryeowook nodded and Kyuhyun kissed him in the forehead.

A few minutes passed with the two of them just enjoying the silent company of the other. It was Kyuhyun who broke the silence.

“Do you… remember how your family—I mean your real family… looks like?’ He asked, earning a meaningful stare from the smaller one. Then an awkward silence, at least for Kyuhyun, crept up his way into their conversation when Ryeowook seemed to be thinking about how to answer Kyuhyun’s question.

“I…I…” Ryeowook started, and Kyuhyun turned to him to hear him clearly, but when Kyuhyun laid his eyes on the boy beside him, he was taken aback with what he saw. Ryeowook’s blank stare and wide eyes, hands trembling, and when Kyuhyun reached out to calm him down, Ryeowook flinched away from him.

“Wookie… Wookie are you alright?” He tried to ask but Ryeowook continued to stay away from him. He doesn’t know what to do, or what is happening so he pulled the smaller boy into his arms and whispered into his ear, “It’s me, Kyuhyun. I’m not going to hurt you Ryeowook, come back to me.” And just like a spell, Ryeowook relaxed into his hold and small hands placed upon his chest fisted the clothing covering it.

“I…I…” Ryeowook started again, but Kyuhyun pulled him into a gentle kiss, “Shh.. You don’t have to answer it.”

Tiny hands let go of his chest and sneaked its way to his back hugging him in return, and Kyuhyun can feel the loud banging inside Ryeowook’s chest, and his heavy breathing. He started to hum a tune which surprised the other a bit before leaning in closer and nuzzling into Kyuhyun’s chest relaxing a little. And then words slipped out of his lips,

I thought this was the end of my memory, the faces I’ll never see again pass me by. I stood at the end where I couldn’t do anything, I put my hands together and just prayed

Ryeowook relaxed more in his arms and he placed his head on top of the brownish locks nuzzled on his chest.

So I could show you my heart that still hasn’t done everything

Get up again, I want to see you who has waited for me; Go back again, I want to say “I love you”

Then the figure fully relaxed, leaving the entire tensed atmosphere to fly with the wind. As the song passes by, Kyuhyun noted how Ryeowook leaned and leaned closer into him, and by the end of the song, he’s now sitting on Kyuhyun’s lap, nuzzled in his chest and hands clasped around Kyuhyun’s chest, sleeping peacefully like a little angel.

Get up again, I want to see you who has waited for me; Go back again, I want to say “I love you”. I’ve lived without knowing, How precious you are

Get up again, I want to see you who has waited for me; Go back again, I want to say “I love you

He finished the song and watched as a tall figure emerges from the building making its way towards them. The man halted just in front of Kyuhyun, and proceeded to comb softly the ruffled brown locks of the sleeping boy in Kyuhyun’s arms.

“What are we going to do?” Kyuhyun whispered.

“Hm?” Heechul said as a response, not taking his eyes off the sleeping boy.

Kyuhyun stared at the unusually sad face of his hyung, which in his opinion, had let his protective barrier of cold stares and harsh words down when around them, eyes filled with tears that never fell and lips curled into a smile never meant to be there. He continued, “About him, Kim Jongwoon.”




He swore he was just sleeping on the bench beside Kyuhyun during lunch and he doesn’t even know why. And now he’s sitting between Heechul and Kyuhyun inside the van on the way to the airport and he still doesn’t know why.



“Hyung,” Kyuhyun called Heechul’s attention for the 3rd time, and again he just received a glare just like in the first two attempts. They arrived at the airport after more than 2 hours of car ride and Ryeowook’s eyes widened when he saw a familiar built walking towards them.



“Siwon Hyung?” He asked in disbelief as the older just smiled and hugged them. “C’mon Wookie, aren’t you happy I’m here? I missed you.” The older asked, and Ryeowook smiled at that. He jumped up at Siwon and the older caught him just like how he used to. Siwon’s hug is comfortable and warm, but this time it’s almost too warm it’s suffocating.



“Hyung, can’t breathe.” Ryeowook whispered and Siwon let him go. That was when Ryeowook saw someone standing behind Siwon. He eyed the man curiously when he saw him staring, and Ryeowook’s heart almost did a back flip when the man smiled at him. Feeling his cheeks heat up, he looked down and saw two hands from two different persons gripping each of his hand.



“Oh, right! This is Kim Yesung, he’s my new assistant. Yesung, these are my brothers, Heechul, Kyuhyun, and Ryeowook.” Siwon introduced them and Ryeowook just stared at the small hands extended to him. He was about to shake Yesung’s hand when Heechul beat him to it, laughing. “No need to be formal Yesung! Loosen up a bit, you look so stressed!” Heechul said, but Kyuhyun almost face palmed seeing his hyung acting like that, and in fact he’s the one looking totally stressed.



“We can delay the introductions while on the car. I think we have a long trip ahead of us, let’s go?” Siwon suggested. He wanted to keep his arms around Ryeowook too for he missed him so much when they were away but seeing his dongsaeng’s body wrapped with both Heechul’s and Kyuhyun’s arms, he can’t help but just let them be. He knows what they feel anyways. He knows it all too well.



He sighed when they got into the van. He wanted to at least sit beside Ryeowook and catch up while on the road, but Heechul and Kyuhyun just had to smash him in between them. He ended up sitting beside Yesung. He just had to say a little prayer of thanks for the weird sitting placement of the van that he was able to see Ryeowook because the seats were arranged to face each other. “So… how are you? What did I miss?” He smiled at Ryeowook ignoring Kyuhyun’s stare and glare for Heechul’s case.



“I-I’m fine, hyung. Hyukjae and I are adjusting pretty well and its beautiful here… and we met some friends.” Ryeowook answered, remaining clueless but not completely oblivious about his hyungs and Kyuhyun’s rare edgy behavior. He too was a bit on edge feeling this Yesung’s stare at him. He let a shaky gaze sweep along Yesung’s and indeed he was staring at him. Ryeowook just had to gulp.



“Then what about you and Kyuhyun?” Siwon asked in a teasing tone bringing Ryeowook back into the conversation. He let out a huge laugh when the two in question’s cheeks went bright red. “I’ve always waited for this day to come. I’ve been anticipating it since before.”



Ryeowook’s hands squeezed both of Kyuhyun’s and Heechul’s hands, and Heechul just had to giggle at that. He’s not embarrassed, but he’s not really open to talk about his and Kyuhyun’s relationship especially in front of someone he barely knew, in fact a total stranger. “I…” He wanted to at least answer Siwon’s question but he couldn’t find himself to do it.



“They’re very much in love.” Heechul instead answered for him and he slowly lifted his gaze up to the laughing Siwon, but he frowned at Yesung’s shocked expression, wide eyes and mouth almost hanging open.



“Hyung…” Ryeowook whispered and both the elders knew how uncomfortable Ryeowook must be feeling so they let the subject drop. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook sat there silently the entire trip while Heechul and Siwon chatted about some things to catch up, sometimes switching to business mode, then back to bickering when they feel like it.



So, listening to Heechul and Siwon’s conversastion, Ryeowook learned that Siwon and his new assistant will be staying with them for a weeklong vacation. They left the companies in Park Jungsu’s hands, the vice president and one of Siwon’s most trusted friend, and his cousin if you include family ties. After a week, they’ll be back to Seoul together with Heechul and now Kyuhyun, and him too if he wanted to come (that’s what he heard Siwon say) for the annual gathering of the top 3 biggest companies in Korea. Ryeowook remembered attending one of those gatherings a year after the Cho family took him in.



“T-then… Does that mean you’re attending it too?” Ryeowook whispered to Kyuhyun who was a bit relieved that Ryeowook chose to talk to him. “I’ve never seen you attending it before.”



“Well before, I had a choice. It’s not like I wanted to either. But right now I’m in no position to be selfish if it’s for my family.” Kyuhyun smiles at him when he saw Ryeowook fully turn his attention into him.



“What do you mean?” The smaller asked.



“My grandmother will be present in this gathering and she wishes for everyone to be present as she will also be celebrating her 80th birthday.” Kyuhyun saw the shock in Ryeowook’s face before it turned into a look of amusement and he just had to giggle at that. “You should come with us. You haven’t met her yet am I right?”



“M-meet your grandmother?!” Ryeowook almost screamed and all eyes were suddenly on him. “H-how can I…. I think… I’ll just stay here…” Just the thought of meeting their grandmother makes him want to go on a nervous breakdown. He doesn’t know what kind of person she is. Is she just as accepting and kind just like her grandsons? Does she know about Ryeowook’s existence in their family? Will she accept him? His ual orientation? What about Kyuhyun? Will she accept them? Tons of questions flooded his mind and horror is evident on his face, but the three just laughed at him, is he missing something?



“Don’t worry, she’s a kind person.” Siwon said smiling down at him. “But her attitude is so much like Kyuhyun. I think you’ll like her.” Heechul added earning a loud laugh from the older.



“Is is… Is it really okay?” Ryeowook bit his lip, unsure if he can really trust his hyung’s words or are they just joking? “And wouldn’t it be too rude to in with your family affairs?”



The car fell silent apart from the engine and the occasional noises outside. Heechul hates it when Ryeowook talks like that. Haven’t they implanted in his mind already that he’s a family member and he’s not intruding on anything because he deserves to be there. “You are one of our family members, and in fact, you should be there.” He said firmly and they heard Yesung from beside Siwon take in a sharp breath. If he isn’t focused on Ryeowook that moment, he could have snapped at Yesung for some reason, but he’s not ready to enclose that yet. “Don’t worry about it too much, besides, she knows about you.” He tried to smile at Ryeowook’s shocked expression. The entire trip was spent with Heechul and Kyuhyun talking about their grandmother, making Ryeowook want to meet her instead of being nervous meeting her.



When they arrived at the mansion, they drew in the shocked faces of Hyukjae, Donghae, Sungmin and Hangeng. The three just disappeared after lunch and they are worried as hell when they can’t get a hold of them. Siwon smiled seeing Hyukjae running towards Ryeowook, hugging him and shouting at him like a worried mother, for not telling him where he went but it’s not really Ryeowook’s fault. Smiling to himself, he walked towards where Hyukjae is fussing about Ryeowook and ruffled their hair. He missed his personal assistant and confidant too.



If he hadn’t sent Hyukjae together with Ryeowook here on the island, they wouldn’t be having this problem right now. The problem that started when Siwon promoted an employee to be his personal assistant. He knew it would take time for him and his new assistant to work just as how him and his previous confidants, thus he wanted to get close to his new assistant but regretting it the moment he read Jongwoon’s personal profile.



“Assistant?” Ryeowook asked while approaching Kyuhyun on the bed holding a bowl of chips and a can of soda. “You mean to say, your grandfather is your grandmother’s assistant?”



“Was.” Kyuhyun corrected, adjusting to accommodate Ryeowook beside him on the bed while flipping the channels on the tv. They’re still on the grandmother issue and Kyuhyun could only laugh internally at how interested Ryeowook seemed to be when it comes to his grandmother. “During his time, our company isn’t as great as it is now. He was the one who pulled the company up until it has built a stable footing before passing it on to my dad. But he didn’t last long enough after that to see how my father improved the company and expanded it into other businesses all throughout the country. I wasn’t old enough at that time but based on what my hyungs tell me, I look a lot like my grandfather that’s why my grandmother was very fond of me.”



“Oh…” He heard Ryeowook say and he can’t help but chuckle again at the amazed expression on his boyfriend’s face. “Enough of that. What do you want to watch?” He gave the remote control to Ryeowook and let him choose the tv channel while stealing some chips.



“By the way, Siwon hyung’s new assistant… that… Yesung-ssi….” Ryeowook started and Kyuhyun paused in his movements. What about Yesung?



“Hm… What about Yesung-ssi?” Kyuhyun asked, feeling a bit nervous and suddenly finding the can of soda a lot interesting than Ryeowook’s eyes at that moment.



“I just feel like… He’s kinda weird. He loves to stare. I hate that.” Ryeowook pouted and relief flooded Kyuhyun’s features. “I hate it when people are staring at me, it feels like they are judging me. Have you seen how shocked he was when he heard that we’re together?”



Kyuhyun inhaled before answering Ryeowook with a smile. “He’s not judging you. Yes, maybe just a bit weird, he looks weird too. Maybe our relationship… isn’t really that expected.”



“But Heechul hyung told us to keep it low… and now he’s the one spilling everything in front of a stranger. I really hate the look Yesung-ssi is giving me.” Ryeowook pressed on, still switching the channels but he’s now unaware of it.



“But Jongwoon isn’t just a stranger. For him to be Siwon hyung’s personal assistant, he should be someone trust worthy and I believe in no time he will be just as close to our family like how our friends are.” Kyuhyun said and pulled the remote control out of Ryeowook’s hand.



“Jongwoon? Who’s Jongwoon?” Ryeowook asked suddenly doubting his boyfriend’s words. “Or are you talking about another person?”





: :

1. This chapter is a combination of the previously chapter 9 which is only the first half and the fail update of chapter 10. yeah merged into one. Meaning i'll be writing the next chapter and it's no longer found in my livejournal.

2.so...... the daily update will also end here. updates might be once or twice a week depends on my schedule. (and i'll be having exams next week) TT^TT

3. btw. thanks for subscribing! and i'm glad you liked this fic :D

4. and yes, pinoy ako :D

-Rin <3

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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)