A Lifetime's Commitment

A Lifetime's Commitment

What about me?



Ryeowook ignored the constant ringing of his alarm clock that never really had the chance to ring in the past because minutes before the hand strikes to the time set, he’s already up and turning the alarm off.


Truth be told, he hasn’t gotten any sleep last night. For a certain reason he felt extremely sleepy after the movie marathon and decided to call it a day when it’s actually just 7:30 in the evening. He closed his eyes when his head landed on the soft pillow wishing for all the things on his mind to completely vanish and let him drift off to dreamland. He doesn’t know how long he stayed like that. It’s like he’s sleeping but not really sleeping. His eyes are closed but his mind is completely awake. And then the alarm clock rang as if screaming at him for wasting the abundant sleep he could have had.


Sungmin came barging in his room with a loud bang when the door came into contact with the concrete behind it.

“Hyung. Is there a way for me to acquire any sickness enough to let me off school even just for a day?” Ryeowook said still refusing to open his eyes. Sungmin laughed and tried to pull the boy out of his slumber, and even laughed more when Ryeowook is already standing but still refused to open his eyes.

“Wookie, open your eyes.” Now it’s Heechul.

Ryeowook opened his eyes slowly only to be greeted by the smiles and giggles of his two mothers.

“You slept so early yesterday, isn’t that enough for you?” Heechul pushed him to the bathroom and made him face the mirror.

“Hey! What did you do last night? Don’t tell me you’re with Kyuhyun!?” He inspected Ryeowook and even lifted his shirt up only gaining a gasp from the sleep deprived boy.

“Hyung what are you talking about?” And like a magic, Kyuhyun appeared by the bathroom doors looking as sleepless as Ryeowook, his uniform’s buttons misaligned and a necktie that’s supposed to be tied on his collar, hanging from his back pocket, taking a sit on Ryeowook’s bed before falling on his back.

“What a mess.” Sungmin faked an irritated tone followed by a cute giggle.

“Why are you two sleepless… restless… wait… don’t tell me… Oh no! What have you done to my baby!” Heechul hugged the smaller as if he lost the most valuable thing he had, if there’s actually one.

“Hyung. What are you… talking about?! Get out now… or you want to watch me bathe?” Ryeowook pushed his hyung outside the bathroom thinking maybe the older drank the maple syrup causing all the sugar in the world fill his circulation and fill his brain.

“Yah! Kyuhyun!” The older kicked the log on Ryeowook’s bed who instantly stood up and stared blankly at his hyung.

“Aish! This boy! Have you lost your ability to dress yourself properly? Just what did you and Ryeowookie do last night?” Heechul just stared at him while Sungmin made his way to the boy, who’s as pale as a mannequin at the moment, and kind heartedly aligned his shirt’s buttons and tied his necktie for him.

“Hyung, what are you talking about? I was with you all night long and you won’t even let me sleep in my room because you said it’s just beside Wookie’s room, and you are afraid of what I am capable of doing so you made me sleep on the couch inside your room.” He said lifelessly and sighed before continuing.

“Who would have thought that you’d still be talking to Hangeng hyung till 2 in the morning on the phone when he doesn’t even talk that much? Even in your sleep you talk about Hangeng hyung. It was so amusing that I just fell asleep when you woke up and left the room.” He heaved a sigh of relief after finishing his explanation and lodged back to the comfort of the soft mattress leaving a wide-eyed Heechul still staring at him and a giggling Sungmin.

Moments later, Ryeowook emerged from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his thin waist.

“YAH!” Both Sungmin and Heechul said, a blush creeping to their cheeks.

“Actually, this is my room and it’s perfectly normal for me to walk around almost or even here.”

“Okay, okay. Sorry. We thought you’d be sleeping in the bathroom… you know… just in case.” Heechul said with a completely red face and even redder ears.

“Hyung, is this the first time you saw Wookie ?” Kyuhyun asked, his head propped on his hand, his elbow supporting the weight on the bed.

“Of course. It’s not like I cling to him even when he’s taking a bath—Wait! You! Cho Kyuhyun! Don’t tell me… don’t tell me.. You.. YOU!” The tomato-red man pointed a finger to his Dongsaeng.

“Hyung I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kyuhyun shrugged swatting Heechul’s hand away.

Ryeowook just stood there watching the two kids fight on his bed, and he thought it was a great scene. Sungmin then woke him up from his trance. He’s already prepared Ryeowook’s clothes.

“Come on Wookie, dress up now. You need not to worry about school, I assure you nothing like before will ever gonna happen again.” Sungmin said, putting an arm around Ryeowook’s bare waist and pulling him to the couch where his clothes are neatly placed.

“Thank you very much hyung, Saranghae~” Ryeowook said with so much enthusiasm that they forgot about the kids playing on the bed that are now looking at them. Both emitting a deadly aura filled with the so called envy, and is that—jealousy?

“Kyu, did Sungmin just hug Ryeowook… Ryeowook?” Heechul asked, eyes not leaving the two.

“Hyung, did Ryeowook just tell Sungmin hyung, saranghae?” Kyuhyun returned a question, both not intending to answer since they’re just stating the obvious.

“Damn. I thought I was special.” Kyuhyun said before abruptly standing up and started to walk away, Heechul following closely. “I should be the one feeling extremely betrayed here.”

The car ride to school isn’t that pleasant with the two boys’ faces painted with gloom while Hyukjae and Donghae in their own worlds at the back of the van playing, and Ryeowook completely oblivious of the other’s feelings since he’s settled comfortably beside Sungmin, head leaning on the other’s thigh and sleeping soundly.

When they reached the campus, Kyuhyun quickly got out of the van followed by Heechul. Ryeowook’s supposed to go out after his hyung but the moment Heechul completely stepped out of the van and Ryeowook stood up to exit, Heechul banged the door closed causing the younger to sit back on the chair.

“Hyung… have I done something wrong?” He asked Sungmin.

“I don’t know? Those two… since when did they decide to go against the world? And the worst is… they’re allies?” Sungmin looked as if it’s the end of the world.

“Don’t mind them, maybe something irritated them. And it’s not completely impossible for them not to connive, they’re brothers anyways. They share a common trait too.” Hyukjae this time explained and got off the van first before helping Ryeowook.

“And that common trait must be the worst trait a person could ever have what more if they’re two?” Donghae butted in, just wanted to tease.

“You are over-reacting.” Ryeowook said before running to where Kyuhyun was, and he’s walking extremely fast.

“Wookie! Wait!” Hyukjae ran after him, worried to leave his friend alone, it’s not like they don’t know what the other people can do.

“Kyu, wait!” Ryeowook shouted and Kyuhyun stopped in his tracks. When Ryeowook reached his side, he started walking again in an extremely fast pace that Ryeowook was left struggling behind him.

Ryeowook sighed, he’s slowly panting because he was never the one who’s physically fit. He blames his short legs for not being able to catch up to Kyuhyun. He then gulped when they reached the third floor and was about to walk the long corridor towards their room on the end of the hallway. With that much people looking, he can’t help but lower his head down and walked as fast as he can without even looking to where he’s going.

“Ow! S-sorry.” He bumped into someone and immediately apologized even though he nearly fall backwards and lost his balance but warm arms found it’s way to his waist. He looked up and found Kyuhyun’s cold eyes staring at him while keeping him from completely falling.


“I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun said before smiling, and Ryeowook swear he saw something in Kyuhyun’s eyes that seemed like melted when he smiled.

Something in Kyuhyun’s eyes told him something.

                         I’m sorry for leaving you alone. I’m sorry for the bad attitude I showed you.

And something in Kyuhyun’s smile made his heart thump loudly against his chest.

                         It seems like no matter what I do, I can’t stay mad at you.

Kyuhyun pulled him to his feet and held his hand protectively. This time, Kyuhyun walked side by side with Ryeowook.

The teacher entered the room just a minute after Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Hyukjae arrived. And after the checking of attendance, just like having a cue, the speakers made a sound making the students turn their heads towards it as if they need to look in order to hear the announcement, and then a familiar voice spoke.

“Good Morning!”

“Heechul hyung?” Ryeowook whispered and he shared a confused look with Kyuhyun sitting beside him.

“This is Hee-nim. How are you all? I decided to transfer to this school for the time being. And since this is my first day, I declare this day as a free-day, but no one is allowed to leave the campus premises until your class is dismissed based on regular schedule, arasso? Thank you. You may now do whatever you want.”

“Hyung, what’s –“ Ryeowook tried to ask when Heechul and Hangeng came to their classroom but the older just passed by him.

“Yah! Brat. You. Are. So. Unbelievable.” Heechul scowled at Kyuhyun who in return had a playful smirk.

“Who in the world of busybodies told you?” The younger of the two asked.

“Idiot, I saw you. The hugging thing, smiling like a love sick fool, holding hands, etcetera etcetera etcetera! Aren’t we supposed to stay angry like… until now?” Heechul said, anger now gone but replaced with something like frustration, or is it not?

And Ryeowook gasped when he learned that they’re talking about him. Hangeng stood by his side and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“Cho family holds 50% of the shares of this school, don’t ask anymore. And… Chul told me everything; it was an endless ranting, really.” Hangeng whispered to Ryeowook.

“But what exactly is happening?” Hyukjae who is indeed curious went beside the two and asked.

“You know, those two are really alike though they don’t seem like brothers at all. Though they weren’t together as they both grew up, they harbored the same attitude and character which is most likely to be described as selfish and evil.” Hangeng said thoughtfully.

“Hyung, I hate you most when you talk so much.” Ryeowook said but still completely oblivious of the stares of the people around. It’s not like there are a lot since almost everyone in the class went out to meet their friends. Sungmin and Donghae’s already standing behind them, Kyuhyun and Heechul already ended their petty fight while Heechul is trying hard not to laugh at Ryeowook’s comment.

“Jealous.” Hangeng said teasingly and successfully annoying the hell out of Ryeowook.


“Okay, okay. Calm down Wook. They’re just jealous because of the way you treat Sungmin.”


The two guilty men turned their back to Ryeowook. Seeing his two favorite people act like a child amuses him so much his lips curved into an unconscious smile. He walked towards them but the two darted out of the room immediately.

Ryeowook ran after them as fast as he could and blamed his short legs the 2nd time that day for running ever so slowly. He found Heechul by the libray, panting and cursing Kyuhyun for his sweaty forehead and messy hair.

“Hyung..” Ryeowook tried to make his presence known but got no response.

“Hyung… I’m sorry if you felt that way, but—“

“I’m your one and only umma.” Heechul said without looking at the younger.

“Yes, one and only. Hyung… how can you feel like that… it’s not like the years we’ve shared together can easily be compared to the weeks I’ve been with Sungmin hyung.” Ryeowook said, taking slow steps towards his hyung.

“That’s it Wookie. We’ve been together for so many years, and for ‘so many years’ I mean for all my life, but you treat him just the same as how you treat me. It’s unfair.”

“Hyung… It’s not like that. I’m just thankful to Sungmin hyung’s kindness, and that is all.”

“But it still feels so unfair. I thought I was special.”

“Hyung, you ARE special. You’re my brother, and my umma, and my family, everything. How can you think that you’re not special?” Ryeowook said finally reaching Heechul and hugging him from behind.

“Then make sure you make it clear to people who are special to you that they really are special… because you treat people all the same… and they really can’t feel the sincerity when you do that. They need to feel that they are special without you saying it, because you are special to them.” Heechul turned around and hugged Ryeowook back.

“Now, go and find Kyuhyun. Though I think he’s not mad at you anymore.”

“Thank you hyung. I love you.” Ryeowook said and pulled Heechul down to kiss his cheeks before running away to find the other.

Ryeowook found Kyuhyun on the bench under a tree on the school grounds, and it felt like he’s been waiting for Ryeowook to find him.

“Kyu…” He said as he sat down beside the other, but got no response.







“…Hyunnie..” Ryeowook sighed and almost gave up when Kyuhyun suddenly spoke.

“I like that.” He said and smiled at Ryeowook.

“Listen Kyu, I’m sorry—“ He was supposed to apologize but Kyuhyun’s smile turned into a frown.

“I thought I told you I like that nickname…”

“Oh. Right. …H-hyunnie… Listen. I’m sorry. And I don’t really know what I’m asking sorry for and I don’t really know why you became jealous and if you really became jealous… So please… can you please tell me why you got mad in the first place?” Ryeowook begged.

“I’m not angry at you. It’s most likely Heechul hyung… and I just got carried away.” Kyuhyun said, his smile slowly returning.

“But you got mad… this morning, right?”

“I… I was just thinking..”

“About what?”

“Can I ask you something?” Kyuhyun said turning to his sides to face Ryeowook.

“O-okay, what is it?”

“When you told me you love me, did you really mean it?”

Kyuhyun’s questions caught Ryeowook unprepared. Where are they getting these weird ideas? He thought.

“Kyu.. I mean, Hyunnie. I mean it when I told you that.” Ryeowook said, voice stern and his eyes narrowing. He got offended, really. How can these people question his love for them?

“When you told me what?” The taller one asked, maybe he wanted to hear it, or maybe just to tease.

“I mean it when I said I love you. How can you easily question my love for you?! Really, what is wrong with you and Heechul hyung today?!” And now, it’s Ryeowook’s turn to get mad.

“No! I’m not questioning you… I.. I just.. felt unsure.. Because you tell everybody you love them… And I’m not really sure if you feel the same way for me, because… you know… I really do love you… as a brother, a family… a friend… and as a man… and… I… I…” Kyuhyun searched for the right words to say, his face turning very red, the first time Ryeowook seen him being like that.

And it hit him. All these days, they’ve been together and already told each other that they love them but it was a vague attempt that you don’t really know what it meant. And this time, it felt like a real and proper confession that his mind went to the loud banging on his chest, forgetting about Kyuhyun who tried his best to come up with the perfect words to fit his confession.

“Hey! You’re not listening!” Kyuhyun made a move to stand up but Ryeowook pulled him.

“I.. I’m listening.”

“Just like what I said earlier. I really do love you. I am in love with you, and I want to know how you feel about me… Because I thought you love only me… but when I heard you say ‘I love you’ to Sungmin hyung… I felt like I assumed too much... Maybe I was just assuming… and it was me all along that’s thinking you’re in love with me too.” Kyuhyun said it and Ryeowook listened intently without making eye contact.

“You know what, Hyunnie… There are different types of love. I love you, I love Heechul hyung, and I love Sungmin hyung. I love the three of you, but that’s three different kinds of love. I love Sungmin hyung as a friend and a companion. I love Heechul hyung as a brother, family, and because he’s the one who raised me and took care of me. I know that now.” Ryeowook said, smiling at Kyuhyun who still refuses to look at him.

“…What about me?” Kyuhyun asked.

“And there are times when you love two persons at the same time.” Ryeowook said without answering Kyuhyun’s question. “I love Hyukjae, I love you. See, I can love more than two people at the same time. But it can never be on the same degree.”

They kept silent for a while before Ryeowook continued, and Kyuhyun waited patiently.

“It seems like I love Hyukkie more…”

“What!?” Kyuhyun exclaimed and finally looked at Ryeowook. The smaller one giggled.

“That’s because between you and Hyukkie, I love him more as a friend. He’s my best friend, you should know that.”

“…what about me?” Kyuhyun whispered, feeling his heart go numb because of both anticipation, nervousness, and fear of being broken.

“Well… You’re like… in a different category… I love you--Just like what you said… I… I’m… Kinda… Well… In love with you too.”



: :

im sorry i failed to post this chappie yesterday XD so to compensate i'll be posting two chapters today <3

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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)