A Lifetime's Commitment (Filler Chapter)

A Lifetime's Commitment

NOTE : this was supposed to be posted after chapter 8 and i totally forgot about it. and yeah, so i kinda stumbled my way back here and i just read your comments after so many months of being MIA. believe it or not i've had this fic's tab open for a week now to remind me that i should update. i've been working on a new fic right now but i'll put it aside for a while so i can finish this fic without rushing the updates and putting an abrupt end, so if you can wait a bit more for just a week (because i'll be having my major exams on Monday til Thursday, and there's a school festival on Friday), i'm gonna start updating again when Christmas break starts. i promise to make up to it.... somehow. something came up as you can see... and i had troubles trying and wanting to write again. i couldn't write for months, but i sure am revived now. sorry for the long wait! *hugs and kisses*


oh this is just a filler chapter okay <3 (more like a drabble actually )




 “I really really love him…” Kyuhyun whispered as a response to a hanging question.
They’re seated in the middle of the empty cafeteria and eating the pizza that Heechul ordered.
“I’m not questioning your love, Kyuhyunnie… But, isn’t it a bit early?” Heechul whispered back as to not wake the sleeping boy in Kyuhyun’s arms. “You’ve only been together for a month or so…”
“Hyung… you don’t understand.” Kyuhyun bit his lower lip and tightened his hold around Ryeowook.
“Well, in fact I do. And it’s not like I’m against it either. We all know that Ryeowookie loves you and you love him just as much, but commitment isn’t just about love.”
“You don’t understand!” Kyuhyun said a bit louder, waking Ryeowook up.
Ryeowook was aware of the conversation going on around him but he paid no attention, he’s too tired for that. But he was shocked when he heard Kyuhyun raise his voice. He stayed in Kyuhyun’s arms but tightened his hold.
“Kyunnie… What’s wrong?” Ryeowook whispered against his chest but Kyuhyun is too engrossed in his conversation with Heechul to notice that Ryeowook already woke up.
“You don’t understand hyung… because you are sure that he loves you and he trusts you with all his heart. 5 years hyung… I’ve been in love with him for 5 years now… but you’re the one with him through all those years while I’m here… alone. He loves you hyung… he loves you… and it’s a bond strengthened by the years you’ve been together. But me… what about me?” Kyuhyun stopped when he felt his tears painfully escape his eyes. He is being selfish, he knows that. But isn’t it time to be?
“Kyuhyun. You know he loves you too. If he hears this right now, I’m not sure he’ll feel glad about it. Do you doubt his love for you?” Heechul tries to calm him down. He knows Kyuhyun can’t fully control his emotions.
Indeed, Ryeowook’s heart clenched when he heard what Kyuhyun said. But he understands his boyfriend. He flinched when he felt Kyuhyun shaking, and a tear drop landed on his cheek. He looked up and saw Kyuhyun crying. Reaching his hands up, he wiped Kyuhyun’s tears with his thumb.
A gasped escaped from Kyuhyun’s lips when he felt Ryeowook’s hand leave its hold around his waist, and then touched his face to wipe away the tears. He was awake and Kyuhyun was oblivious to it. He glanced at the man in his arms and cried harder when Ryeowook smiled at him.
“I’m here now, right? I’m with you.” Ryeowook whispered, intended only for Kyuhyun to hear. “I may not be here all those years, but I’m here now. I may not have all of those 5 years to learn loving you, but I have loved you ever since the day you saved my life.”
Ryeowook moved up and embraced Kyuhyun, the crying boy hugged him back and placed his head at the crook of Ryeowook’s neck.
“Maybe we’ve only been together for a short time, but that doesn’t mean I love you nonetheless.” Ryeowook whispered to Kyuhyun before pulling back and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
“I remember now.” And as if talking to no one in particular, Ryeowook continued with a smile.
“5 years ago, I was… abused… by my own father.” Ryeowook’s smile didn’t falter though earning gasps from the ones who heard of it for the first time, and a sharp breath from Heechul.
“I nearly died… I could have died, and at that time, dying might have been a better choice than to go back. And then… a boy… helped me. The only thing I remember about him is his black eyes… because when I smiled at him, I saw tears coming from those… as if he’s crying for me. That boy is my first love. On those days… months… that I’ve been unconscious… all those times I thought Heechul hyung was the only one who was looking after me… but I was wrong. I knew I was wrong.”
Ryeowook paused when Kyuhyun reached for his face and wiped the tears flowing down his cheeks unconsciously. He turned to his sides and looked at Kyuhyun with that unfaltering smile.
“It’s you. You’re my first love.” Ryeowook finished before he was pulled by Kyuhyun into a tight hug.
“Maybe it is a bit early for commitment… But I need it. I need something to reassure me that you’ll never leave me. I need something to reassure me that you are mine. I need something to remind me that you are not just someone from my past… but someone with me right now… and will be with me for the rest of forever.” Kyuhyun told him, told them, and finally making them understand. “I need you.”
“I know. I know, Kyuhyun. I need it too. I need you too.”
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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)