A Lifetime's Commitment

A Lifetime's Commitment


Once Again



So let’s fly… just you and I. Don’t cry, no I don’t cry.


There’s that voice again. It sounded so close, it touched the deepest of Ryeowook’s heart. That same voice, years ago. That warm voice, almost sounding like home. So close, so close.


Ryeowook reached out and gasped when someone took his outstretched hand.


He opened his eyes to dark worried orbs of someone so familiar. Memories of long before flashing through his raw mind, laughter, cries, happiness, misery, pain. “Jongwoon-hyung?” He whispered, and without even knowing, tears started to fall yet again.


Jongwoon continued singing, humming when he’s done with the song before he started with another, and then another until Ryeowook’s sobs died down. “Ryeowookie,” He whispered, squeezing the cold hand in his lightly. He nudged his shoulder to the other side and smiled when his brother looked at him with a puzzled expression, tears still evident though his swollen eyelids.


He looked towards his right when Jongwoon pointed him towards it, and when he saw Kyuhyun sleeping restlessly as he sat on the cold ground, head leaning on the bed, Ryeowook almost started sobbing once more.


“He thought I’m going to steal you away from him.” Jongwoon told his tearful brother lightly, a hint of amusement on his soft voice. He smiled and continued when Ryeowook turned to him, eyes questioning. “I’m not. I just wanted to find you. We… we wanted to find you, wanted to know you’re still alive, whether you’re okay or having a hard time. We wanted you to know that we never, ever, once forgot about you baby brother.”


Ryeowook willed himself not to cry, though it was getting harder by the minute. He leaned forward and caught Jongwoon into a tight hug. “I was s-so scared. So scared hyung, I-I thought I was going to die.” He got out though the hiccups and sobs he failed to suppress. “T-they helped me. They were my family when I thought I lost mine. A-are you still mad at Siwon hyung? Please d-don’t be mad.”


Siwon explained everything to Jongwoon. How Ryeowook selectively forgot about his past, including Jongwoon and Youngsaeng right after the incident with their father. It hurt him just a bit, knowing that Ryeowook lived without the knowledge of him and his other brother as they turned the whole of Seoul upside down looking for him. But he can see why it happened. It hurts Ryeowook a lot more than it would hurt him.


“I’m not mad. I was just… disappointed. I thought I could trust Siwon, and I trusted him, but he kept you away from me. I’m not going to take you away from them, Ryeowook.” Jongwoon sighed, gaze hardening as he stared at a blank point on the wall. “I wasn’t, ever, if you don’t want to. But Youngsaeng and I missed you, so much. All we’re asking is to see you. To be able to see you.” He trailed off, swallowing a huge lump in his throat. “We’ve been looking for you in years, Ryeowook. All we’re asking is time… even just a little, for us three to be together once again.”

The trembling in Jongwoon’s voice hurt did nothing to stop Ryeowook’s tears. “I-I don’t know what to do hyung.” He whimpered, falling into silence as both of them willed themselves to calm down.


Kyuhyun was awake the whole time, feigning sleep as to give the brothers time to talk with each other. He felt bad for his outburst, his exhaustion pulling him slowly to slumber as he listened to Ryeowook’s sobs. Fighting the sleep, he jolted awake when someone’s phone blasted a loud ballad, startling all three in the room. “What?!” Kyuhyun jumped searching for the offensive sound and started to calm his overactive nerves when Jongwoon smiled sheepishly, pulling his phone out from his pant’s back pocket before sitting up straight and putting a finger to his lips when Ryeowook started asking who was it.


“Hello? Mom? Yes, I found him.” Jongwoon smiled at both Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. “Yes, he’s with me. Hm, okay. I think he will. Yeah. I’ll tell him. Yeah, bye.” When Jongwoon hang up, Ryeowook was curiously staring at him while Kyuhyun obviously stiffened, guessing what the conversation was all about.


“It’s… uhm, Mrs. Kim. She adopted me from the orphanage, and has been helping me find Youngsaeng and you ever since. You should know her. She’s the beautiful woman who gives us food and pays good when she listens to us singing on the street. The woman with the very tall husband.” Jongwoon chuckled, his hoarse voice became even rougher because of the unshed tears he was masking with his smiles. “She… wanted to see you.” Jongwoon told them softly, eyes going to Kyuhyun on the other side of the bed. “On the company party.”


“Company party?” Kyuhyun heard Ryeowook ask, and he momentarily forgot about everything.


“I-it’s the one we were talking about on the car from before. Where the three biggest companies in Korea meets for a gathering. The one I told you I should attend to this year.” Kyuhyun said as he stood up from the floor and sat by the edge of Ryeowook’s bed. “Where we’re supposed to meet our grandmother to celebrate her 80th birthday.”


Ryeowook’s brow furrowed, eyes slightly red and still swollen. “Three biggest companies in Korea?” He parroted and looked at Jongwoon. He knew the Cho household is the largest company in Korea and most probably all of Asia, but he didn’t know about the other two.


“The family that adopted me and Youngsaeng, the Kim family, owns the second largest company in our country. That’s how Siwon and I met. During one of the annual gatherings.” Jongwoon explained. “It’s up to you whether you want to go or not.” He told the younger man lightly, to not pressure him into coming. But he’d be the happiest brother on earth if he would come. He knew Youngsaeng would want to meet him too, and their adoptive mom.


“I… Will I be seeing Youngsaeng hyung when I agree to attend the gathering?” Ryeowook asked softly and smiled shyly when Jongwoon nodded. He stayed still for a moment, deep in thoughts before he looked back up at his brother and nodded. “I want to see him, hyung.”


“Then I think all of us will be going back to Seoul tomorrow.” Heechul said from the doorway, smiling softly at Ryeowook, but not quite reaching his eyes. “I can help you pack.” He said, and Jongwoon nodded to both Kyuhyun and Heechul excusing himself to pack his own things.


When the door closed behind Jongwoon, Heechul sat hesitantly on the bed in front of Ryeowook. He didn’t know what to do. Should he be sorry, but he knew nothing about what his brother has done. A soft sigh escaped his lips and he closed his eyes. He just doesn’t want to lose Ryeowook. He doesn’t want to lose anyone ever again.


“Hyung,” Ryeowook’s soft voice reached him and he smiled when the younger touched his hand.


“What do you want to do, Ryeowook?” Heechul asked, dreading what might come.


“I… They’re my family hyung. They’re my family too.” Ryeowook whispered. He took deep calming breaths to stop himself from crying again. It took him long before he could answer, and when he did, the tears he’s been holding back started falling again. “I want to be with them too, hyung.” He said, voice cracking.


Kyuhyun froze on where he sat, not quite knowing what to do and how to feel yet again.


“Very well.” Heechul said, the confidence in his voice barely visible through the tears in his eyes. Let’s go pack everything then, because I’m pretty sure you’re not coming back.”






note : half of the original chapter. i'm still very mad tho, so evil cliffie. 

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I should probably update, anybody who thinks so too? *sheepish*


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Chapter 14: Please update this story soon. This story is very interesting. I beg you please...
Wookiebaby #2
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls update . I've been waiting for this update a long time . I really want to see how it ended. Must be a happy ending of kyuwook . Please please please please please please please please please please update update update soon soon soon ......thxs
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update i waiting for your update
Wookiebaby #4
Chapter 14: Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update , will you . It's so exciting .....pls pls pls update . I love it . I cry when wook said that he wanted to be with yeye .... Continue ...it's really great
wookie ;A;
mothER OF GOD ;~;
update soon D':
noname022 #6
ohh. yeaah! im sooo happy i found this fic again.. cc:
i cried so much in chapter 13.. T.T
wookie were having a hard time choosing.. but i hope his relationship w/ Kyu will be fine.. cc:
mei_lene03 #7
kyu is scary ><
Why you gotta be so mean Siwon? I totally understand you but but but that's so mean! >.< And btw, I love your story! Please update when you can^^
I was wondering how come I never read this story before. T_T
But yours is so good! Please update soon!! :)