A Lifetime's Commitment

A Lifetime's Commitment


Kim Jongwoon



Heechul’s lips pursed, staring at the door where Yesung disappeared into, and soon after Siwon ran inside too muttering a Don’t worry before he bolted right behind his assistant.



“Hyung, Jongwoon hyung wait,” He said, catching his breath as he ran after Yesung, the other running faster the moment he realized Siwon behind him. “Jongwoon,” The frustration is clearly heard in his voice and he didn’t mean to yank the elder’s hand too hard when he stopped in front of the music room, the assistant letting out a watery yelp and falling back to Siwon’s chest.



“Let go.” He growled at Siwon, jaw clenched tight as his knuckles, yanking his hand back from the other to no avail. When he knew Siwon just won’t let go, he sighed, resigned, and opened the music room, dragging Siwon inside before pushing him hard against the door with his free hand, the difference in strength and height forgotten.



Siwon’s eyes grew wide when Yesung pushed him hard, the back of his head hitting the hard wood of the door with a loud thud. He was surprised with the other’s strength, though he knew he could fight back just as easily, and he knew he wouldn’t short of saving his life. He just stared at Yesung, breath catching in his throat as he watched the play of emotions in the elder’s eyes. Hurt, anger, hatred…. Betrayal.



“You have no idea how much I wanted to punch you right now.” Yesung grounded out, his arm pushing further towards where it is perched across Siwon’s chest just under his neck.



Siwon’s eyes just dropped. He knew it was his fault. Everything. Why Yesung is hurting right now, and he knew he deserved a solid punch in the face but he knew Yesung wouldn’t. And that made his heart ache. That even though he deserved it, and that Yesung had every reason to punch him right out, he wouldn’t. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry hyung, I really am.”



“You’re not. Don’t utter words you don’t even mean.” Yesung said, his words biting. “Two years. You lied… to me for two years.” His voice broke, and tears rolled down his cheeks like coming from a broken faucet.



“I didn’t know. I swear hyung. I didn’t know Ryeowook was the brother you were looking for. I tried to help you didn’t I… I… we found Youngsaeng… Hyung, we found Youngsaeng.” Siwon reasoned out, though he knew it would be futile with the height of the emotions Yesung’s in.



“And when you knew? And when you knew, what did you do?! You sent him away, in a deserted island, far away from me. You think I wouldn’t know?” Yesung’s voice snapped and he paused for a while to calm his breathing. He slowly let go of Siwon, struggling to walk the short distance to the piano bench in the middle of the room. “I trusted you, I trusted you with mine and Youngsaeng’s life. You knew how much I’ve wanted to find them. Two years Siwon, you’ve been helping me for two years only to find out that you’ve set me up to chase my own tail.”



Siwon shrunk down to the ground, his back sliding down the wooden door. Holding his head in both of his hands, he closed his eyes and stayed silent for a while. Everything Yesung said is true, and every excuse he could or would come up with isn’t going to work because it was his fault.



I’m going to find my brothers, live happily with them. The Yesung in his memory said. They were sitting at the bench on the rooftop of Siwon’s building.  I have a stable job, I’ve saved enough money, I have a house, a car, I can buy them a piano, send them to school… We won’t need to sing out on the streets anymore just to have enough money for a meal not even enough for us three. He looked at Siwon, determination in his eyes.When I find them, I will never, ever let them go.



“I’m sorry, hyung… I got scared. I… Back then, when I said I’d help you, I meant it. I mean it, even right now. But… I got scared, that you’d take Ryeowook away from us when you find out. I got scared hyung… He… He’s one of my families now. I’ve taken care of him for five years, treated him as one of our own. My siblings adore him, and soon my grandmother will too. Hyung, I was afraid you’d take him away from me… us, when you find out..” Siwon’s hand was shaking, eyes b with tears when he looked up. “I’ve lost enough family hyung, I don’t want to lose one more.”



Siwon was about to stand to approach Yesung, the elder trembling with anger as he listened to Siwon’s words when they heard a muffled sob just outside the door. Siwon jumped up to his feet, yanking the door open to find his heart dropping down to the floor. Ryeowook stood outside, with Heechul and Kyuhyun trying to pull him away but he wouldn’t budge. He just stood there, a hand over his lips to muffle the sobs he has no control of.



“He’s the only family I have, Siwon.” Yesung said, voice barely above a whisper but carries through the whole room to where Ryeowook stood. He lifted his gaze to Heechul, then to Kyuhyun before landing on Ryeowook, holding him there. “And you took him away from me.”



Heechul felt his knees weakening, a soft gasp escaping his lips when Ryeowook yanked his hand away from his own, like it burned him.



“Do you want to know what happened?” Yesung continued, and he looked at Siwon who was staring wide eyed at Ryeowook. “No! No, No.” Heechul screamed at Yesung, crawling on his knees to where Ryeowook stood, shaking hands finding Ryeowook’s and curling his own over the younger’s but Ryeowook’s hand fell limp on his side, not sparing Heechul a glance when he wiped at his eyes with his free hand, broken voice whispering a soft Yes.



Yesung took a sharp breath, ignoring everyone in the room but Ryeowook as he closed his eyes, mind racing back to a certain memory almost 6 years ago.



“I… came from a poor family. My father is a drunkard and my mother… is a victim of abuse. I have 2 younger siblings, and my father makes us work so he can have enough money to spend in alcohol. He goes home late only to collect money from us and beat up my mother before stalking out again.” His voice shook, and swallowed a huge lump in his throat before continuing.



“My brothers and I… used to sing on the streets for a living, for food, for my father’s alcohol. There came a time where he didn’t come home for days, those were the most peaceful days of our lives. The money we earned enough to afford us three meals a day without my father taking the majority of it for his addiction.” He stopped, opening his eyes to look at Ryeowook’s blank ones as he choked on a sob.



“My youngest brother got sick the fourth day my father didn’t go home to collect money, and so I told him to just stay home while we work for the day. And that was when my father went home to see him sleeping, fending off his fever on a cold winter day.” Yesung’s jaw clenched and he looked at Siwon. “We went home that night to find my brother missing, and my father counting a huge sum of money on our dining table. The next day I woke up to my other brother struggling as my father took him against his will, forcing him to the hands of a man waiting by the door with a huge sum of money before taking off with my brother perched on his shoulders.”



His vision blurred and he brought up a fist to rub at his eyes. “And I stood there watching, not able to do anything.” He whispered. “A few days later, the police came to arrest my father for human trafficking. He fought, and tried to flee… so the police shot him and he was dead on the spot. My mother loved him so much she couldn’t bear living without him… a week later, she committed suicide while I was outside, looking for my siblings.” He paused for a long while, trembling with his eyes closed. “The government took me in an orphanage… I was seventeen back then, only a few years before turning legal. But months after I was taken in, a family decided to adopt me in a replacement for their dead son, but returned me a week later because I wasn’t him.”



“I waited there for months… the caretaker who would willingly accompany me outside the shelter to look for my siblings got sick and I was trapped inside for a long time. It was then that a rich family decided to adopt me. They were the couple who listens to me and my brothers singing on the street every night. They recognized me and decided to take me in. They helped me search for my siblings… for years… Three years and we still found none of them.”



“And then I met Siwon.” His gaze turned to the taller man, now slumped on the wall. “He helped me look for my siblings… and that was when we found one of them… Youngsaeng… working in a hall as the owner’s boy toy.” The last few words were said in a whisper, and Ryeowook fell on the ground with the mention of a name.



“Y—youngsaeng…” He repeated the familiar name, rolling smoothly over his tongue as he looked at Yesung.



“Two years.” Yesung continued to look at Siwon, flame in his eyes. “It’s been two years since we found him. Two years since Siwon has been helping me look for my youngest brother. Two years since I’ve been turning Seoul upside down looking for him like a headless chicken… and half of those times, while I was losing hope… Siwon was busy keeping my brother away from me.” His eyes turned hard, almost black as he stared at the other man. “He sent my brother away, in a deserted island… and continued to be friends with me pretending he’s been helping me find him when the truth is he took my brother away from me.”



Ryeowook barely registered the arms wrapped around him as he took in Yesung’s words. Yesung… is his brother. He barely held back a loud gasp as his head span, memories of a boy with a messy hair, and another with long black ones smiling happily at him as he stared in awe at the grand piano inside the glass window.



“J-jongwoon hyung.” He whispered and stood up with shaking legs to cross the room towards the other man. He fell once, gasping as he fell face first on the cold tiles before standing back up again to be enveloped in a warm hug from the man who used to sing him to sleep.



His sobs and cries were muffled in Jongwoon’s shirt, bits and pieces of his memories flashing in his mind painfully. Jongwoon, Youngsaeng, and him singing playfully on the streets. Youngsaeng and him clinging tightly to Jongwoon’s shirt as they watched their father beat up their mother to death. He breathed heavily, and the last of the memories that flashed in his mind is when he woke up from 6 months of sleep, Heechul and Siwon hovering over him telling him he would have a choice on where to go, that they weren’t forcing him to stay with them. He looked back at Siwon, then at Heechul before he went limp in Jongwoon’s arms and passed out.



Kyuhyun just stared as Ryeowook broke free in his arms, standing up shakily, walking towards Yesung. His heart fell, and tears came as he watched them in the middle of the room. He could feel it, he’s losing Ryeowook. Yesung’s going to take him away. He can’t take Ryeowook away… He looked up when he heard a commotion in the room, Ryeowook passing out in Yesung’s arms.



It took him four huge strides, his siblings barely seeing him before he snatched the limp body of his boyfriend from Yesung’s arms, shouting. “You can’t take him away from me, he’s mine!”






kkK. Im gonna edit typos and everything whenever. sorry for the long wait. I have a new laptop now (my old one, i literally broke it into two) so i can update, school starts tomorrow and i have saturday classes but just like what i said in livejournal, updates every weekend <3



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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)