
My Kyu
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Before i know it, i wrote 6xxx words so i had to cut it in half, me dont wanna pressure into writing long chapters in the future.... hence the 2nd part to this will be uploaded very soon...i cut it nicely, there isn't much of a cliff hanger. So i think its safe to read... cheers ^_^   ~~~~~     Its been some bad days, i mean it has actually been a horrible 2weeks for the self proclaim hero Choi Siwon.  Not only did he force to held a press conference to explain his pick-up lines due to the fact that the person he called after the text, actually recorded the conversation and start playing it on radio.  Luckily the person only recorded partial of it, cutting out the name mention of Kyuhyun or it'll be hell for any Kyuhyun out there in the city of Seoul.  Siwon's agent started receiving countless of enquire about his playboy tone in the call which is somewhat different to the prince charming aurora he has in the public eyes. 
"What are you eight?! is this your first day in this industry?! how could you be so dumb?!"
Siwon has been too pre-occupied with his phone to notice the insults his hyung tries to kill him with.
"YAH! CHOI SIWON!! you even listening?"
Siwon finally let out a deep sigh and turn to his hyung.
"hyung, i told you we have a problem.  And we've handle it, why are you so stress?! hey i'm a healthy guy, i have needs, i do pick up cuties.  Well i do see how this is different in my case, cos normally people come flocking to pick me up.  This time i called and its a bit uncharacteristic of me... but mmfffff"
A cushion successfully smacking his self-admiring face as manager hyung had enough of his nonsenses.
"Yah! watch the face hyung!"  Siwon whined and continue starring at his phone.
"God... WHY?! WHY?! why must i deal with this kind of stupidity"
"Hyung... first of all, i didn't ask them to fall for my prince charming looks.  I can't blame them, but you can't blame me for wanting to find my true LOVE, can you?!" Siwon turning all serious at the mention of this own prince charming. 
"Oh please Siwon.  You can't actually think you have a chance with this Kyuhyun right?!"
"Why not?!" Siwon sincerely ask as his gripped his phone tighter.
"hah~... talk about thick.  Dude, you gave him your personal numbers and he posted online.  How more rejected can you be?!"  hyung snickering asked while crossing his arms staring back at the stunned dumb-prince.
"That's where you're wrong hyung.  He's so different to anyone i've met.  To anyone else they would have framed that napkin and call me every hour or more to check my where about.  But him... keke... kyunni... I knew he'll do something outrageous with my number kekeke... oh my....mmmffff"
Another cushion landing his face, however this time with much more force and not only it hit him once, it actually bounces off and repeatedly smacking back down on from all sides. 
"You poor excuse of a being!!!  You telling me you knew he wont call you and you STILL gave him your number?!?!"  hyung continue on wacking the now ducking Siwon while he try to reply his manager. 
"Of cos not hyung....*blocked*...  You should have seen his face... *block*....they were blushing for me...*block*... ME hyung *blockblock*... i didn't know he'll throw away his chance... "  Still blocking the cushion  counter attacks. "But don't worry hyung, i'll get through to him... i'll make him just as crazy as me for him!" The cushion attack stopped, and Siwon slowly remove his arms to look for his manager.
"You mean... you mean to tell me you wont give this crap up?!" hyung was panting heavily as he stood still staring back where steam may actually shoot out his ears if this was a cartoon, perhaps from the continuous attack or the frustrating dumbness or it could be this pea size brain idol he manages.  But at this moment Siwon sense for the first time 'fear' down his spine from his hyung's smile. 
"w-why, why would i?! he didn't reject me, he just think i didn't show enough sincerity.  Hyung i'm serious this time.  Why else would you think i've talk the executives to stay in this office rather than across the Han, so i could be closer to him."  Siwon explain proudly.
"So you think you'll definitely able to woo him over?" Hyung declare more matter factly than a question.    
"Hah~ its me hyung. Of cos" Siwon smile showing his dimples confidently.  But he didn't like the wording his hyung used, its not woo-ing his trying to pull on Kyuhyun, more like claiming his heart, because he knows deep down that this boy has stolen his already. 
"Care to prove it?" That's the challenging voice manager hyung uses every time Siwon too stubborn to listen. 
"come again?"
"3months time, if you can win him over.  From now on not only i'll cover your sorry without a hint of complain.  You'll get to pick your own job.  But if you fail, not only you can't complain any job i pass you, you have to do as i say PLUS .... i get your R8. How's that?!" hyung stated out his challenges as Siwon dice with the pros and cons
3months... a bet... my feelings for Kyunni isn't a bet... it's not like i'll stop liking him in i can't make him mine in 3months....he's not a game... i'm totally whipped for him, so there's nothing to lose...well there's the car, but its Kyu his like a million of them.... if i win hyung will stay out of my hair...if i lose... well not like i will... but if he ever finds out...will he?!...
"A little nervous are we?" hyung teases as he sense doubt in Siwon's expression, but he gotta give the brain-less idol credit.  Its the very first time he lay out a bet and the guy didn't grab it right away.  Maybe he is maturing hyung thought to himself, too bad only at a very very slow pace.
"shh.... give me a minute" Siwon trying hard to focus, but all he has was Kyuhyun's blissful laughter's and his bubbly cheeks... he really wanna see him again...soon...now...
"What is it?! Yes and No?"  hyung annoyingly ask as he start to sense his short-concentration-span idol started to day-dream. 
"Fine, but with one condition hyung"  Siwon point out his index finger between him and his manager hyung.
"Name it" 
"Kyuhyun can never know."  i can't have him thinking that his only a game for me... hyung, don't screw with me
Manager hyung eyeing his idol and again for the first time in their relationship something change, something different.  Choi Siwon, a down to earth high school trainee to the now world famous hallyu celebrity, this is the first time he placed someone ahead of himself.  Siwon-ah... you're screwed....hyung thought to himself
"DEAL!"  The two man shook hands and nod to their invisible terms and agreements.   



"Kyuhyun-ar, why did you turn down the temperature to 20, i told you its ok to set at 24" Changmin caringly handing a tissue over to his best friend.

"Ainiyo... the customer will find it more cozy with their drinks at 20, besides it's not like i have a cold or anything...Min-ar you don't have to pamper me all the time" Kyuhyun rub his knuckles against his nose, as he eye his childhood friend.

"But seriously you have been sneezing a lot lately... maybe you have allergies, you should go to the hospital for a check up?"  Changmin place the back of his hand against the boy just to check his temperature, and true to his word he felt normal.   

"Hah~ i bet is that pathetic siwon, cursing me behind my back...." Kyuhyun softly said, more to himself than anything, but Changmin heard him loud and clear, which by the looks on his best friend annoyed face, its more likely he's more disappointed at the idol whom

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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over again.it is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear