A Lifetime's Commitment

A Lifetime's Commitment

2 | I Shouldn't Have Left


note : Time: PRESENT . Kyuhyun/Ryeowook : 16 y/o.


“Oh come on Wookie. Please. Wear this, only this one time. I swear~”

Heechul chased Ryeowook inside the humongous mansion with a hot pink dress in his hands. Ryeowook gave all his efforts to escape. His face is indeed feminine, and so is his body structure, but he is a guy. He can’t believe his hyung wants to take the only thing that makes him look like one: Wearing proper boys’ clothes.

“No hyung… never!” Ryeowook turned to his back while running forward and shouted at Heechul. Who would want to ran backwards? Maybe an idiot would. So the idiot tripped on the carpet and found himself falling flat on his back if not caught by a strong hold.

“Whoa! What’s going on here huh?” Siwon emerged from the door when he heard Ryeowook and Heechul shouting. And just like a baby, Ryeowook climbed his way up to hug the taller man.

“As you can see…. Siwonnie~ WOOKIE WON’T AGREE TO WEAR THE OUTFIT I CHOSE FOR HIM!” Heechul shouted at his hyung.

“No no no no no no no…” Ryeowook whispered as he hugged the taller man.

“Goodness gracious Heechul. Wookie is a boy!” Siwon said, wide eyed when he finally grasped the situation.

“But I’m sure he’ll be prettier than any girl if he wears this!”

“No no no no no no… I bet Mr. Shin would laugh at me if I wear that to his wedding.. no please.. hyung..”

“Oh please Wookie, why are being such a baby? I’m your umma, come here~ you should listen to your umma!”

“Cut it out Chul.” Siwon said with a low commanding voice that made Heechul pout in defeat. “Go now Wookie, pack your things. We’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

“Wonnie~… Are you sure it’s a good idea to leave Wookie and Hyukie there.. I mean.. they’re just the same age as Kyunnie.. isn’t that.. a bit…”

“But we can’t just hire someone.. you know Kyuhyun’s situation right? And I know Hyukjae and Wookie will take care of him. Both of them might be enough to take over Mr. Shin’s duty. And.. I doubt Kyuhyun’s made any friends there, considering the population and location.. Might as well give him friends instead of servants.”

Ryeowook felt sadness overcome his overjoyed feelings. Heechul’s been so nice to him for the past 5 years. He was his hyung, and sometimes noona. He was his playmate, and most of the time, umma. Heechul’s been a great mother to Ryeowook. He can’t believe that he’ll be leaving Heechul when in the past years, everyone thought they’re inseparable.
He let go of Siwon’s tight grip and jumped to his feet. He walked slowly towards Heechul and hugged the older boy’s waist. Tears starting to wet the older man’s shirt. Heechul hugged him in response, knowing how Ryeowook feels. He’s just the same.

“Don’t worry Wookie.. I’ll call you everyday.. and I’ll come over sometimes.. This is no playtime now okay… You should take care of Kyuhyun, and teach him how to play..”

“Chullie Hyung… I’ll miss you..” Ryeowook just said, and as expected, it made Heechul teary eyes. It indeed touched the umma’s heart, and seeing his baby go, hurts his heart more.

The next day, they flew to the island for Mr.Shin’s wedding. Heechul still insisted on making Ryeowook wear that hot pink dress, only to earn a glare from his hyung. The whole trip, Ryeowook never left Heechul’s side. Heechul would tease the younger by moving to another seat, but the younger followed him intently. Everytime Ryeowook follows him and sits beside him, his heart jumps in glee, but also cringes in pain. He doesn’t want to be separated to his baby.

He cursed under his breath, and that made Ryeowook froze.

“Oh no no Wookie. I’m not mad at you. Its just that stubborn Kyuhyun. I bet no one would notice if he comes back home now.. but he still insisted on staying in that deserted island.”

“But hyung.. you said, his life is in danger.. maybe that’s for the best…” Ryeowook said with a sad smile and Heechul only hugged him. Tight.

They arrived on the island in the afternoon, and to their surprise, Kyuhyun fetched them in the airport together with Mr. Shin, his future wife, and two other people.

Siwon walked towards Kyuhyun and hugged his little brother, as well as Heechul. Hyukjae and Ryeowook stayed at their original places, staring like they’re watching a film being shot, with those beautiful people and all.

Kyuhyun really changed a lot. They can see that he’s now all cheerful and enthusiast, but still has the shy atmosphere behind him.

“Hyung.. this is Sungmin Hyung.. and Donghae.. they’re…m-my friends.” Kyuhyun said with a big smile on his face, Heechul and Siwon were so glad to see him smile like that.

After the introductions, Kyuhyun spotted Ryeowook standing so far behind Heechul and Siwon. The boy was pouting unconsciously while waiting there patiently. Heechul saw the interest in Kyuhyun’s eyes and turned towards where he was looking.

“Wookie, Hyukie~ Come here.” Heechul gestured for the two to approach them. The two looked at each other first, and then finally decided to move.

“Kyuhyun, this is Hyukie.. Hyukjae.. he will take care of you now. Hyukkie, this is Kyuhyun.” Heechul introduced them, Hyukjae extended a hand towards Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun shook it with a smile. He acknowledged Hyukjae for a while, and again, his vision found its interest, it landed on the boy hugging Heechul from behind.

“Come on Wookie..” Heechul patted the younger’s arm, asking him to let go. And he did. “Here, Kyuhyun.. He’s Ryeowook… remember him?” Heechul asked with an expectant smile.

Kyuhyun nodded yes, still not removing his sight off the boy. His eyes started to moisten and his smile started to fade, but still remained. Remembering the last time he saw Ryeowook. 5 years ago.. drenched in blood.. body coated with bruises and wounds.

Ryeowook’s changed now. He’s well dressed, and skin almost as white and soft as Heechul’s. His hair slightly long, with bangs landing atop his eyebrows, giving full access to his beautiful brown eyes. Kyuhyun smiled when he saw those eyes. Indeed Ryeowook’s changed a lot when it comes to appearance, but his eyes are still the same. Those kind and loving eyes, despite the hell he’s been through, and Kyuhyun found himself drowning in those eyes.

Ryeowook pouted again. He has the faintest and most memorable memory of Kyuhyun, exactly 5 years ago. And Ryeowook thought that it’s his one and only memory of Kyuhyun. When he was about to die, Kyuhyun gave him warmth. Kyuhyun cried at that time when he saw Ryeowook’s smile. That faint memory still lingers at the back of Ryeowook’s mind. He tried to think thoroughly about the details but failed to do so, again pouting cutely while grasping tightly at the hem of Heechul’s shirt unconsciously.

“Ryeowook…” Ryeowook jumped when someone called his name. He was so sure that he’s heard that voice before. A low, soft, caring voice. He looked up to see a pair of orbs smiling sweetly at him. He hugged Heechul closer and hid behind his Hyung like a scared baby, only showing his eyes that are unconsciously drawn into the pitch black ones.

“Wookie.. that’s Kyuhyun.. you know him.. right?” Heechul said, turning back and bowing slightly to level Ryeowook’s eyes with him.

“H—hyung.. I—I can’t recall anything…” He admitted, tearing up. And he swore, at the side of his vision, he saw Kyuhyun flinch when he heard those words… And for the first time.. he felt bad telling the truth.

“Its okay Wookie.. don’t cry now. It takes time okay.. those times are actually …they’re.. not worth remembering.. if you know what I mean..” Siwon ruffled Ryeowook’s hair and turned to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun smiled in understanding.

Mr.Shin ushered them to the car, parked just outside the airport. Ryeowook cursed in his mind at the arrangement of the car seats. Why does it need to be a van? Why do the seats need to be facing each other?

Ryeowook sighed, and Heechul turned to him with a worried look. Kyuhyun is sitting directly in front of him. Though Heechul sits beside him, it doesn’t erase the fact that the three people sitting in front of him, namely Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Donghae have their eyes all fixed on him.

“Hello~” A sweet voice suddenly said, and Ryeowook looked at the cute guy sitting beside Kyuhyun.

“H—hi..” He replied shyly, and Heechul just giggled and Ryeowook tightened his hold around his arm.

“My name is Sungmin.. and this is my brother, Donghae” Donghae waved at him, and smiled. How can these people be so beautiful? He thought when he saw how handsome Donghae is when he smiled.

“I-I’m Ryeowook..” He said, and gave Donghae a shy smile in return.

“You can call me Sungmin Hyung.. I believe I’m older than you since I’m older than Kyuhyun. Nice to meet you Ryeowook.” Sungmin extended his hands, waiting for Ryeowook to take it.

“Y-yes.. Hyung..” He said as he takes Sungmin’s hands.

“So.. are you.. Kyuhyun’s… younger brother?” Sungmin asked seriously, but Heechul just laughed his lungs out.

“N—no.. I’m.. I’m… I’m just… ummm” Ryeowook blushed.. trying to find the right words. Kyuhyun and Donghae just stared at him. Sungmin stared at Heechul who’s laughing like crazy. Really. Heechul’s laugh isn’t doing any good to Ryeowook.

“He’s my baby~” Heechul said, gaining a loud WHAT both from Sungmin and Donghae.

“Hyung.. h-how old are you?” Donghae asked, wide eyed. And Heechul laughed again. Ryeowook pouted and linked his arms in front of his chest.

“I’m just joking, silly. He’s a family member. He looks a bit younger but he’s actually the same age as Kyuhyun.”

Sungmin, Donghae and Heechul had their dose of talk, talking like they knew each other before, like old friends who haven’t seen each other for years.
Kyuhyun leaned forward so that Ryeowook can hear him.

“Ryeowook..” He called the pouting boy, which he wondered, blushed in response. How cute. He actually thought.

“Y—yes..?” Ryeowook looked up, schoked.

“Are you… okay.. with.. staying here with me.. I mean… is that.. okay with you..” Kyuhyun asked, he’s just as shy as Ryeowook is.

“Uhm…” Ryeowook took a glance at Heechul and Siwon, then turned to look at his hands trembling on his lap. “Y-yeah.. I think..” He replied just as honestly.

Kyuhyun smiled, but his smile can’t mask the pain he’s feeling right now. Ryeowook doesn’t want to stay in the island. Kyuhyun knew that.. but he still asked. Contented with the pain he was looking for, he leaned back to his seat, still wearing that fake smile.

Maybe he’s willing… But he doesn’t want to. Kyuhyun thought.

And that was their last conversation. They arrived at Kyuhyun’s mansion after 3 long hours of road trip. Ryeowook fell asleep in the car, so Heechul carried him to his room.

“I really thought Ryeowook is Heechul Hyung’s baby..” Donghae whispered to Kyuhyun and Sungmin.

“He is hyung’s baby.” Kyuhyun said, staring at the door where Heechul carrying Ryeowook entered. “He took care of him since that incident..” He continued.

“What incident?” Donghae asked, titling his head a bit.

“N—nothing..” Kyuhyun said and he headed towards the mansion whispering to himself. I shouldn’t have left.

After having dinner, and Sungmin and Donghae left, Kyuhyun searched the whole mansion for Heechul. He didn’t saw him since they arrived home. Kyuhyun asked Hyukjae, but Hyukjae just shrugged and said that maybe he’s sleeping in his room. But when Kyuhyun went to his room, no one’s there. He gave up looking for Heechul, and decided to check on Ryeowook.

He slowly opened the door to Ryeowook’s room, and silently walked towards the bed. When the bed is in sight, he gasped and froze in his steps. Heechul is there, Ryeowook’s hair while the sleeping boy had his head lying on the older man’s chest, hugging him. Heechul saw Kyuhyun as he froze there standing. He motioned for the younger to come.

“Kyunnie…you’ll take care of Wookie for me right?” Heechul asked him with a trusting smile on his lips.

Kyuhyun smiled at his brother. The room is dark, but is lighted with the moon’s silver rays. Kyuhyun saw something glitter at the sides of Heechul’s eyes. He looked at the sleeping boy in his arms, his face, stained with tears, shining as it reflects the silver light.

Kyuhyun’s sincere smile turned into a sad one. I shouldn’t have left. He again told himself.

Heechul saw the change in his brother’s mood.

“Kyunnie… you know what.. Wookie had a very hard time trusting people..” Heechul said, and Kyuhyun just nodded.

“When he woke up.. I was so happy.. he remembered my name..  but you should have seen him.. He was looking for you..” Heechul said with a smile, and Kyuhyun’s face brightened as he look up, maybe not smiling, but it shows.

The next day, the mansion is busy preparing for Mr.Shin’s wedding in the afternoon, and Heechul is busy playing with Ryeowook. Yeah. When Ryeowook isn’t looking, he would sneak outside and hide from the boy. And Ryeowook would of course look for his hyung. Kyuhyun was there too. Unconsciously drawn into the game of the two, and he would occasionally help the boy find Heechul. And whenever Ryeowook finds his hideout, Heechul would hug the boy like a proud mother and his eyes will become teary.

Kyuhyun envied them. Well, that’s what he’s saying. But actually he originally thought he’s jealous, but he doesn’t know if he’s jealous of Ryeowook, or if he’s jealous of his brother.

Immediately after the wedding, Heechul and Siwon must go back to Seoul, for studies, and of course, business, leaving Ryeowook and Hyukjae in the island together with Kyuhyun

Siwon and Heechul left alone and insisted that Ryeowook and Hyukjae stay at the party. And during the whole goodbyes and hugs ceremonies before they leave, Ryeowook was no where to be found. Heechul left with a sad smile on his face.

Kyuhyun searched the whole place for Ryeowook. He was exhausted, two hours of searching and still found no one. The only place he hasn’t searched is the beautiful garden at the back of the mansion, where Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Donghae used to play.

He ran towards the garden and found the boy in the middle of the flowerbed, sitting and hugging his knees close to his chest. He was looking at the starry sky, and sighing occasionally. Kyuhyun took heavy steps closer to the boy, making sure that the boy hears him as he inched closer.


“K—Kyuhyun…” Ryeowook was indeed shocked to see Kyuhyun there. He was in deep thoughts and never heard the boy as he come closer. “W-why are y-you.. here?”

“I.. I was looking for you..”

“Oh.. I’m sorry.. I.. I just..”

“It’s okay.. I understand.” Kyuhyun said as he sat beside Ryeowook.

They sat there for a while, staring at the sky. Then a plane passed at the sky where they‘re facing. Kyuhyun heard a sigh from the boy beside him.

He turned to look at Ryeowook, and was hurt to see the boy’s tears streaming endlessly while he’s staring at the plane that passed by, slowly becoming just a dirt in the night sky.

“Ryeowook.. d—don’t cry..” He tried, but he doesn’t know what to say.

“I’m gonna miss Heechul hyung and Siwon Hyung.” Ryeowook said with a smile, but tears refuse to stop falling.

“I’m.. sorry..” Kyuhyun said. The main reason Ryeowook and Hyukjae is staying in this island is Kyuhyun. And he felt guilt overcome his senses.

“No.. it’s not your fault… I’m sorry.. I’m supposed to be the one taking care you.. but I think that would be impossible if I’m being like this..” Ryeowook said, wiping his tears with the back of his hand, but the tears just won’t stop.

“It’s okay.. you don’t need to force yourself.. at least.. for today.. let me be the one to take care of you..”

Kyuhyun reached out to hug Ryeowook, and the boy stiffened in Kyuhyun’s touch. Kyuhyun felt that Ryeowook became uncomfortable in his hug.. He actually envied Heechul more. He wished that he can hug this boy freely just like how Heechul does.

He hugged him tighter and wiped the tears with his other hand. Ryeowook slowly leans closer to him, becoming comfortable to his touch.

And as Ryeowook’s sobs and tears subside, he never knew, but he was already drawn into Kyuhyun’s warmth.

“I shouldn’t have left.” Kyuhyun finally said out loud. And Ryeowook smiled, as if he understood what the other meant.





: :

note : thank you for welcoming me here :) im glad you liked the fic. i think i can update daily for now since i've already written until chapter 9 of this fic but i still need some revisions <3 sorry for some typos ;__; am i too lazy to proof read XD

@KeyIchigo : Now Kyuhyun's here :D and thank you so much!

@ZSilvie : >////< thank you! oh you're waiting for a kyuwook story? then im glad i posted it here :)

kimkibumie : thank you :) update for you!

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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)