
My Kyu
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"Hyunni... puddin cup... babycheeks... honeykyu... baby doll... cutie pie..." With each nickname Siwon kisses lightly on Kyuhyun's pink cheeks and crown.  It started as pale creamy tones, while the light calling starts to cause Kyuhyun stir in his sleeps.  After certain plot to wake the young up, Kyuhyun start hearing these embarrassing names.  Soon his cheeks naturally rosed up and now in order to hide from this cheesecakeSiwon.  Kyuhyun turn on his tummy, before he brushed against the pillow he was comfortably on, having Siwon forced to pull back lightly from his spooning position.  Without opening his eyes, Kyuhyun turn having his back towards the now pouting Siwon again. 
"Kyunni... i know you're awake..." Siwon pull the boy even closer to him as he fail to get any response from his pretend sleeping lover.
"Kyunni....." Siwon whine a bit louder and presses harder on the tummy his hands rubbing against.
"aish... yes... Siwon... I'm up..." Kyuhyun sigh in defeat.  It wasn't like he doesn't enjoy cuddling, but after last night intensive rounds of heated .  He didn't exactly know how to face the glowing man tightly hugging him.  "ahem... could you loosen your hold... i can't breathe...."
But as if Siwon was gonna let loose of his baby, now he got him woken up.  Siwon nuzzle his face against the nape and once again immerse himself in KyuLand. 
"Si...won...." Kyuhyun whined and that made Siwon smiled endearingly.  He quickly climb over and around Kyuhyun, lying against his side and comes face to face with the apple of his eyes.  The younger didn't expect to see the gorgeously handsome dimples face so sudden, didn't exactly know how to react beside lowering his gazes, but quickly Siwon's ness present itself far too proudly.  Causing that annoying flush as Kyuhyun snapped his sight back on anything but the perfection in front of him.
"Aigooo... baby... are you shy...?" Siwon teased while rubbing this thumb against the red cheek.  His heart stopped and re-started as Kyuhyun didn't slap or pushes against him like he expect from his experience.  Instead the young just blinked cutely while a slight nod in response to Siwon's remark.
Siwon eagerly wrap his strong arms around the adorable fluffiness in front of him.  Pulling the young into his embraces rocking softly back and forth, while humming delights to this moments of bliss.  He couldn't help himself but screams out loudly in celebration.  Scaring the boy in his arms just a little but nonetheless laugh at his silly Wonnie's behaviours.
"Shhh... other's might hear you...silly"
"Let them hear me... You have no idea how much i want to scream out that 'CHO KYUHYUN IS MINE and we MADE MINDBLOWING LOVE LAST NIGmfffffff"
Siwon's mouth was abruptly cover by Kyuhyun's soft hand as the young stare in disbelief at the man's bold and shamelessness. The eye budging young wouldn't remove his hand if Siwon didn't into it, making the young gasp at the lewd action.    "Aish! are you a puppy?! Siwon, i warn you.  Or you wont be getting any from me..." Kyuhyun sternly alert the gleefully frowning man, however his voice lack any sort of conviction or threat.    
"Aigoo... baby... you so mean... remember how you crave for me last night... you were begginmffff"
Again Siwon find himself being cut off mid-sentence.  Although he wasn't screaming any nonsense this time, but his words effectively turning his lover into this devoted muffler for this morning.  But the frowning on Kyuhyun face wasn't anything Siwon could take lightly.  He understand this precious boy of his may not be use to such affection so soon.  But Siwon was surely determine to change that in their future. 
Siwon remove the hand covering his mouth like a normal human this time.  While smiling sweetly not teasingly to his baby lover.  Soon Kyuhyun's frown was also replaced by a cute hum as Siwon lean in for their morning kiss. 
"Good Morning, my love" Siwon whisper as his kyuhyun still had his eyes closed from the soft kiss.
"hmmm... morning, wonnie" Kyuhyun cooed once he felt Siwon's hand comb through his soft brown locks.  Ended on his neck and tenderly rubbing his thumb against his jawline.   
"Sweetie, would you like breakfast in bed?" 
Kyuhyun beam at the mention of food.  Come to think of it, when was the last time he had something to eat.  He was waiting for Siwon's text for most of the day.  Kyuhyun never really skip a meal, but trying hard to recount on the last meal he had was surprisingly hard.  But before his eyes land back on Siwon from thinking, his tummy rumble loudly, causing Siwon to playfully cover the said tummy through the sheets and wink handsomely at his chuckling Kyuhyun.
"I want breakfast.. don't care if its in bed or not"  Kyuhyun stated while biting the side of his lower lip.
Siwon lean in just as Kyuhyun start nibbling at his own lip.  The chaste kiss was enticing and warm, Kyuhyun was dazed more and more with each second he spent with his SillyWonnie, kinda forgetting about food.  Before he open his eyes again Siwon
"I'll get you something nice, sweetheart.  You can take a shower.  I'll be back in a second." said against his lips just to dive in for another nibble on those lips. 
Growlingly Siwon remove himself from the bed he wish to be locked on.  While picking up Kyuhyun boxers of the floor and pulling it on.  The taller notice how the young gwaking at him, Siwon did a little dance, twirl and bow
"Looks pretty good on me don't you think?"
Kyuhyun roll his eyes and snort amusingly at his moron.  Siwon's dart out the room as Kyuhyun hear his footsteps getting further and further away.  Slowly Kyuhyun pull himself off the bed and walk towards his door with his blankets wrapped around himself, trying to peek at where Siwon's at.  Seeing the shadow's prancing near the kitchen.  Kyuhyun quickly bounce into the bathroom, quickly wash his face and brush his teeth in lighting speed.  Just when he was about to exit the bathroom, he couldn't help but wanted to see himself in the full size bathroom mirror. 
That's when realisation hit him.  Not only was his upper body covered with hickeys and bite marks.  When he dropped the sheets and turn, Kyuhyun gasp as he noted how the back of his thighs, shoulders, lower spine, and even  cheeks were also covered with reddish marking.  And he thought his chest and neck got the worst. 
"AISH... that moron!"  Kyuhyun exclaim, it'll be at least a week before these even faint out.  Kyuhyun think deeply while trying to remember if he planted any of these embarrassing marking on that moron.  His train of thought broke when a soft knock against the wooden bathroom door from outside.   
"BabyKyu... food's ready" Siwon lovingly singsong and that got Kyuhyun's heart melting.  He took one more look at the mirror again and sigh heavily as he grab the sheet covering himself and open the door to a beaming Siwon. 
Siwon straighten up as soon as the door opens, having leaning towards it wanting to hear what was going on inside.  But as soon as his centre of attention stood pouting in front of him.  He wasn't too keen on ears dropping no more.  Eyeing his Kyuhyun's hands gripping securely on the sheet, he notice the bashful look on his baby that's turning his legs into jello.
Pulling the soft shirking boy in his arms, Siwon kisses the crown and forehead urgently as his hands run's soothing touch up and down the waist.  It was so affectionate and tender that Kyuhyun totally forgot what he was pouting at a moment ago. 
"I was so happy last night baby... i must have went overboard." Siwon kisses didn't stopped nor weaken as he sigh next to Kyuhyun's ear. "I'm sorry... did i hurt you?"
Kyuhyun nervously shook his head, how could have Siwon hurt him.  The man showered him with so much care and love.  It was the best night in his life as far as he could remember.  Not only was Siwon gentle and passionate, not once did Kyuhyun felt hurt or doubt.  However what just spoken from Siwon was kinda hurting him a little though,
"Why... are you apologising Wonnie?" Kyuhyun pulled himself away slightly as he lock sight with the taller.  Siwon had a doubtful expression which Kyuhyun didn't much enjoy seeing. 
"Was i... was i too rough on you?" Siwon asked attentively, as his hand reach lower to kyuhyun's back "D-does it still hurt....a lot?"
Kyuhyun sigh deeply as Siwon's sulking display was killing him.  He wrap his arms around the taller just like how Siwon had his arms wrapped around his waist.  Not minding if the sheets were gonna fall or not.  Kyuhyun lean forward and graze his nose against Siwon's stubble jawline, feeling the roughness against his skin.  Kyuhyun stayed there, breathing in the scent of his wonnie while the taller embrace him even closer. 
"No silly.  You didn't hurt me... at all, ok...  I'm only a bit iffy with all these hickey's you gave me... but last night was... wonderfully superb"  Kyuhyun look up as he gave the cheek a light kiss.  Smiling breathtakingly at a awe-shock Siwon, whom glee from his own handy job being mention.  Kyuhyun lean his head back into Siwon's crook, loving how their height allow him to do so while standing, when his mind rewind back to last night when Siwon was resting against his crook while lying down.    The light chuckles from Kyuhyun, got Siwon's attention and he wanted to see that cute dimple under Kyuhyun's lips as well.  Picking his Kyuhyun's chin and making the young blush as he admire his face detailly, Siwon cooed softly
"Jin weren't hurt?" Siwon asked concerning once again
Kyuhyun positively smile as he shook his head while his chin remain in Siwon's finger tips.
"It was wonderfully superb?" Siwon asked teasingly now and it didn't go unnoticed to the young.  Hence Kyuhyun refusal to answer said question. 
"Was i the best you had?"
Kyuhyun remain still and only blink those round dazzling eyes at Siwon, signalling him to stop
"Was i the biggest you've seen?" 
Ahhhh thats it!!! Kyuhyun grab the hand touching his face and firmly clamp down on the palm.  Leaving Siwon squealing and bouncing on the spot while not daring to use any force on his baby. 
"That's what i'm gonna do to you from now on, if you continue to in board day light."  Kyuhyun stated while picking up the sheet from his waist and walking back into his room before pushing Siwon off him.  L
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kyuwon1013 #1
Chapter 8: I really loved this story
Kyured #2
Chapter 21: aww this was sweet! Nasty Kyu and Wonnie Fluff but with sincerity that you can feel and relate to! Beautiful vows, beautiful , sweet end. ThanKyu authornim! ^^
That was lovely story with a happy ending. Thank you. :*
Chapter 21: That was one heck of a story. i loved it! By the way, what was the condition that Kyu's hyung had which made Kyu blush (mentioned in 20 chp.) ? Was it Kyu getting married? I only have that question left in my mind. Rather than that, I absolutely loved it.
Angela17 #5
Chapter 21: Wow.. Sweet story.. Thank God i read this after all the chap completed...
Angela17 #6
Chapter 9: I like it.. Will continue read the next chap..
sujumin96 #7
Amazing amazing amazing
how should I explain my emotions about this fic in words???!!!!
Thanks a LOT
Love you authornim <3 <3 <3
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 1: i love to read this story over and over is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
coffeelf #9
Chapter 21: It's a simple romantic ! :)
Chapter 21: I love THAT siwon...the story was really romantic all your ffs are great...thaks a lot dear