A Lifetime's Commitment

A Lifetime's Commitment

1 :: Can You Hear Me



He heard a voice as he tried to open his eyes.

"Wookie! Oh my! Oh my!"

The voice got so excited as its low calm texture suddenly became panicked high-pitch.

"Siwon! Siwon! Call the doctor! The DOCTOOOOORRR!"

The voice shouted with a high glint of command. The doctor came rushing and checked the boy on the bed, flashing a light on his half-opened eyes. He growled a bit into the intrusion of light. The doctor forced open his mouth and placed a tongue depressor on his tongue, the boy gagging in reflex. He checked the boy's heart rate and respiration. The doctor turning with a smile to face the two beautiful boys standing behind him. As the doctor took his leave, one of the boys ran towards the side of the bed and leaned making the mattress shake in response.

"Wookie! You're awake!" The boy said excitedly.

"Chul.. don't push him too hard.." The other said calmly.

Ryeowook forced his eyes to open completely, to be welcomed by a pair of brown orbs, sparkling beautifully as tears brim at its sides.

"Wookie.. Wookie.. can you hear me?" The owner of the brown eyes asked. Ryeowook tried to answer but when he opened his mouth, no sound came out. He touched his throat and tried to sit up. The guy sitting at the side of the bed helped him, supporting his sore back. The other guy handed him a glass of water which he grabbed and forced down his throat hungrily. As he finish the drink, he handed the glass back to other guy, and as if reading his mind, refilled the glass and handed it back to him. This time, he drank it calmly.

"Wookie!" The guy beside him spoke again.

"Wookie?" Ryeowook asked, frowning at the hoarse cracking sound of his voice.

"Yes! Wookie! Here!" The guy showed him a paper, looked like a legal one.

"Ryeowook." He said his name, as if correcting the beautiful guy,

"Yes! Ryeowook! Ryeowookie! Wookie!" The beautiful guy sang. And Ryeowook smiled a bit, feeling the comfortable atmosphere he's breathing in when he's around the two.It felt like they've been with him for a long time.

"I'll call you Wookie okay? But if you prefer.. Ryeowook more...?" The guy asked hesitantly. Ryeowook beamed, showing his teeth and just said what he needed to.

"Wookie." He said and smiled as he heard his voice slowly turning back to its normal high-pitched musical one.

"Do you know who I am?" The guy beside him asked.

Ryeowook bit his lower lip as he scanned his memory , searching for whatever memory he has of this familiar guy. He heard the other call him Chul just a while ago.. And he smiled as he recall things.

Its all black, but he can see. A bright light from far away, talking to him. This. He has a lot of memories like this, Talking to a particular voice. He scanned more of his memory, and he frowned as the light in his memories slowly fade away. But there's still light. Faint light. And the voice changed. Still low, calm, and soothing. But its not the same. The new voice told Ryeowook his name. And from then on, this new voice took care of him. This new calm and soothing light, making him forget about the bright light and melodic voice that used to warm his life. His name...

"Heechul.." Ryeowook said shyly but surely.

Heechul almost stood up in the bed but the other guy pulled him.

"Oh my! Oh my! Siwonnie look! He can remember me! Oh my! My baby~!" Heechul screamed happily as he grabbed Ryeowook and trapped him in his arms, no intention of letting him go.


Ryeowook stiffened in Heechul’s arms as he remember every detail of what happened before he lost consciousness.


“I..I—I’m sorry… Are you… hurt…s—sir?” He suddenly said, and shock took over Heechul’s enthusiasm.


“What do you mean, Wookie? Of course I’m okay, and, don’t call me sir! I’m not old!”


“Because.. my father…he’s hurt you.. and.. you bought me. I—I don’t have the right to call my master by his name…”


A mixture of sadness, pity, and  anger showed as the taller guy sat at the other side of the bed, beside Ryeowook as he hear the little one, call that bastard, his father.


“Ryeowook, do you know who I am? I’m Siwon…” He answered his own question as the little nodded a bit.


“Th—thank you… for saving me..” A soft, high pitched trembling voice came out.


“You’re welcome. Its okay. I am so blessed to have saved you from that monst—person.. is he.. really your father?”


Siwon can’t believe the reality Ryeowook has gone through. How can a father do that to his own son? He thought, recalling his memories with his late father. Only consists of happiness. Pure innocent happiness as he grew up together with his brothers under the unconditional love of their father.


He watched as Ryeowook lower his head when tears started betraying his neutral expression.


“Ryeowook.. listen. Siwon cupped Ryeowook’s face with his huge hands and forced the little boy to look at him as he continued. “Would you like to.. Uhm.. Well.. its not like we can adopt you.. I.. I’m younger than what my looks are giving out..  but.. would you like to join our family?” Siwon struggled, trying to find the right words to say.


“F-family? Your family?” Ryeowook said as his big brown eyes look at Siwon’s, his tears still falling lightly.


“Yes. Stay with us.” Siwon said directly.


Ryeowook doesn’t know what to do. He felt like he’s such a trash and doesn’t deserve something like this. Its his chance. His only chance to escape the hell where he’s destined to stay. He just nodded his head as tears began falling heavily again, staining his cheeks, Siwon’s hands, and down to his hospital gown. Siwon hugged him as the little one continued to cry in his arms. Trembling, sobbing. Siwon knew that the boy still can’t believe everything that’s happening, but he only wished that the boy’s tears are because of happiness.


“Ryeowook. You don’t have to force yourself if you don’t want to stay with us. I.. we didn’t buy you to get a hold of your freedom. You can choose to go wherever your heart takes you… “ Siwon tried to say as he comfort the crying boy, but he stopped when the boy in his arms lifted his trembling hands and placed it on Siwon’s arm.


“I—I don’t h-have—a..anywhere t-to go..  I..I- don’t want to go.. a-anywhere..” Ryeowook tried to say in between his sobs. Siwon only hugged him tighter, and he can hear Heechul sniffing, sitting there at the side of the bed, his back turned to Ryeowook. It took quite some time for Ryeowook to calm down, as well as Heechul.


“You know what Wookie..” Heechul began again just like nothing happened. “Its been 6 months since that incident happened.”


“6 months?” Ryeowook repeated. He checked his body, arms, face.. all clear. No bruise, no wound, flawless. He placed his hands on his sides, no pain, no blood, just scars from previous stitches.


“You’ve been asleep for 6 months.” Heechul declared.”That’s why, you don’t have to worry about me. And you know what?” He asked again. The boy tilted his head upon hearing the question.


“You’re 12 now.” Heechul said, smiling.


“12? But I don’t even know when my birthday is…” Ryeowook said, not believing. Heechul just laughed and again took the legal paper. He showed it to the boy.


“Your birthday is June 21..That was two months ago.. You see, Siwonnie paid for your freedom.. but that doesn’t mean we own you now. And that’s illegal you know! So we undergone the legal process and got your birth certificate and everything needed in case you decide to move with us.” He explained.


“June 21…” Ryeowook stared at the paper with wide eyes, as if everything in the paper was new to him. Even his own name. Heechul started laughing like crazy when the silence was broken by a growling sound coming from the boy’s stomach.


Indeed he will be hungry. 6 months of eating through intravenous liquid.


Heechul brought the food to Ryeowook. He’s always prepared food just in case Ryeowook would wake up. Heechul did this for 6 months.


Siwon just stared at the two with fatherly eyes. He wanted to give the child a family. A family he never had, nor experienced to have. They’re lucky enough to experience how a family should be though their parents passed away early. The boy who’s been burning in hell that he never deserved to be, but never experienced warmth from a family. He doesn’t want this boy to stop thriving. He doesn’t want this boy to hate life. He doesn’t want this boy to live a life not worth living. He doesn’t want this boy to feel unloved. Just like what his youngest brother felt when their parents passed away.


“..Kyuhyun..” Siwon whispered, but loud enough that the two giggling boys heard him. The two looked at him with worried eyes as they see a sad look on the elder’s face.


“..S-sir..” Ryeowook started.


“Its Hyung. Call me Siwon Hyung..”


“H—Hyung..” He again started, feeling his blood rush into his cheeks as the older guy smiled at him. “Where is he..?”


“Hmm.. Who?” Siwon seemed to not get the little one’s question.


“K—Kyuhyun… Where is he?” Ryeowook said, though uncomfortable still in saying the names of his new found family. Siwon just smiled at him, but he can see the sadness in the older one’s eyes.


“Wookie.. Do you know how Kyuhyun found you?” Heechul asked, smiling at him.


“He found… me?” He answered, creasing his forehead, trying to recall what is left of his memory 6 months ago.


“Yeah. You were lying on the ground. Shivering. Burning with fever, blood stained face. He found you at the side street.. just beside our company’s building.”


“Do you know why he ended up there?” Heechul continued seeing the amused expression drawn in Ryeowook’s face. “He’s trying to escape from people who are trying to kidnap him.”


“Kidnap him?! Why would they do that?” Ryeowook’s eyes widened.


“Because he’s the youngest among us three. The most vulnerable. The most talented. The most intelligent. He’s beautiful too, right? The world loves him. The world needs him. He’s like a treasure everyone wanted to land their hands on.”


Heechul continued, receiving no response from the boy. “He found you while he’s trying to hide. And he approached you when he was running away from everyone. That’s why we are thankful to you. Because the day he found you, is the day he finally showed his true emotions to us. He cried for you. He fought for you. He wanted to be with you, but he chose not to.”


“Hyung.. where is he?” Ryeowook said, tears again threatening to fall from his brown eyes. He’s too young to take in everything Heechul said. But as what he can comprehend, Kyuhyun was lonely. Kyuhyun is lonely. And he felt like he needs to be with him.


“He’s not here in the country… He.. left to hide.. somewhere.. far.” Heechul said with a sad smile on his face.


Ryeowook felt Heechul and Siwon’s sadness creep to his spines. Kyuhyun must be feeling so lonely now. Is he alone? Ryeowook thought. Kyuhyun is dealing with his problems alone, while Ryeowook is here, with his brothers. The place where Kyuhyun should be, and not him.


“Wookie.. why are you crying?” Heechul said as he wipes Ryeowook’s tears with his thumb.


“I.. I never talked to Kyuhyun before.. and I don’t get to thank him for saving me.. and.. maybe.. he’s lonely.. is he alone there, hyung?” Ryeowook asked as tears stream endlessly down his cheeks.


“No, no, no of course not my dear. Mr. Shin is with him.” Heechul reassured Ryeowook with a smile.


“Come on, Ryeowook. You need to sleep now.” Siwon said, pushing the boy down the bed and tucking him under the blanket.


“But.. Siwonnie.. he just woke up.” Heechul said, raising an eyebrow to his brother. Siwon blushed in embarrassment, gaining fat giggles from Ryeowook and Heechul.


“But.. look at the time.. its two in the morning.. children should be asleep at this time..” He defended himself.


“Its okay Hyung. I think I need another hour of sleep.. and you should sleep too..” Ryeowook tried to talk as natural as he can be, hiding his nervousness under the covers. He actually doesn’t want to sleep. He’s afraid. Afraid that when he wakes up, this, everything, will be gone. He’s afraid that all these beautiful things happening to him right now are only products of his dream. He really is tired, though he already slept for 6 months, but he doesn’t want to wake up from this beautiful dream. He just wants Heechul and Siwon to get their bountiful sleep.


Heechul read what’s going on inside Ryeowook’s mind. So he decided to speak up.


“Wookie, can I sleep here beside you?” The only thing Heechul knows that can make Ryeowook rest assured that once he wakes up, he won’t return to that hell anymore. Ryeowook smiled widely as he moved to the other side to give Heeechul some space. Heechul ruffled Ryeowook’s hair lightly as it induced the boy to sleep.


In his sleep, he heard a voice. A beautiful voice so familiar to him. He’s standing in the darkness. Facing a bright light. A warm bright light, engulfing him, and as he walked closer, he can hear the beautiful voice, singing..


Days like these when it rains

I pray for you

If you still remember me

Please forgive me.


And as the song ends, the voice talked to him.


“Are you okay? Are you happy? Ryeowook.. Can you hear me?”

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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)