
My Kyu
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I know i'm the worst... ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴  and i'm not proud for making you guys wait...  TRUST me i hate waiting as well... but i just don't wanna end this yet... There's alot happening in this chapter... Hope you still remember what happened before ( ˘ ³˘)♥       ~~~~~   Two months later
On a rather cool morning, Kyuhyun find himself restlessly lying on his bed.  Twisting and turning, it took him a little over 30minutes to finally sat up with his back against the headboard.  A lovingly bright smile came across him as he remember how Siwon urge him to use/hug/cuddle/kiss his specially custom made, full size Wonnie pillow at all times.     Taking a sip of water from his bed side table, Kyuhyun poke at his own tummy before smiling.  Remember how easily he's gaining weight with only being living with Siwon for the past month.  It's no secret that he found himself being feed all~ the time and he just couldn't say "no" whenever he see's Siwon giddily bounces towards him with his latest dish/desert/chocolate/etc.    Hence Kyuhyun is actually tiny little bitsy glad that Siwon is on his by far the longest filming trip overseas (7days), but its already been three days.  So Kyuhyun couldn't help himself from typing yet another 'distractive' text to his Wonnie.  He told himself to get out the bed soon, or he wont be able to hold back from picture-calling his wonnie.  He might enjoy the short time away from Siwon's food but he totally got clingy to his wonnie and misses him dearly.   ***Flashback***

The two have made up wonderfully,  much to manager hyung's happiness, as he have only the media to annoy him once again and not both Siwon and the press.  That already taken alot off his shoulders and he was grateful that Kyuhyun have been taking really good care of Siwon.  The guy gain back his muscle, witty brightness in no time.  Yet manager hyung wonder how, since after Kyuhyun came back into Siwon's life, the two didn't leave the apartment till the 4th day.  Four full days of whatever happens behind the closed door and Siwon still manage to look bright and shinny? that's a mystery no one wanna solve.    

Manager hyung convinced Kyuhyun to let Siwon show a picture to the media in confirmation of his excitence.  Kyuhyun got rather alarm and paranoid, he still wanna work at Changmin's and he can't have haters bashing at BeanMeUp for taking the national golden boy.

So at the end of the day, Siwon sincerely apologies to the public of his behaviours and only show a picture of the two in their apartment (their back facing the camera as Siwon possessively rounded both his arms around Kyuhyun's waist).  Many fans were not at all satisfy with Siwon for being stingy in not showing his pericous Kyuhyun to them. Truthfully Siwon appericate the blessing and messages from fans, but he couldn't ignore that many haters will turn against Kyuhyun for whatever crazy reason they come up to hate on his Kyuhyun.    "Here, i'll like to express my deepest apology to the people of Seoul with my behaviour as a suppose role model for people.  During my dark days, I have come to understanding of my lost to my love, Kyuhyun.  I was depressed and lost  I've never loved someone or anything as much as Kyuhyun.  So when he left me, I couldn't handle the aftermath.  I'm not here to make excuse for my drunken behaviours and the people I have disturbed.  I simply will like to repent for my actions and hope you'll let me and Kyuhyun move on.  With him by my side now, I see greatness in our future.  And if people willing to give me another chance, i'll surely throw in all my sweat and soul in it... of cos to an extend that's allow by Kyunni...."
By then pretty much Siwon had all the female and some male press in his palm already.  Everyone's mind was ranging from jealousy to awww. And soon the press conference has taken a turn into more like an update with Siwon's current status (love status).  Kyuhyun was only too happie for manager hyung to given him such useful deceive of earpiece and phone.  So he could hear and warn his goofy Wonnie of any too intimate details of their relationship. 
"he got me singing to him at night...." yet when the press ask Siwon to sing a few note, he only blushed and rub his hand on the back of his neck.  An action wooing 99% of his audience. 
Like always Siwon manage to coo everyone with his charms but this time its his genuine, radiating, sweet loving smile that the media was all about.  The way how his eyes glints every time he mention Kyuhyun in his press conference.  Or just how deep his dimples can get when press question about his pursuit in Kyuhyun the café staff at the beginning.  He would have love to share more of his encounters with everyone if it wasn't for Kyuhyun's voice in his earpiece keep telling him to shut up.  No wonder the press was laughing at him when he seem to start and pout and smile awkwardly when ever he was starting to get into something juicy. 
"...lips... his pout...and...ahem...that's it..." another yell from the earpiece... another blush and nervous chuckles. 
In less then a day, manager hyung have began to receive calls after calls in asking to calibrate with Siwon's and in no time his schedule was back to before.  Manager hyung could already tell Siwon is getting back on top and more, having soon that whole drunken airport incident would be over.  Film scripts, endorsements, performance have soon fill Siwon's slot all the way for the next year and a half.  
Even with so much success in gaining back top1, that itself didn't make Siwon totally stress free.  To be honest, as if Siwon would go around telling people that Kyuhyun's have been getting calls when he's at their share home. Sinisterly telling him to break up or leave, wishing he get his used and kicked out soon.  Siwon was furious when he accidently came across one of those message and cancel his home phone altogther, in arugument to Kyuhyun that he doesn't need a house phone when all he need was him.     Siwon's company have negotiate a deal to stop the press from hanging around the café Kyuhyun works at, and took all their exposed news off the internet.  Siwon is such a softy when it comes to Kyuhyun's desire to continue working at the café.  He would do anything to protect Kyuhyun's, no matter how much money spent.   The two have also come to terms for Siwon no longer could come to the café without his manager of some other friend's.  Their relationship are to be as subtle as possible in public.  And if Siwon were to pick up or drop off Kyuhyun, he could only do so if he were not to leave his car and said car must not be his flashy ride or company van.   
Kyuhyun was also the reason for staff wearing nametag at BeanMeUp.  And he was presented with a tag under Gwuwon two days after Siwon's conference.  He did argue with Changmin saying that was just equally obvious but when Changmin has Siwon back him up 100%ly, Kyuhyun knew his war was lost before it even started.  Kyuhyun only eye rollingly accepted and went back to work while secretly he did smirk at thinking, although he never top Siwon, but somehow seeing GwuWon, KyuWon... was kinda exciting.  He swear Siwon would never ever find this little guilty pleasure of his. 
  ***End Flash***


As Kyuhyun make his way out from the bathroom after a quick shower he notice the flashing light on his phone.  It has three unread message and no genius needed to know its no other than Siwon.  The first message was a reply to this earlier morning greetings.  The second was a whine to why kyuhyun still haven't reply yet.  And third was a threat, he'll leave the shoot and fly back just to 'punish' kyuhyun if there won't be any reply soon. 

Smirking, Kyuhyun did what he normally wouldn't do, but since Siwon have been gone for three days already and not much calls been happening.  Kyuhyun just couldn't help himself but snap a selfie while still topless, showing water droplets glistering against his damp skin, as his hair soppily hang down, his eye half lidded and an adorable pout form, he lower the shot till it barely show his pelvic bone, its both y and cute at the same time.  Even himself looking at the picture caused a far too embarrassing blush.  He had half a mind to cancel, but his fingers just keep typing and typing, before he knows it the picture and along with the message "Can't wait for the punishment, Missing you much" sent to Siwon. 

Stand at the end side of the bed, Kyuhyun nervously waits for Siwon's reply.  He biting his nails, anticipating his reaction, although a little guilty for teasing his Wonnie while he tries to concentrate at work.  A ringing on the phone in their peaceful room made him jump a little as he didn't expect a call. 



"ah... hyung..." Kyuhyun totally didn't expect manager hyung to call him via Siwon's phone, he got even redder as he thinks his picture was somehow seen by the man.


"hmmm....Kyu~~~...hmmm" a certain too familiar muffle groan heard from the background of where manager hyung is, making kyuhyun frown. 

"we're all trying really hard to keep Siwon grounded in Taiwan.  Please, if you could do hyung this favour.  Please reframe from sending anymore tempting pictures or message to Siwon.  He isn't the most self control artist.  I don't want to resort to tying him to the chair anymore."  In all serious tone, manager was telling Kyuhyun this information.  Yet a too funny chuckle break out from Kyuhyun.  He quickly cover his mouth and apologies. "Well, i'm glad at least you think this is funny.  Kyuhyun-sii, you have any idea how hard to get that moron tied up.  And just when he's well rested and willingly to get ready for the next shoot, you come sending him that pictures of yours... he nearly knock down three staff just to get in the car and head for the airport."

"hyunggg~~~ mmmm~~~ " Kyuhyun was sure that the muffled sound was c

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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear